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[临床] 美疫苗公司Novavax埃博拉疫苗进入人体临床试验

xiaoxiao 发表于 2015-2-14 21:55:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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  发布日期:2015-02-13  来源:生物谷
美国疫苗公司Novavax近日宣布,已启动实验性埃博拉疫苗Ebola GP Vaccine早期人体临床试验,目前该试验正在澳大利亚开展,涉及230名健康成人志愿者。研究中,每名志愿者将接受2针肌内注射,2次注射间隔21天,研究结果预计将在今年第二季度获得。
迄今为止,在埃博拉疫苗研发方面,英国制药巨头葛兰素史克(GSK)的临床推进是最快的,该公司的埃博拉疫苗即将进入III期临床阶段。其他几个巨头合作开发的疫苗尚处于较早期阶段,如默沙东(Merck & Co)正与Newlink Genetics合作开发一种埃博拉疫苗rVSV-EBOV,强生也与Bavarian Nordic达成合作开发另一种实验性疫苗。
英文原文:Novavax starts Ebola vaccine trial in humans
* Study dataexpected by end of Q2 - CEO
* Co seekingfunding to further develop vaccine - CEO
* Vaccine haspotential to hit multiple strains - CEO
* Co says canmanufacture millions of doses a month (Adds CEO comment, detail)
By Natalie Grover
Feb 12 (Reuters) -Novavax Inc has begun early-stage human trials of an Ebola vaccine that ithopes can win the race to become the most effective shot for the deadly virus.
The company has themeans to manufacture millions of doses of the vaccine every month and isseeking funding to develop it further, Chief Executive Stanley Erck told Reuters.
The worst outbreakof Ebola on record has killed more than 9,000 people. After infection ratesshowed signs of stalling, the number of new cases has risen again in the lasttwo weeks.
Even as PresidentBarack Obama withdraws most U.S. troops fighting the epidemic in West Africa,drug developers are pursuing ways to prevent and limit any future outbreak.
For an Ebolavaccine to be viable, researchers say it must be cheap, easy to produce andcapable of being handled and transported to Africa. The future lies in theshot's ability to hit multiple strains as the virus evolves.
Novavax is testingits Ebola GP Vaccine in 230 healthy volunteers in Australia. Each subject, agedbetween 18 and 50, will receive two intramuscular injections 21 days apart.Results are expected by the end of the second quarter, Erck said.
Early human data ona vaccine being developed by GlaxoSmithKline Plc , the most advanced to date,has suggested a single dose may not provoke an immune response strong enough toprotect those exposed to Ebola.
Other drugmakersare collaborating to develop vaccines: Newlink Genetics Corp with Merck &Co Inc and Johnson & Johnson with Bavarian Nordic A/S.
J&J says itsvaccine can be stored at normal refrigerator temperature for weeks on end,giving it an advantage over test shots that are typically kept at temperaturesas low as minus 80 degrees Celsius.
Erck said Novavax'svaccine, which requires smaller doses than others in development, can also bestored at refrigerator temperatures and has the potential to hit multiplestrains of Ebola.
The company saidits human trial is backed by data showing that every animal vaccinated wasprotected from a lethal dose of the virus.
Shares ofGaithersburg, Maryland-based Novavax have risen more than 60 percent since Oct.27, when the company revealed it was testing its vaccine in non-human primates.
They were up 1.9percent at $8.40 on the Nasdaq on Thursday. (Editing by Saumyadeb Chakrabartyand Robin Paxton)
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