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201502 EMA: 关于GMP的问答

xiaoxiao 发表于 2015-2-10 22:35:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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201502 EMA: 关于GMP的问答  

2015-02-10 21:24:44|  分类: EU GMP


本部分为关于“EU GMP第二部分:原料药基本要求”(问答网页最后更新问题为2014年6月),对应网页目录第二项。由于官方并不提供相关更新通知和预告,参考本文时请随时关注官网更新。


Questions and answers: Good manufacturing practice

This page lists the European Medicines Agency's answers to frequently asked questions, as discussed and agreed by the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) / Good Distribution Practice (GDP) Inspectors Working Group.


Further questions and answers are published as the need arises. Individual questions and answers may be removed when the relevant GMP guidelines are updated.


Code 代码

  • H: applicable to human medicines 适用于人用药
  • V: applicable to veterinary medicines 适用于兽用药

Table of contents 目录

EU GMP guide part II: Basic requirements for active substances used as starting materials: GMP compliance for active substances – UPDATED


1. How can GMP compliance for active-substance manufacturers be demonstrated? H+V April 2011

活性物质生产商如何证明GMP符合性?H+V 20114

Directive 2001/83/EC as amended (Directive 2001/82/EC for veterinary medicinal products) states that manufacturing-authorisation holders are obliged to use, as starting materials, only active substances that have been manufactured in accordance with the detailed guidelines on GMP for starting materials. Thus the legislation puts the responsibility on the manufacturing-authorisation holders using the active substance and does not foresee mandatory routine inspections of active-substance manufacturers.


To provide guidance on how GMP compliance of active-substance manufacturers should be established, guidance documents have been published on this website, including the 'guidance on the occasions when it is appropriate for competent authorities to conduct inspections at the premises of manufacturers of active substances used as starting materials' as part of the Community procedures. This document states that it is expected that manufacturing-authorisation holders will normally gain assurance that the active substances it uses are manufactured in accordance with GMP through audit of the active-substance suppliers.


In addition, a number of questions and answers on audits of active-substance manufacturers on this page provide further guidance.


2. Do I need to perform an audit of an active substance supplier if it has been inspected by an inspectorate from a European Economic Area (EEA) Member State and a valid GMP certificate is available? H+V July 2006


Manufacturing-authorisation holders sometimes confuse the role of inspectorates with their own obligations but nevertheless, when inspection reports or GMP certificates issued by European Economic Area (EEA) mutual-recognition-agreement (MRA) partners or other recognised authorities are available, these can provide useful information to manufacturing-authorisation holders.


However, these alone cannot fulfil the statutory obligations of the manufacturing-authorisation holder or the requirements of section 5.25 of the GMP guideline , but the results of inspections may be used together with other supporting information in a risk-based approach by the manufacturer in establishing priorities for its own audit programme of active-substance suppliers.


3. Is it acceptable to perform a remote assessment based on, for example, questionnaires, review of documents, Internation Organization for Standardization 9000 certification, results of analytical testing and historical experience with the supplier? H+V July 2006

采用远程评估方式,例如,调查问卷,基于对文件、ISO9000证书、分析检测结果和该供应商的历史经验进行评估是否可以接受? H+V 20067

The EEA inspectorates are not generally in favour of 'paper-based audits' per se as they do not provide the same level of assurance as on-site assessments, but do accept that they have a part to play in a risk-based strategy.


They may be particularly applicable when recent positive inspection information is available and where satisfactory audits have been concluded in the past. They cannot replace on-site audits of active-substance suppliers but can be a useful interim and temporary measure within the manufacturer's audit programme.


4. How do the new requirements affect importers of medicinal products? H+V July 2006

新的要求对制剂的进口商有什么影响? H+V 20067

Importers are manufacturing-authorisation holders and so the obligations under Article 46f/50f of [url=http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CONSLEG:2001L0083:20091005:ENDF]Directive 2001/83(2) [/url]apply to them. For importers, the possibility of a second-party audit performed by the third-country manufacturer that uses the active substance as a starting material may be a further option.


Importers are already obliged to ensure that the third-country manufacturer complies with standards of GMP equivalent to those of the European Community and should have established arrangements in line with chapter 7 of the GMP guideline . They should therefore be fully satisfied that the third-country manufacturer has adequately demonstrated that the active substances it uses for products destined for the European Community have been manufactured in accordance with GMP.


Importers may of course choose to verify the standards of GMP at the active-substance suppliers themselves or through a third party. Whichever option is chosen, the questions and answers above are also relevant.


5. Is it possible to ask for a voluntary inspection of an active-substance manufacturer? H+V June 2014

是否可以自愿申请对活性物质生产商进行检查? H+V 20067

Responsibility for only using active substances that have been manufactured in accordance with GMP is placed on the holders of a manufacturing authorisation.


Article 111 of [url=http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CONSLEG:2001L0083:20091005:ENDF]Directive 2001/83/EC [/url](Article 80 of Directive 2001/82/EC for veterinary medicinal products) however makes provision for GMP inspections of active-substance manufacturing sites to be carried out at the request of the manufacturer itself. The request for the inspection should be made to the EEA competent authority where the site is located or, in case of sites located in third countries, to a competent authority where the active substance is used as a starting material in the manufacture of medicinal products. If this is not the case, any EEA authority can be approached.


There is no guarantee that such a request will be fulfilled, as the competent authorities need to balance such requests with other priorities. When an active substance manufacturer applies for a voluntary inspection, this does not constitute an obligation for the competent authority to trigger an inspection. It should also be borne in mind that an inspection does not replace the responsibility of the manufacturing-authorisation holder using the active substance in question as a starting material and will not be accepted alone as adequate assurance that the manufacturing authorisation holder has fulfilled its responsibilities.


6. The notice to applicants requires the submission of a declaration signed by the qualified person (QP) that the active substance used is manufactured in accordance with GMP. The active substance in my product is widely used, but not normally as a pharmaceutical active substance, and I am having some difficulty in confirming compliance. What should I do to furnish the required declaration? H+V September 2008

申报者须知要求提交一份声明,由QP签字,保证所使用的原料药是根据GMP生产的。我产品里使用的原料药被广泛应用,但通常并不作为原料药来使用,我要确认GMP符合性有点困难。我要怎么来完成所要的声明呢?H+V 20089

Full compliance with GMP for finished products and active substances is a legal obligation for manufacturing-authorisation holders. It is recognised that for a small number of medicinal products, the primary use of the active substance is not in a medicinal product and the producer may therefore not be aiming to meet the specific requirements of pharmaceutical customers that represent an insignificant volume of business.


Alternative sources should normally be sought, but in exceptional circumstances the manufacturing-authorisation holder should assess and document to which extent GMP is complied with and provide a risk-based justification for the acceptance of any derogation.


The declaration provided by the QP should set out in detail the basis for declaring that the standards applied provide the same level of assurance as GMP. The European Medicines Agency will collect experience with this approach, which can be used as a basis for discussion on related amendments to guidelines in the future.


7. What kind of GMP documentation is needed for an active-substance manufacturer that performs sterilisation of an active substance? July 2010


The GMP basic requirements for active substances used as starting materials (EU GMP guideline part II) only applies to the manufacture of sterile active substances up to the point immediately prior to the active substance being rendered sterile. The sterilisation and aseptic processing of sterile active substances are not covered by this guideline and should be performed in accordance with GMP for medicinal products (Commission Directive 2003/94/EC as interpreted in the basic requirements for medicinal products including annex 1 of the EU GMP guideline part I). This implies that for any active-substance manufacturer that performs sterilisation and subsequent aseptic handling of the active substance, a valid manufacturing authorisation or GMP certificate from an EEA authority or from an authority of countries where MRA or other Community arrangements apply has to be submitted.

用作起始物料的活性物质的基本GMP要求(EU GMP指南第二部分)仅适用于无菌原料药中灭菌前的步骤。该指南不包括无菌原料药的灭菌和无菌操作,而应实施药品GMP的要求(法令2003/94/EC药品基本要求中说明,包括EU GMP指南第一部分附录1)。这也就是说,所有实施无菌和灭菌操作及其后操作的活性物质生产商,需要提交有效的生产许可,或EEA药监局,或MRA国家药监局颁发的GMP证书。

The active-substance manufacturer also has to submit data on the sterilisation process of the active substance (including validation data) to the marketing-authorisation applicant or holder for inclusion in the dossier submitted for the finished product and approval by the licensing authorities.


8. During inspections, why do inspectors sometimes ask to see reports of audits of active substance manufacturers carried out by the medicinal product manufacturer? H+V May 2013

在检查中,为什么检查官有时会要求查看制剂生产商对活性物质生产商的审计报告? H+V 20135

Inspectors may need to see audit reports during inspections as part of the assessment of the manufacturing-authorisation holder’s systems for confirming GMP compliance of active substance manufacturers or suppliers. Inspectors will expect to see the full details of these reports upon request, including responses received from the audited site, indication of closure of deficiencies raised or commitments made.


9. What expectations do inspectors have for the content of reports of audits of active substance manufacturers carried out by the medicinal-product manufacturer? H+V May 2013

检查官期望制剂生产商对活性物质生产商审计的报告中有什么内容?H+V  20135

As a minimum, the following is expected to be included in the report:


l  The full postal address of the site. The auditors must be identified by full name and their employer recorded. If the audit is conducted on behalf of other parties this should be clear in the report. Where an audit report is obtained through a third party, the manufacturing-authorisation holder is responsible for ensuring the validity and impartiality of the audit report. The identity of key staff participating in the audit should be recorded along with their roles. The full contact details of the person through which the audit was arranged should be recorded including contact details (e-mail address, telephone number). The dates of the audit should be recorded, with the full-day equivalents clarified if full days were not spent on site. A justification should be recorded for the duration of the audit. If, in exceptional circumstances, the audit had to be restricted to fewer days on site than required by the scope of the audit, the reasons should be explained and the conclusions with respect to the GMP status of the site should be justified. And ground information on the active substance manufacturer should be recorded; this should include the company ownership, the age of the site, the number of staff employed in total and for the specific products being audited. The role of the site in manufacture of the active substances being audited should also be clarified for each of the active substances being audited, e.g. if the site performs the full manufacture or only part of the manufacture.

l  工厂完整地址。审计员必须识别全名和其所有者。如果审计是代表其它方进行,则应在报告中清楚写明。如果审计报告是通过第三方获得,则生产许可持有人有责任保证审计报告的有效性和公正性。应记录参与审计人员的姓名及其职位。要记录审计联系人的详细信息,包括联系信息(EMAIL地址、电话号码)。审计日期要记录,如果在工厂时间不足整天,要说明是否等同整天。审计时长是否合适要进行论证。如果,在例外情况下,审计不得不限于较少的时间,短于审计范围所要求的时长,则要结合工厂的GMP状态解释其原因,并对结论进行论证。活性物质生产商的背景信息要记录,这包括公司所有权、工厂建立时间、员工数量及所审计活性物质相关员工数量。工厂在活性物质生产中的所扮演的角色也要说明,例如,工厂进行全部的生产活动,还是只进行部分生产。

l  The scope of the audit should be clearly stated e.g. what activities (against European Union GMP part II / International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) Q7 chapters) were covered. The activities which were not covered by the audit should also be clearly recorded. Auditors should identify the high risk areas for audit specific to the site or products being audited. For example, these could include but not be limited to:

l  审计范围应清楚说明,例如,所涵盖的活动范围(相对于欧盟GMP第二部分/ICH指南Q7)。审计所未包括的活动也要清楚地记录。审计人员应识别所审计场所或所审计产品的高风险区域,例如,它们可以包括但不限于:

l  process, cleaning or validation;

l  工艺,清洁或验证

l  risk of cross-contamination with other active substances or other substances;

l  与其它活性物质或其它物质的交叉污染的风险

l  potential for generation of unknown impurities;

l  未知杂质生成的可能性

l  risk of mix-up of materials and products through materials handling or packing;

l  在物料处理或包装过程中混料的风险

l  change control;

l  变更控制

l  deviation recording or management;

l  偏差记录或管理

l  security sealing of active substance containers and security or temperature control of shipments.

l  活性物质容器的保安封签,运输过程中温度控制和保安

l  Subsequent audits conducted as part of the ongoing supplier audit program may have a reduced scope focusing on the highest risk areas. In such cases the highest risk areas should be identified and justified.

l  作为在用供应商审计程序的一部分,后续审计可能会缩小审计范围,只着重于高风险部分。在这种情况下,需要对高风险部分进行识别和论述。

l  A list should be recorded of all active substances directly included in the audit scope plus other active substances or intermediates (or other products) manufactured at the site.

l  应该有一份清单记录所有包括在审计范围内的活性物质,加上其它在该工厂厂址内生产的活性物质或中间体(或其它产品)。

There should be a clear record of the products, the stages of manufacture and the buildings audited. If access was denied to any relevant areas of the site this should be recorded and explained. The list should clarify which of the active substances in the scope of the audit are manufactured in multi-purpose equipment or buildings as either final product or any of the intermediate stages.


l  Dates of any previous audit conducted by or on behalf of the same manufacturing-authorisation holder should be recorded. If any of the audits did not conclude with a positive GMP compliance status, a brief summary of the reasons for this should be recorded.

l  记录同一个上市许可持有人之前实施,或代表该上市许可持有人实施的检查的日期。如果这些审计GMP符合结论为不符合,则应该有一份记录决定采用该供应商的简要说明

l  Each of the applicable sections of EU GMP part II should form sections of the report with a summary of what was examined, the key findings and compliance with the requirements of each section. The report should clearly state findings against each activity audited with particular focus on the high risk areas. Any GMP deficiency identified during the audit must be clearly recorded with its criticality defined. An explanation should be given, in the report or in a supporting standard operating procedure, of the categorisation system used to classify deficiencies, e.g. critical, major or minor.

l  EU GMP第二部分的每个适用部分均应成为报告的一部分,并应有总结,说明检查的内容、主要缺陷、是否符合各部分的要求。报告应清楚说明针对高风险领域所审计的各项活动。所有在审计过程中辨别出的GMP缺陷均应清楚记录,并按关键程度进行分类。在报告中或在支持性SOP中,应解释用于缺陷分类的分类系统,例如,关键、主要或次要。

l  Responses to the audit by the active-substance manufacturer should be reviewed by the auditors. Corrective and preventative actions and timescales for completion should be assessed by the auditors to establish whether these are appropriate to the findings. Further clarification or evidence of completion should be requested, commensurate to the risk.

l  活性物质生产商对审计所做的回复应由审计员进行审核。审计员应对CAPA和完成时间表进行评估,以确认CAPA是否适合于这些缺陷。应要求生产商提供与风险相对称的CAPA完成的申明或提交证据。

l  A summary assessment of the status of corrective and preventive actions should be recorded by the auditors once these have been received and assessed. An overall recommendation should be made in the final report. The summary should include whether the auditor regards the actions as satisfactory. The responsible QP should ensure that he or she, or someone to whom it is delegated, is in agreement with the overall recommendation of the final report. The QP must not release the relevant medicinal products without knowledge of a positive recommendation from the auditors. This recommendation should include the GMP compliance status of the site and whether any reduced controls on materials receipt at the finished product manufacturing site are supported by the auditors.

l  一旦收到CAPA回复,审计官应立即进行评估总结并记录。在最终报告中要给出一份全面建议。总结应包括审计官是否认为该措施令人满意。负责的QP应保证他/她或受权人同意最终报告中的全面建议。在审计官未能作出肯定的结论前,QP不能放行相关的药品。该结论应包括工厂的GMP符合状态,检查官是否支持减少该物料接受控制

l  A proposed re-assessment period should be recommended.

l  建议一个再评估周期

l  The final report should be signed and dated by, at least, the lead auditor.

l  最终报告应由,至少是主审员签字并日期

10. How should active substance auditors be qualified? H + V May 2013

活性物质审计人员要怎么样进行资质确认? H+V 20135

Auditors should have sufficient scientific, technical and other experience to enable them to perform an adequate and thorough audit of the active substance manufacturer, as related to the planned scope of the audit. Where a proposed auditor lacks an appropriate level of direct experience in the field of active substance manufacture, he or she should undergo a documented training and assessment programme in the areas that are relevant to the audit, taking into account the auditor’s anticipated role in the audit and the technologies that are likely to be encountered during the audit. Auditors must also be trained and assessed in their knowledge and understanding of EU GMP part II and in auditing techniques in general. The training and assessment should be fully documented.

审计员应具有充分的科学技术和其它经验,能够根据所计划的审计范围,对活性物质生产商实施充分完整的审计。如果提议的审计官缺乏该活性物质生产领域内适当的直接经验,他/她应接受一定的培训,培训要有书面记录,并接受在与审计领域相关的评估,同时考虑审计官在审计中的角色,以及其在审计过程中可能牵涉的技术。审计官还必须接受对EU GMP第二部分,以及审计通用技巧的知识和理解性培训和评估。培训和评估均要进行书面记录。

The qualification and experience of contracted auditors are the same as the requirements for the manufacturing-authorisation holder’s own auditors.




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 楼主| xiaoxiao 发表于 2015-2-15 20:00:30 | 只看该作者
201502 EMA: 关于GMP的问答(4)  

2015-02-13 19:05:44|  分类: EU GMP

EU GMP guide annexes: Supplementary requirements: Annex 11: Computerised systems

EU GMP指南附录:补充要求:附录11:计算机化系统

1. Appropriate controls for electronic documents such as templates should be implemented. Are there any specific requirements for templates of spreadsheets? H+V February 2011

对于电子文件,例如模板要进行适当的控制。这里对于数据表是否有什么特定的要求?H+V 20112

Templates of spreadsheets help to avoid erroneous calculations from data remaining from previous calculations. They should be suitably checked for accuracy and reliability (annex 11 p7.1). They should be stored in a manner which ensures appropriate version control (chapter 4 p4.1).


2. What type of accuracy checks (annex 11 p 6) are expected for the use of spreadsheets? H+V February 2011

使用数据表格时,要进行哪些准确度检查(附录115)?H+V 20111

Data integrity should be ensured by suitably implemented and risk-assessed controls. The calculations and the files should be secured in such a way that formulations are not accidentally overwritten. Accidental input of an inappropriate data type should be prevented or result in an error message (e.g. text in a numeric field or a decimal format into an integer field). So-called 'boundary checks' are encouraged.


3. Are there any specific considerations for the validation of spreadsheets? H+V February 2011

数据表的验证有哪些需要特殊考虑的?H+V 20112

Validation according to paragraph 4 of annex 11 is required at least for spreadsheets that contain custom code (e.g. Visual Basic for applications). Formulas or other types of algorithm should be verified for correctness.

根据附录114段,对数据表格所需要进行的验证至少包括定制代码(例如visual Basic应用)。公式或其它计算输入应进行正确性核实。

4. What measures are required to ensure data security of databases? H+V February 2011

要采取什么措施来保证数据库的数据安全性?H+V 20112

Data security includes integrity, reliability and availability of data. During validation of a database-based or inclusive system, consideration should be given to:


·         implementing procedures and mechanisms to ensure data security and keeping the meaning and logical arrangement of data;

·         实施程序和原理来保证数据安全性,保持数据的含义和逻辑意义

·         load-testing, taking into account future growth of the database and tools to monitor the saturation of the database;

·         负载测试,考虑将来数据库的增长,数据库数据饱和度的监控工具

·         precautions for necessary migration of data (annex 11 p17) at the end of the life-cycle of the system.

·         在系统的生命周期结束时必要的数据迁移预防措施(附录1117

5. At which phases of the system life-cycle is risk management recommended? H+V February 2011

推荐在系统的生命周期哪个阶段进行风险管理?H+V 20112

Risk management should be applied throughout the whole life-cycle. A first risk assessment should be performed to determine the GMP criticality of the system, i.e. does the system have an impact on patient safety, product quality or data integrity? User-requirement specifications are usually developed with consideration of potential risks and form the basis for the first formal risk assessment.


Complex systems should be evaluated in further more detailed risk assessments to determine critical functions. This will help ensure that validation activities cover all critical functions.


Risk management includes the implementation of appropriate controls and their verification.


6. Are user requirements needed as part of the retrospective validation of legacy systems? H+V February 2011

遗留系统的回顾性验证是否还需要用户需求手册?H+V 20112

The way to check whether a computerised system is fit for its intended purpose is to define user requirements and perform a gap analysis to determine the validation effort for retrospective validation. These user requirements should be verified.


7. When do I have to revalidate computerised systems? H+V February 2011

我要在什么时候再验证计算机化系统?H+V 20112

Computerised systems should be reviewed periodically to confirm that they remain in a validated state. Periodic evaluation should include, where applicable, the current range of functionality, deviation records, change records, upgrade history, performance, reliability and security. The time period for revaluation and revalidation should be based on the criticality of the system.


8. What are the requirements for storage time of electronic data and documents? H+V February 2011

电子数据和文件的存贮时长要求是什么?H+V 20112

The requirements for storage of electronically data and documents do not differ from paper documents. It should be ensured that electronic signatures applied to electronic records are valid for the entire storage period for documents.


9. What are the relevant validation efforts for small devices? H+V February 2011

小型装置的相关验证要求是怎么样的?H+V 20112

Small devices are usually off-the-shelf pieces of equipment that is widely used. In these cases, the development life-cycle is mainly controlled by the vendor. The pharmaceutical customer should therefore reasonably assess the vendor’s capability of developing software according to common standards of quality.


A vendor assessment needs to be performed and the application needs to be verified against the requirements for the intended use. From the perspective of the regulated industry, the implementation of such a device is driven by an implementation life-cycle. At minimum the following items need to be addressed:


l  requirement definition for the intended use including process limitations. This should also include a statement indicating whether data are stored or transferred to another system. As per the definition of a small device, data are not stored permanently but temporarily and are not to be modified by a user. Therefore, limited user access handling is acceptable. It needs to be ensured that parameter data influencing the device's behaviour may not be altered without suitable permission;

l  既定用途的需求定义,包括工艺限度。这还应该包括一份声明,说明是否数据会存贮或转移至另一个系统。正如小型装置的定义,数据是不能永久保存的,而只是临时的,不能由用户进行修改。因此,受限的用户进入 权限处理是可以接受的。要保证影响装置的参数数据动作不会在没有适当允许的情况下被改变。

l  risk assessment, taking into consideration the intended use and the risk to patients for associated with the process supported by the small device;

l  风险评估,考虑既定用途和由小型装置支持的工艺伴随的患者风险

l  vendor assessment;

l  供应商评估

l  list of available documentation from the vendor, especially those describing the methodology used and the calculation algorithm, if applicable. A vendor certificate or equivalent detailing the testing performed by the vendor may also be included;

l  供应商提供的可获得文件的清单,如可行的话,特别是那些描述所使用的方法法和计算方法的文件。还可以包括供应商证书或供应商所做的对等的详细测试。

l  calibration certificate, if applicable;

l  校正证书,适用时

l  validation plan according to the risk-assessment results;

l  根据风险评估结果制订的验证计划

l  verification testing proving that the device fulfills the requirements for the intended use. It may be equivalent to a PQ-phase.

l  性能确认证明装置满足既定用途要求。相当于PQ阶段

Small manufacturing devices are sometimes only equipped with microprocessors and firmware and are not capable of high-level administration functions. Moreover, data is often transient in nature in these devices. Due to the latter there is no risk of inadvertently modifying data. An audit trail is therefore not necessary and user access may be limited to those functions of parameter control.


10. What alternative controls are accepted in case a system is not capable to generate printouts indicating if any of the data has been changed since the original entry? H+V February 2011

如果系统不能产生打印指示是否上次原始输入后有数据被更改,那可以什么样的替代控制是可以接受的?H+V 20112

As long as this functionality is not supported by the supplier, it may be acceptable to describe in a procedure the fact that a print-out of the related audit trail report must be generated and linked manually to the record supporting batch release.



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 楼主| xiaoxiao 发表于 2015-2-10 22:36:42 | 只看该作者
201502 EMA: 关于GMP的问答(2)  

2015-02-10 21:25:10|  分类: EU GMP


本部分为关于“EU GMP第二部分:原料药基本要求”和“EU GMP南附录:补充要求:附录1:无菌制剂的生产”部。由于官方并不提供相关更新通知和预告,参考本文时请随时关注官网更新。


EU GMP guide part II: Basic requirements for active substances used as starting materials: GMP compliance for active substances in investigational medicinal products (IMPs)

EU GMP指南第二部分:用作起始物料的活性物质的基本要求:临床前试验制剂(IMP)所用活性物质的GMP符合性

1. Are active substances used as starting materials in the production of IMPs subject to GMP? H July 2006

用作临床前试验制剂(IMP)起始物料的活性物质是否需要在GMP状态下生产?  H 20067

Directives 2001/82/EC and [url=http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CONSLEG:2001L0083:20091005:ENDF]2001/83/EC [/url], as amended, include obligations for manufacturing-authorisation holders only to use active substances that have been manufactured in accordance with GMP. Provision is also made for inspections of active-substance manufacturers but only under certain specified circumstances.


IMPs are unaffected because the obligations of manufacturing-authorisation holders in this case are laid down in [url=http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:2005:091:0013:0019:enDF]Directive 2005/28/EC [/url], which does not contain corresponding requirements for active substances. Furthermore, this is made clear in the introduction to part II of the GMP guideline .


Part II of the GMP guideline does include a short section on new active substances to be used as starting materials for IMPs and these remain as recommendations with no mandatory force. Nevertheless, active substances used in the manufacture of marketed products are already required to comply with GMP irrespective as to whether they may also used in the manufacture of IMPs.


EU GMP guide annexes: Supplementary requirements: Annex 1: Manufacture of sterile medicinal products – UPDATED

EU GMP指南附录:补充要求:附录1:无菌制剂的生产----更新

1. How should the integrity of sterilising filters be verified? H+V June 2007

无菌过滤器的完整性应如何确认?  H+V 20076

Annex 1, paragraph 85 states, 'the integrity of the sterilised filter should be verified before use and should be confirmed immediately after use by an appropriate method such as a bubble-point, diffusive-flow or pressure-hold test.'


The filter-sterilisation process may be physically stressful for the filter. For example, high temperatures during the process may cause the filter to distort, potentially leading to fluid pathways that allow the passage of particles greater than 0.2 ?m in size. The performance of a filter can improve with use, as particles begin to block individual pathways and remove larger pathways that smaller particles could successfully navigate. For these reasons, filters should be tested both before use but after sterilisation and again after use.


Furthermore, testing should be performed in situ in order to verify the integrity of the filter complete with its housing.


2. What are the sampling requirements for sterility testing when a finished product batch of a terminally sterilised medicinal product is made up of more than one steriliser load? H+V October 2008

如果最终灭菌产品由不止一个灭菌装载组成,无菌测试取样要求是怎样的? H+V 200810

The sampling plan for sterility testing should take account of the definition of a batch as stated in the glossary of the GMP guideline together with the recommendations of annex 1 section 93 (section 127 in the February 2008 revision). Each steriliser load is considered to be an independent sub-batch. Consequently, one sterility test should be performed per sub-batch. The number of samples per steriliser load should conform toEuropean Pharmacopoeia requirements, section


Can there be any exceptions to this rule? 上述规则可否有例外?

For large-volume parenterals where the sterilisation cycle has been qualified with an overkill level, an alternative sampling plan in accordance with a specific internal procedure agreed with the supervisory authority can be accepted (unless already specified in the marketing authorisation).


This procedure should state the need to sample from each steriliser load including the coolest location identified during the steriliser qualification. The number of samples per load should be defined based on a risk-based approach and the overall number of samples per batch should conform to European Pharmacopoeiarequirements, section An alternative option, which would require a variation to relevant existing marketing authorisations, would be to introduce a system of parametric release, thereby avoiding the need to carry out the sterility test.


3. What are the key changes in the 2008 revision of annex 1 of the EU GMP? H+V January 2010

2008版对EU GMP附录1的主要变更有哪些? H+V 20101

The revision provides updated guidance on:


l  classification of the environmental cleanliness of clean rooms;

l  洁净区环境洁净度的级别

l  guidance on media simulations;

l  媒质模拟指南

l  guidance on capping of vials;

l  小瓶加盖指南

l  bioburden monitoring prior to sterilisation.

l  灭菌前生物负载监控

4. The new revision to the annex includes a number of revised requirements. What steps are being taken by EU authorities to assure the consistent interpretation of the requirements of the revised annex by EU GMP inspectors during inspections? H+V January 2010

对附录进行的新的修订,包括一系统修订的要求。EU药监部门要采取什么措施来保证EU GMP检查人员在检查中会对修订后的附录要求持有一致的解释?

GMP inspectors from the EU have worked together with inspectors from Swissmedic to prepare harmonised guidance on the interpretation of the revised annex to be used during the inspection of manufacturers by their Inspectors. This document has subsequently been proposed and adopted as draft guidance by thePharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation Scheme (PIC/S): GMP annex 1 revision 2008: Interpretation of most important changes for the manufacture of sterile medicinal products .


5. For an aseptically produced product, where should bioburden monitoring take place? H+V May 2013

对于无菌工艺生产的产品,应该在什么地方实施生物负载监控? H+V 20135

According to the EU GMP guideline (annex 1), the bioburden should be monitored before sterilisation and testing should be performed on each batch.

根据EU GMP指南(附录1),要在灭菌前对每一个批次进行生物负载监控。

For routine commercial manufacturing, bioburden testing should be performed on the bulk solution, immediately before its sterile filtration. If a presterilising filter is additionally installed, then sampling for bioburden testing may be performed prior to the prefiltration, provided that no holding time is scheduled for the solution between the two filtration steps.


6. What is the maximum acceptable bioburden level? H+V May 2013

生物负载最大可接受水平是多少?H+V 20135

The specification limits for bioburden should be NMT 10 CFU/100 ml, in line with the human and veterinary notes for guidance on manufacture of the finished dosage form (CPMP/QWP/486/95 andEMEA/CVMP/126/95).

生物负载限度应为NMT10CFU/100ml,与人用和兽用制剂生产指南注释(CPMP/QWP/486/95 EMEA/CVMP/126/95)要求一致。

When a prefilter is installed, unless otherwise justified, a bioburden limit of 10 CFUs/100 ml before first filtration is achievable in principle and is strongly recommended from a GMP point of view. Higher bioburden limits should not be justified by the high capacity of two consecutive bacteria retaining filters.


However, when appropriate justification is submitted (processes involving fermentation or other biological or herbal components, use of purified water for ophthalmic preparations, etc.), a bioburden limit of higher than 10 CFUs/100 ml before prefiltration may be acceptable. In such cases, it should be demonstrated that the first filter has the capability to achieve a bioburden prior to the last filtration of NMT 10 CFUs/100 ml, in line with the notes for guidance on manufacture of the finished dosage form (CPMP/QWP/486/95 and EMEA/CVMP/126/95).

但是,如果提交了适当的论证(涉及发酵,或其它生物或草药组件的工艺,眼药制剂使用纯化水等),则在预过滤前生物负载限度高于10CFU/100ml也是可以接受的。在这种情形下,要证明第一次过滤具备能力使得生物负载在进行最终过滤前达到NMT10CFU/100ml,符合制剂剂型的生产指南要求(CPMP/QWP/486/95 EMEA/CVMP/126/95)。


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 楼主| xiaoxiao 发表于 2015-2-15 19:58:11 | 只看该作者
201502 EMA: 关于GMP的问答(3)  

2015-02-13 19:05:27|  分类: EU GMP


EU GMP guide annexes: Supplementary requirements: Annex 16

EU GMP指南附录:补充要求:附录16

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1. Can a site have more than one QP performing certification of batches?


EU legislation requires a manufacturer to have at least one QP at its disposal but a site may have more than one QP who may certify batches on behalf of the manufacturer.


2. Can there be more than one QP involved in the certification of a given batch?


Annex 16 of the EU GMP guideline gives guidance in relation to situations where different stages of manufacture of a batch take place at different manufacturing sites.

EU GMP指南附录16给出了关于在不同生产场所生产同一个批次的不同步骤时的情况的指南。

In such cases, the overall responsibility for correct manufacture of the batch lies with the QP performing final certification of the batch before release for sale. It is also possible that, at a single manufacturing site, different QPs could be responsible for certification of different stages of manufacture of the batch.  However, as before, the QP performing final certification before release holds overall responsibility for manufacture of the batch in accordance with GMP and the marketing authorisation.


EU GMP guide annexes: Supplementary requirements: Annex 19: Reference and retention samples 欧盟GMP指南附录:补充要求:附录19:对照品和留样

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1. Is it necessary to retain a sufficient number of samples of each batch of a sterile medicinal product in order to carry out a sterility test on two separate occasions? H+V October 2008

是否有必要保留足够数量的无菌药品样品以备2次单独的无菌测试用?H+V 200810

For retention purposes, it is not necessary to keep the full number of samples required in table of theEuropean Pharmacopoeia sterility test monograph to repeat the sterility test performed for release purposes, but only a sufficient quantity to allow the carrying out, on two occasions, of a confirmatory test using the minimum quantities described in table of the monograph.


General GMP 一般GMP问题

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1. What are the differences between EU and World Health Organization (WHO) requirements for GMP? H July 2006

EUWHOGMP的要求有什么不一样?H 20067

EU GMP principles and guidelines are laid down in [url=http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:2005:091:0013:0019:enDF]Directive 2003/94/EC [/url](human medicines) and Directive 91/412/EEC (veterinary products). These principles and guidelines are subject to further detailed guidance in the form of the EU GMP guideline with its annexes.

EU GMP原则和指南在指令2003/94/EC(人药)和指令 91/412/EEC(兽药)中给出。针对这些原则和指南还以EU GMP指南及附录的形式提供了详细的指南。

WHO publishes its own GMP guidance documents.


Although EU and WHO GMP guidance documents do differ in some details, the main principles remain the same. EU requirements fulfil all the recommendations of WHO.

尽管EUWHO GMP指南文件在细节上有区别,但主要的原则还是一样的。EU要求满足所有的WHO推荐要求。

GMP certificates /GMP证书

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1. What is a GMP certificate and what is the difference between GMP certificates, certificates of medicinal product (CMPs, also called certificates of pharmaceutical products, CPPs) and certificates of suitability to the monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia (CEPs)? H+V July 2006

什么是GMP证书?GMP证书、药品证书(CMP,也称为药品认证书CPP)和欧洲药典适用性证书(CEP)的区别是什么?H+V 20067

A GMP certificate is a certificate issued following a GMP inspection, by the competent authority responsible for carrying out the inspection, to confirm the GMP compliance status of the inspected site.


GMP certificates are site-specific, but can be restricted to particular activities depending on the scope of the inspection (e.g., manufacturing activities related to a specific product). Directives [url=http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CONSLEG:2001L0082:20090807:ENDF]2001/82/EC [/url]and[url=http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:2001:311:0067:0128:enDF]2001/83/EC [/url], as amended state that after every GMP inspection, and within 90 days of the inspection, a GMP certificate shall be issued to a manufacturer, if the outcome of the inspection shows that the manufacturer complies with GMP.


CMPs are product-specific certificates issued by the competent authority that granted the marketing authorisation. The European Medicines Agency issues CMPs on behalf of the European Commission for centrally authorised products.

CMP是针对产品的证书,它由颁发上 市许可的药监机构签发。欧洲药品管理局(EMA)代表欧盟委员会对集中审评药品签发CMP

CMPs are issued in the context of the World Health Organization certification scheme on the quality of pharmaceutical products moving in international commerce, to confirm the marketing-authorisation status of the products. These certificates also confirm the GMP compliance status of the manufacturing sites. CMPs are mainly used by companies to support applications to export their pharmaceutical products to countries with less-developed regulatory systems.


CEPs are certificates issued by the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare(EDQM) to confirm that a certain active substance is produced according to the requirements of the relevant monograph of the European Pharmacopoeia or of the monograph on transmission spongiform encephalopathies.


CEPs can be used by companies when submitting an application for marketing authorisation, and replace much of the documentation required for the active substance in the marketing-authorisation dossier. GMP inspections of active-substance manufacturers can be requested by EDQM in the context of the CEP certification scheme.


2. Does the Agency issue GMP certificates? H+V July 2006

欧盟药品管理局是否签发GMP证书?H+V 20067

No, the competent authority responsible for carrying out the inspection issues the GMP certificate, or makes an entry of non-compliance into the EudraGMP database.


3. Which EU and EEA authorities conduct mutually recognised inspections and issue GMP certificates? H+V November 2011

哪个EUEEA药监机构进行互认检查,以及签发GMP证书?H+V 201111

All EU and EEA national competent authorities conducting inspections are obliged to enter GMP certificates in the EudraGMP database. Hence, any GMP certificate appearing in the database is mutually recognised and the database authenticates the certificate.


If a certificate cannot be found in the database, the issuing authority should be contacted.


Inspection coordination 检查协调

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1. Does the Agency perform GMP inspections? H+V July 2006

欧盟药品局是否实施GMP检查?H+V 20067

The Agency does not perform inspections. They are carried out on its behalf by the national competent authorities of the member states of the EEA, in connection with products under the centralised marketing-authorisation procedure.


2. If a site in a third country has plans to export products to the EEA, is it possible to apply for a GMP inspection on a voluntary basis? H+V July 2006

如果第三国工厂计划出口药品至EEA,是否可以自愿申请进行GMP检查呢?H+V 20067

Normally, the need for inspection under these circumstances is triggered by an application for a marketing authorisation. It may be possible to request an inspection on a voluntary basis, but as the competent authorities will have other priorities, there is no guarantee that such a request will be met.


To explore this possibility, the authorities of the Member State into which the product will be imported into the EEA should be approached. In any case, applicants are encouraged to approach the relevant authority in advance of submission in order to facilitate third-country inspection planning.


3. When a new application is submitted in the EEA and a GMP inspection is deemed necessary, which competent authority carries out the inspection? H+V July 2006

如果在EEA提交了一份新的申报,且必须要进行GMP检查,哪个药监机构来实施这样的检查呢?H+V 20067

If the site is located in the EEA, the competent authority of the Member State where the site is located carries out the inspection.


For sites located in countries outside the EEA, the responsible authority for inspection (the 'supervisory authority') is the authority in whose territory the importing site is located. If the supervisory authority is not able to carry out the inspection for any reason, it can be delegated to another EEA competent authority.


If there is a mutual recognition agreement (MRA) in place between the countries where the site is located and the European Community, the results of GMP inspections carried out by the MRA partner authority are normally recognised by the EU authorities.


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 楼主| xiaoxiao 发表于 2015-2-15 20:01:52 | 只看该作者
201502 EMA: 关于GMP的问答(5)  

2015-02-13 19:06:15|  分类: EU GMP

EU GMP guide annexes: Supplementary requirements: Annex 8: Sampling of starting and packaging materials: Glycerol

EU GMP指南附录:附加要求:附录8:起始物料和包材取样:甘油

1. What is the background regarding international incidents of glycerol contamination? H+V December 2007

关于甘油污染的国际事件有什么背景?H+V 200712

There is a history of sporadic reports from around the world of supplies of glycerol contaminated with diethylene glycol (DEG) resulting in mortality and serious morbidity in patients receiving contaminated products.


In late 2006, DEG-contaminated glycerol in cough syrup was the cause of about 50 deaths in Panama. DEG-contaminated glycerol in paracetamol syrup was also attributed to at least 80 deaths in a similar incident in Haiti in 1995-1996. Other incidents have been reported in Argentina, Bangladesh, India and Nigeria and attributed to the deaths of hundreds of children. DEG was also responsible for a poisoning incident resulting in the death of 107 people in the United States in 1937, following ingestion of contaminated sulphanilamide elixir.


(译者注:1937年秋天,美国田纳西州的一家制药公司生产和销售以二甘醇作为溶剂的磺胺口服液,命名为Elixir Sulfanilamide(磺胺酏剂),在2 个多月时间里导致107 人死亡,大部分都是儿童。该制药公司的首席化学家在事故发生后也自缢身亡。)

These incidents were related to both accidental cross-contamination of glycerol with industrial grade materials and, in some cases, to intentional substitution.


Recent cases show the following similarities:


l  pharmaceutical manufacturers of products containing contaminated glycerol did not perform full identity testing or tests to determine DEG on the glycerol raw material;

l  含有被污染的甘油的药物生产商没有进行全部的鉴别测试,或测定甘油原料中的DEG

l  pharmaceutical manufacturers of contaminated products relied on certificates of analysis (COAs) provided by the supplier;

l  被污染的药品的生产商依赖于供应商提供的COA

l  the origin of glycerine was not apparent from the COA. The COA provided with the glycerol raw material may have been a copy of the original on a distributor letterhead. The supply chain for glycerol was not readily known by the medicinal-product manufacturer because the glycerol may have been sold several times between its manufacture and the medicinal-product manufacturer.

l  甘油的来源显然与COA不同。所提供的COA可能由分销商台头签发,但内容是原始生产商的。药品生产商其实并不知道甘油的供应链,因为甘油从其原始生产商开始到药品生产商之间可能已经过了数次倒卖。

2. How is the EU patient protected from similar contamination occurring in EU products? H+V December 2007

EU患者怎么能受到保护,不让类似的污染在欧盟药品中发生呢?H+V 200712

EU GMP requires all manufacturing companies to confirm that all its raw materials are checked on receipt to confirm their identity and quality. Competent authorities expect product manufacturers to routinely ensure that incoming samples of glycerol are tested according to the European Pharmacopoeia monograph.

EU GMP要求所有生产公司要确认其所有原料在接收时检查确认其正确性和质量。药监机构期望药品生产商保证进厂甘油样品根据欧洲药典进行常规检测。

The European Pharmacopoeia monograph for glycerol includes a specific limit test for diethylene glycol (0.1%).


3. Annex 8 of the GMP provides for derogations from the requirement for identity testing of every container where there is a validated supply chain. Can I use this derogation for the glycerol I purchase? H+V December 2007

GMP附录8说,如果有一个经过验证的供应链,可以对每个容器识别其厂方标记来进行检查的要求,我在采购甘油时是否可以使用该标记?H+V 200712

It is correct that annex 8 does provide for a relaxation of identity testing of every container, but it also states that this would not normally be possible if brokers or intermediates were involved in the chain of supply.


Glycerol is a commercial article that is widely used in the food and other industries. Generally speaking, the supply chain for glycerol tends to be complex and lengthy. The involvement of brokers is common in the supply chain.


4. What steps are expected of manufacturers based in the EU when purchasing glycerol or of manufacturers based in third countries supplying glycerol-containing medicines? H+V December 2007

在向EU境内的生产商采购甘油时,或向第三国供应含药品的甘油生产商采购甘油时,一般要有哪些步骤?H+V 200712

When designing supplier-assurance and incoming-goods-control programmes, companies should consider glycerol a higher-risk material.


Companies should be able to exhibit a good knowledge of starting material supply chains and apply this knowledge and principles of quality risk management to their programmes for supply-chain management. Inspectors will look to ensure that the basis for qualification of the supply chain is demonstrably robust for higher-risk materials such as glycerol. It is expected that identity testing and the European Pharmacopoeia limit test for DEG will be performed on each container as a matter of routine.


5. The European Pharmacopoeia limit test for DEG involves a gas chromatographic method, which may be difficult to perform on a large number of containers. H+V December 2007

欧洲药典中DEG 度测试涉及到使用气相色谱法,有很多容器时可能会比较难做。 H+V 200712

This point is acknowledged and currently, alternative tests are under consideration with a view to work up a possible change to the identity tests in the monograph. The European Pharmacopoeia DEG limit test remains the official method for confirmation of compliance with the monograph.


6. Are there any considerations applicable to the pharmaceutical assessment of marketing-authorisation applications? H+V July 2008

是否有任何考虑适用于上市许可申报的品评估中?H+V 20087

In application dossiers for new marketing authorisations (MAs), or in case of relevant variations for existing MAs (for example, replacement of an excipient with glycerol) for medicinal products containing glycerol, confirmation of the tests applied on receipt of batches of glycerol to control the risk from potential DEG contamination in relation to the specific intended use of the product should be provided. A test for DEG content should be conducted in addition to identity testing for glycerol. A suitable control for DEG is included in the European Pharmacopoeia monograph for glycerol.


Sufficient information regarding satisfactory control of this risk will be required in the dossier before approval of the MA application or variation.


For existing approved medicinal products, no variation application is required, except for those few specific types of variations referred to in the first paragraph. However, as a minimum, the specific European Pharmacopoeia control for DEG should be conducted along with the identity test at receipt of each batch of glycerol. The excipient is required to comply with the current European Pharmacopoeia glycerol monograph, and as the specification approved in the dossier will have been that of the European Pharmacopoeia , the risk of DEG contamination will have been appropriately controlled. Compliance with this requirement will be verified during GMP inspections.


7. My company manufactures products for external use. Does this guidance apply? H+V July 2008

我公司生产外用产品。该指南是否适用?H+V 20088

Where a company manufactures products for external use, and when it has justified that the presence of DEG in these products poses a low risk, the omission of the test for DEG on each container may be accepted by the supervisory authority.



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roadman 发表于 2018-9-18 12:40:45 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 roadman 于 2019-4-25 08:35 AM 编辑

EU GMP问答-4:制剂部分 第8章:投诉、质量缺陷和产品召回 2问[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)]原创:Julia法规翻译2018-03-05
European Union (EU) GMP guide part I: Basic requirements for medicinal products: Chapter 8: Complaints, Quality Defects and Product Recalls
EU GMP指南第一部分:药品的基本要求:第8章:投诉、质量缺陷和产品召回 2
1. What are the quality defect reporting requirements of EU GMP?
EU GMP的质量缺陷报告要求是什么?
Suspected product quality defects (e.g. product deterioration, packaging mix-up, among others) should be reported to the competent authority with resp**ibility for the manufacturing site (or importer where the manufacturer is located outside the EEA), and to the competent authority in each EEA market supplied. In case of impact to EU centrally authorised products, the EMA must also be notified. This notification should be prior to taking any market action, unless, as per paragraph 8.26 of Chapter 8, the need for market action is so serious as to warrant immediate action to protect patient or animal health.
Confirmation of a quality defect does not require completion of the investigation. Reporting should be initiated when available information supports the detection of the issue and when the initial assessment of the potential risks presented to patients/animals indicates that it could result in market action. Notification to competent authorities should typically take place within one working day of confirmation that reporting is required.
In cases where asuspected quality defect involves multiple manufacturing sites, reportingresp**ibilities should be defined in a technical agreement. It is normalexpectation that the MAH and site of final EU batch certification should takethe lead on reporting, unless otherwise justified.
Manufacturers areencouraged to notify their national competent authority (or EU SupervisoryAuthority for sites located outside the EEA) of confirmed serious GMP issueswith the potential to lead to a suspected product defect requiring marketaction (e.g. media fill failure, serious equipment failure, etc.). Confirmationof a serious GMP issue does not require completion of the investigation;reporting should be initiated when available information confirms the detectionof the issue.
Serious GMP issues whichmay result in an abnormal restriction in supply should be notified to the MAHand relevant competent authorities in accordance with legal obligati** givenin Art 23(2) of Directive 2001/83/EC, Art 27 of Directive 2001/82/EC,Regulation 726/2004 and EMA guidance1:
In the event that a medicinalproduct which is the subject of a marketing authorisation issued by an EEAauthority, and which is marketed in another third country (or countries) then themarketing authorisation holder shall forthwith inform the relevant EU competentauthority of any prohibition or restriction imposed by the competentauthorities of any country in which the medicinal product is marketed and ofany other new information which might influence the evaluation of the benefitsand risks of the medicinal product concerned (e.g recalls or serious GMPissues). This is even if the particular batch subject to the prohibition orrestriction is not marketed in the EEA.
In cases where nationalcompetent authorities set additional national expectati** regarding whatquality defects should be reported and the timelines for reporting, theseshould be complied with.
2. For the purposes of product recall, at what stage inthe supply chain is a product c**idered to be 'placed on the market' (ref:Chapter 8 paragraph 8.21)?
Abatch recall is defined in the Compilation of Community Procedures as "Theaction of withdrawing a batch from the distribution chain and users. A batchrecall may be partial, in that the batch is only withdrawn from selecteddistributors or users". This definition covers the entire distributionchain from all points following manufacture through to the end user, thepatient. Also, it is possible that the MAH or its subsidiaries are actors inthe supply chain, acting as the distributor in certain cases. In such cases,the MAH or its subsidiaries should be regarded as also being part of thedistribution chain.
Abatch of medicinal product is c**idered to have been 'placed on the market'when one of the following takes place:
l  A batch has been Qualified Person (QP) certified and has been madeavailable for sale on the stock management system of the pre-wholesaler/primarywholesaler, etc.
l  该批次已由QP认证,在预批发商/总批发商等的库存管理系统中作为可销售批次。
l  A batch has been QP certified and supplied to a facility where themanufacturer has no further control over when the product is transferred tosaleable stock. This applies even if within the pre-wholesaler/primarywholesaler network.
l  该批次已由QP认证,已发至某个生产商无法进一步控制其转移至可销售库存的场所。即使在预批发商/总批发商网络内也适用此条。
l  In the case of supply chain models where the manufacturer or primarywholesaler supplies direct to the customer (e.g. pharmacy), the batch has beenplaced on the market from the time of the first customer supply of product fromthe batch.
l  如果供应链模式中,生产商或总批发商直接向客户发货(例如,药房),该批次在向首个客户供应起即认为已上市销售。
Nationalcompetent authorities should be notified of all recall action proposed afterthe product has been placed on the market. In situati** where the MAH candem**trate that the batch is reconciled without issuing a recall notice, the nationalcompetent authority may agree that public recall communication throughout thedistribution network is not necessary.
Itis acknowledged that certain short expiry products (e.g. radiopharmaceuticals, advancedtherapy medicinal products, etc.) may be shipped under quarantine prior tocertification. Retrieval of batches during this quarantine period may bemanaged within the pharmaceutical quality system.

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roadman 发表于 2019-4-14 08:40:00 | 只看该作者
EU GMP问答-4:制剂部分 第8章:投诉、质量缺陷和产品召回 2问
原创: julia
Julia法规翻译 2018-03-05
European Union (EU) GMP guide part I: Basic requirements for medicinal products: Chapter 8: Complaints, Quality Defects and Product Recalls

EU GMP指南第一部分:药品的基本要求:第8章:投诉、质量缺陷和产品召回 2问

1. What are the quality defect reporting requirements of EU GMP?

EU GMP的质量缺陷报告要求是什么?

Suspected product quality defects (e.g. product deterioration, packaging mix-up, among others) should be reported to the competent authority with resp**ibility for the manufacturing site (or importer where the manufacturer is located outside the EEA), and to the competent authority in each EEA market supplied. In case of impact to EU centrally authorised products, the EMA must also be notified. This notification should be prior to taking any market action, unless, as per paragraph 8.26 of Chapter 8, the need for market action is so serious as to warrant immediate action to protect patient or animal health.


Confirmation of a quality defect does not require completion of the investigation. Reporting should be initiated when available information supports the detection of the issue and when the initial assessment of the potential risks presented to patients/animals indicates that it could result in market action. Notification to competent authorities should typically take place within one working day of confirmation that reporting is required.


In cases where asuspected quality defect involves multiple manufacturing sites, reportingresp**ibilities should be defined in a technical agreement. It is normalexpectation that the MAH and site of final EU batch certification should takethe lead on reporting, unless otherwise justified.


Manufacturers areencouraged to notify their national competent authority (or EU SupervisoryAuthority for sites located outside the EEA) of confirmed serious GMP issueswith the potential to lead to a suspected product defect requiring marketaction (e.g. media fill failure, serious equipment failure, etc.). Confirmationof a serious GMP issue does not require completion of the investigation;reporting should be initiated when available information confirms the detectionof the issue.


Serious GMP issues whichmay result in an abnormal restriction in supply should be notified to the MAHand relevant competent authorities in accordance with legal obligati** givenin Art 23(2) of Directive 2001/83/EC, Art 27 of Directive 2001/82/EC,Regulation 726/2004 and EMA guidance1:


EMA指南链接:http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema/ind ... =WC0b01ac0580024593

In the event that a medicinalproduct which is the subject of a marketing authorisation issued by an EEAauthority, and which is marketed in another third country (or countries) then themarketing authorisation holder shall forthwith inform the relevant EU competentauthority of any prohibition or restriction imposed by the competentauthorities of any country in which the medicinal product is marketed and ofany other new information which might influence the evaluation of the benefitsand risks of the medicinal product concerned (e.g recalls or serious GMPissues). This is even if the particular batch subject to the prohibition orrestriction is not marketed in the EEA.


In cases where nationalcompetent authorities set additional national expectati** regarding whatquality defects should be reported and the timelines for reporting, theseshould be complied with.


2. For the purposes of product recall, at what stage inthe supply chain is a product c**idered to be 'placed on the market' (ref:Chapter 8 paragraph 8.21)?


Abatch recall is defined in the Compilation of Community Procedures as "Theaction of withdrawing a batch from the distribution chain and users. A batchrecall may be partial, in that the batch is only withdrawn from selecteddistributors or users". This definition covers the entire distributionchain from all points following manufacture through to the end user, thepatient. Also, it is possible that the MAH or its subsidiaries are actors inthe supply chain, acting as the distributor in certain cases. In such cases,the MAH or its subsidiaries should be regarded as also being part of thedistribution chain.


Abatch of medicinal product is c**idered to have been 'placed on the market'when one of the following takes place:


l  A batch has been Qualified Person (QP) certified and has been madeavailable for sale on the stock management system of the pre-wholesaler/primarywholesaler, etc.

l  该批次已由QP认证,在预批发商/总批发商等的库存管理系统中作为可销售批次。

l  A batch has been QP certified and supplied to a facility where themanufacturer has no further control over when the product is transferred tosaleable stock. This applies even if within the pre-wholesaler/primarywholesaler network.

l  该批次已由QP认证,已发至某个生产商无法进一步控制其转移至可销售库存的场所。即使在预批发商/总批发商网络内也适用此条。

l  In the case of supply chain models where the manufacturer or primarywholesaler supplies direct to the customer (e.g. pharmacy), the batch has beenplaced on the market from the time of the first customer supply of product fromthe batch.

l  如果供应链模式中,生产商或总批发商直接向客户发货(例如,药房),该批次在向首个客户供应起即认为已上市销售。

Nationalcompetent authorities should be notified of all recall action proposed afterthe product has been placed on the market. In situati** where the MAH candem**trate that the batch is reconciled without issuing a recall notice, the nationalcompetent authority may agree that public recall communication throughout thedistribution network is not necessary.


Itis acknowledged that certain short expiry products (e.g. radiopharmaceuticals, advancedtherapy medicinal products, etc.) may be shipped under quarantine prior tocertification. Retrieval of batches during this quarantine period may bemanaged within the pharmaceutical quality system.

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