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[新药快讯] Medicines公司心血管药物cangrelor将获欧盟批准

xiaoxiao 发表于 2015-1-25 08:42:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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发布日期:2015-01-24  来源:生物谷  

2015年刚开始,美国生物医药公司Medicines Company公司就迎来了首个利好消息。


2015年刚开始,美国生物医药公司Medicines Company公司就迎来了首个利好消息。公司开发的治疗心血管疾病药物cangrelor获得欧盟医药管理部门EMA下属的人用药物委员会(Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use, CHMP)审核通过,并建议EMA批准这一药物登陆欧洲市场。



Medicines Company公司CEO Clive Meanwell在声明中指出,目前在日常医疗过程中有许多亟待满足的需求,而从这一需求出发设计相应的药物则成为目前生物医药产业中一个新兴领域。CHMP能在同一天批准公司的三种产品对于公司今后的发展将起到很大作用。

不过正所谓失之东隅 收之桑榆。Medicines Company公司的好运并未能延续到在美国市场的上市审批过程中。2014年五月份Medicines Company公司向FDA提交了关于cangrelor作为血管支架术辅助疗法和心脏搭桥术辅助治疗的相关申请。FDA在审核过后要求公司重新分析其作为血管支架术辅助疗法的临床三期研究并要求其重新设计实验验证其作为心脏搭桥手术辅助治疗的有效性。这也意味着cangrelar何时能够登陆美国市场尚未可知。


European regulators are recommending approval for The Medicines Company's ($MDCO) cangrelor, setting up an overseas nod for a blood-thinning drug rejected by the FDA last year.

The drug is an intravenous therapy used to prevent blood clots in patients with coronary artery disease who need stents, designed to ward off strokes after the devices are installed. The European Medicines Agency is recommending cangrelor be used only in patients who can't take generic P2Y12 inhibitors like Plavix, a smaller indication than the company initially sought.

Such a recommendation, handed down by the EMA's Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP), generally results in a full European approval within about three months.

The European success for cangrelor, to be marketed as Kengrexal, is part of a big day for The Medcines Co. The CHMP also recommended the antibiotic oritavancin, approved in the U.S. last year as Orbactiv, and the surgical sealant Raplixa, whose FDA application is under review.

"At a time of increasing interest in hospital-based innovation worldwide, products designed to address significant unmet needs in acute and intensive hospital care and which offer potential efficiencies of hospital performance do not come to market too often," CEO Clive Meanwell said in a statement. "To have three positive opinions on the same day for products which have the potential to improve hospital outcomes is remarkable."

The Medicines Co. hasn't found similar luck in its home country, however, as the FDA shot down cangrelor's application in May over checkered efficacy results and missing data. The company pitched its drug for use both as an adjunct to stenting and as a bridge therapy for patients who need bypass surgery. On the former indication, the FDA instructed The Medicines Company re-analyze the data from its 11,145-patient Phase III program, and on the bridge indication, the agency requested an entirely new prospective study, putting off approval indefinitely.


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