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[风险管理] 20141001 ECA新闻:ECA SOP:识别生产和QC趋势的方法

xiaoxiao 发表于 2014-11-16 14:00:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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20141001 ECA新闻:ECA SOP:识别生产和QC趋势的方法  

2014-11-13 22:39:08|  分类: ECA新闻

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GMP News3 C! M8 W! `) X, n

ECA SOP: Methods for the Identification of Trends in Production and QC

ECA SOP:识别生产和QC趋势的方法

After the creation of an SOP on Out-of-Specification results, ECA Working Group on Analytical Quality Control's next objective is the elaboration of an SOP on methods for statistical process control with regard to the statistical evaluation of the variability of production processes. The analysis of trends in stability studies will also be part of this SOP. Moreover, the handling of Out-of-Expectation (OOE) results will be addressed in this SOP, too. " v3 h( ~# y6 E- Y
# t, K3 N& ^& m8 cAmong other things, the following methods and working examples will be considered:


1. Investigation of trends for statistical process control: 统计学过程控制趋势调查% k4 C# u% z9 a+ G, J3 @" m" K
Statistical process control for continuous data: 连续性数据的统计学过程控制
2 n4 B0 a& \' h  J( \    a. Shewhart Charts 休哈特控制图# a0 C9 I! v# a/ L, a, D
    b. CuSum & Zone Charts 积累管理图% x2 ^9 W  ?$ n/ H. m
    c. Post Mortem CuSum Analysis  事后积累分析
4 @5 R- @" C% {1 }% Q' \% }' y3 r% b) d. V- L( S" g1 U2 A2 `
2. Statistical process controls for discrete data: p and c Charts 具体数据的统计学过程控制:p和c图
. u9 u3 O. f4 P, v, H2 p3 P( X! e1 v1 G7 v7 h% U4 ~2 X+ V
3. Trend analysis for stability testing: 稳定性数据的趋势分析
$ I8 Y  Z& r, W  q& X5 T6 z   a. Simplified procedure 简化程序4 ?! V- S, A2 l4 T6 ]
   b. More complex procedure using the "Random Coefficients" approach. 采用“随机因子”的更复杂的程序

All delegates of the OOT Forum on 22 - 23 October 2014 in Prague, Czech Republic, will receive the outline of the draft version of ECA Working Group on Analytical Quality Control's SOP on OOE and OOT Results. The outputs from the workshops at the OOT Forum will provide the scope for the content of the draft guidance. The participants will receive the draft guidance after the team has put it together sometime after the Forum as defined as the next steps for this project.


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