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20141008 ECA新闻:WHO公布工艺验证指南修订第二版草案

朵朵7 发表于 2014-11-8 08:02:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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20141008 ECA新闻:WHO公布工艺验证指南修订第二版草案  

2014-11-07 09:45:26|  分类: ECA新闻

GMP News

WHO publishes second Draft on the Revision of its Process Validation Guideline

In April 2014 WHO published a first draft to revise their Non-sterile Process Validation Guideline.Comments to the first draft from April 2014 have now flowed into the second one. This is obvious at one point or another.
The table of contents and the scope have remained unchanged. Yet, the definition of process validation contains the life-cycle approach in the glossary already. Compared to the first draft, the new version now also explains the matrix approach or bracketing.
Still, the introduction mentions different possibilities for process validation (traditional vs. life-cycle approach vs. hybrid). A flow diagram "may" be helpful. At the end of the introduction, a flow diagram intends to illustrate the process validation life-cycle. Now, the diagram mentions "validate process" already at the process design stage.
The chapter on process design contains no major changes compared to the first draft.
In the chapter "process qualification", a risk assessment is required for the change in batch size from scale up to commercial batch size. Explicitly, manufacturers are requested to implement the new validation approach. However, it is mentioned that full implementation may take time. In the interim, the traditional approach or concurrent validation may be accepted. Also a hybrid approach (based on a scientific basis and risk management principles) may be an alternative.
Compared to the first draft, the chapters "continued process verification" and "change control" haven't changed significantly.
Conclusion: The second draft is considerably more stringent than the first one. The document is a bit of a mix of FDA's Guidance on process validation and EMA's process validation guideline where the terms used come from the FDA Guidance. Both documents are also listed under references. A few inconsistencies remain. The topics risk assessments, QRM, and risk-based approaches are seen in very different ways in the document. The chapter "background and scope" recommends a risk-based approach. Risk assessments are referred to as "should" requirements, QRM rather as "nice to have" ("when applying QRM..."). A flow diagram shouldn't be only named as "may" requirement. Naming process validation under process design in the flow diagram for the process validation life-cycle (background/objective) is against the definition in the glossary according to which process validation include the whole life-cycle. Moreover, mentioning concurrent validation as an alternative to the life-cycle approach could be misunderstood.
结论:第二版草案明显比第一版草案严格了许多。文件有点像是FDA工艺验证指南和EMA工艺验证指南的混合,其中所用的术语来自FDA指南。两份文件均列为了引用文献,当然仍保留有一些不同之处。在文件中,风险评估、QRM和基于风险的方法看起来差异很大。章节“背景和范围”推荐使用基于风险的方法。风险评估被引用作为“应当”的要求,而QRM则是作为“最好能做”(“如果应用QRM……”)。一个流程图不应该仅被称为“可能”的要求。在工艺验证生命周期(背景和目的)流程图中的工艺设计中对工艺验证选定名称的做法与术语中的定义(根据该定义,工艺难天底下 应包括全部生命周期)是背离的。
It is astonishing that ICH Q10 hasn't been referred to although some elements of this document (e.g. continuous improvement, product life cycle) have been used.   
令人惊讶的是尽管使用了ICH Q10中的一些要素,但并没有引用该指南。
You can find the second revision draft in ECA's members' area.


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