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[市场快讯] 百家汇与凯杰(苏州)转化医学研究有限公司达成战略合作协议

静悄悄 发表于 2014-10-31 07:35:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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发布日期:2014-10-30  来源:百家汇  




BioSciKin/Simcere  and QIAGEN (Suzhou) TMC enters strategic partnership to accelerate academic  discoveries into tangible health benefits
Nanjing and  Suzhou, Oct. 29, 2014, BioSciKin and QIAGEN (Suzhou) Translational Medicine Co.,  Ltd have announced a strategic partnership in order to accelerate the  translation of academic discoveries into tangible health benefits, including the  development of new and better medications and diagnosis for patients in need.  The strategic partnership will seek to bring together BioSciKin’s innovative  drug development experience and resources, and QIAGEN’s cutting-edge  technologies and expertise to accelerate the pace at which new drugs are  discovered, as well as their efficacy and successful rate in clinical  trials.
Dr. Jingwu Zang, CSO of Simcere Pharmaceutical  Group and CEO of BioSciKin, commented on the promise of the strategic alignment,  stating:
“This partnership  is an excellent strategy to enable knowledge-based decision making and foster  new collaborative ways of working to translate scientific discovery into  high-value treatment with increasing development efficiencies. Collaborating  with QIAGEN (Suzhou) TMC on discovery projects allows us to not only leverage  our proven core expertise, but also enhance our capabilities to deliver the next  generation of healthcare based on translational science, offering treatments or  possible cures for areas of unmet medical need in China.”
Dr. Nick Zhang,  General Manager of QIAGEN (Suzhou) TMC, added: “By combining the strengths of  the BioSciKin with the biomarker expertise and companion diagnostic products  development capabilities of QIAGEN (Suzhou) TMC, we are creating a new,  efficient, streamlined model for drug development in China. In the analysis of  data on clinical trials for non-small cell lung cancer drug development between  1998 and 2012, the success rate was 28% for all types of drugs. However, if the  drug was guided by a companion diagnostic assay the success rate increased to  62%. Through our collaboration, we will be able to translate the highest-quality  science and technologies into proven clinical success in an efficient manner  under the ever increasing challenging environment of drug  development.”
To be sure, there  is an intrinsic need for drug companies (Rx) and diagnostic company (Dx) to work  together closely to not only break new research and discovery about treating  diseases, but also to be able to develop and commercialize new treatments and  diagnostic methods so that personalized healthcare can be realized in real time  (Translation medicine = Rx+Dx).
about BioSciKin  (www.bioscikin.com):
Bioscikin Ltd. is an innovative drug development  platform that originates and is separated from Simcere, a leading innovative  pharmaceutical company in China. Bioscikin has three campuses in China and is  fully committed to discover, invest and co-develop innovative drug programs  globally.
about QIAGEN  (Suzhou) Translational Medicine Co., Ltd (www.transmedchina.com):
Located in  bioBAY, the innovative life sciences cluster in Suzhou Industrial Park, QIAGEN  (Suzhou) Translational Medicine Co., Ltd is the first such R&D company  focused on translational medicine in China.  Aiming to accelerate personalized  healthcare through translational science, QIAGEN (Suzhou) TMC provides our  partners with fully integrated solutions from biomarker discovery and  development, to Companion Diagnostics (CDx) and Point-of-Care (PoC) product  development, and all the way to clinical testing and commercialization  through:
1).      High  quality patient samples/biobank access in China with Qiagen standardized  sampling workflow.
2).      Fully  integrated biomarker discovery and development platform providing one stop  solution and a wide range of services including both gene- and protein-based  biomarker testing with multi-modal technology.
3).       World-class bioinformatics platforms and applications for the analysis,  interpretation, and reporting of “omics” data.
4).       Validated diagnostic assays using liquid and tissue biopsy for clinical trials  and robust companion diagnostic kits for commercialization.


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