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[药理毒理] 帝国理工学院开发无任何毒副作用的新型抗癌药物DTP3

xiaoxiao 发表于 2014-10-16 12:20:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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发布日期:2014-10-16  来源:www.mrc.ac.uk/  * o0 k4 B7 R  S: d6 V( f
近日,刊登在国际杂志Cancer Cell上的一篇研究报告中,来自英国帝国理工学院的研究人员通过研究开发了一种名为DTP3的新型癌症药物,该药物在实验室检测中可以杀灭人类和小鼠机体中的骨髓瘤细胞而不引发任何毒性副作用,这种新型药物可以通过阻断癌细胞增殖的过程来抑制癌症的发展。
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Guido Franzoso教授讲到,实验室研究揭示DTP3具有治疗多发性骨髓瘤及其它类型癌症病人的潜力,但是我们希望进行临床试验来证实这一结论,预期将在明年进行临床试验。DTP3的开发是基于研究人员研究癌细胞如何增殖及其如何永生而开发出来的,早在20世纪90年代,研究人员就发现一种名为NF-kB的核因子kB,其在机体炎性过程、免疫及压力应激上扮演着重要角色,而NF-kB在许多种癌症中都处于过度激活状态,其可以关闭细胞的正常代谢机制从而引发癌细胞产生。+ M0 N- C: v$ Q+ F# u& v4 t
许多制药公司和科学家都致力于研究NF-kB的抑制剂,但是研究人员开发的许多药物都并不能成功抑制NF-kB,因为开发的化合物在阻断癌细胞中NF-kB的同时,也会阻断健康细胞中被NF-kB控制的关键细胞过程,从而带来巨大的副作用。本文研究中研究人员采用了一种不同的方法,研究人员通过寻找NF-kB下游对于癌症具有特殊性的靶向基因,进而研究病人机体的多发性骨髓瘤细胞,最终鉴别出了一种名为GADD45β/MKK7的蛋白复合物,实验结果显示GADD45β/MKK7在癌症发展过程中扮演着重要作用。) {, w2 ~4 c# _
为了寻找一种靶向作用NF-kB的安全策略,研究者通过对2万种分子进行筛选发现了两种可以干扰GADD45β/MKK7蛋白复合物的分子,后期经过纯化开发了名为DTP3的药物,该药物可以有效杀灭癌细胞而且对机体不产生任何副作用。! y5 @8 c5 b  m' V
最后研究者Franzoso表示,很多年以来我们都知道NF-kB对于癌细胞非常关键,但是由于其对正常细胞也很关键,因此我们并不知道如何去特异性地阻断其发挥作用,本文研究中我们通过开发DTP3阻断NF-kB的GADD45β/MKK7片段来选择性的杀灭骨髓瘤细胞,这对于后期开发治疗多发性骨髓瘤的新型靶向疗法提供了新的思路和希望。3 {2 [* m1 w  B

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New cancer drug to begin trials in multiple myeloma patients
13 Oct 2014
Scientists at Imperial College Londonopens in new window have developed a new cancer drug which they plan to trial in multiple myeloma patients by the end of next year.
In a paper published today in the journal Cancer Cellopens in new window, the researchers report how the drug, known as DTP3, kills myeloma cells in laboratory tests in human cells and mice, without causing any toxic side effects, which is the main problem with most other cancer drugs. The new drug works by stopping a key process that allows cancer cells to multiply.
The team have been awarded Biomedical Catalyst funding from the Medical Research Council (MRC) to take the drug into a clinical trial in multiple myeloma patients, scheduled to begin in late 2015.
Multiple myeloma is an incurable cancer of the bone marrow, which accounts for nearly two per cent of all cancer deaths.
Professor Guido Franzoso, from the Department of Medicine at Imperial College London, who led the research, said: “Lab studies suggest that DTP3 could have therapeutic benefit for patients with multiple myeloma and potentially several other types of cancer, but we will need to confirm this in our clinical trials, the first of which will start next year.”
The new drug was developed by studying the mechanisms that enable cancer cells to outlive their normal lifespan and carry on multiplying. In the 1990s, a protein called nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB), which plays an important role in inflammation, and the immune and stress response systems, was discovered to be overactive in many types of cancer, and responsible for switching off the normal cellular mechanisms that naturally lead to cell death. This enables the cancer cells to survive.
The pharmaceutical industry and scientists around the world have invested heavily in research into NF-kB inhibitors, but such compounds have not been successfully developed as therapies because they also block the many important processes controlled by NF-kB in healthy cells, causing serious toxic side effects.
The Imperial researchers took a different approach, looking for target genes downstream of NF-kB that might be responsible for its role in cancer specifically.
By studying cells from multiple myeloma patients, they identified a protein complex, named GADD45β/MKK7, that appeared to play a critical role in allowing the cancer cells to survive.
Searching for a safe way to target the NF-kB pathway, they screened over 20,000 molecules and found two that disrupted the protein complex. Further refinements led to the experimental drug, DTP3, which tests showed kills cancer cells very effectively but appears to have no toxicity to normal cells at the doses that eradicate the tumours in mice.
“We had known for many years that NF-kB is very important for cancer cells, but because it is also needed by healthy cells, we did not know how to block it specifically. The discovery that blocking the GADD45β/MKK7 segment of the NF-κB pathway with our DTP3 peptide therapeutic selecively kills myeloma cells could offer a completely new approach to treating patients with certain cancers, such as multiple myeloma,” Professor Franzoso said.
A spinout company, Kesios Therapeutics, was formed to commercialise DTP3 and other drug candidates based on Professor Franzoso’s research, with support from Imperial Innovations, a technology commercialisation company focused on developing the most promising UK academic research.
“The significant progress made by Professor Franzoso in multiple myeloma is one of the many cancers we believe his signal transduction research could be applied to. To help develop this ground-breaking research further, Imperial Innovations created the spin out Kesios Therapeutics,” explained Dayle Hogg from the Healthcare Ventures team at Imperial Innovations.
This research has been funded by the MRC, the US National Institutes of Health, and Cancer Research UK.

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Further information
Journalists with media enquiries should contact the MRC press office on 0207 395 2345 or email press.office@headoffice.mrc.ac.uk.
The paper, entitled ‘Cancer-selective targeting of the NF-κB survival pathway with GADD45β/MKK7 inhibitorsopens in new window,’ by Tornatore et al, is published in Cancer Cell.
To read about the grant(s) that funded this research, please see Gateway to Research reference G0901436opens in new window and MR/L005069/1
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