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[认证资料] EU GMP指南 第1部分第2章:人员

bruce 发表于 2014-9-13 08:22:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Public Healthand Risk Assessment
MedicinalProduct – quality, safety and efficacy
Brussels, 16August 2013
TheRules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union
EUGuidelines for
GoodManufacturing Practice for
MedicinalProducts for Human and Veterinary Use
Chapter2: Personnel
Legal basisfor publishing the detailed guidelines:Article 47 of Directive 2001/83/EC on the Community code relating to medicinalproducts for human use and Article 51 of Directive 2001/82/EC on the Communitycode relating to veterinary medicinal products. This document provides guidancefor the interpretation of the principles and guidelines of good manufacturingpractice (GMP) for medicinal products as laid down in Directive 2003/94/EC formedicinal products for human use and Directive 91/412/EEC for veterinary use.
Status of thedocument: Revision
Reasons forchanges: Changes have been made in orderto integrate the principles of “Pharmaceutical Quality System” as described inthe ICH Q10 tripartite guideline. A section has been added on consultants
Deadline forcoming into operation: 16 February2014
Principle 原则
Thecorrect manufacture of medicinal products relies upon people. For this reasonthere must be sufficient qualified personnel to carry out all the tasks whichare the responsibility of the manufacturer. Individual responsibilities shouldbe clearly understood by the individuals and recorded. All personnel should beaware of the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice that affect them andreceive initial and continuing training, including hygiene instructions,relevant to their needs.
General 通则
2.1The manufacturer should have an adequate number of personnel with the necessaryqualifications and practical experience. Senior management should determine andprovide adequate and appropriate resources (human, financial, materials,facilities and equipment) to implement and maintain the quality managementsystem and continually improve its effectiveness. The responsibilities placedon any one individual should not be so extensive as to present any risk toquality.
2.2The manufacturer must have an organisation chart in which the relationshipsbetween the heads of Production, Quality Control and where applicable Head ofQuality Assurance or Quality Unit referred to in point 2.5 and the position ofthe Qualified Person(s) are clearly shown in the managerial hierarchy.
2.3People in responsible positions should have specific duties recorded in writtenjob descriptions and adequate authority to carry out their responsibilities.Their duties may be delegated to designated deputies of a satisfactoryqualification level. There should be no gaps or unexplained overlaps in theresponsibilities of those personnel concerned with the application of GoodManufacturing Practice.
2.4Senior management has the ultimate responsibility to ensure an effectivequality management system is in place to achieve the quality objectives, and,that roles, responsibilities, and authorities are defined, communicated andimplemented throughout the organisation. Senior management should establish aquality policy that describes the overall intentions and direction of thecompany related to quality and should ensure continuing suitability andeffectiveness of the quality management system and GMP compliance throughparticipation in management review.
Key Personnel 关键人员
2.5Senior Management should appoint Key Management Personnel including the head ofProduction, the head of Quality Control, and if at least one of these personsis not responsible for the duties described in Article 51 of Directive2001/83/EC[1], an adequate number, but at least one, Qualified Person(s)designated for the purpose. Normally, key posts should be occupied by full-timepersonnel. The heads of Production and Quality Control must be independent fromeach other. In large organisations, it may be necessary to delegate some of thefunctions listed in 2.6 and 2.7. Additionally depending on the size andorganizational structure of the company, a separate Head of Quality Assuranceor Head of the Quality Unit may be appointed. Where such a function existsusually some of the responsibilities described in 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8 are sharedwith the Head of Quality Control and Head of Production and senior managementshould therefore take care that roles, responsibilities, and authorities aredefined.
2.6The duties of the Qualified Person(s) are described in Article 51 of Directive2001/83/EC, and can be summarised as follows:
a)for medicinal products manufactured within the European Union, a QualifiedPerson must ensure that each batch has been manufactured and checked incompliance with the laws in force in that Member State and in accordance withthe requirements of the marketing authorisation[2];
(b)in the case of medicinal products coming from third countries, irrespective ofwhether the product has been manufactured in the European Union a QualifiedPerson must ensure that each production batch has undergone in a Member State afull qualitative analysis, a quantitative analysis of at least all the activesubstances and all the other tests or checks necessary to ensure the quality ofmedicinal products in accordance with the requirements of the marketingauthorisation. The Qualified Person must certify in a register or equivalentdocument, as operations are carried out and before any release, that eachproduction batch satisfies the provisions of Article 51.
Thepersons responsible for these duties must meet the qualification requirementslaid down in Article 49[3] of the same Directive, they shall be permanently andcontinuously at the disposal of the holder of the Manufacturing Authorisationto carry out their responsibilities.
Theresponsibilities of a Qualified Person may be delegated, but only to otherQualified Person(s).
Guidanceon the role of the Qualified Person is elaborated in Annex 16.
2.7The head of the Production Department generally has the followingresponsibilities:
i.         To ensure that products are producedand stored according to the appropriate documentation in order to obtain therequired quality;
ii.       To approve the instructions relating toproduction operations and to ensure their strict implementation;
iii.      To ensure that the production records areevaluated and signed by an authorized person;
iv.     To ensure the qualification andmaintenance of his department, premises and equipment;
v.       To ensure that the appropriatevalidations are done;
vi.     To ensure that the required initial andcontinuing training of his department personnel is carried out and adaptedaccording to need.
2.8The head of Quality Control generally has the following responsibilities:
i.         To approve or reject, as he sees fit,starting materials, packaging materials, intermediate, bulk and finishedproducts;
ii.       To ensure that all necessary testing iscarried out and the associated records evaluated;
iii.      To approve specifications, samplinginstructions, test methods and other Quality Control procedures;
iv.     To approve and monitor any contractanalysts;
v.       To ensure the qualification andmaintenance of his department, premises and equipment;
vi.     To ensure that the appropriate validationsare done;
vii.    To ensure that the required initial andcontinuing training of his department personnel is carried out and adaptedaccording to need.
Otherduties of Quality Control are summarised in Chapter 6.
2.9The heads of Production, Quality Control and where relevant, Head of QualityAssurance or Head of Quality Unit, generally have some shared, or jointlyexercised, responsibilities relating to quality including in particular thedesign, effective implementation, monitoring and maintenance of the qualitymanagement system. These may include, subject to any national regulations:
i.         The authorisation of writtenprocedures and other documents, including amendments;
ii.       The monitoring and control of themanufacturing environment;
iii.      Plant hygiene;
iv.     Process validation;
v.       Training;
vi.     The approval and monitoring of suppliersof materials;
vii.    The approval and monitoring of contractmanufacturers and providers of other GMP related outsourced activities;
viii.  The designation and monitoring of storageconditions for materials and products;
ix.     The retention of records;
x.       The monitoring of compliance with therequirements of Good Manufacturing Practice;
xi.     The inspection, investigation, and takingof samples, in order to monitor factors which may affect product quality;
xii.    Participation in management reviews ofprocess performance, product quality and of the quality management system andadvocating continual improvement
xiii.  Ensuring that a timely and effectivecommunication and escalation process exists to raise quality issues to theappropriate levels of management.
Training 培训
2.10The manufacturer should provide training for all the personnel whose dutiestake them into production and storage areas or into control laboratories(including the technical, maintenance and cleaning personnel), and for otherpersonnel whose activities could affect the quality of the product.
2.11Besides the basic training on the theory and practice of the quality managementsystem and Good Manufacturing Practice, newly recruited personnel shouldreceive training appropriate to the duties assigned to them. Continuingtraining should also be given, and its practical effectiveness should beperiodically assessed. Training programmes should be available, approved byeither the head of Production or the head of Quality Control, as appropriate.Training records should be kept.
2.12Personnel working in areas where contamination is a hazard, e.g. clean areas orareas where highly active, toxic, infectious or sensitising materials arehandled, should be given specific training.
2.13Visitors or untrained personnel should, preferably, not be taken into theproduction and quality control areas. If this is unavoidable, they should begiven information in advance, particularly about personal hygiene and theprescribed protective clothing. They should be closely supervised.
2.14The pharmaceutical quality system and all the measures capable of improving itsunderstanding and implementation should be fully discussed during the trainingsessions.
PersonnelHygiene 人员卫生
2.15Detailed hygiene programmes should be established and adapted to the differentneeds within the factory. They should include procedures relating to thehealth, hygiene practices and clothing of personnel. These procedures should beunderstood and followed in a very strict way by every person whose duties takehim into the production and control areas. Hygiene programmes should bepromoted by management and widely discussed during training sessions.
2.16All personnel should receive medical examination upon recruitment. It must bethe manufacturer’s responsibility that there are instructions ensuring thathealth conditions that can be of relevance to the quality of products come tothe manufacturer’s knowledge. After the first medical examination, examinationsshould be carried out when necessary for the work and personal health.
2.17Steps should be taken to ensure as far as is practicable that no personaffected by an infectious disease or having open lesions on the exposed surfaceof the body is engaged in the manufacture of medicinal products.
2.18Every person entering the manufacturing areas should wear protective garmentsappropriate to the operations to be carried out.
2.19Eating, drinking, chewing or smoking, or the storage of food, drink, smokingmaterials or personal medication in the production and storage areas should beprohibited. In general, any unhygienic practice within the manufacturing areasor in any other area where the product might be adversely affected should beforbidden.
2.20Direct contact should be avoided between the operator’s hands and the exposedproduct as well as with any part of the equipment that comes into contact withthe products.
2.21Personnel should be instructed to use the hand-washing facilities.
2.22Any specific requirements for the manufacture of special groups of products,for example sterile preparations, are covered in the annexes.
Consultants 顾问
2.23Consultants should have adequate education, training, and experience, or anycombination thereof, to advise on the subject for which they are retained.
Recordsshould be maintained stating the name, address, qualifications, and type ofservice provided by these consultants.
[1] Article 55 of Directive 2001/82/EC
[2]According to Article 51 paragraph 1 ofDirective 2001/83/EC), the batches of medicinal products which have undergonesuch controls in a Member State shall be exempt from the controls if they aremarketed in another Member State, accompanied by the control reports signed bythe qualified person..根据2001/83/EC第51款第1段,在某一成员国根据其要求进行控制的药品批次,如果随货有QP签名的控制报告,在另一成员国上市,则在上市国的控制要求可以免除。
[3] Article 53 of Directive 2001/82/EC

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