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[其他] 【技术交流】中国新版, 欧盟和美国GMP比较概要(上)

北京-丹丹 发表于 2014-7-20 09:22:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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New Chinese, EUand US GMPs comparative overview


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日期: 2011年2月24日

Authors作者: Victor Samitier(TDV)/Octavi Colomina (TDV)

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1.      Quality Management 质量管理


EU and newChinese GMPs set forth the requirement of establish a quality system, withtheir own quality objectives, applying all of requirements on safety, efficacyand quality control related with drug registration to the whole process of drugproduction. EU and new Chinese GMPs introduce the concepts of Quality Assurancein the same way. US GMPs does not establish the requirement of having a qualitysystem, but it can be understood with the whole reading of 21 CFR Parts210& 211.

欧盟和新版中国GMP都建立了质量系统要求,包括了确立相应质量目标,应用从药品注册到整个药品生产工艺的安全,成效和质量控制。欧盟和新版中国GMP引入了相同的质量保证概念。美国GMP并没有建立质量系统的需求,但是通过对21CFR Parts 210和211的解读能够体现质量系统概念。

Again EU and newChinese GMPs introduce clearly the Risk Management Approach according to ICH Q9concepts. Conversely, 21CFR does not mention these concepts which are muchnewer than last revision of US GMPs.

欧盟和中国新版GMP又再次重申了由ICH Q9引出的质量管理方法。相对陈旧的美国GMP 21CFR没有涉及到这些最新概念。


New Chiese GMPsidentifies the responsibility of top management personnel for the implementationof quality objectives (ICH Q10 concept).

新版中国GMP确立了实施质量目标最高管理层人员的责任,这一点来源于ICH Q10概念。

2.      Organization and personnel 组织机构和人员


People should betrained in their duties and in cGMPs, previously to perform their duties andcontinuously, by qualified personnel. A training programme should be in placeto assure training is performed periodically, although US GMP does not specifyit.



Main responsibilitiesof Head of Production, Quality Unit and Qualified person are described in EUand new Chinese GMPs. Nevertheless, new Chinese GMPs also identify the minimumtraining of the person in charge of production (degree in pharmacy), qualityunit (degree in pharmacy or related), and qualified person (Bachelor degree inpharmacy or related). US GMP does not include any consideration about it.


EU GMPs and newChinese GMPs are much more specific with Personnel hygienic, requiring anspecific training programme. They also request periodical medical check toemployees in direct contact with the product (at least one per year in newChinese GMPs)


Finally, US GMPis the only one requiring consultants’ qualification, their qualificationrecords (curriculums) should be retained.


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3.      Facility and utilities 厂房和设施


EU, US and newChinese GMPs agree that premises and equipment must be located, designed,constructed, adapted and maintained to suit the operations to be carried out.Their layout and design must aim to minimize the risk of errors and permiteffective cleaning and maintenance in order to avoid cross-contamination, buildup of dust or dirt and, in general, any adverse effect on the quality ofproducts. They totally agree in the requirement of storage areas and auxiliaryareas.



Although theyagree in the general terms, some differences between them can be found, as thespecification of new Chinese GMP on the establishment of a minimum of 10psi ofdifferential pressure between clean areas and non-clean, or the requirement ofisolate the different packaging lines to avoid mix-ups (EU GMPs specifies“Different products should not be packaged in close proximity unless there isphysical segregation” and US GMPs “Prevention of mixups and cross-contaminationby physical or spatial separation from operations on other drug products”).


For new ChineseGMPs a design of the plant in a logical sequence of manufacturing operationsconnections is not a requirement despite is supposes a cross-contaminationrisk.


Finally, US GMPsestablishes the requirement of dispose sewage, trash, and other refuse in andfrom the building and immediate in a safe and sanitary manner, as well of theexistence of written procedures for installation sanitization.


4.      Equipment 设备


EU GMPs, US GMPsand new Chinese GMPs agree that Manufacturing equipment should be designed,located and maintained to suit its intended purpose, according the criteria toavoid risk of error or contamination, equipment should be cleaned accordingwritten procedures and that equipment maintenance and repair shall not affectthe product quality. Equipment should be used and cleaned according approvedSOPs.



New Chinese GMPsare much more explicit in some sections, for example, detailing SOPdistribution and withdrawal, the use of food grade lubricant when possible, theexistence of a maintenance programme, existence of specific cleaning methods,existence of equipment status identification or the existence of calibrationlabels. Moreover, new Chinese GMPs includes requirements on the water quality(at least use drinking water). These aspects are all inlucded in ICH Q7A (EUGMPs Part II )----Good Manufacturing Practice Guidance for ActivePharmaceutical Ingredients, but not in EU GMPs Part I or 21 CFR PARTS210&211.

新版中国GMP在某些方面更加详尽。例如,细化了SOP发布和撤销;尽可能使用食品级润滑油;要有维护计划,详细的清洁方法,设备状态标识或校验标签。此外,新版中国GMP包括了对用水质量的要求(至少使用饮用水)。这些方面都包含在了ICH Q7A(欧洲GMP第二部分)--原料药良好生产实践指南,但不包括在欧洲GMP第一部分或21CFR PARTS 210和211.

On the otherhand, US GMPs describe routine controls to be performed in computerized systemto assure that changes in master production and control records or otherrecords are instituted only by authorized personnel. Backup of computerizedsystem data is also required. Moreover, US GMPs includes the requirement of nonusing fiber-release filters in liquid filtration operations used in themanufacturing of injectables drug products.


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