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APIC 201405原料药厂清洁验证指南:5.0 清洁级别 6.0清洁工艺的控制(中英文)

北京-丹丹 发表于 2014-7-16 21:35:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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APIC 201405原料药厂清洁验证指南:5.0 清洁级别 6.0清洁工艺的控制(中英文)
2014-07-16 julia翻译 蒲公英

5.0 Levels of Cleaning 清洁级别
5.1 Introduction 介绍
The manufacturing process of an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) typically consists of various chemical reaction and purification steps followed by physical changes. In general, early steps undergo further processing and purification and so potential carryover of the previous product would be removed.
The level of cleaning required in order to ensure that the API is free from unacceptable levels of contamination by previous substances varies depending on the step being cleaned and the next substance being manufactured in the same piece of equipment (train).
API`s and related intermediates are often produced in multi-purpose equipment with frequent product changes which results in a high amount of cleaning. To minimize the cleaning effort the concept of using different levels of cleaning as a function of the level of risk related with the possible carryover may be applied without affecting the safety of the API.
5.2 Cleaning levels 清洁级别
It is recommended that at least three levels of cleaning in the production of a commercial product may be implemented. This approach is outlined in the table below, however it should be mentioned that additional levels might be necessary depending on the nature of the process and requirements of individual companies but should always be based on risk assessment where the characteristics of the previous and subsequent products such as solubility, recovery studies, nature of residues, process step, etc. should be considered.
Thoroughness of cleaning
Cleaning verification
Cleaning validation
Visual inspection
Analytical verification
Carryover of the previous product is critical. Cleaning required until predetermined stringent carry over limits are met. High risk.
Carryover of the previous product is less critical. Cleaning should reduce the potential carry over to a less stringent limit as required for level 2. Medium risk.
Only gross cleaning if carryover of the previous product is not critical. Low risk.



A general approach how these levels could be established for typical product changeover situations in a multi-purpose API-plant is outlined in the figure below.

Figure 1: Typical Product Changeover Scenarios



The levels established as shown in figure 1 are based on the approach that in general the thoroughness of cleaning will increase and the acceptable carryover of the previous product will decrease from early steps in the route of synthesis to the final API due to the fact that early steps undergo further processing and/or purification and so the potential carry over will be reduced by further processing. Physical operations, which mean e.g. powder handling such as drying, sieving or milling obviously do not reduce the potential carry over. During the risk assessment it should be taken in consideration that the residues may contribute to a degradation of the next product’s quality or safety and ultimately have a detrimental effect on the final consumer.
Fig 1 shows examples of several possibilities of equipment usage patterns
1) The following product is the next step in the synthetic chain 下一产品是合成链中的下一步骤
A typical manufacturing process applied to production of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients consists of various chemical reaction and purification steps followed by physical changes, as can be generally illustrated by the sequence of the production line of a product A or B. In this case level 0 may be applied because the previous product is the starting material of the following manufacturing step and the analytical methods applied for the following product are usually suitable to detect the previous product which is covered and limited by the impurity profile.
2) Between different steps of the same synthetic chain 同一合成链不同步骤之间
In general there is a higher potential for contamination of the API if the following product in a sequence is close to the final API - step. So progression of levels from early steps to later steps in the synthetic chain is expected as outlined in figure 1. In the example of product changeover “A – 2” to “Final API A” level 2 may be chosen if “A – 2” is not specified in the specification of “API A” or “A – 2” is a toxic compound. If it is specified or is purged during the process or harmless, level 1 may be acceptable.
3) Between batches of different product lines 不同产品线所生产批次之间
The level of cleaning required depends on the stage of manufacture. If the following product is an early stage in the API chain, in general lower levels are required than if it is an intermediate or final stage.
The progression of levels is outlined in figure 1, however an individual risk assessment for each potential product changeover scenario has to be performed to decide which level is applicable. This risk assessment should address the following topics:
l         Easiness of cleaning
l         清洁难易程度
l         Toxicological / pharmacological activity of the previous product, its side products or degradants
l         上一产品的毒性/药物活性,其副产物和降解产物
l         Maximum daily dose of the following product
l         下一产品的最大日剂量
l         Microbiological growth
l         微生物滋长
l         Batch size of the following product
l         下一产品的批量
l         Solubility, experience, difficult to remove previous product
l         溶解度、经验、上一产品清除难度
l         Chemical interactions
l         化学相互反应
l         Campaign lengths should be evaluated and determined as part of the risk assessment.
l         要评估和确定生产周期的长度,作为风险评估的一部分
Consideration should be given to any heels present and whether they need to be removed on a regular basis.
Instead of the investigation of each individual cleaning situation, similar situations could be grouped and classified using bracketing concepts (ref. section 7).
5.3 Cleaning Verification/validation 清洁确认/验证
The cleanliness status and validation of cleaning procedures is verified against pre-defined acceptance criteria.
5.3.1 Cleaning verification 清洁确认
The cleaning verification can be made by:
l         visual inspection or
l         目视检查或
l         visual inspection and analytical verification (e.g., swabbing and/or rinsing).
l         目视检查以及分析确认(例如,擦拭和/或淋洗)
Visual inspection: 目视检查
After cleaning procedures performed equipment should be dried to allow the visual inspection. No residue should then be visible. Visual inspection should be performed using the best known capabilities.
During visual inspection the following situations should be considered:
l         Discoloured surfaces, worn or torn parts;
l         部件表面褪色、磨损或破损
l         Solid residues (for final product equipment used downstream of last filtration, the residues should be evaluated also by passing the final washing through a rough filter media (e.g. a lint-free cloth));
l         固体残留(对于最终过滤后所用的设备,残留要通过粗滤介质(例如,无纺布)进行最终冲洗进行评估)
Visual inspection is usually applied in Level 0 where no cleaning validation is required.
Analytical verification 分析确认
Analytical verification should be performed with scientifically sound methods.
The analytical methods should be validated before use in cleaning validation (see 5.3.2), unless they are compendial methods (see chapter 8.2).
5.3.2 Cleaning validation 清洁验证
The cleaning validation involves a series of stages over the lifecycle of the product and cleaning process: cleaning process design, cleaning process qualification and continued cleaning process verification. Details on the work to be performed and acceptance criteria should be defined in a protocol. The cleaning procedure can be prepared per equipment or set of equipment and should include detail enough to reduce operator’s variability (see chapter 7.3).
The strategy should be defined and taken in consideration in the validation activities.
The validation consists in successive applications of the cleaning procedure complying with the acceptance criteria defined, in a minimum of 3 successful applications. The success of the applications should be consecutive unless the cause of failure is clearly identified as not related to the process or procedure.
Depending on the individual product changeover situation it may take some time to finalize the cleaning validation with the third application (see chapter 8 bracketing and worst case rating). In these cases cleaning verification using validated analytical methods has to be performed in the meantime.
At this stage analytical methods should be validated and suitable to quantify at the acceptance criterion level. The limit of detection must be lower than or equal to the acceptance criterion level. Blanks must be evaluated to ensure that there is no significant interference with the recovery of the analyte. In dedicated facilities, validation of cleaning procedures is not normally required but a risk assessment should be performed to make sure that there is no potential for degradation and or microbial contamination that may adversely impact the quality of the product.
For both dedicated and multi-product facilities, the frequency with which the cleaning procedure should be performed should be validated to assess risks related to potential degradation and microbiological contamination.
The validation of the Dirty Hold Time (DHT) should be an outcome of the cleaning validation. Whenever the DHT is exceeded, analytical verification should be performed and the extension of the DHT should be handled through change control procedure.
清洁验证还在确认在脏的情况下可放置的时长(DHT)。一旦放置时间超过了DHT,则需要进行分析确认。延长DHT应通过变更控制程序来处理。 Cleaning process design 清洁工艺设计
Cleaning process design intends to design, develop and understand the cleaning process residues and to establish the strategy for the cleaning process control.
The main activities in this stage are evaluation of the chemical and physical properties of the residue; determination of the most difficult to clean residue; evaluation of residue solubility and stability.
在此阶段的主要活动是评估残留物中的化学和物理特性,评估最难清洁的残留物,评估残留物的溶解度和稳定性。 Cleaning process qualification 清洁工艺确认
In this stage it should be demonstrated that the cleaning procedure works as expected. The following activities are included among others: qualification of specific equipment used in the cleaning such as Clean In Place (CIP) systems, cleaning operational parameters (e.g. temperature, flow rates, pressure, etc.); identification of the most difficult cleaning locations; training of operators.
在此阶段,要证明清洁工艺能起到预期的作用。下列活动包括在其它活动中:在清洁中使用的特定设备的确认,例如在线清洁系统(CIP)、清洁操作参数(例如温度、流速、压力等)、最难清洁点的识别以及对操作人员的培训。 Continued cleaning process verification 持续清洁工艺确认
In this stage it should be demonstrated that the cleaning process remains in control throughout the product lifecycle.
The following should be considered in this stage: Post validation monitoring; Change control; Periodic management review.
Post validation monitoring 验证后监控
After cleaning validation, the analytical verification may be omitted or replaced by simpler analytical methods (e.g. conductivity; pH; etc.) that have proven to be suitable for the intended use. However, visual inspection should be maintained in the dried equipment and no visible residues should be observed.
The confirmation of the validation status should be performed periodically according to the periodicity defined in the validation report.
Change control 变更控制
Any change to the cleaning procedure, analytical methods, manufacturing process, equipment, etc. during the execution of the cleaning validation protocol or after the validation is concluded should be handling through the change control procedure in place in the organization. The impact on the cleaning validation process should be evaluated.
Periodic management review 周期性管理评审
Deviations, non-conformances, changes in the cleaning procedure and/or product manufacturing process, trends should be periodically reviewed with the aim to continuously improve the cleaning process, reduce variability and to assess the validation status of the procedure.
In order to validate a cleaning process, the cleaning process needs to be repeatable and sufficiently robust for the to-be-cleaned load. It should be clear which steps are considered part of the production process/ unit operation and which are part of the cleaning process, for example if the pre-rinse or wash-out which may be routinely applied to bring the equipment in a good starting position is part of the overall cleaning process or not. Another example is the cleaning of chromatography columns, which are typically cleaned with buffers prior to the chromatography skid cleaning.
To assure repeatability and robustness of the cleaning, adequate cleaning instructions are required.
For manual cleaning, this is typically accomplished by sufficiently detailed cleaning instructions, including an unambiguous description of the attributes to be used and how to handle these, together with adequate training.
The detailed description should consider:
1. the system boundaries
2. cleaning agents/solvents to be used
3. volumes and or concentrations
4. reflux or rinse times, and temperatures
5. the sequence of cleaning steps or pre-defined repeats
6. in process analyses
7. description of pumps used (if needed)
8. sample instructions (if needed)
1、            系统界限
2、            使用的清洁剂/清洁溶剂
3、            体积和/或浓度
4、            冲洗或淋洗时间、温度
5、            清洁步骤或预定重复顺序
6、            过程中检测
7、            所用泵的描述(必要时)
8、            取样指令(必要时)
For automated cleanings this should be ensured by the equipment design together with the cleaning software, cleaning recipe and built-in control mechanisms.
For automated systems, it is expected that a cleaning instruction covers:
1) The applied cleaning phases, for example once-through versus re-circulating versus soak versus reflux-mode rinse/wash phases
2) The sequences of the cleaning phases
3) Time of each of the cleaning phases
4) Action applied during the cleaning process. Note that the mechanical action/impact is often flow/pressure related (e.g. if spray balls are being used).
5) Used cleaning agents and/or cleaning solvents
6) The concentrations and/or quality of the used cleaning agents and/or cleaning solvents
7) Temperatures applied during the various cleaning phases
Because of the uncertainties on cleaning parameters, like a.o. flow, time, temperature, detergent concentration and starting conditions (inclusive Dirty Hold Time and soiling), and the geometric aspects of the cleaned system, the cleaning process is susceptible to variability/ spread. The mean effectiveness of the cleaning process together with its spread should be adequately removed from the edge of failure of the cleaning process, which can be established by performing the MACO calculations as discussed in the previous chapters. At minimum, the level of cleaning should support a cleaning result (including the spread) below the obtained MACO level. Schematically, this can be depicted as:



The level of cleaning should be commensurate to the level of risk that the cleaning process poses in relation to the related production processes. Notice that the cleaning risk can be further reduced either by:
1) improving the cleaning cycle to improve cleaning effectiveness and shift the mean cleaning result further away from the MACO level, which typically requires cleaning development studies;
2) reducing process variability, which is typically established by increasing the level of control on the cleaning process parameters. An improved level of control on cleaning parameters such as flow, temperature and time, may not only result in more robust cleaning processes with smaller process variability, but may also create cleaning optimization opportunities (e.g. reduced chemical and water consumption).
For automated systems, the level of control can often be enhanced by applying in-line measurements together with enhanced controlling capabilities. Improved monitoring capabilities often results into enhanced cleaning process knowledge and may be used in a Process Analytical Technology (PAT) framework.


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