25 October 2018
$ ]$ \; K5 x1 rEMA/572054/2016% o5 M3 y' J' I% K
9 X9 A+ {# K& QProduct- or Population-Specific C**iderati** IV: Paediatric population
P.IV.A. Introduction
P.IV.A. 介绍
The paediatric population is defined in the European Union (EU) as that group of the population between birth and 18 years of age. The paediatric population encompasses several subsets. In accordance with current guidelines1,2, the applied age classification of paediatric patients is:
$ W' w( m. y) f P% s
• preterm newborn neonates: from day of birth through the expected date of delivery plus 27 days;
• term and post-term neonates: from day of birth plus 27 days;
) k. X+ O* w H' Q# P•足月和足月新生儿:从出生日起加27天;
• infants (or toddlers): from 1 month (28 days) to 23 months;
0 P1 h9 j; v- N# I' b! z% {! z•婴儿(或幼儿):从1个月(28天)到23个月;
• children: from 2 years to 11 years; and
4 G3 J0 a4 l; a1 m2 v•儿童:2岁至11岁;和
• adolescents: from 12 years to less than 18 years.
' t* I2 w' v5 p& l. D7 dAdverse reacti** to medicinal products in the paediatric population need specific evaluation, as they may substantially differ – in terms of frequency, nature, severity and presentation – from those occurring in the adult population (see P.IV.A.1.). The importance of performing tailored pharmacovigilance research in the paediatric population3 has been recognised and established. Collection of pharmacovigilance data should take into account that in the paediatric population medicines have different utilisation patterns and are often used off-label, i.e. intentionally used for a medical purpose not in accordance with the terms of the marketing authorisation.
儿科人群对药品的不良反应需具体评估,因为儿科人群疾病在发病频率,性质,严重程度和临床表现等方面可能与**人群中的发生情况不同(见P.IV.A.1.)。 已经认识到并建立了在儿科人群中进行定制的药物警戒研究的重要性。药物警戒数据的收集应考虑到在儿科人群中药物具有不同的使用模式并且经常在标签外使用,即故意用于不符合上市许可条款的医学目的。
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Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on medicinal products for paediatric use and amending Regulation (EEC) No 1768/92, Directive 2001/20/EC and Regulation (EC) No 726/2004, referred to as the ‘Paediatric Regulation’, puts particular emphasis on the collection of safety data in the paediatric population, including data on possible long-term adverse effects. As mandated by this Regulation, the European Medicines Agency (the ‘Agency’) issued the Guideline on the Conduct of Pharmacovigilance for Medicines Used in the Paediatric Population (EMEA/CHMP/PhVWP/235910/2005 rev 1), which came into effect in 2007 with the implementation of the Paediatric Regulation.
欧洲议会和理事会第1901/2006号条例,关于儿科用药和修订法规(EEC)No 1768/92,指令2001/20/EC和法规(EC)No 726/2004,转介作为“儿科监管”,特别强调收集儿科人群的安全性数据,包括可能的长期不良反应数据。根据该法规的要求,欧洲药品管理局(“药品管理局”)颁布了“儿科人群药物药物警戒行为指南”(EMEA / CHMP / PhVWP / 235910/2005 rev 1),该指南于 2007年实施了儿科监管。
1 w( E$ n! q% x! _$ b7 E7 CSince the Paediatric Regulation came into force, a number of changes in the scientific and regulatory environment have had direct c**equences for the conduct of pharmacovigilance in the paediatric population, in particular the following:
6 Q( h5 L8 w! b+ ?* G• the development of new paediatric medicines – as well as the ‘paediatric’ development of medicines that were already marketed – have both increased; this is reflected by a growing number of paediatric indicati** for innovative medicines, newly authorised paediatric age-specific formulati** and new paediatric indicati** for medicines with an existing marketing authorisation for adults4;
8 ^/ V! a& I7 l+ r( G" ]8 B7 a9 H7 P4 |•开发新的儿科药物 – 以及已经上市的药物的‘儿科‘开发 – 都增加了;这反映在越来越多的创新药物的儿科适应症,新授权的儿科年龄特异性配方和新的儿科适应症药物上,现已获得**上市许可;
6 S. [8 j! P5 }" [8 I8 [1 `4 Z• new pharmacovigilance legislation, i.e. Directive 2010/84/EU amending Directive 2001/83/EC (the latter is referenced in this guidance as DIR) and Regulation (EU) No 1235/2010 amending Regulation (EC) No 726/2004 (the latter is referenced as REG), came into force in July 2012,providing for strengthened pharmacovigilance processes for all medicines, irrespective of their authorised indication(s) and population(s).
•新的药物警戒立法,即指令2010/84 / EU,修订指令2001/83 / EC(后者在本指南中称为DIR)和法规(EU)No 1235/2010,修订法规(EC)No 726/2004(后者被称为REG),于2012年7月生效,为所有药物提供加强的药物警戒程序,不论其是什么适应症和人群。
5 Y& Q: p( ]! ^$ \: P+ _; cThis pharmacovigilance legislation introduced changes that are relevant for the paediatric population. In particular the extended definition of adverse reaction now acknowledges that adverse reacti** may arise from use of the product within or outside the terms of the marketing authorisation or from occupational exposure [DIR Art 101(1)]. Use outside the marketing authorisation includes off-label use, overdose, misuse, abuse and medication errors (see GVP Annex I), which are all important aspects related to the pattern of utilisation of medicines in the paediatric population (see P.IV.A.1.4.).
该药物警戒立法引入了与儿科人群相关的变化。特别是不良反应的扩展定义现在承认,在上市许可条款或职业暴露条款之内或之外使用该产品可能产生不良反应[DIR Art 101(1)]。在营销许可之外使用包括标签外使用、过量使用、错用、滥用和药物错误(参见GVP附件I),这些都是与儿科人群中药物利用模式相关的重要方面(参见P.IV.A.1.4.)2 e! [4 i9 X( p5 X5 t* p/ ^
3 H( `3 r5 c% _% O
C**equent to these changes, the previous guideline EMEA/CHMP/PhVWP/235910/2005 rev 1 needed to be updated, and revised guidance is now provided in this Product-Specific C**iderati** Chapter P.IV of the Good Pharmacovigilance Practices (GVP). This guidance should be read in conjunction with Title IV of the Paediatric Regulation and its Article 34, Regulation (EC) No 726/2004 and Directive 2001/83/EC.
由于这些变化,之前的指南EMEA / CHMP / PhVWP / 235910/2005 rev 1需要更新,现在在本产品特定注意事项第IV章“良好药物警戒实践(GVP)”中提供了修订指南。本指南应结合儿科监管标题IV及其第34条,法规(EC)No 726/2004和指令2001/83/EC一并阅读。
+ u! [6 v5 h+ n- w4 bThe creation of this guidance as a GVP C**iderati** Chapter, aims at integrating paediatric pharmacovigilance within the structures and processes for pharmacovigilance overall. P.IV therefore applies in conjunction with the GVP Modules I to XVI on pharmacovigilance processes in the EU and does not replace these GVP Modules or introduce regulatory requirements in addition to those already covered in existing Modules. This Chapter provides guidance on how to make best use of the pharmacovigilance tools and processes to address the needs and specific challenges of the paediatric population, and supports the interpretation of how regulatory requirements should be adapted to target this specific population.
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The guidance contained in this Chapter is addressed to marketing authorisation applicants and holders, and to the competent authorities in the Member States and the Agency. Additionally it will be of interest to parents/carers, healthcare professionals, patient/c**umer organisati**, healthcare professional organisati**, organisati** of national healthcare systems in Member States as well as sp**ors of clinical studies.
本章中包含的指南适用于上市许可申请人和持有人,以及成员国和机构的主管当局。 此外,父母/护理人员,医疗保健专业人员,患者/消费者组织,医疗保健专业组织,成员国的国家医疗保健系统组织以及临床研究的赞助商都会对此感兴趣。
; F* j4 z5 a- \. D* b& `+ n; D; }This guidance is addressed primarily to cover medicines with a paediatric indication or those with an adult indication and ongoing paediatric development, but also to medicines with an adult indication for which there is evidence of use in the paediatric population.
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The paediatric use of vaccines and the safety surveillance of paediatric outcomes after exposure to medicines in utero are outside the scope of P.IV., as such guidance is covered by GVP P.I and GVP P.III.
小儿使用疫苗和在子宫内接触药物后对小儿的安全监测超出了P.IV.的范围,因为GVP P.I和GVP P.III涵盖了这种指导。
8 @8 r7 P/ z& n) X5 S: X9 qP.IV.A.1. Pharmacovigilance aspects specific to the paediatric population, h( ^; ~$ C) F C k/ t8 Q, M
P.IV.A.1.1. Susceptibility to adverse reacti**
: @. s& ^/ o& o( _' WDue to growth and maturation, the susceptibility of paediatric patients to adverse reacti** may substantially differ from adults. Various factors account for this difference and include, but are not limited to:
c: b; o V3 O+ U+ ^) Y: j$ l, E• changes in physiology during growth and development (ontogeny), that may lead to different pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic parameters in the paediatric subjects compared to adults having an impact on the safety profile of the medicine;
+ @2 }' }: g$ n; `
• immaturity of some organ systems (e.g. skin, airways, kidneys, liver, gastro-intestinal system, brain and blood-brain-barrier, immune system, bones, drug transporters) that may increase the vulnerability to adverse reacti** and their sequelae;
8 @! Q5 o% k3 Y6 v1 G$ r. E+ U• changes in body mass and composition that may lead to a narrowing of the therapeutic window and an increased susceptibility to dose-related adverse reacti**;
) l- N2 @, r: Q" |/ l/ n! f
• increased sensitivity to pharmacologically active excipients5 that may lead to an increased risk of adverse reacti**.
; u: N5 B1 I8 `5 ^) n2 E; n7 EWithin the paediatric population itself, the different maturation milestones might alter the susceptibility to specific adverse reacti** across the various paediatric sub-populati** (e.g. (pre)term neonates to toddlers or pre-/post-pubertal children).
0 s$ T* X) e7 b+ sMoreover, effects on developing organs and organ systems – e.g. on skeletal growth, **ual maturation, neurobehavioral development6 – may only become obvious, visible or identifiable with significant delay after exposure or long-term use (i.e. in adolescence or adulthood).
此外,对发育器官和器官系统的影响– 例如关于骨骼生长,性成熟,神经行为发育– 可能仅在暴露或长期使用后(即在青春期或成年期)显着延迟,可见或可识别。
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These c**iderati** highlight the importance of taking into account aspects related to organ maturation, developmental physiology and developmental pharmacology7 when planning pharmacovigilance activities for the paediatric population. C**iderati** for long-term follow-up should carefully take these factors into account.
, C; F1 K6 i1 K' UP.IV.A.1.2. Limited numbers of subjects in paediatric clinical trials
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Clinical trials conducted in adults have known limitati** in generating safety data. Trials often are limited in size and in duration, might exclude high-risk populati** and have limited statistical power to detect rare, but potentially serious, adverse reaction that will only be detected in the real-world setting. These limitati** are even more relevant for paediatric clinical trials.
9 T/ B& m5 f" f8 {. J1 q0 EDue to the small numbers of patients that is generally possible to enrol, paediatric clinical trials often have a sample size that is not statically-powered for dem**tration of efficacy and cannot gather a sufficient number of participants for collecting precise information on the incidence of adverse reacti**, particularly in some paediatric age sub-groups. Adverse reacti** that are rarer than ‘common’, i.e. occur at a frequency of less than 1/1008, may not be detectable in clinical trials. Also, the duration of such trials is usually limited, and adverse reacti** that have a long latency between exposure and **et might not be adequately captured.
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Overall, this means that the safety data collected for neonates, infants, children and adolescents for a given medicine in comparison to what is generally available for adults at the time of granting the marketing authorisation, can be particularly limited.
2 D! J) h1 k& Y% I+ l# a" vP.IV.A.1.3. Medication errors
P.IV.A.1.3.用药错误3 k1 n1 _% O4 F, e8 d8 u
A medication error is an unintended failure in the drug treatment process that leads to, or has the potential to lead to, harm to the patient (see GVP Annex I). Medication errors can occur at the time of prescribing, storing, dispensing, preparing as well as administering a medicine.
; x( n+ u& m% d0 r- v) ~Historically, there has been limited development of medicines for paediatric patients, leading to the absence of specific paediatric dosing guidance in the product information, and scarcity of ageappropriate pharmaceutical forms or presentati**. Due to the limited availability of medicines with an authorised paediatric indication and/or with an age-appropriate pharmaceutical form, paediatric patients may be treated at dosages that are inferred from adult patients, solely based on weight c**iderati**, or with inappropriate pharmaceutical forms (e.g. tablets instead of syrups or drops).Such widespread practice of off-label use (see P.IV.A.1.4.) was, and still is, associated with a risk of medication errors. Since these medication errors might lead to the administration of inappropriate doses (such as overdose or sub-therapeutic dose), paediatric patients are exposed to a higher risk of developing adverse reacti** than adults9,10.
从历史上看,儿科患者的药物开发有限,导致产品信息中缺乏特定的儿科剂量指导,以及年龄适当的药物形式或表现形式的缺乏。 由于具有授权儿科适应症和/或适合年龄的药物形式的药物供应有限,儿童患者可以从**患者推断的剂量进行治疗,仅基于体重考虑,或使用不适当的药物形式(例如 片剂代替糖浆或滴剂)。这种标签外使用的普遍做法(参见P.IV.A.1.4)过去和现在仍然存在药物错误的风险。由于这些用药错误可能会导致给药剂量不合适(如过量或亚治疗剂量),因此儿科患者发生不良反应的风险高于**。
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Furthermore, the c**equences of such medication errors in can also be much more serious particularly in the most vulnerable paediatric age sub-groups such as neonates.
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It is expected that increased availability of new products with specific paediatric indicati** and ageappropriate form and presentati** (see P.IV.A.1.) will reduce adverse reacti** deriving from medication errors in the future.
预计具有特定儿科适应症和年龄适当的形式和表现的新产品的可用性增加(参见P.IV.A.1.)将减少未来药物错误引起的不良反应。3 Q7 S% X9 ]( S5 c1 |* _
The Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) Good Practice Guide on Risk Minimisation and Prevention of Medication Errors 11 provides guidance on the systematic assessment and prevention of medication errors throughout the product life-cycle and contains additional c**iderati** applicable to paediatric patients. These include calculation tables in educational material, appropriate dispensing devices and presentati** and recommendati** for enhanced communication between healthcare professionals, patients and their parents/carers. Advice on appropriate prescribing, storing, dispensing, preparing and administration of medicines, as well as monitoring of patients is also provided. Such strategies and measures for risk minimisation and prevention of medication errors should be c**idered when developing paediatric medicines or risk management plans.
% s; @# }& f8 @9 d" I7 v L) HP.IV.A.1.4. Off-label use
3 d _7 R d1 k/ k1 S
Off-label use indicates situati** where a medicinal product is intentionally used for a medical purpose not in accordance with the terms and conditi** of the marketing authorisation. Relevant cases are where the use of a medicine is indicated solely for adults, but is nonetheless used in paediatric subjects (possibly with a different dosage, different route of administration and/or to treat a specific paediatric condition) (see GVP Annex I), or when a paediatric indication exists that is limited to some paediatric age sub-groups, but the product is also used in other age sub-groups (e.g. a medicine is indicated only in adolescents but is used also in children).
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Off-label use of medicines in paediatric patients has been a common practice, due to the fact that paediatric-specific medicinal products were not available, but necessary therapy could not be withheld. With the developments described in P.IV.A., the situation nowadays has improved, but there are still a number of medical conditi** where the need for specific paediatric medicines is not met and off-label use continues.
由于没有儿科专用药品这一事实,儿科患者的标签外药物使用已成为常见做法,但不能拒绝必要的治疗。随着P.IV.A.中描述的发展,现在的情况有所改善,但是仍然存在许多医疗条件,其中不满足对特定儿科药物的需求并且标签外使用仍在继续。3 s( V& N2 W" x2 `/ e: u
4 Q2 j% g- k1 }( T
Such off-label use, as discussed above, might expose paediatric patients to an increased risk of medication errors and of adverse reacti**. Therefore, it is relevant that important risks arising from off-label use in paediatric patients are addressed appropriately (see P.IV.B.1.).
9 {' C+ D1 S+ |5 X X
P.IV.A.1.5. Clinical presentation of adverse reacti**
3 T' q! V, d( b) y _8 V
Signs and symptoms of adverse reacti** and their clinical course may be different in paediatric patients compared to adults. This is also true among the various paediatric age sub-groups. N**pecific symptoms, such as vomiting and diarrhoea as well as sleepiness or variation in the intensity and pattern of crying, can be the only manifestati** of some adverse reaction observed in neonates, infants and toddlers. Moreover, symptoms that are dependent on patient communication ability (e.g.nausea, pain, mood alterati**) in younger or mentally disabled children12 might be under- or misreported.
) z7 Z- |* c4 z+ U! D7 Z) G, g* RThis means that the clinical presentation of adverse reacti** can be non-specific and be misinterpreted as the manifestation of a pre-existing condition. As such these reacti** will be less likely to be suspected and reported.
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Aspects relating to the modalities of presentation of adverse reacti** in the paediatric population (see P.IV.B.5.) need to be taken into account when choosing the most appropriate search terms for performing signal detection (e.g. Lowest Level Terms and Preferred Terms when performing Standardised MedDRA Queries (SMQs)). This is also important when planning pharmacovigilance activities that might involve an active role of the paediatrician and of parents/carers, as they should be enabled to interpret particular signs and symptoms (e.g. crying and pain).
# m( {* q/ \5 A( _, D* KP.IV.B. Structures and processes
P.IV.B.1. Risk management plan (RMP)
P.IV.B.1.风险管理计划(RMP)/ ^, Z0 z8 d# {7 z1 w9 o V6 {
The current requirements for risk management plans (RMP) in GVP Module V and the Guidance on the format of the risk management plan (RMP) in the EU – in integrated format13 includes c**iderati** for the paediatric population. Methods used to minimise risk of adverse reacti** in the adult population should be evaluated and adapted to paediatric patients, taking into account the aspects specific to the paediatric population (P.IV.A.1.).
* k% u' P$ o# ]- lIn terms of pre-clinical evidence, results of juvenile animal toxicology studies can have a predictive value in terms of effects in the paediatric population and can support prioritising pharmacovigilance research questi** (e.g. accumulation of active substance in some organs of the animals tested, impairment in some behavioural tests).
1 x- a! f7 R4 ]1 `) o& GRegarding existing clinical data, the knowledge gained from studies in the adult population should support in the identification of important potential risks, in the characterisation of the safety profile as well as the description of tools to reduce the risk related to the use of the product14 in the paediatric population.
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Sometimes no previous clinical or real-world data from adults are existing: this might happen when a medicine is authorised exclusively for paediatric patients or when it is authorised for adult and paediatric patients at the same time.
有时,不存在来自**的先前临床或真实数据:当专门为儿科患者授权药物或同时授权**和儿科患者时,可能会发生这种情况。- }! o3 |- S. x' c5 [
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Conversely, a paediatric indication might be added after c**iderable post-marketing experience has been gained in adults. Therefore, the amount of available evidence can vary greatly.
- q7 k" B: ]6 _
Particularly important aspects to be c**idered for paediatric patients for the purpose of risk identification and characterisation include:
为了风险目的,儿科患者需要考虑的特别重要的方面识别和表征包括:* W2 |) c& m3 N+ b+ v, L h" O
• age-related shifts in the interaction of the medicinal product with its target organs or tissues;
7 k% X A/ j( [) H•ontogeny of the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME), including disposition in intra-individual structures (such as the blood-brain barrier), of an active substance;
; g/ a; ^8 B$ A
• potential adverse reacti** due to different exposure to (different) metabolites as opposed to the adult age;
& e- N6 W3 q+ B' n1 x• long-term effect on developing reproductive and neurodevelopmental systems;
•对发展生殖和神经发育系统的长期影响;4 i+ G( z7 _( O% d# x* q
• effects on bone and cartilage during active growth phase;
•在活跃生长阶段对骨骼和软骨的影响;& t9 a* B% p0 w: N0 m
• impact on maturation of the immune system in the pathogenesis of known adverse reacti** and effect of transition from passive maternal immunity to maturing immune systems in infants.
4 Y" S' V9 L, R |
Evaluation of these aspects can help in assessing whether a risk of adverse reacti** for a given medicine might differ from the adult population and whether its pharmacological properties suggest any possibility of developmental risk.
) C! U" k, @% b! w5 VSimilarly, when it is anticipated that a subgroup of the paediatric population is likely not to be different from the adult population (e.g. post-pubertal children, children above a certain age and/or weight), this should be supported by evidence and discussed at the time of the initial marketing authorisation application.
同样,当预计儿科人群的一个亚组可能与成年人群不同时(例如,青春期后的儿童,超过一定年龄和/或体重的儿童),这应得到证据的支持,并在初始上市授权申请的时间。( X7 l' J- ], |# G1 F
If a specific paediatric risk is highlighted and is included as a safety concern in the RMP – in line with the guidance provided in GVP Module V – c**ideration should be given as to whether a paediatric post-authorisation safety study (PASS) (see P.IV.B.4.) would be appropriate for further characterising this risk.
如果突出显示特定的儿科风险并将其列为RMP中的安全问题–根据GVP模块V中提供的指导–应考虑是否进行儿科授权后安全性研究(PASS)(参见P. IV.B.4.)适合进一步表征这种风险。
In the case of a development of a medicine to treat rare diseases in paediatric patients for which paediatric data are lacking, or very limited, registries or other means of long-term data collection could be c**idered by the marketing authorisation holder to enable the conduction of appropriate PASS to follow-up and appropriately document long-term safety.
/ E9 p* F: c5 T! uIn these cases, high level planning of paediatric registries and related PASS should already be c**idered at the time of submission of a PIP (see P.IV.C.2.), to promote continuity in the generation of safety data between the pre- and post-authorisation phase (as already highlighted in P.IV.B.4.).
在这些情况下,在提交PIP时应该考虑儿童登记处和相关PASS(上市后药品的安全习性研究)的高级别规划(见P.IV.C.2),以促进预先生成安全数据的连续性。 和授权后阶段(如P.IV.B.4中强调的)。
/ Y; ]5 ~; n0 r- x; D
The c**ultation of specialist networks (e.g. the European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance (ENCePP)23) and, where appropriate, the paediatric clinical trial networks (e.g. the European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency (Enpr-EMA)24) could be helpful to address specific aspects related to design and conduct ofPASS in paediatrics. The applicants/marketing authorisation holder in the EU is also encouraged to request scientific advice (SA) from the Agency on specific aspects of PASS protocols, especially for complex or controversial issues or for innovative approaches or methodologies including those for paediatric studies25.
8 \- F: f+ v* K( o. w$ uP.IV.C.6. Signal management within the EU regulatory network
P.IV.C.6. 欧盟监管网络内的信号管理
In addition to the guidance in P.IV.B.5., ICSRs for paediatric patients should be analysed by means of tools provided by EudraVigilance separately from ICSRs for adult patients (e.g. electronic Reaction Monitoring Reports (eRMRs)26).
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It is recommended that statistics of disproportionate reporting (see GVP Module IX Addendum I) are calculated using only ICSRs about paediatric patients to increase the ability to detect paediatric signals of disproportionate reporting (SDR) from appropriate databases, i.e. EudraVigilance in the EU. Sub-group analysis by age and comparison of the disproportionality statistics in paediatric patients versus adults (if applicable, depending on the size of the data set) can help to determine whether or not a suspected adverse reaction is likely to be more frequent in paediatric patients.
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P.IV.C.7. Safety communication in the EU
P.IV.C.7. 欧盟的安全通信
Further to the guidance in P.IV.B.5., children and their families in the EU can be c**ulted by the marketing authorisation holder in the EU as well as by the Agency and competent authorities in Member States through the established young person advisory groups for the preparation and revision of safety communication and educational materials for additional RMMs (see Principles on the Involvement of Young Patients and C**umers Within EMA Activities27). The Enpr-EMA Working Group on Young Pers** Advisory Groups (YPAGs) currently works on resources and on establishing a framework of interaction, which will become available for the Agency and the EU regulatory network as well as marketing authorisation holders in the EU.