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WHO发布《清洁验证指南》、《数据完整性指南》《制药用水GMP指南》 3月29日,WHO发布了第 55 届药物制剂规范专家委员会(ECSPP)技术报告TRS No.1033,其中发布了以下文件终稿: ﹒Annex 1Guidelinesand guidance texts adopted by the Expert Committee on Specificati** for Pharmaceutical Preparati** ﹒附录1 《药物制剂规范专家委员会通过的指南和指导文件》 ﹒Annex2Pointsto c**ider when including Health-Based Exposure Limits (HBELs) in cleaning validation ﹒﹒附录2 《在清洁验证中应用基于健康的暴露限度(HBELs)的考量》 ﹒Annex3Goodmanufacturing practices: water for pharmaceutical use ﹒附录3 《制药用水GMP指南》 ﹒Annex4 Guidelineon data integrity ﹒附录4 《数据完整性指南》 ﹒Annex5WorldHealth Organization/United Nati** Population Fund Recommendati** for condom storage and shipping temperatures ﹒附录5 《WHO/联合国人口基金关于避孕套储存和运输温度的建议》 ﹒Annex6WorldHealth Organization/United Nati** Population Fund Guidance on testing of male latex condoms ﹒附录6 《WHO/联合国人口基金关于男性乳胶避孕套测试的指南》 ﹒Annex7WorldHealth Organization/United Nati** Population Fund guidance on conducting post-market surveillance ofcondoms ﹒附录7 《WHO/联合国人口基金关于避孕套上市后监测的指南》 ﹒Annex8WHO“Biowaiver List”: proposal to waive in vivo bioequivalence requirements forWHO Model List of Essential Medicines immediate-release,solid oral dosage forms ﹒附录8 《WHO“生物等效性清单”: 建议放弃《WHO速释固体口服剂型基本药物标准清单》的体内生物等效性要求》 ﹒Annex9Guidelineson the implementation of the WHO Certification Scheme on the quality of pharmaceutical products moving ininternational commerce ﹒附录9 《关于实施WHO国际贸易药品质量认证计划的指南》 ﹒Annex10Goodreliance practices in the regulation of medical products: high level principles and c**iderati** ﹒附录10 《医药产品监管中的良好依赖规范:高级原则和考虑事项》 ﹒Annex11Goodregulatory practices in the regulation of medical products ﹒附录11 《医药产品监管方面的良好监管规范》 来源:GMP办公室