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[其他] 201404 EMA公布的GMP检查不符合信息

北京-丹丹 发表于 2014-6-17 21:18:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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201404 EMA公布的GMP检查不符合信息
2014-06-17 julia 蒲公英
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  印度 WOCKHARDT LIMITED  20140417
  Nature of non-compliance : 1. A critical deficiency was cited with regards to data integrity of GMP records, entries were seen to be made when personnel were not present on site, documentation was seen that was not completed contemporaneously despite appearing to be completed in this manner. 2. A second critical deficiency was cited regarding potential product contamination, this included the use of inappropriate materials close to product e.g. asbestos coated PTFE seals for centrifuge manways. 3. A major deficiency was cited with regards to equipment and facility, maintenance, design and qualification. Examples included, inappropriate pressure differentials that were not in line with the original design but had not been changed using change control, cleaning validation that was not sufficiently robust to confirm cleaning practices and maintenance issues, such as the failure to spark test glass lined reactor vessels for integrity especially following maintenance.
  1.       一个关键缺陷,关于GMP记录的数据完整性,人员不在场时却有该员工的数据输入,看到文件记录并非在同时完成,而显示却是在同时完成。
  2.       第二个关键缺陷,关于潜在产品污染,包括在产品附近使用了不适当的物料,例如,离心机人孔处采用石棉包覆PTFE密封
  3.       一个主要缺陷,关于设备和设施、维护、设计和确认。例子包括,压差不适当,与原始设计不一致,该变更未通过变更控制程序。清洁验证耐用性不够,不能确认清洁操作和维护问题,例如未能检查衬塑料搪玻璃反应釜完整性,特别是之后的维护。
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  Nature of non-compliance : One critical deficiency dealing with the documentation management system and the quality management system has been raised during the inspection performed by ANSM, leading inspectorate and MPA, supporting inspectorate. Indeed the documents provided by the site have been found by the inspectors unreliable and evidences of manipulation of data have been found.
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  As an illustration:
  -          In an "In Process Control" room, located in plant A (Cephalosporine products manufacturing) – non sterile manufacturing area, the following items have been found (among others):
  -          A工厂(头孢菌素产品生产)在一个“中控室”房间,非无菌生产区,发现以下情况
  ? Parts of original batch record (from recent and non recent batches).
  ? Copies of batch records of products not manufactured on site such as Turbuhaler product (Budesonide).
  ? Blank batch records forms.
  ? Original analytical data (from recent and non recent batches).
  ? Reprocessing protocols.
  - Moreover, in a another room which is an office located in plant A, the batch record of Tabiclor MR 3BF168 has been found. According to this batch record, the batch has been entirely packed (97330 tablets) on 26th September 2013 and transferred in the Finished Goods Warehouse the same day. However, this batch has been found in the Work In Progress area, as unpacked bulk tablets, in drums.
  另外,A工厂办公区在一个房间,发现Tabiclor MR 3BF168的批记录。根据该批记录,该批次已在2013年9月26日全部包装(97330片),并在同天转移至成品库。但是,这个批号的散片被发现放在在制品区域的桶内,并未包装。

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  日本 Seikagaku Corporation 20140402
  Nature of non-compliance : During the inspection 1 critical, 1 major and 24 other deficiencies were found. The critical deficiency concerns systematic rewriting/manipulation of documents, including QC raw data. The company has not been able to provide acceptable investigations and explanations to the differences seen in official and non-official versions of the same documents.
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  英国 SCM PHARMA LIMITED  20140401
  Nature of non-compliance : 1. A critical deficiency was cited regarding potential product cross contamination, this deficiency was divided into two sections : A. Potential chemical contamination, it was found that the company were manufacturing a potent cytotoxic (Amsacrine) product in the non-potent suite. Processes intended to contain the product had failed and cleaning process and verification were weak with contamination of general manufacturing areas seen. B. Potential microbial contamination. There were contaminated process media simulations that were not adequately investigated and root cause explained and mitigated. VHP sanitisation of the filling isolator inadequately controlled and validated and weaknesses in the environmental monitoring program. 2. A major deficiency regarding the change control program (not all changes were controlled appropriately) and investigations, which were poor in quality with regards to root cause analysis and corrective and preventative actions and were not performed in a timely manner. 3. A second major deficiency regarding maintenance of equipment and facilities with poor controls witnessed
  1、  一个关键缺陷,关于潜在产品交叉污染,该缺陷分为两部分,A、潜在化学污染,发现公司在非效价生产线上生产一种具效价细胞毒素产品(胺苯吖啶)。限制该产品扩散的处理失败,清洁过程和确认不充分,对普通生产区形成污染。B、潜在微生物污染。培养基模拟被污染,未进行充分调查,根本原因未解释和消减。充填隔离VHP灭菌控制和验证不充分,环境监控程序有缺陷。
  2、  一个主要缺陷,关于变更控制程序(并非所有变更均受到恰当控制)和调查,控制和调查程序中对根本原因分析不充分,CAPA不充分,且未及时执行。
  3、  第二个主要缺陷,关于设备和设施,目击控制缺失
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  Nature of non-compliance : Overall, 30 deficiencies were observed, including 8 major deficiencies: [Major 1] Despite its commitment following the last inspection (June 2010) to replace 4 pieces of manufacturing equipment, the company has only decided to replace 2 of them and repair the 2 others, without carrying any risk assessment or providing documented justification for this CAPA modification ; [Major 2] The tank used for the storage of crude Trimethoprim was found to be in an unacceptable condition ; [Major 3] One individual training file of an employee has been observed to be recently re-rewritten ; [Major 4] The Batch Manufacturing record was lacking details with regards to manufacturing steps and in-process controls ; [Major 5] The sample retention log-book for Trimethoprim had falsified entries ; [Major 6] The storage of raw materials, intermediates and finished products was considered not to be compliant with GMP requirements (e.g., materials segragation, housekeeping, etc.) ; [Major 7] The company did not establish different product codes for the different Trimethoprim processes ; [Major 8] The Validation Master Plan did not contain any clear description of the policy, intentions and approach to validation.

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  印度 IND-SWIFT LIMITED 20140321
  Nature of non-compliance : It was not possible to confirm the validity of stability testing data. Several falsified and inaccurate results had been reported in long term stability and batch testing. Discrepancies between electronic data and those results formally reported were identified. Established processes to verify data accuracy and integrity had failed and there had been no formal investigation raised by the company. The company provided commitments to address the data integrity concerns and initiated a wider review of quality critical data. Additional discrepancies were identified in process validation and release data. During on-going communications with the licensing authority regarding the data review, the company failed to disclose data integrity issues for all products. No satisfactory explanation was given for this discrepancy.
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  摩纳哥SOMET 20140305
  Nature of non-compliance : Overall, 31 deficiencies were observed, including 2 Critical and 12 Major deficiencies : [Critical] The manufacturing and cleaning operations during and between the campaigns of 15 APIs, whose 2 are used in injectable dosage forms and one is an ectoparasiticide (Fipronil), are not traceable. Many records are missing. [Critical] Cleaning procedures are not detailed to enable operators to clean each piece of equipment in a reproductible and effective manner. Cleaning procedures of the critical pieces of equipment used after final isolation of pure APIs are not validated. Analytical methods by TLC used for cleanliness verification are not validated. Complete records of raw data generated during cleanliness tests by thin layer chromatography are missing. Moreover, cleanliness tests are not conducted for plates of dryers used for APIs. The other major findings were mainly related to the manufacturing of an ectoparasiticide for veterinary use (Fipronil) in multi-products manufacturing area and equipment without any study based on QRM principles regarding cross-contamination and containment, highlighting the non compliance status to the GMPs.
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  印度 Smruthi Organics Limited 20140108
  原料药:苯磺酸氨氯地平 (检查后6份CEP全部被撤销)
  Nature of non-compliance : Overall, 29 deficiencies were observed, including 2 Critical and 4 Major deficiencies : [Critical 1] Manipulation and falsification of documents and data were observed in different departments ; [Critical 2] Some Corrective and Preventive Actions, related to deficiencies raised during the previous inspection were not satisfactorily addressed ; [Major 1] An out-of-specification result obtained for an In-Process Control, performed by TLC, was considered as compliant by the analyst ; [Major 2] The documentation practices for process validation were found unacceptable ; [Major 3] The company's approach and understanding of the GMP requirements for the re-qualification of the equipment was found to be unsufficient ; [Major 4] There was no raw data available in the Quality Control laboratory for the verification of compendial analytical methods.

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