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EU GMP 最新动态

xiaoxiao 发表于 2018-4-26 22:22:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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The GMP world was turning abit slower in 2016 - now, it's picking up speed again. Currently, severalcrucial changes are being made with c**equences even for national legislation. There may not be a great amount of guidelines being changed or revised at the moment, but some of the changes that are being made do have significant impact (e.g. for manufacturers of IMPs, parenterals or ATMPs).


The changes will also entail are structuring within the EU GMP guidelines - but let us start at bebeginning.
变化还牵涉到EU GMP指南内的重新架构—但让我们从头讲起吧。


The reorganisation of the guidelines on clinical trials in the EU was decided upon in May 2014, already.The reason for this was the so far different implementation of Directive 2001/20/EG in the individual member states. The objective of Regulation (EU) No536/2014 "… on clinical trials on medicinal products for human use, and repealing Directive 2001/20/EC" of 16 April, 2014 is therefore to establish standardised regulati** for the execution of clinical trials in the EU.
EU的临床试验指南重构在2014年5月已经确定了,原因是截止目前各成员国对指令2001/20/EG执行各有不同。2014年4月16日“废止指令2001/20/EC,实施……人用临床试验用药”法规(EU) No 536/2014的目的是在EU建立临床试验实施的标准化法规。

To prevent future deviati**,the restructuring won't be in the form of a directive, but a regulation (the ClinicalTrial Regulation = CTR), which is directly applicable without needing to be transformed into national law.

Therefore, the GMP requirements for IMPs must be revised, as well. For that purpose, Directive 2003/94 "… laying down the principles and guidelines of good manufacturing practice in respect of medicinal products for human use and investigational medicinal productsfor human use" will be withdrawn and replaced by two individual directives; one specifically for commercial products and one for investigational medicinal products. At the same time, specific GMP guidelines for IMPs will be issued. This entails the following new documents:

  • Commission Directive (EU) 2017/1572 of 15 September 2017 "supplementing Directive 2001/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the principles and guidelines of good manufacturing practice for medicinal products for human use"   
  • 2017年9月15日的欧盟指令(EU) 2017/1572“补充欧洲议会和委员会关于人用药GMP原则和指南的指令2001/83/EC”
  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/1569 of 23 May 2017 "specifying principles and guidelines for good manufacturing practice for investigational medicinal products for     human use and arrangements for inspecti**"
  • 2017年5月23日的欧盟托管法案(EU) 2017/1569“阐明人用临床试验用药GMP原则和指南以及检查安排”
  • Detailed Guidelines "on Good Manufacturing Practice for Investigational Medicinal Products for human use, pursuant to the second subparagraph of Article 63(1) of Regulation (EU) No 536/2014" (replaces Annex 13 of the GMP Guidelines)
  • “依法规(EU)No 536/2014第63(1)条第二段制订的人用临床试验用药GMP”详细指南(取代GMP指南附录13)

All this will come into forceas soon as the EU's new submission portal for clinical trials has been implemented. A transitional period of three years will follow. However, thereare some delays at the moment (probably until 2019).

New GMP rules for ATMPs  

Similar to the new IMP guidelines structure, advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) are to bedefined in separate guidelines in the future, as well. To that end, the European Commission has issued the "New Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practice specific to Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products"on 22 November 2017. ATMP manufacturers should implement the guideline's requirements by 22 May 2018.

New Structure of EUspecificati**  

The afore mentioned changes ultimately lead to a new structure of EU specificati**. While it is difficult to describe in writing, the following diagrams show it quite clearly.

Structure of EU specificati** so far:  

GMP 最新动态" title="EU GMP 最新动态" action-data="http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gmp-office.com%2Fattachment%2Fcms_article%2FMon_1801%2F1_3fb92e094b3758f.jpg" action-type="show-slide" style="border: 0px; list-style: none; box-sizing: border-box; animation-fill-mode: both; vertical-align: top; max-width: 550px;">  

GMP 最新动态" title="EU GMP 最新动态" style="border: 0px; list-style: none; box-sizing: border-box; animation-fill-mode: both; vertical-align: top; max-width: 550px;">  

Future structure of EU GMPspecificati** (without GDP - they remain the same):
未来EU GMP标准的结构(没有GDP---保持相同)

GMP 最新动态" title="EU GMP 最新动态" style="border: 0px; list-style: none; box-sizing: border-box; animation-fill-mode: both; vertical-align: top; max-width: 550px;">  

GMP 最新动态" title="EU GMP 最新动态" style="border: 0px; list-style: none; box-sizing: border-box; animation-fill-mode: both; vertical-align: top; max-width: 550px;">  

Revision of Annex 1 of the EU GMP Guidelines (sterile medicinal products)  
EU GMP指南(无菌药品)附录1修订

The long awaited draft of Annex 1 (Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal Products; Targeted stakeholders c**ultation) was published on 20 December 2017. What's special about it is that the revised Annex 1 won't be an independent EU document. Instead, it will also apply for the PIC/S guidelines. Even though it is still just a draft (comments can be submitted until 20 March 2018), the pharmaceutical industry will have to prepare for several changes, like:

  • The revised and significantly larger Annex includes a new paragraph on Barrier Technologies (RABS and isolators). Before, only the isolator technology was mentioned. It differs between routine particle measurements and limits for initial clean room classification.
  • 修订后的篇幅大增的附录包括了关于隔离技术的新段落(RABS和隔离器)。之前,只有提到隔离器技术。它区分了日常颗粒测量和初始洁净间分级限度。
  • The section on viable and non-viable Environment and Process monitoring was restructured and c**iderably expanded.
  • 必须和非必须环境和工艺监测部分重构并大大扩展。
  • In manufacturing, almost all the previous points have been expanded, e.g. the requirement for validated downtimes and process times.
  • 在生产方面,几乎所有之前的部分都进行了扩展,例如,验证的停工时长和工艺时长要求。
  • The new requirements for 100% visual inspection reflect the current state of the art. Trending is expected here, too.
  • 100%目视检查要求,反映了当前的理想状态。这里还要求有趋势分析。
  • The secti** on sterilisation have been expanded as far as text is concerned; there are no identifiable new requirements, though.
  • 灭菌部分在文字方面进行了扩展,但没有发现新要求。
  • The part on Aseptic Process Simulation (APS, also: Media Fill) has been restructured and c**iderably extended. Deviation assessments and the subsequent correctional measures will be redesigned here, especially. The goal is "zero growth".
  • 无菌工艺模拟部分(APS也称为培养基灌装)进行了重新构架,同时大大扩充。尤其是偏差评估和之后的纠正措施在这里要重新设计。目标是“零生长”。

What will become of the MRA?  

The new Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) with the USA came into force on 01 November, 2017. Since then, the competent authorities of the EU have not conducted any inspecti** in the USA. In return, the FDA approved eight European authorities, so far: Croatia,France, Italy, Malta, Spain, Austria, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Other EUmember states will be added as soon as their evaluation by the USA is complete;by 15 July, 2019, all authorities resp. countries are supposed to be evaluated and approved.

Challenges: the MRA is not as simple asit sounds. For example, the FDA does not perform routine inspecti** of IMP manufacturers. After the implementation of Delegated Regulation 2017/1569 however, IMP manufacturing in third countries is to always be inspected by national EU authorities. If and how EU authorities will inspect IMP manufacturers in the US in spite of the MRA is still not clear (the regulationhas not come into force, yet, after all).

Another problem is the non-issuing of GMP certificates. Currently, authorisation applicati** submitted to anEU authority listing drug manufacturers in the USA must prove the ownership ofa licence issued by the FDA as well as an EU GMP certificate issued to the siteby an EU authority. However, after the implementation of the MRA, these EU GMP certificates are not issued anymore. And the FDA usually does not issue GMP certificates. Therefore, an alternative approach is necessary.
另一个问题是不签发GMP**的问题。目前,列有USA药品生产商的许可申报在提交给EU药监时必须证明其持有FDA签发的许可和EU药监签发给该场所的EU GMP**。但是,在实施了MRA之后,将不再签发这些EU GMP**,而FDA通用并不签发GMP**。因此说,必须要有一个替代的方法。

ICH Q12 Lifecycle Management  
ICH Q12生命周期管理

The new ICH Q12 Guideline"Technical and Regulatory C**iderati** for Pharmaceutical Product Lifecycle" has been published for a c**ultation phase(Step 2) in December 2017.
新的ICH Q12指南“药品生命周期技术和注册考量”已于2017年12月公开征求意见(第二阶段)。

ICH Q3D Elemental Impurities:It's getting serious  
ICH Q3D元素杂质:来真格了

The requirements and revisi** resulting from the ICH Q3 guideline have been implemented in various chapters and monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.). These changes were published in Supplement 9.3 and apply since 01 January, 2018:
ICH Q3指南引发的要求和修订已在EP不同章节实施。这些变化在增补9.3里发布,自2018年1月1日起实施。

  • General chapter 5.20 "Elemental impurities" (ICH Q3D)
  • 通则5.20“元素杂质”(ICH Q3D)
  • General monograph "Pharmaceutical preparati**" (2619), refers to chapter 5.20
  • 通论“制剂”(2619),参见第5.20章
  • General monograph "Substances for pharmaceutical use" (2034) includes procedures to monitor elemental impurities
  • 通论“药用物质”(2034)包括元素杂质监测程序
  • General method 2.4.20 "Determination of elemental impurities" describes, amongst other things, method development and validation
  • 通用方法2.4.20“元素杂质检测”描述了,除其内容外,方法开发和验证
  • The now obsolete heavy metal test (2.4.8) will be removed from over 500 monographs (excepti** are substances of  natural origin or pure veterinary products, for example)
  • 目前过时的重金属测试(2.4.8)将从500余份各论中删除(自然来源物质和仅兽用药除外,例如)
  • Soon-to-be necessary change control procedures must be c**idered here, as well.
  • 这里也必须要考虑很快就要成为必须的变更控制程序


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