Questionnaire Version 问卷调查表版本 | | Merck Millipore Provantage Laboratory Validation Services | file:///C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.jpg |
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Please complete this Questionnaire and return it to 请填写此问卷调查表并发邮件至
If you have any questi**, please contact us for support 如您有任何问题或需技术支持,请联系
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时 优 (Lily Shi) 021-3852 9196
盛 萍 (Sophie Sheng) 021-3852 9107
沈小洁 (Alicia Shen) 021-3850 1887 |
If you have any complaints or suggesti**, please contact 如您有任何投诉或建议,请拨打: 021-3850 1883 |
Customer Contact Information 客户联系信息 备注:请准确填写公司及产品中英文全称,该名称将写进验证方案及报告中 |
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Company Address 公司地址(文件寄送地址) | |
Services Requested 选择所需的服务 |
Bacterial Retention Test 细菌截留实验 | |
Extractables and Leachables 可提取物和浸出物 | | | |
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Bubble Point Ratio & Diffusion 产品泡点率及扩散流 | | |
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Compatibility Test 化学兼容性测试 | | |
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Adsorption Study 吸附研究 | |
Please Note: If you need to validate the TFF system, Single Use system or others (eg. Particle Shedding), please contact us for specially designed questionnaire. 请注意:如贵公司需要验证超滤系统或一次性使用系统及其他项目(如颗粒物脱落),请向我们索取为超滤工艺和一次性使用系统工艺及其他验证设计的专用问卷调查表。 |
Product Status 产品阶段 |
Drug Development Phase 药品研发阶段 | | | |
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Market Approval required for 申报市场 | | |
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Prod Product Information 产品信息 |
Product will be sent to Merck Millipore in 样品将以什么形式寄送到默克密理博 | | |
* Need provide the preparation method so we can assess if it could be formulated by us需提供样品配制方法给我们以便评估能否由实验室进行配制 |
Product Sterilization Information 产品灭菌信息 |
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Filtered Solution pH过滤溶液的pH范围 |
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If pH is not in 6.0-8.0, could it be adjusted to 6-8 to do viability test ? 如果产品pH值不在6.0-8.0范围,能否将其调节到6.0-8.0之内用于细菌活度实验? |
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| | Note: If you do not provide product density, the default is 1.0g/mL 备注:若不填写则默认为1.0g/mL,密度值会用于细菌截留实验中质量体积的换算 |
Ingredients English Name 组分英文名称 | Ingredients Chinese Name 组分中文名称 | Concentration 浓度(%或 mg/mL)* | |
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*注意:此处指过滤溶液的组分, 请换算成%或mg/mL单位填写, 所有组分相加应为100%。该表格会出现在可提取物报告中,影响模型溶剂的选择,请确保其准确性。 常见类别有: A= Active (活性物质) P= Preservative (防腐剂) S= Solubilizer (增溶剂) B=Buffer (缓冲液) A = Antioxidant (抗氧化剂) Solvent (溶剂)等。 |
If the product has a bactericidal effect, can you provide sample without bactericidal composition? 若样品有抑菌性, 能否提供不含抑菌成分的样品? | | |
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Filter Train Information 过滤链信息 | Sterilization Method, Conditi** & Time灭菌方法, 条件及时间 Sterilization Method: Autoclave、 SIP、 Gamma or ETO *灭菌方法包括:高压锅,在线蒸汽,Gamma或环氧乙烷灭菌 |
| # of filters In Train 过滤链中滤器 个数 | In Series or Parallel 串联或并联 | Sterilization Method 灭菌方法* | Conditi** 灭菌条件(°C or kGy) | | Cycles per Batch 每批次的 灭菌次数 | Batches per Filter 过滤器的最大使用批次数 |
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若滤芯串联并联关系较复杂,请在右边空格处描述 Please specify if the connection among filters are complicated | |
Pre-Use Flush Information 预洗信息 备注:此处指初次使用新的过滤器时的冲洗参数,而非重复使用滤芯批次间的冲洗或消毒 |
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Basic Filtration Information 基本过滤信息 |
Filtration parameters 过滤参数 | | | |
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Total filter/product contact time (hours) 产品和滤器接触总时间 (小时) | | | |
Filtration Temperature (°C) 过滤温度(°C) | | | Is temp a critical process parameter for product? 对产品来说温度是否是关键的参数? |
Please note: Typical Merck Millipore controlled lab temperature is 22 ± 4°C, if filtration temp is not critical, Millipore will operate the test under Room Temperature. 备注:默克实验室室温受控温度为22±4°C, 如果温度并非关键参数,实验将在室温下进行。 | |
Retention Testing Additional Information 细菌截留实验 额外信息 |
Test Design Parameters 测试设计参数 | |
Filtration flow is controlled by 控制过滤的参数 | | |
Filtration flow dynamic is 过滤动态 | | |
Please describe If there is a particular pattern of intermittent flow 如果是一个特别的间歇过滤工艺请在右边说明 | |
If blow down after filtration, please specify pressure and duration 若过滤完产品后进行吹扫,请告知吹扫压力和时间 | | | | |
In-line integrity test or not 是否在线进行完整性测试 | | |
Is the filter downstream still connected to the product line? 完整性测试时过滤器的下游是否仍然与产品线相连? | | |
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Product Integrity Testing Additional Information 产品润湿的完整性实验 额外信息 |
Integrity test Design Parameters 测试设计参数 | |
Wetting fluid is Product? 润湿流体是否是产品? | | | | |
Integrity test environment is Room Temperature? 产品泡点测试温度是否为室温? | | | | | |
For Product Bubble Point/Diffusion Ratio requests: What is the test gas? 测定产品泡点/产品扩散流时所用的气体 | | |
Testing Additional Information 实验额外信息 |
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