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毛毛 发表于 2017-4-17 14:15:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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The enduring assets of a laboratory’s work are the records that documentthose activities. When laboratory records are used to support a regulatoryfunction, they are considered to be legal documents. It is of criticalimportance that data integrity is understood and adhered to by everyone workingin the laboratory environment.
All it takes is one kink in the chain to destroy your laboratory’sreputation
For records to be considered reliable and trustworthy, they must complywith the following criteria:
  • Legible and Understandable 易读易懂
  • Attributable 归属
  • Contemporaneous 同步
  • Original 原始性
  • Accurate 正确性
  • Complete 完整性
  • Consistent 一致性
  • Indelible 不可随意消除
  • Available 可用

Legible andUnderstandable
A record that cannot be read or understood has no value and might as wellnot exist. All records should be composed so they conform to grammaticalconvention which should be consistent throughout.
It is best to avoid buzzwords, cliques and slang as these are prone tochange with time and are often not understood outside a particular locality. Itis always good practice to have any record reviewed by a second person as thiscan often highlight any ambiguities.

Attributable 归属
Attributable, The identity of the person creating a record should bedocumented. For paper records this is normally done by the individual signingand dating the record with their signature.
As the record you may be signing may be a legal document, you shouldclearly understand the implication of your signature.
A signature should be individual to a specific individual and the practiceof signing someone else’s name or initials is fraud, and is taken veryseriously.
Contemporaneous 同步记录数据
All records must be made at the time an activity takes place. Delayingwriting up, for example until the end of the day, will inevitably affect theaccuracy of that record as details can be forgotten or miss-remembered.
Original 原始性
All records must be original; information must be recorded directly ontothe document. This avoids the potential of introducing errors in transcribinginformation between documents.
If information from an instrument is printed out, by the instrument, thatprintout is the original record and should be signed, dated and attached to therecord.
Accurate 准确性
The record must reflect what actually happened. Any changes should be madewithout obscuring or obliterating the original information, the use of whiteoutor correction fluid is prohibited.
Any changes made to a record should be signed by the person making thechange and dated to show when it was made and a written explanation should alsobe provided.
Remember, the record may be needed after you have left the company andcannot be contacted for clarification.
The record must contain all information associated with the analysis ofthe sample, including system suitability tests, injection sequences, processingmethods, sample preparation procedures and results.
This must also include any reinjections or repeat analysis performed onthe sample.
Remember the position of the regulatory authorities for something thatneeds to be done is – ‘if it isn’t documented it’s a rumour’.
However, failing to disclose reanalysis or reinjection of samples willundermine confidence in the reliability of the records.
Consistent 一致性
Consistency in this context refers to the sequence of the componentevents, which the analytical method comprises, being performed in a logicalorder.
For example it is not possible to commence the HPLC run before the sampleshave been prepared, therefore the balance printout for the sample weightsshould be date/time stamped at least one or two hours prior to the sampleinjection time, to allow time to prepare the samples.
Therefore all date/time stamps should be in the expected sequence.
In order to avoid confusion in this respect, it is worth ensuring allinstruments that produce date/time stamped printouts are time synchronised.This is best done by reference to a standard reference time, such as a nationalonline time server.
Indelible means the record must be legible for the lifetime of the recordand once it has been made it cannot be removed.
Hand written entries of information should be made in ink and not pencilwhich can be erased
If printouts are made on thermal paper, which darkens with time, aphotocopy should be made; this should be certified as an accurate copy of theoriginal print and attached
If print outs are attached to a page they should be:
  • Secured to the page withacid free glue and industrial strength Sellotape
  • Signed and dated across theattachment and the page
  • Annotated with a referenceto the document
  • 固定到页面后,应该无酸胶或者双面胶。
  • 签名和日期跨越了该页。
  • 参考文献需要进行注释。

Available 可用的
All records should be available for inspection, audit and review for thelifetime of the document.
If a document is requested during a regulatory audit, it should beproduced within thirty minutes.
Therefore, the laboratory should establish an easy to reference archive system.Records should be archived so as to preserve their integrity, such as
  • Secure facility withrestricted access
  • Effective fire suppression
  • Protection from dampness orhumidity
  • Controlled access toDocument
  • 通道内应有安全措施。
  • 有效的防火措施
  • 防潮
  • 控制文件借阅



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hndcyy 发表于 2019-4-23 11:25:02 | 只看该作者
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