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securPharm生产商数据库新股东---- Pro Generika

aiyao 发表于 2017-4-5 10:40:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Pro Generika - New Shareholder in the securPharm Manufacturer DatabasesecurPharm生产商数据库新股东---- Pro Generika

On 15 March 2017, the ACS PharmaProtect GmbH Berlin, the German Medicines Manufacturers' Association (Bundesverband der Arzneimittelhersteller e.V., Berlin - BAH), the German Pharmaceutical Industry Association (Bundesverband der Pharmazeutischen Industrie e.V., Berlin - BPI), the ProGenerika e.V.Berlin together with the Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller e.V., Berlin - vfa) published a common press release announcing the joining of Pro Generika e.V. as the fourth shareholder in the ACS PharmProtect GmbH.

2017年3月15日,ACS PharmaProtect柏林公司、德国药品生产商协会(BAH)、德国药品行业协会(BPI)、ProGenerika e.V柏林与药品研发公司协会(VFA)共同发布了一份新闻宣布加入Pro Generika e.V.成为ACS PharmProtect德国公司的第4大股东。

ACS was founded in 2012 with the aim of developing and operating the manufacturer database in Germany.


Indeed, the manufacturer database is a significant part of the securPharm initiative in Germany.


The joining of Pro Generika e.V. shows that now the entire pharmaceutical industry in Germany pushes the prevention of the entry of falsified medicines into the legal supply chain.

Pro Generika e.V.的加入表明目前德国的整个医药行业正在推进防止假药进入合法供应链的工作。

The future safety features required for the implementation of the Anti-Counterfeiting Directive have to be implemented as of 9th February 2019. Moreover, the national verification systems will have to be available. From that date, medicinal products will have to be checked for their authenticity before dispensing to patients. The data required for that have to be stored by the manufacturer of the medicinal product in the database provided by ACS.


For further information please see the complete press release "Pro Generika e.V. becomes shareholder of the industry's database system in the securPharm-system".



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