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FDA行业指南:ANDA Submissions –Refuse-to-Receive Standards拒收ANDA标准

aiyao 发表于 2017-2-17 13:40:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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A.        Miscellaneous Factors 其它因素

1.                  Study Information BE Table[1] 研究资料:BE表格

FDA will RTR an ANDA if the Study Information BE table is incomplete[2].   The Study Information BE table compiles importantinformation about study type and site locations and should be placed in Module 2.7 of the ANDA (along with the other BE summarytables).

如果ANDA中的研究信息BE表格不完整,FDA会拒收该ANDA。研究信息BE表格中汇总的是关于研究类型和场所位置的信息,应(与其它BE总结表一起)放在ANDA模块 2.7中。

Applicants should provide the requested information regarding sample storage and long-term storage.  Receipt of the ANDA is alsopredicated on the following information that is captured in the table:


·         The number of days of long-term storage stability (LTSS) coverage should be equal to or more than the number of days for sample storage duration.

·         长期存贮稳定性(LTSS)天数应大于等于样品存贮天数

·         The temperature (°C) reported for LTSS coverage should be within or less than the temperature range for sample storage.

·         所报告的LTSS覆盖温度(°C)应小于样品存贮温度范围

2.                  Waiver of In Vivo BA or BE Studies for BCS Class I Drugs BCS(生药学分类系统) I 类药品的体内生物利用度(BA)或生物等效性(BE)豁免

If the applicant requests a Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) Class 1 BA/BE waiver, FDA will RTR the ANDA if any of thedata needed to support such a waiver request are missing from the ANDA at the time of submission[3].   Applicants should refer toFDA’s guidance for industry Waiver of In Vivo Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies for Immediate-Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms Based on a Biopharmaceutics Classification System for details regarding waivers of any required in vivo bioavailability (BA) orBE studies for a BCS Class 1 drug substance.


3.                  Office of Bioequivalence and Office of Pharmaceutical Quality Receipt Evaluations


FDA will RTR an ANDA, in certain cases, based on the recommendations of DBE, the Division of Clinical Review (DCR), and/or theOffice of Pharmaceutical Quality. Deficiencies in these modules are generally associated with, but not limited to, various concernswith an in vivo BE or clinical endpoint BE study, or statistical data and/or design.


4.                  Drug-Device Combination Products 药械组合产品

On a case-by-case basis and in consideration of preliminary evaluations performed by consultant offices, FDA will RTR an ANDA for adrug-device combination product if a device used to deliver the drug is not sufficiently similar to the device used to deliver the RLD.Any device used to deliver the drug should be similar enough to that used with/for the RLD so as to ensure, at a minimum, safe andproper administration of the product without the need for retraining by a health care professional and to ensure that its performancecharacteristics, operating principles, and critical design attributes will result in a product that will perform the same as the RLD underthe conditions of use described in the labeling.  In addition, the patient instructions in the labeling, as it concerns use of the device,should meet the same labeling requirement for ANDAs[4].


5.                  Missing Case Report Forms 病例报告表缺失

FDA will RTR an ANDA if a clinical study conducted does not contain copies of individual case report forms for patients enrolled in thestudy[5].   Applicants should provide a random selection of at least 10% of all case report forms for any study that enrolls patients. Applicants should also include all case report forms for subjects removed from study analysis for any reason.  In addition, applicantsshould provide copies of individual case report forms for each patient who died during a clinical study or who did not complete thestudy because of an adverse event, whether believed to be drug-related or not, including patients receiving reference drugs orplacebo, consistent with 21 CFR 314.50(f)(2).

如果一个已进行的临床研究未包含该临床实验所有受试者的全部个案报告表副本,FDA 将拒收该ANDA 申请。申报人应在所有研究中入选患者的全部病例报告表格中随机抽取至少10%提交。申报人还应包括因任何原因中止研究分析的对象的病例报告表。此外,申报者应按21 CFR 314.50(f)(2)要求提交在临床试验中死亡和因为不良事件而未完成研究的所有患者各案报告表,不管其是否确认与药品相关,也不管患者接受的是对照药品还是安慰制剂。


If an applicant disagrees with or wishes to discuss an RTR decision, the applicant should submit its concerns first to the email addressidentified in the RTR letter.  If FDA’s subsequent response does not resolve the matter, a teleconference can be scheduled with theapplicant, a Division of Filing Review (DFR) Team Leader, DFR Supervisor, and, if needed, the appropriate division director.  If thematter still remains unresolved, the applicant can use the dispute resolution procedure (see 21 CFR 314.103 and guidance forindustry Formal Dispute Resolution: Appeals Above the Division Level).

如果申报人不同意FDA拒收决定或希望与FDA讨论其拒收决定,则申报人应先向拒收函中所指定的邮箱提交其问题。如果FDA随后的回复未解决此问题,则可以计划与申报人、注册资料审核中心(DFR)团队领导、DFR主管,以及需要的话,还包括适当的中心主任一起召开电话会议。如果还是不能解决问题,则申报人可以采用争端处理程序(参见21 CFR 314.103和行业指南《正式争端处理:向部门上级申诉》。


1.      An ANDA is required to contain either an environmental assessment (EA) or a claim of categorical exclusion[6].   Pursuant to 21CFR 25.15(a) and in reference to FDA’s guidance for industry Environmental Assessment of Human Drug and BiologicsApplications (EA guidance), all applications or petitions requesting FDA action require the submission of either (1) an EA or (2) aclaim of categorical exclusion, as defined in 21 CFR 25.31[7].   A claim of categorical exclusion shall include a statement ofcompliance with the categorical exclusion criteria and shall state that to the applicant’s knowledge, no extraordinarycircumstances exist[8].   If FDA does not receive an EA or claim of categorical exclusion made by the applicant within 7 calendar days of notification of the omission(s), FDA will RTR the ANDA.

ANDA中要求包括一份环境评估(EA)或者是属于例外类别的声明。根据21 CFR 25.15(a)和FDA行业指南《人药和生物制品申报资料的环境保护》(EA指南),所有请求FDA动作的申报资料和申诉都要求提交(1)一份EA或(2)一份21CFR25.31中指定的属于例外类别的声明。在例外类别声明中应包括一份与例外类别标准相符合的声明,声称申报人根据其所有知识,不存在特殊情形。如果FDA在通知该遗漏后的7个自然日内未收到申报人提交的EA或分类例外声明,则FDA会拒收该ANDA。

2.      An ANDA must contain an accurate and complete English translation of each part of the application that is not in English[9].   Thisrequirement includes the translation of all sections of the document (e.g., headers, titles). FDA will accept an ANDA with theEnglish translation on a blank page next to the original text. FDA recommends that the translation be legible in size 12 font. Theapplicant should use its best judgment in determining how to fit the necessary information on a page without impacting thereviewer’s ability to read the information. If FDA does not receive English translation of each part of the application that is not inEnglish within 7 calendar days of notification of the omission(s), FDA will RTR the ANDA.


3.      An ANDA must contain either a daily elemental iron calculation for products that contain iron[10] or a statement that the amountof elemental iron ingested per day does not exceed 5 milligram (mg), in accordance with 21 CFR73.1200(c).                                                                      A daily elemental iron calculation should be included in module 3.2.P.1 inaddition to all other inactive ingredient justification data/information.  If FDA does not receive either the calculation oraforementioned statement within 7 calendar days of notification of the omission(s), FDA will RTR the ANDA.

在含有铁成分的药品ANDA中必须包括一份药品中日服用元素铁的计算,如果不含铁成分,则必须包括一份声明,写明每日摄入的元素铁数量不超过5mg,符合21 CFR 73.1200(c)。在模块3.2.P.1中,除了所有其它非活性成分的论证数据/资料外,还应放入日服用铁元素的计算。如果FDA在发出此缺失通知后7个自然日内没有收到计算内容或前述声明,则FDA会拒收该ANDA。

4.      An applicant should complete the Pharmacy Bulk Package Sterility Assurance table[11] for pharmacy bulk packages and placethis table in section of Module 1 of the ANDA. If FDA does not receive the completed table within 7 calendar days ofnotification of the omission, FDA will RTR the ANDA.

申报人应完整填写药房散装无菌保证表,用于药房散装包装,并将此表放在ANDA的模块1的1.14.1.4部分。如果FDA在发出缺失通知之后 7个自然日内未收到填写完整的表格,则FDA会拒收该ANDA。

5.      An applicant should include all of the facility information that is listed in Modules 3.2.S.2 and 3.2.P.3.1 (drug substance and drugproduct, respectively) of the application in Field 29 of the 356h form, using continuation pages for Field 29 when needed[12].  FDA will notify the applicant if there are any facilities listed in either of the aforementioned modules of the ANDA that are notcaptured in Field 29 and/or on its continuation pages.  If FDA does not receive a revised 356h form within 7 calendar days ofnotification of the facility omission(s), FDA will RTR the ANDA.


6.      If there is a patent listed in FDA’s Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations (commonly referred to asthe Orange Book) for the RLD, the ANDA must include a patent certification as to that patent, with one exception.  If the patent is amethod of use patent and the labeling of the RLD includes uses that are not covered by the patent, an ANDA applicant may beable to submit[13] a patent statement[14] explaining that the method of use patent does not claim any of the uses in the proposedlabeling of the ANDA product.  If the applicant submits such a patent statement, the proposed labeling in the ANDA must notinclude methods of use (or indications) that are covered by the use codes in the Orange Book for the patent in question. Where alisted patent claims the drug substance and/or drug product and one or more methods of use, the applicant may provide a “splitcertification” to the patent (i.e., the applicant provides a statement that the applicant is not seeking approval for one or moremethods of use claimed by the patent based on the use code(s) listed in the Orange Book (sometimes referred to as a “sectionviii” statement) and a patent certification to the remaining claims). If, upon filing review of such an ANDA, OGD determines that thelabeling submitted in the ANDA does refer to a use described in such use codes, OGD will not provide guidance or suggestions asto how the proposed labeling should be amended. Instead, OGD will inform the applicant that it must either revise its labeling orwithdraw the patent statement.  If, within 7 calendar days of being informed of this issue, an applicant fails to withdraw the patentstatement or revise the proposed labeling so as not to refer to the use claimed by the patent, FDA will RTR the ANDA.


7.      The listed drug that is relied on as the ANDA’s basis of submission is ordinarily the drug product that is designated as the RLD in the Orange Book[15].   If a listed drug that is not designated the RLD is cited as the basis of submission for an ANDA, FDA willnotify the applicant of the error.  If the correct information is not submitted within 7 calendar days, FDA will RTR the ANDA.


8.      For those ANDAs using APIs that do not make reference to a Type II API DMF, an evaluation of the API information presentedwithin Module 3 (drug substance)[16] of the application will be performed.  Any deficiencies[17] will be communicated to the ANDAapplicant for correction.  If a response to the API deficiencies is not received within 7 calendar days, FDA will RTR the ANDA.

如果ANDA中使用的API并没有引用II类API DMF,则将会对申报资料中在第3模块提交的API信息进行审核。FDA将与ANDA申报人就所有缺陷进行沟通要求更正。如果在7个自然日内未收到对API缺陷的回复,则FDA将会拒收该ANDA。

9.      In accordance with 21 CFR 314.94(a)(8)(iv), an ANDA’s proposed labeling must be the same as the labeling approved for theRLD, except for (1) changes required because of differences approved under a petition filed under 21 CFR 314.93, or (2)because the drug product and the RLD are produced or distributed by different manufacturers. Differences between theapplicant’s proposed labeling and labeling approved for the RLD can include differences in expiration date, formulation,bioavailability or pharmacokinetics, labeling revisions made to comply with current FDA labeling guidelines or other guidance, oromission of an indication or other aspect of labeling protected by patent or accorded exclusivity under section 505(j)(5)(F) of theFD&C Act. Applicants must submit a side-by- side comparison of the RLD and the proposed labeling[18].   In accordance with 21CFR 314.94(d)(1)(iii), the content of labeling must be submitted in an electronic format that FDA can process, review, andarchive.  FDA periodically issues and updates its guidance on how to provide electronic submissions[19].   If responses to these deficiencies are not received within 7 calendar days of being informed of these issues, FDA will RTR the ANDA.

根据21 CFR 314.94(a)(8)(iv),ANDA所拟定的标签与RLD批准标签不一致的例外情形只有(1)根据21CFR314.93提交的请愿要求对标签进行变更并且被批准,(2)该申报药品与RLD是由不同生产商生产或销售的。申报人所拟的标签与批准的RLD标签差异可以包括以下方面:有效期、配方、生物利用度或药动学、根据当前FDA标签指南或其它指南而对标签进行的修订,以及减省由于专利或FDCA第505(j)(5)(F)部分排他条款所保护的一个适应症或其它方面。申报人必须提交一份RLD和所拟标签的并列对照表。根据21 CFR314.94(d)(1)(iii),标签内容必须采用FDA可以处理、审核和存档的电子格式提交。FDA会定期签发和更新如何提供电子申报的指南。如果FDA在通知这些问题后7个自然日内没有收到对这些缺陷的回复,则FDA会拒收该ANDA。

[1] A copy of this BE table can be found on FDA’s Web site at the following location:  此BE表格可以在以下FDA官网找到http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/HowDrugsareDevelopedandApproved/Approv  alApplications/AbbreviatedNewDrugApplicationANDAGenerics/UCM120957.pdf.

[2] 21 CFR 314.94(a)(7).

[3] 21 CFR 314.94(a)(7).

[4] Section 505(j)(2)(A)(v) of the FD&C Act and 21 CFR 314(a)(8)(iv).84 21 CFR 314.101(d)(3).

[5] 21 CFR 314.101(d)(3).

[6] 21 CFR 314.101(d)(4).

[7] See the EA guidance for information as to which types of drug products require an EA

[8]21 CFR 25.15(a).

[9] 21 CFR 314.101(d)(5).

[10] 21 CFR 314.50(d)(1)(i).


[12] 21 CFR 314.101(d)(1).

[13] Pursuant to section 505(j)(2)(A)(viii) of the FD&C Act and 21 CFR 314.94(a)(12)(iii), and also referred to as a “Section viii carve-out.”
根据FDCA的505(j)(2)(A)(viii)部分和21 CFR 314.94(a)(12)(iii),也被称为“第8部分拆分”。

[14] See Abbreviated New Drug Application Regulations; Patent and Exclusivity Provisions; Final Rule, 59 FR 50338, 50347 (Oct. 3, 1994).
参见简略新药申报规范,专利和排他性条款,最终规定,59 FR 50338, 50347 (Oct. 3, 1994)。

[15] 21 CFR 314.94(a)(3).

[16] Specifically, section 3.2.S.2 and its accompanying subsections, though this does not preclude review of the other sections and subsections that make up3.2.S so that the completeness of the API section in its entirety may be assessed.

[17] Note that the minor deficiencies found during the API review are not counted against the total for all other ANDA
deficiencies, as described in the introduction to Section III.

[18] See 21 CFR 314.94(a)(8)(iv).

[19] See guidance for industry Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format—Content of Labeling.


使用道具 举报

 楼主| aiyao 发表于 2017-2-17 13:41:06 | 只看该作者
A.        Microbiology Considerations 微生物学考虑

Generally, FDA will RTR an ANDA if it contains certain deficiencies related to microbiology considerations.

通常,如果申报中缺少任何无菌保证的验证研究,FDA 将会拒收该ANDA 申请。

An ANDA should contain all sterility assurance validation studies for terminally sterilized drug products and aseptically filled drugproducts, as described below[1]:


1.      Terminally sterilized drug products 最终灭菌药品

·         Validation of production terminal sterilization process

·         药品最终灭菌工艺验证

·         Validation of depyrogenation of product containers and closures

·         产品容器和密封系统除热原验证

·         Validation of container-closure package integrity

·         容器-密封系统完整性验证

2.      Aseptically filled drug products 无菌灌装药品

·         Validation of the sterilizing grade filters (bacterial retention studies)

·         除菌过滤器等级验证(细菌截留实验)

·         Validation of the sterilization of sterile bulk drug or product contact equipment, components, containers, and closures

·         无菌待包装药品和产品接触到的设备、包材、容器和密封系统灭菌验证

·         Validation of the depyrogenation of product containers and closures

·         药品容器和密封系统除热原验证

·         Validation of the aseptic filling process/line/room (media fills/process simulations)

·         无菌灌装工艺/灌装线/灌装间验证(培养基灌装/工艺模拟)

·         Validation of container-closure package integrity

·         容器-密封系统完整性验证

In addition, an ANDA should include at the time of submission, at minimum, summaries of validation studies.



As a general matter, ANDA applicants should refer to FDA’s “Product Specific Recommendations for Generic Drug Development”website for Bioequivalence (BE) guidances regarding recommended in vivo and/or in vitro BE and other recommended studies[2].


A.        Failed In Vivo BE Studies 体内BE 研究失败

FDA will RTR an ANDA if only a failed in vivo BE study is submitted[3].   FDA regulations require applicants to submit information onfailed BE studies[4].   Typically, a failed study is one that does not satisfy the 90% confidence interval (CI) criterion (e.g., falls outsideof the 0.8-1.25 acceptance criterion limits) for either the area under curve (AUC) or peak plasma concentration (Cmax) parameter.  Ifthis occurs for highly variable drug products, the applicant may submit a study using a replicate study design and analyze data using areference-scaled average (RSA) approach for the failed parameter.  Applicants should refer to FDA’s “Product SpecificRecommendations for Generic Drug Development” website for BE guidances or submit BE guidance requests for proposed productsto Generic [url=mailtorugs@fda.hhs.gov]Drugs@fda.hhs.gov.[/url]


B.     Alternate BE Studies 替代BE 研究

FDA will RTR an ANDA if the ANDA contains one or more in vivo studies that were not recommended in the BE guidance, withoutadequate justification[5].  Adequate justification should include justification for an approach that deviates from FDA posted guidance,including data (Module 2.7 and Module 5) and appropriate references. Applicants should refer to FDA’s “Product Specific Recommendations for Generic Drug Development” website for BE guidances or submit BE guidance requests for proposed products to Generic [url=mailtorugs@fda.hhs.gov]Drugs@fda.hhs.gov.[/url]


C.         Q1/Q2 Sameness Requirement for Consideration of an In Vivo BE Study Waiver

体内BE 研究的豁免要求提供Q1/Q2 同一性

Certain drug products may be eligible for a waiver from conducting in vivo BE studies typically required to support an ANDA. Forexample, in accordance with 21 CFR 320.22(b)(1), parenteral drug products, in addition to both ophthalmic and otic solutions, may beeligible for a waiver of BE studies, provided that their formulations are considered Q1/Q2 same as the RLD[6].   If such a drugproduct is determined not to be Q1/Q2 same as the RLD, FDA will RTR the ANDA based on the determination that the drug product isineligible for a waiver because of permissible formulation differences[7].

某些特定的药品可能有资格豁免支持ANDA 申报通常需要的体外生物等效性研究。例如,根据21 CFR 320.22(b)(1),除眼用及耳用溶液剂之外,如果配方被认为与RLD在Q1/Q2上相同,非肠道用药也可能有资格获得生物等效性研究豁免。如果药品被认定为与RLD在 Q1/Q 2上不相同,根据药品由于未准许的配方差异而没有资格得到豁免,FDA 将拒收该ANDA 申报。

For ophthalmic solutions, it is critical to also complete and include the BE table Comparative Physicochemical Data of OphthalmicSolution Drug Products[8] in Module 2.7 of the ANDA submission to further support the waiver request.  This table captures keyinformation/data relevant to both the test product and the RLD.  If this table is omitted, FDA will RTR the ANDA despite adetermination that the test formulation is Q1/Q2 same as the RLD[9].

对于滴眼液,在ANDA 申报中完成滴眼液药物产品理化数据比较表,并放入模块2.7 中,对于进一步支持申请豁免是至关重要的。该表格捕捉了与受试药品和橙皮书收录参照药品(RLD)均有关的关键信息/数据。若该表格缺失,即使认定受试配方与RLD 的Q1/Q2 相同,FDA 也将拒收该ANDA 申请。

D.        Inadequate Dissolution Data (In Vitro Studies) 溶出不充分(体外研究)

For any recommended dissolution study, it is critical that appropriate comparison data (i.e., test product and RLD) be provided[10].   Ifthere is evidence within the ANDA that the appropriate dissolution studies were not conducted or a supplemental study is omitted,FDA will RTR the ANDA.


The BE guidances discussed in this section contain important details about the types of dissolution studies appropriate for the RLDand test products, along with information on waiver of an in vivo BE data requirement for any additional strengths for which approval issought[11].   In addition, these BE guidances may reference dissolution methods available through FDA’s Web site that are specificto a particular drug product[12].

在本部分所讨论的BE指南中包括了溶出度研究类型的重要细节,适合于RLD和受试药品,以及需要批准的其它剂量的体内BE数据要求豁免信息。此外,这些BE指南可能引用 了FDA官网上可以获得的特殊药品专用 的溶出度方法。

Other suggested types of comparative (i.e. test product and RLD) supplemental dissolution studies include:


·         Alcohol dose-dumping

·         酒精剂量倾卸

·         Half-tablet dissolution for modified-release drug products with functional score marks[13] performed for each strength of test andRLD in the recommended media, or quality control (QC) media if there is no recommendation (alcohol dose-dumping studies arenot recommended for half-tablet dissolution studies)

·         在推荐的介质中对每个剂量的受试药品和RLD进行具有刻痕的改释药品半片溶出度试验,如果没有建议的介质,可以采用质量控制(QC)介质(不建议在半片溶出度试验中进行酒精剂量倾卸研究)

·         Any other product-specific dissolution study described in the BE recommendations for the relevant product

·         所有相关产品的BE建议中所述的其它产品相关溶出度研究

[1] 21 CFR 314.50(d)(1).

[2] FDA’s BE recommendations for specific products can be found at  FDA特定药品的BE建议参见以下网址http://www.fda.gov/drugs/guidancecomplianceregulatoryinformation/guidances/ucm075207.htm.

[3] It is also recommended that a brief CMC summary of any failed studies be included in the Pharmaceutical Development report. 也建议在药物研发报告中放进一份所有失败研究的简要CMC摘要。

[4] 21 CFR 314.94(a)(7)(i).

[5] 21 CFR 314.94(a)(7).

[6] In such instances, bioequivalence is considered to be self-evident. 在此情形下,认为生物等效性是自证的。

[7] 21 CFR 314.94(a)(7).

[9]  21 CFR 314.94(a)(7).

[10] 21 CFR 314.50(d)(1).

[11]See 21 CFR 320.22(d)(2)(ii).

[12] For examples of FDA-recommended dissolution methods, see FDA建议的溶出度方法举例参见以下网址http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/dissolution/index.cfm.

[13] A functional score mark enables delivery of a dose that is supported by RLD labeling.

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 楼主| aiyao 发表于 2017-2-17 13:41:39 | 只看该作者
A.        Inadequate Stability 稳定性不充分

1.                  Number of Batches and Length of Studies  批次数量及实验长度

FDA will RTR an ANDA if certain batch size and study recommendations are not satisfied[1][2]. The applicant should provide three pilot-scale batches or two pilot-scale and one small-scale batch with both accelerated and long-term data provided for each batchcovering a period of no less than 6 months (180 days), with data from three time points (e.g., 0, 3, and 6 months)[3]. However, if 6 months of accelerated data show a significant change[4] or failure of any attribute in one or more batches, the applicant should alsoinclude 6 months of intermediate[5] stability studies at the time of submission.


The initiation date for each of the stability studies, along with individual pull dates (removal from the storage chamber) for eachstability time point should also be provided as part of the data to verify that each study covers the recommended 6-month (180 days)minimum hold time.


2.                  Container Orientation 容器朝向

FDA will RTR an ANDA if both worst-case scenario and non-worst-case stability data adhering to the recommendations described in section V.B.1 and this section are not submitted for the described drug product batches:  liquids, solutions, semi-solids, andsuspensions[6].


B.        Packaging Amount Considerations 包装数量考虑

FDA will RTR an ANDA if the ANDA does not package a minimum (threshold) amount of the finished drug product in thecontainer/closure systems that are proposed for marketing, as discussed in FDA’s guidance for industry ANDAs: Stability Testing ofDrug Substances and Products, Questions and Answers[7].   Also as discussed in the guidance, the threshold amount that should bepackaged is governed by the specific dosage form (e.g., solid oral dosage forms, oral powders/solutions/suspensions, parenteral drugproducts, ophthalmic/otic drug products, transdermal patches, and topicals such as creams/lotions/gels and inhalation solutions/nasalsprays) of the finished drug product that is the subject of the ANDA submission.


To qualify the dosage units that are packaged toward the applicable threshold, the following three recommended criteria for eachcontainer/closure configuration should be satisfied:


·         Stability data (as described in section V.B.1 of this guidance).

·         稳定性数据(按本指南中V.B.1部分所述)

·         Container/closure system information should be submitted in ANDA section 3.2.P.7. If bracketing or matrixing is used, an ANDAshould include the container/closure system information applicable to configurations that were excluded from stability studiesbecause of bracketing or matrixing.

·         容器/密闭系统信息应在ANDA第3.2.P.7部分提交。如果使用了括号法或矩阵法,则ANDA中应包括括号法或矩阵法研究所不包括的容器/密闭系统参数信息。

·         Container and carton (if applicable) labeling for each packaging configuration containing dosage units to be counted in theoverall packaged total should be provided in section 1.14.1 of the ANDA.

·         在ANDA的1.14.1部分中应提交大包装中所有包装的每个包装参数的容器和纸盒(适用时)标签信息。

C.         Batch Records 批记录

FDA will RTR an ANDA if blank and executed batch records are not provided, regardless of whether commercial scale-up isproposed[8].   For example, both commercial (blank) and executed (pilot) batch records for the pilot batches that are manufactured tosupport an ANDA should be submitted, along with any accompanying reconciliation sheets.


D.        Method Validation/Verification Reports 分析方法验证/确认报告

FDA will RTR an ANDA if method validation/verification reports are not provided[9].   It is critical that method validation/verificationreports for all analytical methods be provided in sections 3.2.S.4.3 and 3.2.P.5.3 of the ANDA, for both the drug substance (API) anddrug product, respectively.  That is, for drug products for which a relevant official United States Pharmacopeia (USP) drug productmonograph exists, verification[10] of the USP analytical procedures should be provided.  Verification should also be submitted for methods used from outside sources, such as a Type II API DMF holder, unless the methods have been fully validated in house.  Forany in-house methods used, validation of the analytical procedure should be submitted in either of the appropriate sections of theANDA (i.e., sections 3.2.S.4.3 or 3.2.P.5.3). In-house methods used in lieu of USP methods should be compared to the USP method tosupport a demonstration that the in-house method is sufficient.


In addition, for ANDAs not submitted electronically[11], the applicant should submit three copies of the method validation/verificationpackage for the API, the drug product, or both[12].


E.         Special Consideration for Transdermal Patches 对透皮贴剂的特殊考虑

FDA will RTR an ANDA for a transdermal patch if the ANDA does not address certain special considerations[13][14].


·         Matrix Systems 基质系统

ANDAs for matrix transdermal systems should be supported by stability data on three batches of drug product manufactured fromthree distinct laminates, where each batch of laminate is made using different lots of API, adhesives, backing, and/or other criticalelements in the drug product.  If an applicant is seeking approval for multiple strengths of a particular drug product, the applicant canchoose to use a bracket approach by manufacturing three batches of the highest and lowest strengths and at least one batch of eachof the bracketed strengths.  An example is given below.


-   Laminate Batch # 1 (pilot-scale):  All strengths (highest, lowest, and bracketed)

-   层压批次1(中试批量):所有剂量(最高、最低和其中所覆盖的)

-   Laminate Batch # 2 (pilot-scale):  Highest and lowest strengths

-   层压批次2(中试批量):最高和最低剂量

-   Laminate Batch # 3 (pilot- or small-scale): Highest and lowest strengths

-   层压批次3(中试或小批量):最高和最低剂量

·         Reservoir Systems 储库系统

Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult the Office of Lifecycle Drug Products, within the Office of Pharmaceutical Quality beforemaking a decision to develop a reservoir transdermal system product.  ANDAs for reservoir transdermal systems should be supportedby stability data on three batches of drug product manufactured from three distinct reservoir gels. Each batch of drug product should use different lots of API, adhesives, gel excipients, backing membrane, rate controlling membrane, and/or other critical elements in thedrug product.  If multiple strengths of a reservoir transdermal system are prepared from reservoir gels containing differentconcentrations of API, three batches of each strength should be manufactured. A bracket approach is usually not acceptable.


F.         Scoring and Conditions of Use 刻痕与使用条件

1.                  Functional Scoring Configurations That Are Inconsistent With the RLD 功能性片剂刻痕与RLD不一致

FDA will RTR an ANDA if there are inconsistencies in the scoring configuration between the RLD and the test product and thoseinconsistencies have not been reviewed and approved by FDA before submission of the ANDA. Scoring configurations often facilitatedose titration and other patient-specific regimens that would be imprecise because of the difficulty of splitting an unscored tablet (formore information, see FDA’s guidance for industry Tablet Scoring: Nomenclature, Labeling, and Data for Evaluation (Tablet Scoringguidance)).  FDA’s Tablet Scoring guidance recommends that the “scoring configuration of generic drug products should be thesame as the RLD” and so demonstrate that the test product can be administered in a manner consistent with the dosingrecommendations of the RLD.


Inconsistencies in scoring configuration between the RLD and the test product may not facilitate this demonstration.  For example, ifan RLD 10 mg tablet is scored to enable administration of a 5 mg dose (and a 5 mg dose is supported by the label) and the testproduct is unscored and does not offer a 5 mg strength, an ANDA applicant will be unable to demonstrate that the test product can beadministered in a manner consistent with the dosing recommendations of the RLD.


Conversely, if the ANDA product (e.g., 10 mg) is manufactured with a score mark and the RLD 10 mg tablet is unscored and the labelindicates no recommended dose lower than 10 mg, the test product offers the potential for delivering a dose (5 mg) that is notreflected in the label, which would be considered a new dosing regimen.  As a result, an ANDA applicant will be unable todemonstrate that the test product would be administered only in a manner consistent with the dosing recommendations of the RLD.

相反,如果生产的ANDA 药品(例如 10mg)带有刻痕,但RLD 10 mg 的片剂无刻痕,而且标签中未推荐低于10 mg 的用药剂量,受试药品提供了标签中没有标示的5mg 的使用的可能,这种情况将被视为一个新的给药剂量方案。这时,ANDA申报人就不能证明受试药品只能按RLD建议的给药剂量服用。

2.                  Fill Volumes for Parenteral Drug Products That Differ From the RLD 非肠道用药的装量与RLD不同

FDA will RTR an ANDA whose subject is a parenteral drug product if its fill volume deviates from the RLD drug product and thedeviation is not permitted[15] [16].    ANDA parenteral (injectable) drug products should contain the same concentration and total drugcontent per container as the RLD.  Therefore, a deviation from the fill volume (total drug content) of the RLD parenteral drug product may constitute a change in strength. A change in strength must first be approved via the suitability petition process (see section III.Fof this guidance) before it can be proposed in an ANDA submission.

ANDA 非肠道药品每一容器应与RLD装量上的偏差(总的药物含量)可能会导致规格上出现变化。规格变更必须在ANDA 申报中提出前通过稳定性请求流程批准(参见本指南的III.G.2 部分)。因此,任何未经批准的与RLD 不一致的装量改变都将导致FDA 拒收该ANDA。

3.                  Differences in Packaging and/or Labeling That May Be Associated With the Safe/Effective Use of the Drug Product 可能与药品安全/有效使用有关的包装上的差异

FDA will RTR an ANDA on a case-by-case basis if the ANDA contains differences in packaging and/or labeling from the RLD that maybe associated with safe/effective use of the drug product[17].   Generally, if the RLD is packaged with certain labeling in a manner to ensure its proper administration, the test product should be packaged and labeled similarly.  For example, an RLD product mayincorporate labeling on its packaging that contains a combination of visual and/or typographical aids, beyond the direct label text, tofacilitate patient compliance and safety. Blister packaging is an example of such packaging, whereby certain drug productscommunicate crucial patient information directly on the blister carton (and/or the blister itself) to both improve patient compliance andreduce the incidence of harm or injury that may result from improper administration of the drug product.  A blister carton may alsobetter allow any supplemental patient information to be attached directly to it, which in turn ensures that each patient receives thenecessary drug product information upon dispensing from a pharmacy.  Such a proposed product should generally be packagedsimilarly to the RLD to account for these considerations.


4.                  Other Inconsistencies 其它不一致情况

FDA will RTR an ANDA if the ANDA contains certain other inconsistencies.  In accordance with 21 CFR 314.94(a)(4), an ANDA mustinclude a statement that the conditions of use prescribed, recommended, or suggested in the labeling proposed for the drug producthave been previously approved for the RLD.  However, there are certain exceptions (e.g., for labeling differences permitted pursuant to an approved suitability petition that is cited as an ANDA’s basis of submission (see section III.F for further details)).  Any otherproposed condition-of-use changes would not be acceptable. Examples of proposed condition-of-use changes may include, but arenot limited to, citing a sprinkle capsule dosage form as a basis of submission but producing a capsule that cannot be administered in the same manner as the RLD, or proposing alterations to either the amount of active ingredient delivered per dose or the dosingregimen such that neither are consistent with those described in the RLD labeling.

如果一份ANDA中包括其它的不一致情形,FDA将拒收该ANDA。根据21 CFR 314.94(a)(4),ANDA必须包括一份声明,说明拟在申报药品的标签上注明的对之前批准的RLD处方使用条件的建议和推荐。但是,也会有一些例外(例如,在申报资料中引用已批准的适用性申诉,获得批准的差异性标签(更多信息参见第III.F部分))。此外提议的其它任何使用条件变更都不会接受。提议的使用条件变更例子可能包括但不仅限于,引用微粒胶囊剂型作为申报依据,但生产的胶囊并不能使用与RLD相同的方法服用;或者是提议了替代的每剂活性成分给药量和给药方案,但两者都与RLD标签所述的内容不一致。

[1] ANDAs submitted and date-stamped by the Agency prior to June 20, 2014 (the date of implementation of FDA stability guidance), will be evaluated for filingreview purposes using ANDA stability recommendations in place prior to June 20, 2014.

[2] 21 CFR 314.50(d)(1)(i) and 21 CFR 314.50(d)(1)(ii).

[3] Guidance for industry ANDAs: Stability Testing of Drug Substances and Products. See also FDA’s guidance for industry ANDAs: Stability Testing ofDrug Substances and Products, Questions and Answers.

[4] The ICH guidance for industry entitled Q1A(R2) Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products defines “significant change” as one or moreof the following (as appropriate for the dosage form): (1) a 5% change in assay from its initial value, or failure to meet the acceptance criteria for potencywhen using biological or immunological procedures; (2) a degradation product’s exceeding its acceptance criterion; (3) failure to meet the acceptancecriteria for appearance, physical attributes, and functionality test (e.g., color, phase separation, resuspendibility, caking, harness, dose delivery peractuation); however, some changes in physical attributes (e.g., softening of suppositories, melting of creams) may be expected under acceleratedconditions; (4) failure to meet acceptance criterion for pH; and (5) failure to meet the acceptance criteria for dissolution for 12 dosage units.

[5] Intermediate storage condition testing does not apply to drug products intended for storage in a refrigerator.

[6] See 21 CFR 314.94(a)(9)(i) stating that ANDAs must include chemistry, manufacturing, and controls information required under 21 CFR 314.50(d)(1).
参见21 CFR 314.94(a)(9)(i),其中说明了21 CFR 314.50(d)(1)项下ANDA必须包括的研发、生产和检测信息。

[7] 21 CFR 314.50(d)(1)(ii).

[8] 21 CFR 314.50(d)(1)(ii)(b).

[9] 21 CFR 314.50(d)(1) and 314.94(a)(9)(i).

[10] EP (European Pharmacopoeia)/BP (British Pharmacopoeia)/JP (Japanese Pharmacopoeia) methods may be allowed, for which, in many cases, verification(versus full validation) may suffice.

[11] On May 5, 2017, the electronic submission of ANDAs in a format specified by FDA will be required. See discussion in section III.B.

[12] 21 CFR 314.50(e)(2)(i).

[13] 21 CFR 314.50(d)(1).

[14] In addition to the considerations identified in this section, FDA has provided recommendations on the submission of studies evaluating the adhesiveperformance of a Transdermal Delivery System (TDS) or topical patch in support of an ANDA in the guidance for industry Assessing Adhesion withTransdermal Delivery Systems and Topical Patches for ANDAs.  The recommendations provided in the guidance will supersede the recommendationsrelated to adhesion studies provided in individual product-specific recommendations published before the guidance was issued. Accordingly, FDA willRTR an ANDA for failure to follow the recommendations in the guidance once the final guidance is issued.

[15]That is, alterations beyond overfill allowances that are within USP recommendations in a relevant drug product monograph.

[16] See generally 21 CFR 314.50(d)(1).

[17] 21 CFR 314.94(a)(8)

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| aiyao 发表于 2017-2-17 13:42:11 | 只看该作者
A.        Form FDA 356h (356h) FDA365h 表格 (365h)

An ANDA must contain a completed application form (i.e., Form FDA 356h).  If this form is not included, or is not signed, whichindicates that the applicant is not attesting to the material contained in the application, FDA will RTR the ANDA[1].

申请必须包含一份完整的申请表格(即FDA 356h 表格)。如果申报资料中该表缺失,或者是表格没有签字,则表示申报人没有证明申报中所包含的资料,则FDA会拒收该ANDA。

B.        Submission, Format, and Organization 申报资料、格式和文件结构

The ANDA should be formatted according to the eCTD format, and it should be submitted electronically for GDUFA metric goals to apply to the ANDA[2].  Under Section 745A(a) of the FD&C Act, electronic submissions of applications to FDA will be required at least24 months after the issuance of the final guidance for industry, Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format – CertainHuman Pharmaceutical Product Applications and Related Submissions Using the eCTD Specifications (the eCTD guidance), whichpublished on May 5, 2015.  Accordingly, the electronic submission of ANDAs in a format specified by FDA is required as of May 5,2017[3].


C.         Non-Payment of GDUFA Obligations 未付清GDUFA费用

FDA will RTR an ANDA in certain cases if there are outstanding user fee obligations[4]:


·         If an applicant fails to pay the GDUFA ANDA or PAS fee within 20 calendar days of submitting the application[5]

·         申报人在提交申报资料之后20个自然日内未支付ANDA或PAS的GDUFA费用

·         If an ANDA references a Type II active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) Drug Master File (DMF) that is not on the public available forreference list because of non-payment of the GDUFA DMF fee[6]

·         ANDA所引用 的II类原料药(API)DMF由于没有支付GDUFA费用而不在可引用清单上

·         If an ANDA references a facility that is on the facility arrears list for failure to pay the GDUFA facility fee(s)[7]

·         ANDA所引用 的生产厂址由于未支付GDUFA场所费用而被录入了拖欠清单

·         If the applicant is the owner of or is affiliated with the owner of a facility on the facility arrears list[8]

·         申报人是场所费用拖欠清单上某场所的所有者或者是关联方

·         If the applicant is listed on the backlog arrears list[9]

·         申报人被列入了积压费拖欠清单中

·         If the applicant is affiliated with an applicant on the backlog arrears list[10].

·         申报人是积压费拖欠清单上申报人的关联方

In all of these cases, FDA will RTR an ANDA for nonpayment of GDUFA user fee obligations. Upon satisfaction of all applicable userfee obligations, CDER’s Office of Management will issue a formal correspondence to the applicant indicating the adjusted receipt date (i.e., the date on which all outstanding user fee obligations were satisfied in full) for which the ANDA is eligible.


D.        Lack of a Designated U.S. Agent for a Foreign Applicant 外国申请人指定美国代理人

FDA will RTR an ANDA if a foreign applicant does not designate a U.S. agent.  If the person signing the application form (i.e., FormFDA 356h) does not reside or have a place of business within the United States, the application form is required to contain the nameand address of, and be countersigned by, an attorney, agent, or other authorized official who resides or maintains a place ofbusiness within the United States[11].


E.         Citing a Pending Suitability Petition as a Basis of Submission 引用尚未裁决的适用性请愿作为申报的基础

If an applicant submits a copy of, or refers to, a pending suitability petition, FDA will RTR the ANDA because it lacks a legal basis forthe submission[12]. An ANDA can rely on a suitability petition as a basis of submission only after the petition has been approved byFDA.  ANDAs can be submitted for drug products that differ from the listed drug, provided that a suitability petition requesting achange is submitted pursuant to section 505(j)(2)(C) of the FD&C Act and in accordance with 21 CFR 314.93 and 10.30, and thesuitability petition is approved by FDA.  The changes (from the RLD) that can be requested in a suitability petition are:


·         Change in route of administration

·         给药途径变更

·         Change in dosage form

·         剂型变更

·         Change in strength

·         剂量变更

·         One active ingredient is substituted for one of the active ingredients in a listed combination drug

·         将复方药品中的一种活性成分被另一种活性成分取代

An applicant who wishes to rely on an approved suitability petition as the basis of submission for an ANDA can do so by identifying thelisted drug cited in the approved petition as the basis for the ANDA, subject to the limitation described in 21 CFR 314.93(f)(2)[13].   Inaddition, the docket number and a copy of FDA’s correspondence approving the petition must be included in the ANDAsubmission[14].,

期望将一份经过批准的请愿书作为其ANDA申报资料基础的申报人可以通过指明在批准的请愿书中所引用的参比制剂作为其ANDA的基础,该引用受到21 CFR 314.93(f)(2)中所述的限制。另外,在ANDA申报资料中还要包括文档编号和FDA批准该请愿的通信副本。

REVIEWS FOR API  原料药评审A.        Starting Material 起始物料

FDA will RTR an ANDA if the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) review, whether in an ANDA or in a referenced drug master file (DMF), reveals that the starting material for the API is not justified according to the principles in the ICH Q11 guidance[15][16].

如果API 审评发现该API 指定的起始物料是不恰当的,不管是在ANDA 申请或引用的DMF 中, FDA 都将拒收该ANDA 申请。

B.        Sterility Assurance Data 无菌保证数据

FDA will RTR an ANDA if the API review, whether in an ANDA or a referenced DMF, reveals that sterility assurance data are missingfor a sterile API[17].

如果API 审评发现无菌API 的无菌保证数据缺失,不管是在ANDA 申请或引用的DMF 中, FDA 都将拒收该ANDA 申请。

PRODUCT QUALITY DEFICIENCIES 药品质量缺陷A.        Inactive Ingredients[18] 非活性成分

1.                  Inactive Ingredients Exceeding the Inactive Ingredient Database Limit 非活性成分超出非活性成分数据库限度

FDA will RTR an ANDA if the submission proposes to use an inactive ingredient at a level that exceeds any of the inactive ingredientdatabase (IID) listings without the justification described below[19].[20]   Applicants can justify inactive ingredient levels by reference to the IID, which is a listing of inactive ingredients and their maximum levels of use (per dosage unit or percent composition), arrangedby either route of administration or dosage form[21].   An inactive ingredient is considered justified, for receipt purposes, if theproposed level is at or below the amount indicated in the IID for the corresponding route of administration of the drug product.  If anapplicant wishes to use an inactive ingredient at a level per unit that is higher than what is proposed in the IID, options are available tofacilitate receipt of the ANDA:


·         Submit complete pharmacology/toxicology information. 提交完整的药学/毒理学资料

In the draft guidance, FDA described the type of pharmacology/toxicology information that should be submitted for ANDA submissionsthat propose to use an inactive ingredient at a level that exceeds any of the IID listings to avoid FDA refusing-to-receive the ANDA.After additional consideration, FDA believes that this issue bears further evaluation, and the Agency is not prepared to offer itscurrent thinking on this subject at this time. The Agency anticipates addressing this issue in a separate guidance.


·         Cite a specific example of a CDER-approved drug product. 引用一个CDER已批准药品的特定样例

Applicants should cite a specific example of a CDER-approved drug product that contains the inactive ingredient at or above theproposed level of use[22] for the appropriate route of administration.


·         Refer to an FDA controlled correspondence response. 引用一份FDA受控通信回复

Applicants should refer to a controlled correspondence in which FDA issued a response indicating that the proposed level of use is acceptable for receipt purposes[23].   Applicants should calculate the maximum daily intake (MDI) for the inactive ingredient andprovide the name of the RLD, if applicable.  No more than three inactive ingredient queries should be submitted per controlledcorrespondence.


Inactive ingredient justification for oral liquid drug products should not be based on a listed percentage in the IID. This is because thecomponents of liquid dosage forms are generally expressed in terms of milligrams per milliliter (%w/v), and as a result, the amount ofinactive ingredient delivered per dose cannot be properly ascertained by simply comparing the %w/v composition of a particular inactive ingredient to a threshold percentage in the IID.  Instead, the applicant should calculate the amount of inactive ingredient that isdelivered per dose or per day (MDI) based on dosing recommendations indicated in the RLD label.  In addition, the applicant should justify the calculated amount based on an amount-per-unit IID listing that corresponds to an oral dosage form (e.g., solid oral dosage form).  Alternatively, for the ANDA to be considered for receipt, one of the previously discussed options in this section can be used.


Inactive ingredients that are included in powders for oral suspension should be justified as described in the preceding paragraph, with calculations of amounts delivered per dose based on the dry powder composition (i.e., prior to reconstitution).


When justifying inactive ingredients for semi-solid and topical dosage forms, applicants can refer to listed percentages in the IID. However, the percent concentration of each inactive ingredient should be converted into an amount expressed in one of the followingforms: mg/mL, mg/g, mL/mL, etc.


2.                  Changes to Non-Exception Inactive Ingredients in Parenteral, Ophthalmic, and Otic Products


FDA will RTR an ANDA if certain concerns with respect to non-exception inactive ingredients are not addressed in the ANDA[24].


Parenteral drug products generally must contain the same inactive ingredients and in the same concentration as the RLD[25].  However, specific changes (from the RLD drug product) are permitted for certain inactive ingredients (i.e., preservatives, buffers, andantioxidants), which are considered exception inactive ingredients. Applicants should identify and characterize the differences andshould submit information demonstrating that the differences do not affect the safety or efficacy of the proposed drug product[26].  This justification is a critical aspect of the exception inactive ingredient allowance and should be provided in the ANDA to support theproposed exception inactive ingredient change.


For all other inactive ingredients, an ANDA whose subject is a parenteral drug product must be qualitatively and quantitatively thesame (Q1/Q2 same) as the RLD, with certain allowable differences permitted under 21 CFR 314.94(a)(9)(iii)[27].   Before submittingan ANDA, the applicant can submit a controlled correspondence to request a Q1/Q2 evaluation of proposed formulations to minimizethe risk of FDA refusing-to-receive the ANDA[28].   Even if an inactive ingredient is determined to be quantitatively the same as theRLD, the proposed concentration should be justified with reference to the IID in the event that it falls within the upper limit of theQ1/Q2 threshold.  In other words, if an inactive ingredient is demonstrated to be quantitatively the same as the RLD (same implies≥95% but ≤105% of the RLD concentration or amount) yet exceeds the IID limit for the applicable route of administration, FDA will RTRthe ANDA[29].

至于其它所有非活性成分,注射剂的ANDA中必须保持其定性定量均与RLD相同(Q1/Q2相同),其允许差异根据21 CFR 314.94(a)(9)(iii)规定执行。在提交ANDA之前,申报人可以提交一份受控通信索取对所拟配方的Q1/Q2评估,以最大程度减少FDA拒收该ANDA的风险。即使非活性成分与RLD含量相同,如果是落在Q1/Q2阈值的上限,则仍需参照IID对所拟浓度进行论证。换句话说,如果一种非活性成分被证明其含量与RLD相同(相同表示≥95% 但≤105%RLD浓度或数量),但超过了IID对应用给药途径的限度,则FDA还是会拒收该ANDA。

An ANDA concerning an ophthalmic drug product should be Q1/Q2 the same as the RLD with respect to all of its components, orinclude data from appropriate BE studies[30].   Despite a similar allowance (to parenteral products) provided for ophthalmic drugproducts in 21 CFR 314.94(a)(9)(iv), FDA has determined that, as a scientific matter, any qualitative or quantitative deviations fromthe RLD should be accompanied by an appropriate in vivo BE study or studies.

眼用制剂的ANDA中所有组分的浓度在Q1/Q2均应与RLD完全相同,否则需要在申报资料中包括适当的BE研究数据。尽管在21 CFR314.94(a)(9)(iv)中对眼用制剂也规定了(与注射剂)的类似允差,但FDA已经决定,从科学角度,任何数量或质量方面与RLD的差异均需实施适当的体内BE研究。

For otic drug products, differences with respect to the types of inactive ingredients listed in 21 CFR 314.94(a)(9)(iv) are permitted,provided that these differences are identified and characterized and information is submitted demonstrating that these differences do not affect the safety or efficacy of the proposed drug product.

对于耳用制剂,允许对21 CFR 314.94(a)(9)(iv)中列出的非活性成分类别有所差异,但这些差异需要进行列出并说明其属性,还要提交资料证明这些差异不会影响所提交药品的安全性和有效性。

[1] 21 CFR 314.101(d)(1).

[2] To ensure receipt of an electronic submission, please follow the current eCTD specifications as provided in FDA’s Data Standards Catalog available at http://www.fda.gov/downloads/ForIndustry/DataStandards/StudyDataStandards/UCM340684.xls.

[3] To ensure receipt of an electronic submission, please follow the current eCTD specifications as provided in FDA’s Data Standards Catalog available at

[4] See Generic Drug User Fee Amendments of 2012; Public Law 112-144, Title III. See also [url]http://www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/UserFees/GenericDrugUserFees/ucm319567.htm [/url]and the guidance for industry Generic Drug User Fee Amendments of 2012uestions and Answers Related to User Fee Assessments.

[5] Section 744B(g)(3) of the FD&C Act. 参见FDCA法案第744B(g)(3)部分。

[6] Section 744B(g)(2) of the FD&C Act. 参见FDCA法案第744B(g)(2)部分。

[7] Section 744B(g)(4)(A)(ii) of the FD&C Act 参见FDCA法案第744B(g)(4)(A)(ii)部分。

[8] Section 744B(g)(4)(A)(i) of the FD&C Act. 参见FDCA法案第744B(g)(4)(A)(i)部分。

[9] Section 744B(g)(1) of the FD&C Act. 参见FDCA法案第744B(g)(1)部分。

[10] Id.

[11] 21 CFR 314.94(a)(1) (incorporating by reference 21 CFR 314.50(a)(1), (3), (4), and (5)).

[12] 21 CFR 314.101(d)(3).

[13] 21 CFR 314.94(a)(3)(i).

[14] 21 CFR 314.94(a)(3)(iii).

[15] See International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) (2012), Q11 Development and Manufacture of Drug Substances (Chemical Entities andBiotechnological/Biological Entities).

[16] 21 CFR 314.50(d)(1)(i).

[17] 21 CFR 314.50(d)(1)(i) and 21 CFR 314.50(d)(1)(ii).

[18] In general, although considered supportive, GRAS certification, FEMA certification, DMF authorization, or composition are not considered sufficientjustification to support safety of an inactive ingredient or level at which it is used in the drug product.

[19] If the inactive ingredient is determined to be a novel inactive ingredient for the corresponding route of administration of the drug product (unless it is aphysical mixture of components found in the IID and within acceptable IID maximum levels), FDA will RTR the ANDA. Use of a novel inactive ingredient willgenerally require submission as a 505(b)(2) application.

[20] 21 CFR 314.94(a)(9)(ii).

[22] That is, amount per dosage unit or maximum daily intake (MDI) that is based on the calculated maximum daily dose (MDD) of the active ingredient in thedrug product.

[23] Controlled correspondences are submitted via e-mail through GenericDrugs@fda.hhs.gov. See  [url]http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/CentersOffices/OfficeofMedicalProductsandTobacco/CDER/ucm120610.htm        [/url]for more information.

[24] 21 CFR 314.94(a)(9)(ii).

[25] 21 CFR 314.94(a)(9)(iii).

[26] Id.

[27] Id. (Also, quantitative sameness generally is interpreted by OGD to mean a concentration that is within 95-105% of the RLD concentration. That is,sameness as discussed herein does not suggest an exact value, but rather a range of values).

[28] As with other inactive ingredient queries, FDA requests that the applicant submit no more than three proposed formulations for evaluation per controlledcorrespondence. See, guidance for industry Controlled Correspondence Related to Generic Drug Development.

[29] The assumption should not be made that any listed IID concentration incorporates the 105% Q1/Q2 allowance.

[30] See 21 CFR 320.22(b)(1). An applicant proposing to submit an ANDA for a non-Q1/Q2 same ophthalmic drug product is strongly urged to contact theDivision of Bioequivalence for guidance prior to submitting an application.
参见21 CFR 320.22(b)(1)。申报人想要提交一份非Q1/Q2相同眼膏剂的ANDA时,强烈敦促其联系生物等效性办公室获取申报提交前指导。

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 楼主| aiyao 发表于 2017-2-17 13:43:02 | 只看该作者
ANDA Submissions –Refuse-to-Receive Standards
Guidance for Industry
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
December 2016
Revision 2

ANDA Submissions –Refuse-to-Receive Standards
Guidance for Industry
Additional copies are available from:
Office of Communications, Division of Drug Information Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Food and Drug Administration
10001 New Hampshire Ave., Hillandale Bldg., 4th Floor Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002
Phone: 855-543-3784 or 301-796-3400; Fax: 301-431-6353
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
December 2016
Revision 2





A........ Form FDA 356h (356h) FDA365h 表格 (365h)

B......... Submission, Format, and Organization 申报资料、格式和文件结构

C........ Non-Payment of GDUFA Obligations 未付清GDUFA费用

D........ Lack of a Designated U.S. Agent for a Foreign Applicant 外国申请人未指定美国代理人

E......... Citing a Pending Suitability Petition as a Basis of Submission 引用尚未裁决的适用性请愿作为申报的基础


A........ Starting Material 起始物料

B......... Sterility Assurance Data 无菌保证数据


A........ Inactive Ingredients 非活性成分

B......... Inadequate Stability 稳定性不充分

C........ Packaging Amount Considerations 包装数量考虑

D........ Batch Records 批记录

E......... Method Validation/Verification Reports 分析方法验证/确认报告

F......... Special Consideration for Transdermal Patches 对透皮贴剂的特殊考虑

G........ Scoring and Conditions of Use 刻痕与使用条件

H........ Microbiology Considerations 微生物学考虑


A........ Failed In Vivo BE Studies 体内BE 研究失败

B........ Alternate BE Studies 替代BE 研究

C........ Q1/Q2 Sameness Requirement for Consideration of an In Vivo BE Study Waiver

D........ Inadequate Dissolution Data (In Vitro Studies) 溶出不充分(体外研究)

E......... Miscellaneous Factors 其它因素



ANDA Submissions – Refuse-to-Receive Standards

Guidance for Industry[1]


This guidance represents the current thinking of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA orAgency) on this topic. It does not establish any rights for any person and is not binding on FDAor the public. You can use an alternative approach if it satisfies the requirements of theapplicable statutes and regulations. To discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA officeresponsible for this guidance as listed on the title page.


This guidance is intended to assist applicants preparing to submit to FDA abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) and prior approval supplements (PASs) to ANDAs for which the applicant is seeking approval of a new strength of the drug product[2].   Theguidance highlights deficiencies that may cause FDA to refuse to receive (RTR) an ANDA[3].   An RTR decision indicates that FDAdetermined that an ANDA is not substantially complete[4].   A substantially complete ANDA is “an ANDA that on its face is sufficientlycomplete to permit a substantive review.”[5]


This guidance is not meant to be a comprehensive list of the deficiencies that may or will lead to an RTR determination by FDA. Instead, this guidance identifies certain deficiencies and certain recurrent deficiencies that in FDA’s experience have led FDA to RTRan ANDA. This guidance also describes how FDA will assess deficiencies identified during FDA’s filing review to determine whether an ANDA should be received.  We note that industry is aware of many of the standards described in this guidance because FDA hashistorically applied many of these standards in its RTR determinations.


FDA’s guidance documents, including this guidance, generally do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities.  Instead, guidancesdescribe FDA’s current thinking on a topic and should be viewed only as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutoryrequirements are cited.


The use of the word “should” in Agency guidances means that something is suggested or recommended, but not required[6].



Pursuant to the enactment of the Generic Drug User Fee Amendments of 2012 (GDUFA)[7], the Office of Generic Drugs (OGD) istasked with a number of activities, including the development of “enhanced refusal to receive standards for ANDAs and other relatedsubmissions by the end of year 1 of the program….”[8]   Enhanced RTR standards are important because the practice of submittingan ANDA that is not sufficiently complete to permit a substantive review and then “repairing” it in the course of an extended reviewperiod that needs several cycles of FDA response and applicant repair is inherently inefficient and wasteful of resources.  In addition,ANDAs that are not sufficiently complete to permit a substantive review generate extra reviews and letters.


FDA evaluates each submitted ANDA individually to determine whether the ANDA can be received. The receipt of an ANDA meansthat FDA made a threshold determination that the ANDA is a substantially complete application, that is, an ANDA that on its face is sufficiently complete to permit a substantive review[9].   Sufficiently complete means that the ANDA contains all the informationrequired under section 505(j)(2)(A) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) and does not contain a deficiencydescribed in 21 CFR 314.101(d) and (e)[10].

FDA会对收到的ANDA逐个评估,以确定是否可以接受。接受一份ANDA意味着FDA做出了一个决定,确定该ANDA是否是一份实质性完整的申报资料,也就是该ANDA表面上足够完整,可以开始实质性评审。足够完整意味着ANDA包括了所有根据FDCA 505(j)(2)(A)部分中所要求的所有资料,并且没有21 CFR 314.101(d)和 (e)里所述的缺陷。

Our regulations at 21 CFR 314.101 provide the regulatory authority by which FDA may in certain cases, and will in others, RTR anANDA that does not satisfy the criteria for a threshold determination that the application is substantially complete[11] .

我们在21 CFR 314.101中的法规要求让FDA有权在某些情形下可以拒收不满足确定申报资料实质性完整标准的ANDA。

Between Fiscal Years (FY) 2013 to 2015, FDA refused to receive 379 ANDAs for reasons other than failure to pay a GDUFA fee. Ofall original ANDA submissions, FDA refused to receive:


?  14% in FY 2013

?  10% in FY 2014

?  14% in FY 2015[12]

?  2013财年:14%

?  2014财年:10%

?  2015财年:14%

In FY 2015, the five most frequent bases for an RTR determination were (in order of frequency): inadequate stability data; incomplete information request response; inadequate dissolution; drug product was not qualitatively and quantitatively the same (Q1/Q2 same)as the reference listed drug (RLD); and failure to respond to information request within the prescribed timeframe).



FDA considers the nature (e.g., major or minor) of the deficiencies, including the number of deficiencies in the ANDA, in determiningwhether an ANDA is incomplete on its face[13].   During FDA’s filing review of a submitted ANDA, FDA will determine if there are anymajor or minor deficiencies. Generally, a major deficiency is one that in FDA’s judgment is significant in nature such as certaindeficiencies found in 21 CFR 314.101(d) or 21 CFR 314.101(e)[14]; other major deficiencies are discussed in this and other guidances. Numerous minor deficiencies (discussed below) also constitute a major deficiency. A major deficiency will result in adetermination by FDA that the ANDA is incomplete on its face under 21 CFR 314.101(d)(3), and FDA will therefore RTR an ANDAcontaining a major deficiency.

FDA在决定一份ANDA是否表面完整的时候,会考虑ANDA中缺陷的情况,包括缺陷的数量。在FDA对提交的ANDA进行归档审核期间,FDA会决定是否有重大缺陷或轻微缺陷。通常,重大缺陷是FDA认为比较严重的情况,例如发现违反21 CFR 314.101(d) 或 21 CFR 314.101(e)中要求的某些缺陷,其它的重大缺陷将在本指南和其它指南中进行讨论。大量轻微缺陷(以下将进行讨论)也会构成重大缺陷。一个重大缺陷就会使得FDA依据21 CFR 314.101(d)(3)判定该ANDA是表面不完整的,因此FDA将会RTR含有一个重大缺陷的ANDA。

A minor deficiency is one that in FDA’s judgment is minor in nature and can be easily remedied[15].  As a result, FDA will allow theapplicant a prescribed time period (described below in this section) to provide a response to such deficiencies.  In particular, if FDA determines that an ANDA contains fewer than ten minor deficiencies (i.e., nine deficiencies or fewer), FDA will notify the applicant ofthe deficiencies, by phone, fax, or through the primary method for communication, which is email.  FDA, in its discretion, providesapplicants with the opportunity to correct minor deficiencies or amend the ANDA, within seven (7) calendar days[16].    If within 7calendar days the requested information is not received, FDA will RTR the ANDA.


However, if FDA determines that an ANDA contains ten or more minor deficiencies or one or more major deficiencies, FDA will notconsider the ANDA to be a substantially complete application under 21 CFR 314.101(b)(1).  In such cases, FDA will notify theapplicant that FDA considers the ANDA not to have been “received.”  If the applicant decides to submit additional materials to correctthe deficiencies, the resulting amended ANDA will be considered a new ANDA submission, received as of the date the amended ANDAis submitted (if deemed substantially complete), and the applicant will be required to pay a new ANDA fee.  If an ANDA is not receivedand the applicant takes no action, FDA may consider the ANDA withdrawn after 1 year[17].   An ANDA applicant’s failure to take actionafter a refuse-to-receive decision on an ANDA may be considered a request by the applicant to withdraw the ANDA, unless theapplicant requests an extension of time in which to resubmit the ANDA[18].   There may be circumstances, however, under which anexception to, or a waiver of, a regulatory requirement may be granted.  FDA will consider the merits of such circumstances on a case-by-case basis[19].

但是,如果FDA认为一份ANDA中含有10个或更多轻微缺陷,或1个或更多重大缺陷,则FDA会认为该ANDA根据是21 CFR 314.101(b)(1)实质不完整的。在此情形下,FDA会通知申报人FDA将视该ANDA为未被接收。如果申报人决定提交更多资料来纠正这些缺陷,则所导致的修订后的ANDA会被当作一份新的ANDA来处理,修订后的ANDA提交日期会被作为是申报接收日期(如果修订后的资料是实质性完整的话),FDA会要求申报人支付一份新ANDA的费用。如果提交的ANDA没有被接受,而申报人在收到ANDA被拒收的决定后又没有采取措施,除申报人申请延期提交ANDA以外,视作申报人要求撤回该ANDA。当然,也有一些情形下会有例外,或者是豁免,这时FDA会各案考虑此种情形。

The following sections discuss deficiencies that FDA considers to be major deficiencies. A selection of minor deficiencies is providedin Appendix A.

下节讨论FDA 认为重大的缺陷。附录A中给出了轻微缺陷项目。

[1] This guidance has been prepared by the Office of Generic Drugs in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research at the Food and Drug Administration.

[2] For purposes of this guidance, the use of the term “ANDA” will mean ANDAs and new-strength PAS submissions.

[3] An RTR determination should not be confused with a refuse-to-approve determination.

[4] 21 CFR 314.101(b)(1).

[5] 21 CFR 314.3(b).

[6] At various points in this guidance, it is noted that when a particular type of deficiency in an ANDA is seen, FDA will RTR the ANDA. It is important tounderstand that these statements do not create legal obligations, on applicants or on FDA, but rather are included for purposes of transparency. This meansthat FDA, in the normal course, will RTR an ANDA on the grounds described in this guidance. This guidance does not preclude the possibility that an ANDAapplicant may be able to demonstrate, in particular circumstances, that the regulatory requirements for receiving an ANDA have been met even when, asdescribed in this guidance, FDA would in the normal course find the application not sufficiently complete to permit a substantive review and RTR it.

[7] Generic Drug User Fee Amendments of 2012 (GDUFA) (Public Law 112-144, Title III).

[8] See Generic Drug User Fee Act Program Performance Goals and Procedures:http://www.fda.gov/downloads/ForIndustry/UserFees/GenericDrugUserFees/UCM282505.pdf.

[9] See 21 CFR 314.101(b)(1) and 314.3(b).

[10] 21 CFR 314.3(b).

[11] See 21 CFR 314.101(d)-(e).

[12] See FY 2015 Performance Report to Congress for the Generic Drug User Fee Amendments, available at http://www.fda.gov/downloads/AboutFDA/ReportsManualsForms/Reports/UserFeeReports/PerformanceReports/U   CM493026.pdf.

[13] 21 CFR 314.101(d)(3).

[14] Pursuant to 21 CFR 314.101(d), FDA “may” not consider an ANDA to be received if any of the deficiencies under that regulation applies. FDA willdetermine on a case-by-case basis whether a deficiency under certain provisions of § 314.101(d) is a major or minor deficiency, in accordance with theprinciples described in this guidance.
根据21 CFR 314.101(d),如果根据适用的法规被判定为缺陷,则FDA可以认为该ANDA不能被接收。FDA会按照本指南中所述的原则,依据§314.101(d)的某些条款各案决定一个缺陷是重大缺陷还是轻微缺陷。

[15] Though the focus of this guidance is to highlight major deficiencies, select minor deficiencies are listed in Appendix A — the list is not a comprehensivelist of minor deficiencies.

[16] The response period will begin the day after notification is provided. If the 7th calendar day falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday, the deadlinefor amending the ANDA to correct the deficiencies will be the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday.

[17] 21 CFR 314.101(b)(3)(iii).

[18] Abbreviated New Drug Applications and 505(b)(2) Applications; Final Rule, 81 FR 69580, 69622 (October 6, 2016).
简略新药申报和505(b)(2)申报。最终规则 81FR 69580, 69622 (2016年10月6日)

[19] 21 CFR 314.99(b).

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