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[药理毒理] 药理毒理数据查询网址汇总

xiaoxiao 发表于 2017-2-4 18:04:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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- ]  ?/ Z+ T) I8 A/ ?* |
8 O6 y# f0 T" J# U' v5 f9 N/ m3 Thttp://fjtcm.si.net.cn/daohang/1/fn/dl.htm& o! ?/ m) y4 K* @: F) i$ e
American Association of Poison Control Centers(AAPCC): 6 W& p' m, _" o; C$ J# V: ~. Y2 r
http://www.aapcc.org/ " |- L( l: D( q
American Association of Poison Control Centers(AAPCC): Other links:
8 d  `  R9 M$ p  Z8 Qhttp://www.aapcc.org/links.htm
# ^5 Z4 P7 m1 r. @: c6 S& ]# p0 b* EAmerican Association of Poison Control Centers(AAPCC): Poison centers:
7 z- m# c8 y& P, K3 J  T9 nhttp://www.aapcc.org/findyour.htm 9 E. K, D* L4 z1 n1 d
Arizona Poison Page:
: x4 I' X% L! g0 O: uhttp://amber.medlib.arizona.edu/poison.html
! `7 o! t% e0 i" Q* DATSDR - ToxFAQs: Hazardous Substance Fact Sheets:
/ F0 [/ A2 z7 {. {1 S- P$ zhttp://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxfaq.html
0 M  w7 Y: v9 }$ T1 U* X(ATSDR - Agency for Toxic Substances and DiseaseRegistry - Division of Toxicology - ToxFAQs Frequently Asked Questions AboutContaminants Found at Hazardous Waste Sites)
8 e! d8 i, |- pAustralian Venom and Toxin Database:
* w4 x! M7 N( \( e, }# chttp://www.uq.edu.au/~ddbfry/
, `% |- z! {  F% k(This site provides pharmacological information onvenom from Australian venomous animals including mammals, fish, amphibians, andinsects)
, h* W6 r5 S8 e' J( c/ ?Environmental Protection Agency - EPA's IntegratedRisk Information System (IRIS):
4 h/ `0 E  w2 Y) O" E7 ~http://www.epa.gov/iris/
- Y" _* z3 }3 h0 Z) rExtension Toxicology Network (ETN):
/ F7 F& h, \- g9 j% t- z  ahttp://ace.orst.edu/info/extoxnet/
0 }3 ?! v9 l: T% _1 f1 ZEXTOXNET Global Search: 0 D. E' B1 M7 \5 d0 d
5 _3 {; q3 b' YForensic Toxicology Page (Alan Barbour, Fresno,CA): " \# ~5 u/ K$ F
http://userzweb.lightspeed.net/~abarbour/links.htm ! V4 W- ^2 T8 z& b4 N) d. {' f
Hazardous Materials Database:
$ j) \" f$ {  {# H- n! I$ k$ Xhttp://ull.chemistry.uakron.edu/erd/ / c( ]: H+ w8 I" k' X4 D/ g
Healthfinder (US government) - Poisons:0 m/ ^; F8 Y# T% H; H3 Y& i
http://www.healthfinder.gov/Html... ll&Resource=All ) l4 p: M2 N+ {
Healthfinder (US government) - Toxic substance:
3 V+ d. r0 K# H+ Yhttp://www.healthfinder.gov/Html... ll&Resource=All
% d; H5 {* B5 [/ p1 q2 jHealthWeb (Frank Davis, Univ Kentucky; KellieKaneshiro, Indiana Univ; CIC) - Toxicology: 1 [+ `7 Q2 R& g$ S. A( Q
) N/ c4 H  }7 a4 aHyperTox 1:+ b/ Z! H3 ~) c1 F5 T' X
http://www.ozemail.com.au/~ouad/toxi0001.htm 0 D" i/ N  n# v1 I" V, F, |7 d
HyperTox 2:
1 A4 F+ c: Q' G3 xhttp://www.ozemail.com.au/~ouad/toxi0002.htm 2 ~9 s' R6 r2 y: J
Internet resources for Toxicology andEnvironmental Health & Safety (Specialized Information Services, NationalLibrary of Medicine):& B, _" X% Q. x* P$ E4 {3 o
8 c) [- {6 r( B- e7 Q% _3 \( t; cItalian Clinical Toxicology:
9 t" _2 D! y# U. A2 [http://www.tox.it/emerindex.htm
5 J: i& S) x' r: FKarolinska (Medical Library, Karolinska Institute,Sweden) - Poisoning: 8 G# c3 Y" x# g# o" x
4 e( b$ v, f' o2 dLibrarians' Index to the Internet (Carole Leita,California State Library) - Toxicology: ! O7 {, _  Z/ _$ F, F$ H
http://lii.org/search?query=Toxi... ;searchtype=subject
8 A% l/ {2 B. c& w6 `Links to other pages related to toxicology (UnivMaastricht, Netherlands):
% |4 H8 j; `$ `. t1 T" Ehttp://www.unimaas.nl/~farmaco/links/Links_Toxic/index.htm 2 ?* a3 d: n5 X2 U7 {
Links to Web Sites on Chemical Safety Information(Global Information Network on Chemicals, NIHD, Japan): 6 s9 B8 Q# S7 G) O1 l* ~
http://www.nihs.go.jp/GINC/webguide/index.html - U6 m, u( Z+ v! J4 v! {( u
MEDLINEplus (National Library of Medicine) -Poisoning, toxicology, environmental health: $ ^+ p7 i3 {# i! R+ F5 n% d
http://medlineplus.nlm.nih.gov/m... onmentalhealth.html
% w4 x/ N: w0 \" |8 BMedWeb (Emory Univ): Toxicology:
. _. c5 t) E; ohttp://WWW.MedWeb.Emory.Edu/MedW... es.FP3&-Format=! i: J+ L7 L9 R. h$ r8 X
Secondary.htm&-Lay=Web&-Max=1000&-Op=eq&Index==Toxicology:*&-Sortfield=3 [  L- `# v# q7 ^/ S" J
3 G" ^: x1 S) c; kMedWebPlus (Steve Foote and Andy Kogelnik,y-DNA,inc, Atlanta, GA) - Toxicology: 5 D* j1 X3 d2 o8 X% ~
http://www.medwebplus.com/subject/Toxicology.html + K7 W9 @. w2 V1 e
OMNI (Univ Nottingham, UK) - Toxicology:
- Z& M4 Q9 w4 v- }( {1 khttp://omni.ac.uk/subject-listing/QV600.html
- p* l! T' P9 ~" G+ n, H: G( ~Open Directory Project: Health: Medicine:Toxicology: 0 O/ O# W1 V5 T' ?1 x$ q) @$ K
# H- {1 p; f- I8 gOpen Directory Project: (Google PageRank version: 6 B. r1 E3 r6 o( X* \; Z; N
http://directory.google.com/Top/... ialties/Toxicology/ ) ' u. A" C. m. D4 z1 g* C9 r
Open Directory Project: Science: Biology:Toxicology:
, @' {. |0 A- V" c, dhttp://dmoz.org/Science/Biology/Toxicology/ 0 c0 V" t% ~( E( P
Open Directory Project: (Google PageRank version:
5 I. t" K- w. \! i" N5 r- |: Shttp://directory.google.com/Top/Science/Biology/Toxicology/ )
8 F* |& C. q$ n8 uSciCentral (SciCentral.com) - Toxicology:
4 N! i4 V7 ~4 C$ Z) M0 ~1 nhttp://www.sciquest.com/cgi-bin/... el3.d2w/report?nav_
( }3 m; b# U4 w+ Rbanner=health&resource=articles&gateway=H-toxico
8 S9 Y9 ?: q8 r1 c: f- A& b$ xThe Environmental Science Center: 5 B- R' k$ T3 m% g! l# R
http://esc.syrres.com/ # Z8 ^5 Q; ~; P$ {8 |
ToxFAQs - Patient Education: ( x2 ~! j) F4 i+ X1 V. p
http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxfaq.html . x  x: |. c  T) J* _% P) B. Z7 \  t
Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment (TERA)Homepage:
5 m* Z9 A; |0 t% m1 m& nhttp://www.tera.org/
) ^4 N! D( o( ~3 G. tToxicology Internet Resources (William Armstrong,Chemistry Library, Louisiana State Univ):
2 h- d8 E8 K. a8 h; |http://www.lib.lsu.edu/sci/chem/internet/toxicology.html 8 A6 }) n  A- W/ U! {
Toxicology Links (SwissTox.net, Basel,Switzerland): % R# ^. Z) e9 q
http://www.swisstox.net/en/links_e.php 0 C; k6 @3 F  S2 v" e
Toxicology Resources on the WWW (Michael Kosnett,American College of Medical Toxicologists):
3 `; C7 J) |- C6 w& i! Ohttp://www.acmt.net/toxresor.htm * d/ q/ k; f6 O% U
Toxilinks (Bruce Goldberger, Society of ForensicToxicologists): 4 f% ^3 j3 C4 F$ O5 ]" Q9 V8 g* I
http://www.soft-tox.org/toxilinks/ $ S2 h7 C) }1 H* t, e
ToxNet ToxLine - Search Engine: / M$ J2 K( Z# w- a: c/ J
http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/htmlgen?TOXLINE , K3 H: d8 w% U1 N0 z& F3 K
Where to find material safety data sheets on theInternet (Robert Toreki, Interactive Learning Paradigms Inc, Lexington,Kentucky):
; `/ Y4 q/ w8 c3 I8 Whttp://www.ilpi.com/msds/
( X$ d' k( z+ Z$ \6 @4 wWWW resources (Rob Aken, Univ Kentucky Libraries)- Toxicology:
  ~* q  S5 S" `http://www.uky.edu/Subject/toxicology.html 4 i, o7 M& G% P9 ^3 H, D" x
WWW Virtual Library (Alan Barbour): Forensictoxicology:
4 M' [3 n! ]0 bhttp://userzweb.lightspeed.net/~abarbour/vlibft.html + [3 k# [3 E! k; ]) p7 V
Yahoo: Health: Medicine: Toxicology:
# D9 M; \/ J" ^  F: `; {http://www.yahoo.com/Health/Medicine/Toxicology/

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Imiao 发表于 2017-2-5 17:39:02 | 只看该作者
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