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PA/PH/CEP (16) 70 原料药混合物和CEP(中英)

xiaoxiao 发表于 2017-2-4 18:00:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Certification of Substances Department
PA/PH/CEP (16) 70
Strasbourg, December 2016
  Certification of suitability to the Monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia
  API-Mix (or mixtures) and CEPs
Address: 7 Allée Kastner, CS 30026  F-67081 Strasbourg (France) Tel: +33 (0) 3 88 41 30 30 – Fax: +33 (0) 3 88 41 27 71 - e-mail: cep@edqm.euInternet: http://www.edqm.eu

1.    Introduction 概述
This document describes the approach to betaken regarding applications for CEPs for API-mix, which are mixtures of drug substances (API-active pharmaceuticalingredient) with excipients, following the publication in April 2016 of Questions and Answers (Q&A) on this subject bythe Quality Working Party of the European Medicines Agency (EMA): http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema/ind ... eneral_content_0015 24.jsp&mid.

These Q&A provide information on how to deal with API-mix, and to identify situations where it will be acceptable to usethe ASMF/CEP procedures and perform manufacture under EU GMP Part II (except for the manufacturing steps such assterilisation activities and the steps after sterilisation where EU GMP Part I is mandatory).
这些问答提供了如何对待原料药混合物的信息,以及如何识别出什么情况下使用ASMF/CEP程序,按EU GMP第II部分进行生产(诸如灭菌活动和灭菌之后的生产步骤除外,这些步骤是需要实施EU GMP第I部分的)是可以接受的。

Typical situations for API-mix are the addition of an antioxidant to a drug substance, or the introduction of a drugsubstance into a matrix. Drug substances in solution are also considered as API-mixes.

The Q&A also clarify that where there is an existing Ph. Eur. monograph for an API-mix, a CEP can be granted.Examples are potassium clavulanate diluted (where the potassium clavulanate is mixed with an excipient), simvastatin(where there is a statement under Definition that “A suitable antioxidant may be added”) and chlorhexidinedigluconate solution where the active substance is present in aqueous solution.

Additionally the Q&A make clear that a statement in Ph. Eur. monograph, such as "A suitable antioxidant may beadded", is considered sufficient and acceptable per se as a justification for the use of an API-mix. However, additionaljustification on the choice and level of antioxidant needs to be provided, and a control test is required for the antioxidantin the API-mix.

2.    Acceptance of applications for CEPs CEP申报的接受标准

From 1 December 2016, where there is a Ph. Eur. monograph which covers an API-mix, a CEP application can beaccepted.
Where the Ph. Eur. monograph describes the excipients which may be used (generally in the Definition section), themonograph requirements should be complied with in the CEP application. If the API-Mix does not meet therequirements of the monograph with regards the qualitative and/or quantitative composition, the CEP application will notbe accepted.

3.    Assessment of CEP applications for API-mix 原料药混合物CEP申报评估

The CEP dossier should contain all relevant information on the mixing process, qualitative and quantitative compositionof the mixture and on the control strategy.
DAta supporting the choice and the amount of the excipient(s) should be provided, unless they are covered by the Ph.Eur. monograph and this also applies to the quality and amounts of antioxidants where these are allowed by themonograph but not identified (i.e. .. a suitable antioxidant may be added...). The guideline on “Excipients in thedossier for application for marketing authorisation of a medicinal product” (EMEA/CHMP/QWP/396951/2006) isapplicable; therefore the CEP application should include data to support the changes to the content of the antioxidant and the API-mix impurity profile at release and after storage (i.e. stability data).

A re-test period for the API-mix can be accepted, if justified. If appropriate, the stability data should include details ofthe levels of the additives such as antioxidants during the programme.

4.    Information included on a CEP for API-mix 原料药混合物的CEP上所包括的信息

If there is a labelling section in the Ph. Eur. monograph, this is reflected on the CEP. The presence of an antioxidantis generally highlighted in the subtitle for the substance on the CEP.
The following information is mentioned on the CEP for an API-mix, unless it is already included in the Ph. Eur monograph:
-       The name of any excipient used
-       所用的辅料名称
-       The amount (range) of any excipient used
-       所用的全部辅料的数量(范围)
-       For the control of antioxidants, an appropriately validated control method is annexed to the CEP
-       抗氧剂控制所用的经过适当验证的控制方法要附入CEP

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