缩略语 | | |
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| Coordinating Investigator | |
| Clinical Research Coordinator | |
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| Contract Research Organization | |
| Clinical Study Application | |
| Clinical Trial Application | |
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| Data Safety and monitoring Board | |
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| Electronic Data Processing | |
| Food and Drug Administration | |
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| Good Manufacturing Practice | |
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| International Conference on Harmonization | |
| Independent Data Monitoring | |
| Independent Data Monitoring Committee | |
| Independent Ethics Committee | |
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| Institutional Review Board | |
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| Interactive Voice Response System | |
| Marketing Approval/Authorization | |
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| Ministry of Health and Welfare | |
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| National Institutes of Health | |
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| Pre-market Approval (Application) | |
| Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry | |
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| Statistical Analysis Plan | |
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| State Food and Drug Administration | |
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| Subject Identification Code | |
| Standard Operating Procedure | |
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| Test and Reference Product | |
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| World Health Organization | |
| WHO International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities | |
英文全称 | |
Accuracy | |
Active control, AC | |
Adverse drug reaction, ADR | |
Adverse event, AE | |
Adverse medical events | |
Adverse reaction | |
Alb | |
ALD(Approximate Lethal Dose) | |
ALP | |
Alpha spending function | |
ALT | |
Analysis sets | |
Approval | |
Assistant investigator | |
AST | |
ATR | |
AUCss | |
Audit | |
Audit or inspection | |
Audit report | |
Auditor | |
Bias | |
Bioequivalence | |
Blank control | |
Blind codes | |
Blind review | |
Blind review | |
Blinding method | |
Blinding/masking | |
Block | |
Block size | |
Carryover effect | |
Case history | |
Case report form/ case record form CRF | |
Categorical variable | |
Cav | |
CD | |
CL | |
Clinical equivalence | |
Clinical study | |
Clinical study report | |
Clinical trial | |
Clinical trial application CTA | |
Clinical trial exemption CTX | |
Clinical trial protocol CTP | |
Clinical trial/ study report | |
Cmax | |
Co-investigator | |
Comparison | |
Compliance | |
Composite variable | |
Computer-assisted trial design CATD | |
Confidence interval | |
Confidence level | |
Consistency test | |
Contract research organization CRO | |
Contract/ agreement | |
Control group | |
Coordinating committee | |
Crea | |
CRF(case report form) | |
Crossover design | |
Cross-over Study | |
Css | |
Cure | |
Data management | |
Database | |
Descriptive statistical analysis | |
DF | |
Dichotomies | |
Diviation | |
Documentation | |
Dose-reaction relation | |
Double dummy | |
Double dummy technique | |
Drop out | |
DSC | |
Effectiveness | |
Electronic data capture EDC | |
Electronic data processing EDP | |
Emergency envelope | |
End point | |
Endpoint Criteria | |
Endpoint criteria/ measurement | |
Equivalence | |
Essential Documentation | |
Ethics committee | |
Excellent | |
Exclusion criteria | |
Factorial design | |
Failure | |
Final point | |
Fixed-dose procedure | |
Forced titration | |
Full analysis set | |
GC-MS | |
Generic drug | |
Global assessment variable | |
GLU | |
Good clinical practice, GCP | |
Good manufacture practice, GMP | |
Good non-clinical laboratory practice, GLP | |
Group sequential design | |
Health economic evaluation, HEV | |
Hypothesis test | |
Hypothesis testing | |
Improvement | |
Inclusion Criteria | |
Inclusion criteria | |
Independent ethics committee IEC | |
Information consent form ICF | |
Information Gathering | |
Informed consent IC | |
Initial meeting | |
Inspection | |
Institution inspection | |
Institution review board, IBR | |
Intention-to –treat ITT | |
Interactive voice response system IVRS | |
Interim analysis | |
International Conference of Harmonization ICH | |
Investigational Product | |
Investigator | |
Investigator’s brochure, IB | |
Last observation carry forward, LOCF | |
LC-MS | |
LD50 | |
LOCF, Last observation carry forward | |
Logic check | |
LOQ (Limit of Quantization) | |
Lost of follow up | |
Marketing approval/ authorization | |
Matched pair | |
Missing value | |
Mixed effect model | |
Monitor | |
Monitoring | |
Monitoring Plan | |
Monitoring Report | |
MRT | |
MS | |
MS-MS | |
MTD(Maximum Tolerated Dose) | |
Multi-center Trial | |
New chemical entity NCE | |
New drug application NDA | |
NMR | |
Non-clinical Study | |
Non-inferiority | |
Non-parametric statistics | |
Obedience | |
ODR | |
Open-label | |
Optional titration | |
Original medical record | |
Outcome | |
Outcome Assessment | |
Outcome assessment | |
Outcome measurement | |
Outlier | |
Parallel group design | |
Parameter estimation | |
Parametric statistics | |
Patient file | |
Patient history | |
Per protocol PP | |
Placebo | |
Placebo control | |
Polytomies | |
Power | |
Precision | |
Preclinical study | |
Primary endpoint | |
Primary variable | |
Principle investigator PI | |
Product license PL | |
Protocol | |
Protocol Amendments | |
Quality assurance QA | |
Quality assurance unit QAU | |
Quality control QC | |
Query list query form | |
Randomization | |
Range check | |
Rating scale | |
Reference Product | |
Regulatory authorities RA | |
Replication | |
RSD | |
Run in | |
Safety evaluation | |
Safety set | |
Sample size | |
Scale of ordered categorical ratings | |
Secondary variable | |
Sequence | |
Serious adverse event SAE | |
Serious adverse reaction SAR | |
Seriousness | |
Severity | |
Severity | |
Significant level | |
Simple Randomization | |
Single blinding | |
Site audit | |
SOP | |
Source data SD | |
Source data verification SDV | |
Source document SD | |
Specificity | |
Sponsor | |
Sponsor-investigator | |
Standard curve | |
Standard operating procedure SOP | |
Statistic | |
Statistical analysis plan | |
Statistical model | |
Statistical tables | |
Stratified | |
Study Audit | |
Study audit | |
Study Site | |
Subgroup | |
Sub-investigator | |
Subject | |
Subject | |
Subject diary | |
Subject Enrollment | |
Subject enrollment log | |
Subject identification code SIC | |
Subject Identification Code List | |
Subject Recruitment | |
Subject screening log | |
Superiority | |
Survival analysis | |
SXRD | |
System audit | |
System Audit | |
T1/2 | |
Target variable | |
T-BIL | |
T-CHO | |
Test Product | |
TG | |
Tmax | |
TP | |
Transformation | |
Treatment group | |
Trial error | |
Trial Initial Meeting | |
Trial Master File | |
Trial objective | |
Trial site | |
Triple blinding | |
Two one-side test | |
Un-blinding | |
Unexpected adverse event UAE | |
UV-VIS | |
Variability | |
Variable | |
Visual analogy scale | |
Visual check | |
Vulnerable subject | |
Wash-out | |
Washout period | |
英文全称 | |
) F2 I* h6 E' ]- y1 A+ x
WBC white blood cell count | |
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MCV mean corpusular volume | |
MCH mean corpusular hemoglobin | |
MCHC mean corpusular hemoglobin concerntration | |
RDW red blood cell volume distribution width | |
PLT/BPC platelet count/blood platelet count | |
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PDW platelet distribution width | |
) I& o. l, F0 z) V
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7 ~4 T! \- J/ ~
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| " `; t; N' b& P" v: {, Y
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ALT alanine amiotransferase | |
AST aspartate aminotransferase | |
GGT γ-glutamyl transpeptadase | |
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LDH lactate dehydrogenase | |
α-HBD α-hydroxybutyric dehydrogenase | |
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HDL-c high-density lipoprotein cholesterol | |
LDL-c low-density lipoprotein cholesterol | |
VLDL very low-density lipoprotein | |
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& i: `" p q; W# l, \- _
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; O9 r5 n" Y% k3 ^- q
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HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen | |
HBsAb antibody to hepatitis surface antigen | |
HBcAg hepatitis B core antigen | |
HBcAb antibody to hepatitis B core antigen | |
HBeAg hepatitis B e-antigen | |
HBeAb antibody to hepatitis B e-antigen | |
ELISA enzymelinked immunosorbentassy | |
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| & c: R$ k; V$ ^
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HIV human immunodeficiency virus | |