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PIC/S 受法规约束的GMP/GDP环境下数据管理和完整性优良规范(中英文)

aiyao 发表于 2016-9-8 15:17:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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? PIC/S August 2016


Reproduction prohibited for commercial purposes.

Reproduction for internal use is authorised, provided that the source is acknowledged.

Editor: PIC/S Secretariat

e-mail: info@picscheme.org

web site: http://www.picscheme.org


1. Document history

2. Introduction

3. Purpose

4. Scope

5. Data governance system

5.1 What is data governance

5.2 Data governance systems

5.3 Risk management approach to data governance

5.4 Data criticality

5.5 Data risk

5.6 Data governance system review

6. Organisational influences on successful data integrity management

6.1 General

6.2 Code of ethics and policies

6.3 Quality culture

6.4 Modernising the Pharmaceutical Quality Management System

6.5 Regular management review of quality metrics

6.6 Resource allocation

6.7 Dealing with data integrity issues found internally

7. General data integrity principles and enablers

8. Specific data integrity considerations for paper-based systems

8.1 Structure of QMS and control of blank forms/templates/records

8.2 Why is the control of records important?

8.3 Generation, distribution and control of template records

8.4 Expectations for the generation, distribution and control of records

8.5 Use and control of records within production areas

8.6 Filling out records

8.7 Making corrections on records

8.8 Verification of records

8.9 Maintaining records

8.10 Direct print-outs from electronic systems

8.11 True copies

8.12 Limitations of remote review of summary reports

8.13 Document retention

8.14 Disposal of original records

9. Specific data integrity considerations for computerised systems

9.1 Structure of QMS and control of computerised systems

9.2 Qualification and validation of computerised systems

9.3 System security for computerised systems

9.4 Audit trails for computerised systems

9.5 Data capture/entry for computerised systems

9.6 Review of data within computerised systems

9.7 Storage, archival and disposal of electronic data

10. Data integrity considerations for outsourced activities

10.1 General supply chain considerations

10.2 Routine document verification

10.3 Strategies for assessing data integrity in the supply chain

11. Regulatory actions in response to data integrity findings

11.1 Deficiency references

11.2 Classification of deficiencies

12. Remediation of data integrity failures

12.1 Responding to significant data integrity issues

12.2 Indicators of improvement

13. Definitions

14. Revision history

Draft 1 of PI 041-1 presented to the PIC/S Committee at its meeting in Manchester
4-5 July 2016
曼彻斯特会议期间PI 041-1草案提交给PIC/S委员会
Consultation of PIC/S Participating Authorities on publication of the Good Practices as a draft and implementation on a trial basis
18 July – 31 July 2016
Minor edits to Draft 1
1 – 9 August 2016
Publication of Draft 2 on the PIC/S website
10 August 2016
Implementation of the draft on a trial basis and comment period for PIC/S Participating Authorities
10 August 2016 – 28 February 2017
Review of comments by PIC/S Participating Authorities
Finalisation of draft
Adoption by Committee of PI 041-1
PI 041-1被委员会采纳
Entry into force of PI 041-1
PI 041-1生效

2.1 PIC/S Participating Authorities regularly undertake inspections of manufacturers and distributors of API and medicinal products in order to determine the level of compliance with GMP/GDP principles. These inspections are commonly performed on-site however may be performed through the remote or off-site evaluation of documentary evidence, in which case the limitations of remote review of data should be considered.


2.2 The effectiveness of these inspection processes is determined by the veracity of the evidence provided to the inspector and ultimately the integrity of the underlying data. It is critical to the inspection process that inspectors can determine and fully rely on the accuracy and completeness of evidence and records presented to them.


2.3 Good data management practices influence the integrity of all data generated and recorded by a manufacturer and these practices should ensure that data is accurate, complete and reliable. While the main focus of this document is in relation to data integrity expectations, the principles herein should also be considered in the wider context of good data management.


2.4 Data Integrity is defined as “the extent to which all data are complete, consistent and accurate, throughout the data lifecycle”[1]1 and is fundamental in a pharmaceutical quality system which ensures that medicines are of the required quality. Poor data integrity practices and vulnerabilities undermine the quality of records and evidence, and may ultimately undermine the quality of medicinal products.


2.5 Data integrity applies to all elements of the Quality Management System and the principles herein apply equally to data generated by electronic and paper-based systems.


2.6 The responsibility for good practices regarding data management and integrity lies with the manufacturer or distributor undergoing inspection. They have full responsibility and a duty to assess their data management systems for potential vulnerabilities and take steps to design and implement good data governance practices to ensure data integrity is maintained.



3.1 This document was written with the aim of:


3.1.1 Providing guidance for inspectorates in the interpretation of GMP/GDP requirements in relation to data integrity and the conduct of inspections.


3.1.2 Providing consolidated, illustrative guidance on risk-based control strategies which enable the existing requirements for data integrity and reliability as described in PIC/S Guides for GMP[2] and GDP[3] to be implemented in the context of modern industry practices and globalised supply chains.


3.1.3 Facilitating the effective implementation of data integrity elements into the routine planning and conduct of GMP/GDP inspections; to provide a tool to harmonise GMP/GDP inspections and to ensure the quality of inspections with regards to data integrity expectations.


3.2 This guidance, together with inspectorate resources such as aide memoire (for future development) should enable the inspector to make an optimal use of the inspection time and an optimal evaluation of data integrity elements during an inspection.


3.3 Guidance herein should assist the inspectorate in planning a risk-based inspection relating to data integrity.


3.4 This guide is not intended to impose additional regulatory burden upon regulated entities, rather it is intended to provide guidance on the interpretation of existing PIC/S GMP/GDP requirements relating to current industry practice.

本指南无意对受法规规范的主体形成强制的法规责任,它意在为目前行业规范相关的已有PIC/S GMP/GDP要求提供诠释。

3.5 The principles of data integrity apply equally to both manual and computerized systems and should not place any restraint upon the development or adoption of new concepts or technologies. In accordance with ICH Q10 principles, this guide should facilitate the adoption of innovative technologies through continual improvement.

数据完整性原则等同适用于手动和计算机化系统,不应该对发展和采用新概念或技术形成限制。根据ICH Q10原则,本指南应有助于通过持续改进采纳创新技术。

3.6 This version of the guidance is intended to provide a basic overview of key principles regarding data management and integrity. The PIC/S Data Integrity Working Group will periodically update, amend and review this guidance in light of inspectorate feedback, experience in using the guide and any other developments.


4 SCOPE 范围

4.1 The guidance has been written to apply to both on-site and remote (desktop) inspections of those sites performing manufacturing (GMP) and distribution (GDP) activities. The guide should be considered as a non-exhaustive list of areas to be considered during inspection.


4.2 Whilst this document has been written with the above scope, many principles regarding good data management practices described herein have applications for other areas of the regulated pharmaceutical and healthcare industry.


4.3 This guide is not intended to provide specific guidance for “for-cause” inspections following detection of significant data integrity vulnerabilities where forensic expertise may be required.


5 DATA GOVERNANCE SYSTEM 数据管理体系5.1 What is data governance? 什么是数据管理?

5.1.1 Data governance is the sum total of arrangements which provide assurance of data integrity. These arrangements ensure that data, irrespective of the process, format or technology in which it is generated, recorded, processed, retained, retrieved and used will ensure a complete, consistent and accurate record throughout the data lifecycle.


5.1.2 The data lifecycle refers to how data is generated, processed, reported, checked, used for decision-making, stored and finally discarded at the end of the retention period. Data relating to a product or process may cross various boundaries within the lifecycle. This may include data transfer between manual and IT systems, or between different organisational boundaries; both internal (e.g. between production, QC and QA) and external (e.g. between service providers or contract givers and acceptors).


5.2 Data governance systems 数据管理系统

5.2.1 Data governance systems should be integral to the pharmaceutical quality system described in PIC/S GMP/GDP. It should address data ownership throughout the lifecycle, and consider the design, operation and monitoring of processes / systems in order to comply with the principles of data integrity, including control over intentional and unintentional changes to, and deletion of information.

数据管理系统应整合于PIC/S GMP/GDP所述的药物质量体系中。它应该说明数据在其生命周期中的所有者身份,考虑对过程/系统进行设计、运行和监测,以符合数据完整性原则,包括对有意和无意修改和删除信息的控制。

5.2.2 The data governance system should ensure controls over data lifecycle which are commensurate with the principles of quality risk management. These controls may be:


l  Organisational 从公司角度

n  procedures, e.g. instructions for completion of records and retention of completed paper records;

n  程序,例如,记录完整的指令和完整纸质记录的保存;

n  training of staff and documented authorisation for data generation and approval;

n  培训人员和记录数据产生权限并批准;

n  data governance system design, considering how data is generated recorded, processed retained and used, and risks or vulnerabilities are controlled effectively;

n  数据管理系统的设计应考虑数据是如何产生、记录、处理、存贮和使用的,应对风险和漏洞进行有效控制;

n  routine data verification;

n  日常数据核查;

n  periodic surveillance, e.g. self-inspection processes seek to verifiy the effectiveness of the data governance policy.

n  定期监管,例如自检过程中核查数据管理方针的有效性。

l  Technical 技术角度

n  computerised system control,

n  计算机化系统控制

n  Automation

n  自动化

5.2.3 An effective data governance system will demonstrate Management’s understanding and commitment to effective data governance practices including the necessity for a combination of appropriate organisational culture and behaviours (section 6) and an understanding of data criticality, data risk and data lifecycle. There should also be evidence of communication of expectations to personnel at all levels within the organisation in a manner which ensures empowerment to report failures and opportunities for improvement. This reduces the incentive to falsify, alter or delete data.


5.2.4 The organisation’s arrangements for data governance should be documented within their Quality Management System and regularly reviewed.


5.3 Risk management approach to data governance 数据管理的风险管理方法

5.3.1 Senior management is responsible for the implementation of systems and procedures to minimise the potential risk to data integrity, and for identifying the residual risk, using the principles of ICH Q9. Contract Givers should perform a similar review as part of their vendor assurance programme, (refer section 10)

高级管理层对实施系统和程序以降低数据完整性潜在风险,识别残留风险,使用ICH Q9原则承担责任。合同发包方应实施类似的审核,作为其供应商保证计划的一部分(参见第10部分)。

5.3.2 The effort and resource assigned to data governance should be commensurate with the risk to product quality, and should also be balanced with other quality resource demands. Manufacturers and analytical laboratories should design and operate a system which provides an acceptable state of control based on the data integrity risk, and which is fully documented with supporting rationale.


5.3.3 Where long term measures are identified in order to achieve the desired state of control, interim measures should be implemented to mitigate risk, and should be monitored for effectiveness. Where interim measures or risk prioritisation are required, residual data integrity risk should be communicated to senior management, and kept under review. Reverting from automated / computerised to paper-based systems will not remove the need for data governance. Such retrograde approaches are likely to increase administrative burden and data risk, and prevent the continuous improvement initiatives referred to in paragraph 3.5.


5.3.4 Not all data or processing steps have the same importance to product quality and patient safety. Risk management should be utilised to determine the importance of each data/processing step. An effective risk management approach to data governance will consider:


l  Data criticality (impact to decision making and product quality) and

l  数据关键程度(对制订决策和产品质量的影响)以及

l  Data risk (opportunity for data alteration and deletion, and likelihood of detection / visibility of changes by the manufacturer’s routine review processes).

l  数据篡改和删除的数据风险(机会),修改被生产商的日常审核流程所发现/可见的可能性)

From this information, risk proportionate control measures can be implemented.


5.4 Data criticality 数据关键程度

5.4.1 The decision that data influences may differ in importance, and the impact of the data to a decision may also vary. Points to consider regarding data criticality include:


l  ??Which decision does the data influence? 数据影响了什么决策?

For example: when making a batch release decision, data which determines compliance with critical quality attributes is of greater importance than warehouse cleaning records.


l  ??What is the impact of the data to product quality or safety? 数据对药品质量或安全有什么影响?

For example: for an oral tablet, active substance assay data is of generally greater impact to product quality and safety than tablet friability data.


5.5 Data risk 数据风险

5.5.1 Data risk assessment should consider the vulnerability of data to involuntary or deliberate alteration, falsification, deletion, loss or re-creation, and the likelihood of detection of such actions. Consideration should also be given to ensuring complete data recovery in the event of a disaster. Control measures which prevent unauthorised activity, and increase visibility / detectability can be used as risk mitigating actions.


5.5.2 Examples of factors which can increase risk of data integrity failure include complex, inconsistent processes with open ended and subjective outcomes. Simple tasks which are consistent, well defined and objective lead to reduced risk.


5.5.3 Risk assessments should focus on a business process (e.g. production, QC), evaluate data flows and the methods of generating data, and not just consider IT system functionality or complexity. Factors to consider include:


l  Process complexity;

l  工艺复杂性;

l  Methods of generating, storing and retiring data and their ability to ensure data accuracy, legibility, indelibility;

l  数据生成、存贮和退役的方法以及其保证数据准确性、清晰、不能消除的能力;

l  Process consistency and degree of automation / human interaction;

l  工艺一致性和自动/人工互动程度;

l  Subjectivity of outcome / result (i.e. is the process open-ended or well defined?); and

l  结果的主观性(即工艺是开放式的还是明确定义的;以及

l  The outcome of a comparison between of electronic system data and manually recorded events could be indicative for malpractices (e.g. apparent discrepancies between analytical reports and raw-data acquisition times).

l  电子系统数据和人工记录事件之间比较的结果可能对于不良规范来说具有指示性(例如,分析报告和原始数据获得时长之间有明显的差距)。

5.5.4 For computerised systems, manual interfaces with IT systems should be considered in the risk assessment process. Computerised system validation in isolation may not result in low data integrity risk, in particular when the user is able to influence the reporting of data from the validated system.


5.5.5 Critical thinking skills should be used by inspectors to determine whether control and review procedures effectively achieve their desired outcomes. An indicator of data governance maturity is an organisational understanding and acceptance of residual risk, which prioritises actions. An organisation which believes that there is ‘no risk’ of data integrity failure is unlikely to have made an adequate assessment of inherent risks in the data lifecycle. The approach to assessment of data lifecycle, criticality and risk should therefore be examined in detail. This may indicate potential failure modes which can be investigated during an inspection.


5.6 Data governance system review 数据管理系统审核

5.6.1 The effectiveness of data integrity control measures should be assessed periodically as part of self-inspection (internal audit) or other periodic review processes. This should ensure that controls over the data lifecycle are operating as intended.


5.6.2 In addition to routine data verification checks, self-inspection activities should be extended to a wider review of control measures, including:


l  A check of continued personnel understanding of data integrity in the context of protecting of the patient, and ensuring the maintenance of a working environment which is focussed on quality and open reporting of issues, e.g. by review of continued training in data integrity principles and expectations.

l  检查人员对保护患者环境下数据完整性意义的持续理解,确保维护工作环境是关注质量的,敞开接受问题报告,例如,通过审核员工在数据完整性原则和要求方面的持续培训。

l  A review for consistency of reported data/outcomes against raw data entries.

l  对所报告数据/结果对比原始数据输入进行一致性审核。

l  In situations where routine computerised system data is reviewed by a validated ‘exception report’[4], a risk-based sample of computerized system logs / audit trails to ensure that information of relevance to GMP activity is reported as expected

l  如果计算机化系统数据已通过经验证的“异常报告”方式进行日常审核,则对计算机化系统日志/审计追踪基于风险抽样,以确保GMP活动相关的信息按预定要求进行报告

5.6.3 An effective review process will demonstrate understanding regarding importance of interaction of company behaviours with organisational and technical controls. The outcome of data governance system review should be communicated to senior management, and be used in the assessment of residual data integrity risk.


[1] MHRA GMP Data Integrity Definitions and Guidance for Industry March 2015
MHRA GMP数据完整性定义和行业指南,2015年3月

[2] PIC/S PE 009 Guide to Good Manufacting Practice for Medicinal Products, specifically Part I chapters 4, 5, 6, Part II chapters 5, 6 & Annex 11
PIC/S PE009 药品GMP指南,具体为第一部分第4、5、6章,第二部分第5、6章和附录11.

[3] PIC/S PE 011 Guide to Good Distribution Practice for Medicinal Products, specifically sections 3, 4, 5 & 6
PIC/S PE 011 药品GDP指南,具体为第3、4、5和6部分。

[4] An ‘exception report’ is a validated search tool that identifies and documents predetermined ‘abnormal’ data or actions, which requires further attention or investigation by the data reviewer



使用道具 举报

 楼主| aiyao 发表于 2016-9-8 15:18:37 | 只看该作者
6.1 General 通则

6.1.1 It may not be appropriate or possible to report an inspection citation relating to organisational behaviour. An understanding of how behaviour influences (i) the incentive to amend, delete or falsify data and (ii) the effectiveness of procedural controls designed to ensure data integrity, can provide the inspector with useful indicators of risk which can be investigated further.


6.1.2 Inspectors should be sensitive to the influence of culture on organizational behaviour, and apply the principles described in this section of the guidance in an appropriate way. An effective ‘quality culture’ and data governance may be different in its implementation from one location to another. Depending on culture, an organisation’s control measures may be:


l   ‘open’ (where hierarchy can be challenged by subordinates, and full reporting of a systemic or individual failure is a business expectation)

l  “开放的”(这种情况下下级可以挑战等级,全面报告系统或个人失败是业务要求)

l   ‘closed’ (where reporting failure or challenging a hierarchy is culturally more difficult)

l  “封闭的”(这种情况下报告失败或挑战等级从文化角度来讲更困难)

6.1.3 Good data governance in ‘open’ cultures may be facilitated by employee empowerment to identify and report issues through the quality system. In ‘closed’ cultures, a greater emphasis on oversight and secondary review may be required to achieve an equivalent level of control due to the social barrier of communicating undesirable information. The availability of anonymous escalation to senior management may also be of greater importance in this situation.


6.1.4 The extent of Management’s knowledge and understanding of data integrity can influence the organisation’s success of data integrity management. Management must know their legal and moral obligation (i.e., duty and power) to prevent data integrity lapses from occurring and to detect them, if they should occur.


6.1.5 Lapses in data integrity are not limited to fraud or falsification, they can be unintentional and still pose risk. Any potential for compromising the reliability of data is a risk that should be identified and understood in order for appropriate controls to be put in place, (refer sections 5.3 - 5.5). Direct controls usually take the form of written policies and procedures, but indirect influences on employee behaviour (such as incentives for productivity in excess of process capability) should be understood and addressed as well.


6.1.6 Data integrity breaches can occur at any time, by any employee, so management needs to be vigilant in detecting issues and understand reasons behind lapses, when found, to enable investigation of the issue and implementation of corrective and preventative actions.


6.1.7 There are consequences of data integrity lapses that affect the various stakeholders (patients, regulators, customers) including directly impacting patient safety and undermining confidence in the organisation and its products. Employee awareness and understanding of these consequences can be helpful in fostering an environment in which quality is a priority.


6.1.8 Management should establish controls to prevent, detect and correct data integrity breaches, as well as verify those controls are performing as intended to assure data integrity. To achieve success with data integrity, Management should address the following:


6.2 Code of ethics and policies 道德准则和方针

6.2.1 A Code of Values & Ethics should reflect Management’s philosophy on quality, achieved through policies (ie. a Code of Conduct) that are aligned to the quality culture and develop an environment of trust, where all individuals are responsible and accountable for ensuring patient safety and product quality.


6.2.2 The company’s general ethics and integrity standards need to be established and known to each employee and these expectations should be communicated frequently and consistently.


6.2.3 Management should make personnel aware of the importance of their role in ensuring data integrity and the implication of their activities to assuring product quality and protecting patient safety.


6.2.4 Code of Conduct policies should clearly define the expectation of ethical behaviour, such as honesty. This should be communicated to and be well understood by all personnel. The communication should not be limited only to knowing the requirements, but also why they were established and the consequences of failing to fulfill the requirements.


6.2.5 Unwanted behaviours, such as deliberate data falsification, unauthorised changes, destruction of data, or other conduct that compromises data integrity should be addressed promptly. Disciplinary action may be taken, when warranted. Similarly, conforming behaviours should be recognised appropriately.


6.2.6 There should be a confidential escalation program supported by company policy and procedures whereby it encourages personnel to bring instances of possible breaches to the Code of Conduct to the attention of management without consequence.


6.3 Quality culture 质量文化

6.3.1 Management should aim to create a work environment (ie. quality culture) that is transparent and open, one in which personnel are encouraged to freely communicate failures and mistakes, including potential data reliability issues, so that corrective and preventative actions can be taken. Organisational reporting structure should permit the information flow between personnel at all levels.


6.3.2 It is the collection of values, beliefs, thinking, and behaviours demonstrated consistently by management, team leaders, quality personnel and all personnel that contribute to creating a quality culture to assure data integrity.


6.3.3 Management can foster quality culture:


l  Ensure awareness and understanding of expectations (eg. Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct);

l  确保员工明白和理解要求(例如,道德准则和行为准则);

l  Lead by example, management should demonstrate the behaviours they expect to see ;

l  以身作则,管理层应自身实践他们所期望看到的行为;

l  Ensure accountability for actions and decisions;

l  保证行为和决策职责;

l  Stay continuously and actively involved;

l  保持持续主动参与;

l  Set realistic expectations, consider the limitations that place pressures on employees;

l  设定可行的要求,考虑员工所受到的局限性;

l  Allocate resources to meet expectations;

l  配置资源以达成目标;

l  Implement fair and just consequences and rewards; and

l  实施公平公正奖罚;并且

l  Be aware of regulatory trends to apply lessons learned to your organisation.

l  明白法规趋势,将现有案例和教训在公司内部应用。

6.4 Modernising the Pharmaceutical Quality Management System 药品质量管理体系现代化

6.4.1 The application of modern quality risk management principles and good data management practices to the current pharmaceutical quality management system serves to modernize the System to meet the challenges that come with the generation of complex data.


6.4.2 The company’s Quality Management System should be able to prevent, detect and correct weaknesses in the system or their processes that may lead to data integrity lapses. The company should know their data life cycle and integrate the appropriate controls and procedures such that the data generated will be valid, complete and reliable. Specifically, such control and procedural changes may be in the following areas:


l  Risk assessment and management,

l  风险评估和管理;

l  Investigation programs,

l  调查计划;

l  Data review practices (section 9),

l  数据审核规范(第9部分);

l  Computer software validation,

l  计算机软件验证;

l  Vendor/contractor management ,

l  供方/合同方管理;

l  Training program to include company’s data integrity policy and data integrity SOPs ,

l  培训计划包括公司的数据完整性方针和数据完整性SOP;

l  Self-inspection program to include data integrity, and

l  自检计划包括数据完整性;并且

l  Quality metrics and reporting to senior management.

l  质量量度并向高级管理层报告。

6.5 Regular management review of quality metrics 质量量度日常管理评审

6.5.1 There should be regular management reviews of quality metrics, including those related to data integrity, such that significant issues are identified, escalated and addressed in a timely manner. Caution should be taken when key performance indicators are selected so as not to inadvertently result in a culture in which data integrity is lower in priority.


6.5.2 The head of the Quality unit should have direct access to the highest level of management in order to directly communicate risks so that senior management is aware and can allocate resources to address any issues.


6.5.3 Management can have an independent expert periodically verify the effectiveness of their systems and controls.


6.6 Resource allocation 资源配置

6.6.1 Management should allocate appropriate resources to support and sustain good data integrity management such that the workload and pressures on those responsible for data generation and record keeping do not increase the likelihood of errors or the opportunity to deliberately compromise data integrity.


6.6.2 There should be sufficient number of personnel for quality and management oversight, IT support, conduct of investigations, and management of training program that are commensurate with the operations of the organisation. There should be provisions to purchase equipment, software and hardware that are appropriate for their needs, based on the criticality of the data in question.


6.6.3 Personnel must be qualified and trained for their specific duties, with appropriate segregation of duties, including the importance of good documentation practices. There should be evidence of the effectiveness of training on critical procedures, such as electronic data review. The concept of data integrity applies to all functional departments that play a role in GMP, including areas such as IT and engineering.


6.6.4 Data integrity should be familiar to all, but data integrity experts from various levels (SMEs, supervisors, team leaders) may be called upon to work together to conduct/support investigations, identify system gaps and drive implementation of improvements.


6.6.5 Introduction of new roles in an organisation relating to data integrity such as a data custodian or Chief Compliance Officer might be considered.


6.7 Dealing with data integrity issues found internally 处理内部发现的数据完整性问题

6.7.1 In the event that data integrity lapses are found, they should be handled as any deviation would be according to the Quality Management System. It is important to determine the extent of the problem as well as its root cause, then correcting the issue to its full extent and implement preventative measures. This may include the use of a third party for additional expertise or perspective, which may involve a gap assessment to identify weaknesses in the system.


6.7.2 When considering the impact on product, any conclusions drawn should be supported by sound scientific evidence.


6.7.3 Corrective actions may include product recall, client notification and reporting to regulatory authorities.


6.7.4 Further guidance may be found in section 12 of this guide.



7.1 The Pharmaceutical Quality Management System (QMS) should be implemented throughout the different stages of the life cycle of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and medicinal products and should encourage the use of science and risk-based approaches.


7.2 To ensure that decision making is well informed and to verify that the information is reliable, the events or actions that informed those decisions should be well documented. As such, Good Documentation Practices (GDocPs) are key to ensuring data integrity, and a fundamental part of a well designed Pharmaceutical Quality Management System (discussed in section 6).


7.3 The application of GdocPs may vary depending on the medium used to record the data (ie. Physical vs. electronic records), but the principles are applicable to both. This section will introduce those key principles and following sections (8 & 9) will explore these principles relative to documentation in both paper-based and electronic-based recordkeeping.


7.4 Some key concepts of GdocPs are ummarized by the acronym ALCOA: Attributable, Legible, Contemporaneous, Original, Accurate. To this list can be added the following: Complete, Consisitent, Enduring and Available (ALCOA+[1]5). Together, these expectations ensure that events are properly documented and the data can be used to support informed decisions.


7.5 Basic DI principles applicable to both paper and electronic systems (ALCOA +):


Data Integrity Attribute





It should be possible to identify the individual who performed the recorded task. The need to document who performed the task / function, is in part to demonstrate that the function was performed by trained and qualified personnel. This applies to changes made to records as well: corrections, deletions, changes, etc.




All records must be legible – the information must be readable in order for it to be of any use. This applies to all information that would be required to be considered Complete, including all Original records or entries. Where the ‘dynamic’ nature of electronic data (the ability to search, query, trend, etc) is important to the content and meaning of the record, the ability to interact with the data using a suitable application is important to the ‘availability’ of the record.




The evidence of actions, events or decisions should be recorded as they take place. This documentation should serve as an accurate attestation of what was done, or what was decided and why, i.e. what influenced the decision at that time.




The original record can be described as the first-capture of information, whether recorded on paper (static) or electronically (usually dynamic, depending on the complexity of the system). Information that is originally captured in a dynamic state should remain available in that state.




Ensuring results and records are accurate is achieved through many elements of a robust Pharmaceutical Quality Management System. This can be comprised of:

-    equipment-related factors such as qualification, calibration, maintenance and computer validation.

-    policies and procedures to control actions and behaviours, including data review procedures to verify adherence to procedural requirements

-    deviation management including root cause analysis, impact assessments and CAPA

-    trained and qualified personnel who understand the importance of following established procedures and documenting their actions and decisions.

Together, these elements aim to ensure the accuracy of information, including scientific data, that is used to make critical decisions about the quality of products.



-    与设备相关的因素,如确认、校正维护和计算机验证

-    控制措施和行为的方针和程序,包括数据审核程序用以核查是否符合程序要求

-    偏差管理,包括根本原因分析,影响分析和CAPA

-    受过培训的有资质的人员了解遵守既定程序和记录其活动和决策的重要性



All information that would be critical to recreating an event is important when trying to understand the event. The level of detail required for an information set to be considered complete would depend on the criticality of the information. (see section 5.4 Data criticality). A complete record of data generated electronically includes relevant metadata.




Good Documentation Practices should be applied throughout any process, without exception, including deviations that may occur during the process. This includes capturing all changes made to data.




Part of ensuring records are available is making sure they exist for the entire period during which they might be needed. This means they need to remain intact and accessible as an indelible/durable record.




Records must be available for review at any time during the required retention period, accessible in a readable format to all applicable personnel who are responsible for their review whether for routine release decisions, investigations, trending, annual reports, audits or inspections.



7.6 If these elements are appropriately applied to all applicable areas of GMP and GDP-related activities, along with other supporting elements of a Pharmaceutical Quality Management System, the reliability of the information used to make critical decisions regarding drug products should be adequately ensured.


[1] EMA guidance for GCP inspections conducted in the context of the Centralised Procedure

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 楼主| aiyao 发表于 2016-9-8 15:19:33 | 只看该作者
8.1 Structure of quality management system (QMS) and control of blank forms/templates/records QMS结构和空白格式/模板/记录控制

8.1.1 The effective management of paper based documents is a key element of GMP/GDP. Accordingly the documentation system should be designed to meet GMP/GDP requirements and ensure that documents and records are effectively controlled to maintain their integrity.


8.1.2 Paper records must be controlled and must remain attributable, legible, indelible/durable, contemporaneous, original and accurate (ALCOA) throughout the data lifecycle.


8.1.3 Procedures outlining good documentation practices and arrangements for document control should be available within the QMS. These procedures should specify:


l  How master documents and procedures are created, reviewed and approved for use;

l  主记录和程序如何创建、审核和批准使用;

l  Generation, distribution and control of templates used to record data (master , logs, etc.);

l  用于记录数据的模板的生成、发放和控制(主文件、日志等);

l  Retrieval and disaster recovery processes regarding records.

l  记录恢复和灾难恢复过程;

l  The process for generation of working copies of documents for routine use, with specific emphasis on ensuring copies of documents, e.g. SOPs and blank forms are issued and reconciled for use in a controlled and traceable manner.

l  生成日常使用的工作记录的流程,具体强调保证文件的副本,例如,SOP和空白表格应使用受控和可追溯方式发放和平衡数量;

l  Guidance for the completion of paper based documents, specifying how individual operators are identified, data entry formats and amendments to documents are recorded.

l  纸质文件填写指南,说明各操作人员如何识别记录,说明数据输入格式以及如何增补更正文件;

l  How completed documents are routinely reviewed for accuracy, authenticity and completeness;

l  填写完成的记录日常如何审核其准确性、可信性和完整性;

l  Processes for the filing, retrieval, retention, archival and disposal of records.

l  记录的填写、恢复、保存、归档和废弃流程;

l  How data integrity is maintained throughout the lifecycle of the data.

l  在整个数据的生命周期维护数据完整性。

8.2 Why is the control of records important? 记录控制为什么很重要?

l  Evidence of activities performed;

l  活动实施的证据;

l  Evidence of compliance with GMP requirements and company policies, procedures and work instructions;

l  符合GMP要求和公司方针、程序和工作指令的证据;

l  Effectiveness of Pharmaceutical QMS;

l  药物QMS有效性;

l  Traceability;

l  可追溯性;

l  Process authenticity and consistency ;

l  工艺真实性和一致性;

l  Evidence of the good quality attributes of the medicinal products manufactured; and

l  所生产的药品具有优良质量属性的证据;以及

l  In case of complaints, records could be used for investigational purposes.

l  如果有客户投诉,记录可以用于调查。

8.3 Generation, distribution and control of template records 模板记录的生成、发放和控制

8.3.1 Why is managing and controlling master records necessary? 为什么要管理和控制母版记录?

Managing and controlling master records is necessary to ensure that the risk of someone inappropriately using and/or falsifying a record ‘by ordinary means’ (i.e. not requiring the use of specialist fraud skills) is reduced to an acceptable level.


The following expectations should be implemented using a quality risk management approach, considering the risk and criticality of data recorded (see section 5.4, 5.5).


8.4 Expectations for the generation, distribution and control of records 记录生成、发放和控制要求

Expectations 要求

Potential risk of not meeting expectations/items to be checked 不符合要求时需要检查的潜在风险


Generation 产生


All documents should have a unique identification number (including the version number) and should be checked, approved, signed and dated.

The use of uncontrolled documents should be prohibited by local procedures. The use of temporary recording practices, e.g. scraps of paper should be prohibited.

Uncontrolled documents increase the potential for omission or loss of critical data as these documents may not be designed to correctly record critical data.

It may be easier to falsify uncontrolled records.

Risk of using superseded forms if there is no version control or controls for issuance.







The document design should provide sufficient space for manual data entries.

Handwriting data may not be clear and legible if the spaces provided for data entry are not sufficiently sized.

If additional pages of the documents are added to allow complete documentation, the number of, and reference to any pages added should be clearly documented on the main record page and signed.





The document design should make it clear what data is to be provided in entries.

Ambiguous instructions may lead to inconsistent/incorrect recording of data.

Ensures clear, contemporaneous and indelible/durable completion of entries.





Documents should be stored in a manner which ensures appropriate version control.

Master copy (in soft copy) should be prevented from unauthorised or inadvertent changes. E.g.: For the template records stored electronically, the following precautions should be in place:

-    Access to master templates should be controlled;

-    process controls for creating and updating versions should be clear and practically applied/verified;

-    master documents should be stored in a manner which prevents unauthorised changes;

Inappropriate storage conditions can allow unauthorised modification, use of expired and/or draft documents or cause the loss of master documents.

The processes of implementation and the effective communication are just as important as the document.

Master copies should contain distinctive marking so to distinguish the master from a copy, e.g. use of colored papers or inks so as to prevent inadvertent use.



-    应控制接触模板母本的权限

-    版本创建和更新过程控制应清楚,并实际可操作/核查

-    主文件存贮方式应能防止未经授权的修改





Distribution and Control 分发和控制


Updated versions should be distributed in a timely manner.

Obsolete master documents and files should be archived and their access restricted.

Any issued and unused physical documents retrieved and destroyed accordingly.

There may be a risk that obsolete versions can be used by mistake if available for use.






Issue should be controlled by written procedures that include the following controls:

-    using of a secure stamp, or paper color code not available in the working areas or another appropriate system.

-    ensuring that only the current approved version is available for use.

-    allocating a unique identifier to each blank document issued and recording the issue of each document in a register.

-    numbering every distributed copy (e.g.: copy 2 of 2) and sequential numbering of issued pages in bound books.

-    Where the re-issue of additional copies of the blank template is necessary, a controlled process regarding re-issue should be followed. All distributed copies should be maintained and a justification and approval for the need of an extra copy should be recorded, e.g.: “the original template record was damaged”.

-    All issued records should be reconciled following use to ensure the accuracy and completeness of records.

Without the use of security measures, there is a risk that rewriting or falsification of data may be made after photocopying or scanning the template record (which gives the user another template copy to use).

Obsolete version can be used intentionally or by error.

A filled record with an anomalous data entry could be replaced by a new rewritten template.

All unused forms should be accounted for, and either defaced and destroyed, or returned for secure filing.


-    使用工作区域无法获得的安全保存的印章或有色纸,或者使用其它合适的系统

-    保证只能获得批准的现行版本供使用

-    为发放的每份空白记录给定一个唯一识别标志,并在登记册上记录每份文件的发放

-    为每个分发的副本编号(例如,副本2,共有2),对装订成册的记录每页均给定连续编号

-    如果需要多次发放空白模板副本,则应遵守多次发放的受控程序。所有发放的副本均应维护,需要额外副本的时应说明和批准并记录,例如“原模板记录受损”。

-    所有发放的记录在使用后应计数平衡,以保证记录的准确性和完整性。





8.4.1 An index of all the template records should be maintained by QA organisation. This index should mention for each type of template record at least the following information: title, reference number including version number, location (e.g., documentation data base, effective date, next review date, etc.


8.5 Use and control of records within production areas 生产区域记录使用和控制

8.5.1 Records should be appropriately controlled in the production areas by designated persons or processes. These controls should be carried out to minimize the risk of damage or loss of the records and ensure data integrity. Where necessary, measures must be taken to protect records from being soiled (e.g. getting wet or stained by materials, etc).


8.6 Filling out records 记录填写

8.6.1 The items listed in the table below should be controlled to assure that a record is properly filled out.


Expectations 要求

Specific elements that should be checked / Potential risk of not meeting expectations



Completion of records 记录完成


Handwritten entries must be made by the person who executed the task.

Unused, blank fields within documents should be crossed-out, dated and signed.

Handwritten entries should be made in clear and legible writing.

The completion of date fields should be done in the format defined for the site. E.g. dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy.

Check that handwriting is consistent for entries made by the same person.

Check the entry is legible and clear (i.e. unambiguous; and does not include the use of unknown symbols / abbreviation, e.g. use of ditto (“) marks.

Check for completeness of data recorded.

Check correct pagination of the records and are all pages present.










Filling out operations should be contemporaneous[1].

Verify that records are available within the immediate areas in which they are used, i.e Inspectors should expect that sequential recording can be performed at the site of operations. If the form is not available at the point of use, this will not allow operators to fill in records at the time of occurrence.




Records should be indelible.

Check that written entries are in ink, which is not erasable and/or will not smudge or fade (during the retention period).

Check that the records were not filled out using pencil prior to use of pen (overwriting).

Note that some paper printouts from systems may fade over time, e.g. thermal paper.






Records should be signed and dated using a unique identifier that is attributable to the author.

Check that there are signature and initials logs, that are controlled and current and that demonstrate the use of unique examples, not just standardized printed letters.

Ensure that all key entries are signed & dated, particularly if steps occur over time, i.e. not just signed at the end of the page and/or process.

The use of personal seals is generally not encouraged; however, where used, seals must be controlled for access.

There should be a log which clearly shows traceability between an individual and their personal seal. Use of personal seals must be dated (by the owner), to be deemed acceptable.





8.7 Making corrections on records 记录更正

Corrections to the records must be made in such way that full traceability is maintained.




How should records be corrected?


Specific elements that should be checked when reviewing records:



Cross out what is to be changed with a single line.

Where appropriate, the reason for the correction must be clearly recorded and verified if critical.

Initial and date the change made.

Check that the original data is readable not obscured (e.g.: not obscured by use of liquid paper; overwriting is not permitted)

If changes have been made to critical data entries, verify that a valid reason for the change has been recorded and that supporting evidence for the change is available.

Check for unexplained symbols or entries in records







Corrections must be made in indelible ink.

Check that written entries are in ink, which is not erasable and/or will not smudge or fade (during the retention period).

Check that the records were not filled out using pencil prior to use of pen (overwriting).




8.8 Verification of records (secondary checks) 记录核查(第二人检查)



When and who should verify the records?


Specific elements that should be checked when reviewing records:



A- Batch production records of critical process steps should be:

-    reviewed/witnessed by designated personnel (e.g.: production supervisor) at the time of operations occurring; and

-    reviewed by an authorised person within production before sending them to the QC department; and - reviewed and approved by the Quality Assurance Unit (e.g. Authorised Person / Qualified Person) before release or distribution of the batch produced.

B- Batch production records of non-critical process steps is generally reviewed by production personnel according to an approved procedure.

This verification must be conducted after performing production-related tasks and activities. This verification must be signed or initialed and dated by the appropriate persons.

Local SOPs must be in place to describe the process for review of written documents.

Verify the process for the handling of production records within processing areas to ensure they are readily available to the correct personnel at the time of performing the activity to which the record relates.

Verify that any secondary checks performed during processing were performed by appropriately qualified and independent personnel, e.g. production supervisor or QA.

Check that documents were reviewed by production and then quality personnel following completion of operational activities.


-    由指定人员(例如生产主管)在操作发生时进行审核/现场查看;并且

-    由生产部门内经过授权的人员在将记录送交QC部门前进行审核,并且由QA部门(例如授权人/QP)进行审核和批准,然后放行或销售所生产的批次







How should records be double checked?


Specific elements that should be checked when reviewing records:



Check that all the fields have been completed correctly using the current (approved) templates, and that the data was critically compared to the acceptance criteria.

Check items 1, 2, 3, and 4 of section 8.5 and Items 1 and 2 of section 8.6.

Inspectors should review company procedures for the review of manual data to determine the adequacy of processes.

Check that the secondary reviews of data include a verification of any calculations used.

View original data (where possible) to confirm that the correct data was transcribed for the calculation.






8.9 Maintaining Records 记录维护



How should records be maintained?


Specific elements that should be checked when reviewing records:



Companies should implement a defined system(s) for storage and recovery of records.

All records must be stored in the specified location in a traceable and accessible manner.

Systems should ensure that all GMP/GDP relevant records are stored for periods that meet GMP/GDP requirements[2].

Check if the records are stored in an orderly manner and are easily identifiable.






All records should be protected from damage or destruction by:

-    fire;

-    liquids (e.g. water, solvents and buffer solution);

-    rodents;

-    hygrometry etc.

-    unauthorised personnel access, who may attempt to amend, destroy or replace records

Check if there are systems in place to protect records (e.g. pest control and sprinklers).

Note: Sprinkler systems can be implemented provided that they are designed to prevent damage documents, e.g. documents are protected from water (e.g. by covering them with plastic film).


-    火

-    液体(例如,水、溶剂和缓冲液)

-    啮齿动物

-    湿度测定等

-    未经授权的人员进入,该人可能试图修改、损毁或替换记录




Strategy for disaster recovery

Check for system is in place for the recovery of records in a disaster situation



8.10 Direct print-outs from electronic systems 从电子系统直接打印出的打印件

8.10.1 Paper records generated by very simple electronic systems, e.g. balances, pH meters or simple processing equipment which do not store data provide limited opportunity to influence the presentation of data by (re-)processing, changing of electronic date/time stamps. In these circumstances, the original record should be signed and dated by the person generating the record and the original should be attached to batch processing records.


8.11 True copies 真实备份

8.11.1 Copies of original paper records (e.g. analytical summary reports, validation reports etc.) are generally very useful for communication purposes, e.g. between companies operating at different locations. These records must be controlled during their life cycle to ensure that the data received from another site (sister company, contractor etc.) are maintained as “true copies” where appropriate, or used as a “summary report” where the requirements of a “true copy” are not met (e.g. summary of complex analytical data).


8.11.2 It is conceivable for raw data generated by electronic means to be retained in an acceptable paper or pdf format, where it can be justified that a static record maintains the integrity of the original data. However, the data retention process must be shown to include verified copies of all raw data, metadata, relevant audit trail and result files, software / system configuration settings specific to each analytical run, and all data processing runs (including methods and audit trails) necessary for reconstruction of a given raw data set. It would also require a documented means to verify that the printed records were an accurate representation. This approach is likely to be onerous in its administration to enable a GMP compliant record.


8.11.3 Many electronic records are important to retain in their dynamic (electronic) format, to enable interaction with the data. Data must be retained in a dynamic form where this is critical to its integrity or later verification. This should be justified based on risk.


8.11.4 At the receiving site, these records (true copies) may either be managed in a paper or electronic format (e.g., PDF) and should be controlled according to an approved QA procedure.


8.11.5 Care should be taken to ensure that documents are appropriately authenticated as “true copies” either through the use of handwritten or digital signatures.




How should the “true copy” be issued and controlled?


Specific elements that should be checked when reviewing records:



Creating a “true copy” of a paper document.

At the company who issues the true copy:

-    Obtain the original of the document to be copied

-    Photocopy the original document ensuring that no information from the original copy is lost;

-    Verify the authenticity of the copied document and sign and date the new hardcopy as a “true copy”;

The “True Copy” may now be sent to the intended recipient.

Creating a “true copy” of a electronic document.

A ‘true copy’ of an electronic record should be created by electronic means (electronic file copy), including all required metadata. Creating pdf versions of electronic data should be discouraged, as this is equivalent to a printout from the electronic system, which risks loss of metadata.

The “True Copy” may now be sent to the intended recipient.

A distribution list of all issued “true copies” (soft/hard) should be maintained.

Verify the procedure for the generation of true copies.

Check that true copies issued are identical (complete and accurate) to original records. Copied records should be checked against the original document records to make sure there is no tampering of the scanned image.

Check that scanned or saved records are protected to ensure data integrity.

After scanning paper records and verifying creation of a ‘true copy’, it may be possible to permit destruction of the original documents from which the scanned images have been created.

There should be a documented approval process for this destruction.



-    获得要备份的文件原件

-    对原始文件进行影印,确保没有遗漏原件上任何信息

-    核对复印件的真实性,在复印件上签名/日期,将新的复印件作为“真实备份”












At the company who receives the true copy:

-    The paper version, scanned copy or electronic file should be reviewed and filed according to good document management processes.

The document should clearly indicate that it is a true copy and not an original record.

Check that received records are checked and retained appropriately.

A system should be in place to verify the authenticity of “true copies” e.g. through verification of the correct signatories.


-    纸质版本、扫描备份或电子文件应根据优良文件记录管理流程进行审核和存档。




8.11.6 A quality agreement should be in place to address the responsibilities for the generation and transfer of “true copies” and data integrity controls. The system for the issuance and control of “true copies” should be audited by the contract giver and receiver to ensure the process is robust and meets data integrity principles.


8.12 Limitations of remote review of summary reports 对汇总报告进行远程审核的局限性

8.12.1 The remote review of data within summary reports is a common necessity; however, the limitations of remote data review must be fully understood to enable adequate control of data integrity.


8.12.2 Summary reports of data are often supplied between physically remote manufacturing sites, Market Authorisation Holders and other interested parties. However, it must be acknowledged that summary reports are essentially limited in their nature, in that critical supporting data and metadata is often not included and therefore original data cannot be reviewed.


8.12.3 It is therefore essential that summary reports are viewed as but one element of the process for the transfer of data and that interested parties and inspectorates do not place sole reliance on summary report data.


8.12.4 Prior to acceptance of summary data, an evaluation of the supplier’s quality system and compliance with data integrity principles should be established through on-site inspection when considered important in the context of quality risk management.


The inspection should ensure the veracity of data generated by the company, and include a review of the mechanisms used to generate and distribute summary data and reports.


8.13 Document retention (Identifying record retention requirements and archiving records) 文件记录保存(识别记录保存要求和归档记录)

8.13.1 The retention period of each type of records should (at a minimum) meet those periods specified by GMP/GDP requirements. Consideration should be given to other local or national legislation that may stipulate longer storage periods.


8.13.2 The records can be retained internally or by using an outside storage service subject to quality agreements. A risk assessment should be available to demonstrate retention systems/facilities/services are suitable and that the residual risks are understood.




Where and how should records be archived?


Specific elements that should be checked when reviewing records:



A system should be in place describing the different steps for archiving records (identification of archive boxes, list of records by box, retention period, archiving location etc.).

Check that the system implemented for retrieving archived records is effective and traceable.

Check that access to archived documents is restricted to authorized personnel ensuring integrity of the stored records.

The storage methods used should permit efficient retrieval of documents when required.







All hardcopy quality records should be archived in:

-    secure locations to prevent damage or loss;

-    such a manner that it is easy retrievable.

-    Ensure that records are likely durable for their archived life

Check for the outsourced archived operations if there is a quality agreement in place and if the storage location was audited.

Ensure there is some assessment of ensuring that documents will still be legible/available for the entire archival period.

Check that access to archived documents is restricted to authorized personnel ensuring integrity of the stored records.

The storage methods used should permit efficient retrieval of documents when required.



-    安全的位置,防止损坏或物超所值

-    其保存方式应易于恢复;

-    确保记录能持久保存达到其生命周期。





8.14 Disposal of original records 原始记录的废弃

8.14.1 A documented process for the disposal of records should be in place to ensure that the correct original records are disposed of after the defined retention period. The system should ensure that current records are not destroyed by accident and that historical records do not inadvertently make their way back into the current record stream (eg. Historical records confused/mixed with existing records.)


8.14.2 A record/register should be available to demonstrate appropriate and timely destruction of retired records.


8.14.3 Measures should be in place to reduce the risk of deleting the wrong documents. The access rights allowing deletion of records should be limited to few persons.


8.14.4 In case of printouts which are not permanent (e.g. thermo transfer paper) a verified (‘true’) copy may retained, and it is possible to discard the non- permanent original


8.14.5 Paper records may be replaced by Scans provided that the principles of ‘true copy’ are addressed (see section 8.11.5)


[1] The use of scribes to record activity on behalf of another operator should be considered ‘exceptional’, and only take place where:

l   The act of recording places the product or activity at risk e.g. documenting line interventions by sterile operators.

l   To accommodate cultural or staff literacy / language limitations, for instance where an activity is performed by an operator, but witnessed and recorded by a Supervisor or Officer.

In both situations, the supervisory recording must be contemporaneous with the task being performed, and must identify both the person performing the observed task and the person completing the record. The person performing the observed task should countersign the record wherever possible, although it is accepted that this countersigning step will be retrospective. The process for supervisory (scribe) documentation completion should be described in an approved procedure, which should also specify the activities to which the process applies.


?   记录活动会让产品或活动处于风险之中,例如,记录无菌操作人员对生产线的人工干预情况

?   适应文化或员工文化水平/语言限制,例如,一个操作工实施活动,主管或管理员在现场查看并记录。


[2] Note that storage periods for some documents may be dictated by other local or national legislation.


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 楼主| aiyao 发表于 2016-9-8 15:20:11 | 只看该作者
9.1 Structure of the QMS and control of computerised systems QMS结构和计算机化系统的控制

9.1.1 A large variety of computerised systems are used by companies to assist in a significant number of operational activities. These range from the simple standalone to large integrated and complex systems, many of which have an impact on the quality of products manufactured. It is the responsibility of each regulated entity to fully evaluate and control all computerised systems and manage them in accordance with GMP[1] and GDP[2] requirements.


9.1.2 Organisations should be fully aware of the nature and extent of computerized systems utilised, and assessments should be in place that describe each system, its intended use and function, and any data integrity risks or vulnerabilities that may be susceptible to manipulation. Particular emphasis should be placed on determining the criticality of computerised systems and any associated data, in respect of product quality.

公司应深刻了解其所采用的计算机化系统的属性和深度,应进行评估描述每个系统,其既定用途以及功能,和所有数据完整性风险,或易被篡改的脆弱点。尤其应强调要确定计算机化系统及所有相关数据 在药品质量方面的关键程度。

9.1.3 All computerised systems with potential for impact on product quality should be effectively managed under a mature quality management system which is designed to ensure that systems are protected from acts of accidental or deliberate manipulation, modification or any other activity that may impact on data integrity.


9.1.4 When determining data vulnerability and risk, it is important that the computerized system is considered in the context of its use within the business process. For example, data integrity of an analytical method with computerised interface is affected by sample preparation, entry of sample weights into the computerized system, use of the computerised system to generate data, and processing /recording of the final result using that data.


9.1.5 The guidance herein is intended to provide specific considerations for data integrity in the context of computerised systems. Further guidance regarding good practices for computerised systems may be found in the PIC/S Good Practices for Computerised Systems in Regulated “GxP” Environments (PI 011).

指南此处旨在提供计算机化系统环境下数据完整性的具体考虑。关于优良计算机化系统的规范可以在PIC/S在受法规约束的GXP环境下计算机化系统优良规范(PI 011)中找到。

9.2 Qualification and validation of computerised systems 计算机化系统的确认和验证

9.2.1 The qualification and validation of computerised systems should be performed in accordance with the relevant GMP/GDP guidelines; the tables below provide clarification regarding specific expectations for ensuring good data governance practices for computerised systems.




Potential risk of not meeting expectations/items to be checked




Validation Documentation 验证文件记录


Regulated users should have an inventory of all computerised systems in use. This list should include reference to:

-    The name, location and primary function of each computerized system;

-    Assessments of the function and criticality of the system and associated data; (e.g. direct GMP/GDP impact, indirect impact, none)

-    The current validation status of each system and reference to existing validation documents.

Risk assessments should be in place for each system, specifically assessing the necessary controls to ensure data integrity. The level and extent of validation for data integrity should be determined based on the criticality of the system and process and potential risk to product quality, e.g. processes or systems that generate or control batch release data would generally require greater control than those systems managing less critical data or processes.

Consideration should also be given to those systems with higher potential for disaster, malfunction or situations in which the system becomes inoperative.

Assessments should also review the vulnerability of the system to inadvertent or unauthorised changes to critical configuration settings or manipulation of data. All controls should be documented and their effectiveness verified.

Companies that do not have adequate visibility of all computerised systems in place may overlook the criticality of systems and may thus create vulnerabilities within the data lifecycle.

An inventory list serves to clearly communicate all systems in place and their criticality, ensuring that any changes or modifications to these systems are controlled.

Verify that risk assessments are in place for critical processing equipment and data acquisition systems. A lack of thorough assessment of system impact may lead to a lack of appropriate validation and system control. Examples of critical systems to review include:

-    Systems used to control the purchasing and status of products and materials;

-    Systems for the control and data acquisition for critical manufacturing processes;

-    Systems that generate, store or process data that is used to determine batch quality;

-    Systems that generate data that is included in the Batch processing or packaging records;

-    Systems used in the decision process for the release of products.


-    每个计算机化系统的名称、位置和基本功能

-    对系统的功能和关键程度及相关数据进行评估,(例如,直接GMP/GDP影响,间接影响,无影响)

-    每个系统当前的验证状态,对现有文件的引用







-    用于控制采购和产品和物料状态的系统;

-    关键生产工艺控制和数据获取系统;

-    产生、存贮或处理用于决定批质量的系统;

-    产生包括在批加工或批包装记录里的数据的系统;

-    用于产品放行决策流程的系统。


A Validation Summary Report for each computerised system written by the Quality Unit should be in place and state at least the following items:

-    Critical system configuration details and controls for restricting access to configuration and any changes (change control).

-    A list of currently approved users, specifying the users name and surname, and any specific usernames.

-    Identity and permitted activities (privileges) for each user of the system.

-    Identity and role of the System Administrator.

-    Frequency of review of audit trails and system logs.

-    Procedures for:

l   how a new system user is created;

l   the process for the modification (change of privileges) for an existing user;

l   the process of deleting users;

l   arrangements for backup and frequency;

l   A description of the recovery process in case of an incident;

l   Process and responsibilities for data archiving;

l   Approved locations for data storage.

-    It should be clearly stated that the original data are retained with relevant metadata in a form that permits the reconstruction of the manufacturing process or the analytical activity.

Check that validation systems and reports specifically address data integrity requirements following GMP/GDP requirements and considering ALCOA principles.

System configuration and segregation of duties (e.g. authorisation to generate data should be separate to authorisation to verify data) should be defined prior to validation, and verified as effective during testing.

Check the procedures for system access to ensure modifications or changes to systems are restricted and subject to change control management.

Ensure that system administrator access is restricted to authorised persons and is not used for routine operations.

Check the procedures for granting, modifying and removing access to computerised systems to ensure these activities are controlled. Check the currency of user access logs and privilege levels, there should be no unauthorized users to the system and access accounts should be kept up to date. There should also be restrictions to prevent users from amending audit trail functions.


-    关键系统参数设置细节,限制参数修改和任何变更的控制(变更控制)。

-    目前已批准用户的清单,说明用户姓名以及具体的用户名。

-    系统每个用户的身份及所允许的权限(授权)。

-    系统管理员的身份和职责。

-    对审计追踪和系统日志审核的频次。

-    以下操作的流程:

l   如何创建新的系统用户;

l   修改已有用户的流程(变更权限);

l   删除用户的流程;

l   备份安排和备份频次;

l   有事故发生时的恢复流程描述;

l   数据归档流程和职责;

l   批准的数据存贮位置。

-    应清楚说明原始数据与相关元数据保留的形式允许对生产工艺或分析活动进行重新构建。

检查验证系统和报告,特别要强调遵守GMP/ GDP要求,考虑ALCOA的数据完整性要求。






Companies should have a Validation Master Plan in place that includes specific policies and validation requirements for computerised systems and the integrity of such systems and associated data.

The extent of validation for computerized systems should be determined based on risk. Further guidance regarding assessing validation requirements for computerised systems may be found in PI 011.

Before a system is put into routine use, it should be challenged with defined tests for conformance with the acceptance criteria.

It would be normally expected that a prospective validation for computerized systems is conducted; however, for systems already installed, it may be acceptable to perform retrospective validation based on an assessment of all historical records for the existing computerised system.

In case of a retrospective qualification, a documented evaluation of system history i.e. error logs, changes made, evaluation of user manuals and SOPs would be expected to have taken place.

IT validation should be designed according to GMP Annex 15 with URS, FAT, SAT, IQ, OQ and PQ tests.

Qualification testing includes Design Qualification (DQ); Installation qualification (IQ); Operational Qualification (OQ); and Performance Qualification (PQ). In particular, specific tests should be designed in order to challenge those areas where data integrity is at risk.

Companies should ensure that computerised systems are qualified for their intended use. Companies should therefore not place sole reliance on vendor qualification packages; validation exercises should include specific tests to ensure data integrity is maintained during operations that reflect normal and intended use.

The number of tests should be guided by a risk assessment but the critical functionalities should be at least identified and tested, e.g., certain PLCs and systems based on basic algorithms or logic sets, the functional testing may provide adequate assurance of reliability of the computerised system. For critical and/or more complex systems, detailed verification testing is required during IQ, OQ & PQ stages.

Check that validation documents include specific provisions for data integrity; validation reports should specifically address data integrity principles and demonstrate through design and testing that adequate controls are in place.

Unvalidated systems may present a significant vulnerability regarding data integrity as user access and system configuration may allow data amendment.

Check that end-user testing includes test scripts designed to demonstrate that software not only meets the requirements of the vendor, but is fit for its intended use.


计算机化系统验证的深度应根据其风险决定。更多关于评估计算机化系统验证要求的指南参见PI 011。












Periodic Evaluation

Computerised systems should be evaluated periodically in order to confirm they maintain the validated status and are GMP compliant. The evaluation should include deviations, changes, upgrade history, performance and maintenance.

The frequency of the re-evaluation should be based on a risk assessment depending on the criticality of the computerised systems. The assessment performed should be documented.

Check that re-validation reviews for computerised systems are outlined within validation schedules.

Verify that systems have been subject to periodic review, particularly with respect to any potential vulnerabilities regarding data integrity.

Any issues identified, such as limitations of current software/hardware should be addressed in a timely manner and corrective and preventative actions, and interim controls should be available and implemented to manage any identified risks.









Data transfer between systems



Interfaces should be assessed and addressed during validation to ensure the correct and complete transfer of data.

Interfaces between computerised systems present a risk whereby data may be inadvertently lost, amended transcripted incorrectly during the transfer process.




Where system software is installed or updated, the user should ensure that archived data can be read by the new software. Where necessary this may require conversion of existing archived data to the new format.

Where conversion to the new data format of the new software is not possible, the old software should be maintained installed in one PC and also available as a hard copy (e.g. installation CD) in order to have the opportunity to read the archived data in case of an investigation.

It is important that data is readable in its original form throughout the data lifecycle, and therefore users must maintain both the readability of data and access to superseded software.



9.3 System security for computerised systems 计算机化系统的系统安全



Potential risk of not meeting expectations / items to be checked



System security 系统安全


User access controls, both physical and electronic, shall be configured and enforced to prohibit unauthorised access to, changes to and deletion of data. For example:

-    Individual Login IDs and passwords should be set up and assigned for all staff needing to access and utilise the specific electronic system. Shared login credentials do not allow for traceability to the individual who performed the activity. For this reason, shared passwords, even for reasons of financial savings, must be prohibited.

-    Input of data and changes to computerised records must be made only by authorized personnel. Companies should maintain a list of authorized individuals and their access privileges for each electronic system in use.

-    Administrator access to computer systems used to run applications should be controlled. General users should not have access to critical aspects of the software, e.g. system clocks, file deletion functions, etc.

-    System administrators should normally be independent from users performing the task, and have no involvement or interest in the outcome of the data generated or available in the electronic system. For example, QC supervisors and managers should not be assigned as the system administrators for electronic systems in their laboratories (e.g., HPLC, GC, UV-Vis). Typically, individuals outside of the quality and production organisations (e.g., Information Technology administrators) should serve as the system administrators and have enhanced permission levels.

-    For smaller organisations, it may be permissable for a nominated person to hold access as the system administrator; however, in these cases the administrator access should not be used for performing routine operations and the user should hold a second and restricted access for performing routine operations.

-    Any request for new users, new privileges of users should be forwarded to the IT administrator in a tracebeable way in accordance with a standard procedure.

Check that the company has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the computerised system in use is secured, and protected from deliberate or inadvertent changes.

Systems that are not physically and administratively secured are vulnerable to data integrity issues. Inspectorates should verify that verified procedures exist that manage system security, ensuring that computerised systems are maintained in their validated state and protected from manipulation.

It is acknowledged that some computerised systems support only a single user login or limited numbers of user logins. Where no suitable alternative computerised system is available, equivalent control may be provided by third party software, or a paper based method of providing traceability (with version control).

The suitability of alternative systems should be justified and documented. Increased data review is likely to be required for hybrid systems.


-    应为所有需要进入和使用该电子系统的员工设置个人登录ID和密码并进行分配。共用登录名无法追溯到实施活动的个人。因此,必须禁止共用密码,即使是财务存款原因也一样。

-    计算机化记录的数据输入和变更必须仅由经过授权的人员操作。公司应为每个在用电子系统维护一份被授权人员的名单,及其操作权限。

-    用于运行软件的计算机系统管理员账号应受控。一般用户不应该具备对软件的关键方面进行操作的权限,例如,系统时钟、文件删除功能等。

-    系统管理员一般应独立于实施任务的用户,不参与该电子系统中所产生或可获得数据的结果,或与之无利益关系。例如,QC主管和经理不应被赋予化验室内电子系统(例如,HPLC、GC、UV-可见光)的系统管理员权限。一般来说,质量部门和生部门以外的人员(例如,IT管理员)应作为系统管理员,具有超级权限。

-    对于较小的公司,可以允许让相关人员具有 系统管理员权限。但是,在这种情形下,管理员的权限不应该用于实施日常操作,用户应该有另一个权限受限的登录方式来实施日期操作。

-    如需增加新用户、为已有用户增加新权限,应根据标准规程以可追溯方式提交申请至IT管理员。






Computerised systems must be protected from accidental changes or deliberate manipulation. Companies should assess systems and their design to prevent unauthorised changes to validated settings that may ultimately affect data integrity. Consideration should be given to:

-    The physical security of computerised system hardware:

l   Location of and access to servers;

l   Restricting access to PLC nodules, e.g. by locking access panels.

-    Vulnerability of networked systems from local and external attack;

-    Remote network updates, e.g. automated updating of networked systems by the vendor.


-    计算机化系统硬件的物理安全;

l   服务器的位置和进入方式;

l   限制进入PLC节点,例如,通过锁定登录面板。

-    有网络连接的系统会受到当地和外来攻击;

-    远程网络更新,例如,由供应商通过网络连接系统进行自动更新。


Electronic signatures used in the place of handwritten signatures must have appropriate controls to ensure their authenticity and traceability to the specific person who electronically signed the record(s).

The use of advanced forms of electronic signatures is becoming more common, e.g., the use of biometrics is becoming more prevalent by firms. The use of advanced forms of electronic signatures should be encouraged.

Check that electronic signatures are appropriately validated, their issue to staff is controlled and that at all times, electronic signatures are readily attributable to an individual.

Any changes to data after an electronic signature has been assigned should invalidate the signature until the data has been reviewed again and re-signed.





9.4 Audit trails for computerised systems 计算机化系统的审核追踪

Expectations 要求

Potential risk of not meeting expectations / items to be checked



Audit Trails 审计追踪


Companies should endeavor to purchase and upgrade software that includes electronic audit trail functionality.

Where available, audit trail functionalities for electronic-based systems should be configured properly to capture general system events as well as any activities relating to the acquisition, deletion, overwriting of and changes to data for audit purposes.

It is acknowledged that some simple systems lack appropriate audit trails; however, alternative arrangements to verify the veracity of data must be implemented, e.g. administrative procedures, secondary checks and controls.

Audit trails should be verified during validation of the system.

Audit trail functionalities must be enabled and locked at all times. For example, an individual involved in the input of and changes to HPLC data must not have access to enable and disable the audit trail as they desire.

Companies should implement procedures that outline their policy and processes for the review of audit trails in accordance with risk management principles. Audit trails related to the production of each batch should be independently reviewed with all other records related to the batch and prior to the batch’s release, so as to ensure that critical data and changes to it are acceptable. This review should be performed by the originating department, and where necessary verified by the quality unit, e.g. during self-inspection or investigative activities.

Validation documentation should demonstrate that audit trails are functional, and that all activities, changes and other transactions within the systems are recorded, together with all metadata.

Verify that audit trails are regularly reviewed (in accordance with quality risk management principles) and that discrepancies are investigated.

If no electronic audit trail system exists a paper based record to demonstrate changes to data may be acceptable until a fully audit trailed (integrated system or independent audit software using a validated interface) system becomes available. These hybrid systems are permitted, where they achieve equivalence to integrated audit trail, such as described in Annex 11 of the PIC/S GMP Guide.

Failure to adequately review audit trails may allow manipulated or erroneous data to be inadvertently accepted by the Quality Unit and/or Authorised Person.









如果没有电子审计追踪系统,在可以获得全面审计追踪系统(集成系统或使用经过验证的接口的独立审计软件)之前使用纸质记录来证明对数据的修改是可以接受的。如果达到与集成审计追踪同样的功能,这种混合系统是允许的,例如PIC/S GMP指南附录11中所述的类型。



The company’s quality unit should establish a program and schedule to conduct ongoing reviews of audit trails based upon their criticality and the system’s complexity.

Procedures should be in place to address and investigate any audit trail discrepancies, including escalation processes for the notification of senior management and national authorities where necessary.

Verify that self-inspection programs incorporate both random and targeted checks of audit trails, with the intent to verify the effectiveness of existing controls and compliance with internal procedures regarding the review of data.




9.5 Data capture/entry for computerised systems 计算机化系统的数据捕获/输入



Potential risk of not meeting expectations / items to be checked



Data capture/entry 数据捕获/输入


Systems should be designed for the correct capture of data whether acquired through manual or automated means.

For manual entry:

-    The entry of data should only be made by authorised individuals and the system should record details of the entry, the individual making the entry and when the entry was made.

-    Data should be entered in a specified format that is controlled by the software, validation activities should verify that invalid data formats are not accepted by the system.

-    All manual data entries should be verified, either by a second operator, or by a validated computerised means.

-    Changes to entries should be captured in the audit trail and reviewed by an appropriately authorised and independent person.

For automated data capture:

-    The interface between the originating system, data acquisition and recording systems should be validated to ensure the accuracy of data.

-    Data captured by the system should be saved into memory in a format that is not vulnerable to manipulation, loss or change.

-    The system software should incorporate validated checks to ensure the completeness of data acquired, as well as any metadata associated with the data.

Ensure that manual entries made into computerised systems are subject to an appropriate secondary check.

Validation records should be reviewed for systems using automated data capture to ensure that data verification and integrity measures are implemented and effective.



-    数据应仅由经过授权的人员输入,系统应记录输入的细节,人员在输入时系统即行记录。

-    数据输入应有指定格式,格式受到软件控制。验证活动应核查是否无效数据格式不会被系统接受。

-    所有人工数据输入均应进行核对,可以是由第二个操作人员核对,也可以是由经过验证的计算机化方式。

-    对输入的修改应被审计追踪捕捉,并由适当授权的独立人员进行审核。


-    产生数据的系统、数据获取和记录的系统之间的界面应经过验证,确保数据的准确性。

-    由系统捕获的数据应存贮在记忆存储内,其格式应不易伪造、丢失或修改。

-    系统软件应包括经过验证的检查,以确保所获得的数据,以及与数据相关的所有元数据的完整性。




Any necessary changes to data must be authorised and controlled in accordance with approved procedures.

For example, manual integrations and reprocessing of laboratory results must be performed in an approved and controlled manner. The firm’s quality unit must establish measures that ensure that changes to data are performed only when necessary and by designated individuals.

Any and all changes and modifications to original data must be fully documented and should be reviewed and approved by at least one appropriately trained and qualified individual.

Verify that appropriate procedures exist to control any amendments or re-processing of data. Evidence should demonstrate an appropriate process of formal approval for the proposed change, controlled/restricted/defined changes and formal review of the changes made.





9.6 Review of data within computerised systems 计算机化系统中数据的审核



Potential risk of not meeting expectations / items to be checked



Review of electronic data 电子数据审核


The regulated user should perform a risk assessment in order to identify all the GMP/GDP relevant electronic data generated by the computerised systems.

Once identified, this critical data should be audited by the regulated user and verified to determine that operations were performed correctly and whether any change (modification, deletion or overwriting) have been made to original information in electronic records. All changes must be duly authorised.

The review of data-related audit trails should be part of the routine data review within the approval process.

Audit trails records should be in an intelligible form and have at least the following information:

-    Name of the person who made the change to the data;

-    Description of the change;

-    Time and date of the change;

-    Justification for the change;

-    Name of any person authorizing the change.

The frequency, roles and responsibilities of audit trails review should be based on a risk assessment according to the GMP/GDP relevant value of the data recorded in the computerised system.

For example, for changes of electronic data that can have a direct impact on the quality of the medicinal products, it would be expected to review at each and every time the data is generated.

The regulated user should establish a SOP that describes in detail how to review audit trails. The procedure should determine in detail the process that the person in charge for the audit trail review should follow. The audit trail activity should be documented and recorded.

The records should be maintained together with the other GMP/GDP relevant documents.

Any significant variation from the expected outcome found during the audit trail review should be fully investigated and recorded. A procedure should describe the actions to be taken if a review of audit trails identifies serious issues that can impact the quality of the medicinal products.

The company’s Quality Unit (QU) should also review a sample of the audit trails records during the routine selfinspection.

Check local procedures to ensure that electronica data is reviewed based on its criticality (impact to product quality and/or decision making). Evidence of each review should be recorded and available to the inspector.

Where data summaries are used for internal or external reporting, evidence should be available to demonstrate that such summaries have been verified in accordance with raw data.





-    修改数据的人员姓名;

-    修改描述;

-    修改时间和日期;

-    修改论证;

-    授权修改的人员姓名。









9.7 Storage, archival and disposal of electronica data 电子数据的存贮、归档和销毁



Potential risk of not meeting expectations / items to be checked



Storage, archival and disposal of electronica data 电子数据的存贮、归档和销售


Storage of data must include the entire original data and metadata, including audit trails, using a secure and validated process.

If the data is backed up, or copies of it are made, then the backup and copies must also have the same appropriate levels of controls so as to prohibit unauthorised access to, changes to and deletion of data or their alteration. For example, a firm that backs up data onto portable hard drives must prohibit the ability to delete data from the hard drive. Some additional considerations for the storage and backup of data include:

l   True copies of dynamic electronic records can be made, with the expectation that the entire content (i.e., all data and metadata is included) and meaning of the original records are preserved.

l   Suitable software and hardware needs to be readily available for accessing data backups or copies.

l   Routine backup copies should be stored in a remote location (physically separated) in the event of disasters.

l   - Back-up data should be readable for all the period of the defined regulatory retention period, even if a new version of the software has been updated or substituted for one with better performance.

Check that data storage, back up and archival systems are designed to capture all data and metadata. There should be documented evidence that these systems have been validated and verified.



l   可以制作动态电子记录的真实副本,要求保存全部的内容(即包括所有数据和元数据)和原始记录的含义。

l   读取数据备份和副本所需的适当的软件和硬件应易于获取。

l   日常备份副本应存贮在一个较远的位置(物理隔离)以防灾难。

l   备份数据应在界定的法规保存期限内可以读取,即使软件更新为新版本,或者被具有更好性能的其它软件所取代。



The record retention procedures must include provisions for retaining the metadata. This allows for future queries or investigations to reconstruct the activities that occurred related to a batch.



Data should be archived periodically in accordance with written procedures. Archive copies should be physically secured in a separate and remote location from where back up data are stored.

The data should be accessible and readable and its integrity maintained for all the period of archiving.

There should be in place a procedure for restoring archived data in case an investigation is needed. The procedure in place for restoring archived data should be regularly tested.

If a facility is needed for the archiving process then specific environmental controls and only authorised personnel access should be implemented in order to ensure the protection of records from deliberate or inadvertent alteration or loss. When a system in the facility has to be retired because problems with long term access to data are envisaged, procedures should assure the continued readability of the data archived. For example, it could be established to transfer the data to another system.

There is a risk with archived data that access and readability of the data may be lost due to software application updates or superseded equipment. Verify that the company has access to archived data, and that they maintain access to the necessary software to enable review of the archived data.

Where external or third party facilities are utilised for the archiving of data, these service providers should be subject to assessment, and all responsibilities recorded in a quality technical agreement. Check agreements and assessment records to verify that due consideration has been given to ensuring the integrity of archived records.








It should be possible to print out a legible and meaningful record of all the data generated by a computerised system (including metadata).

If a change is performed to records, it should be possible to also print out the change of the record, indicating when and how the original data was changed.

Check validation documentation for systems to ensure that systems have been validated for the generation of legible and complete records.

Samples of print-outs may be verified.






Procedures should be in place that describe the process for the disposal of electronically stored data. These procedures should provide guidance for the assessment of data and allocation of retention periods, and describe the manner in which data that is no longer required is disposed of.

Check that the procedures clearly stipulate the conditions for the disposal of data, and that care is taken to avoid the inadvertent disposal of required data during its lifecycle.



[1] PIC/S PE 009 Guide to Good Manufacting Practice for Medicinal Products, specifically Part I chapters 4, Part II chapters 5, & Annex 11

PIC/S PE 009 药品GMP指南,具体为第一部分第4章,第二部分第5章和附录11.

[2] PIC/S PE 011 GDP Guide to Good Distribution Practice for Medicinal Products, specifically section 3.5 XXX

PIC/S PE 011 药品优良运输GDP指南,具体参见第3.5部分。

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 楼主| aiyao 发表于 2016-9-8 15:20:42 | 只看该作者
10.1 General supply chain considerations 一般供应链考虑

10.1.1 Data integrity plays a key part in ensuring the security and integrity of supply chains. Data governance measures by a contract giver may be significantly weakened by unreliable or falsified data or materials provided by supply chain partners. This principle applies to all outsourced activities, including suppliers of raw materials or contract manufacture / analytical services.


10.1.2 Initial and periodic re-qualification of supply chain partners and outsourced activities should include consideration of data integrity risks and appropriate control measures.


10.1.3 It is important for an organisation to understand the data integrity limitations of information obtained from the supply chain (e.g. summary records and copies /printouts), and the challenges of remote supervision. These limitations are similar to those discused in section 8.11 of this guidance This will help to focus resources towards data integrity verification and supervision using a qualiity risk management approach.


10.2 Routine document verification 日常文件核查

The supply chain relies upon the use of documentation and data passed from one organisation to another. It is often not practical for the contract giver to review all raw data relating to reported results. Emphasis should be placed upon robust supplier and contractor qualification, using the principles of quality risk management.


10.3 Strategies for assessing data integrity in the supply chain 供应链中数据完整性评估策略

10.3.1 Companies should conduct regular risk reviews of supply chains and outsourced activity that evaluate the extent of data integrity controls required. Information considered during risk reviews may include:


l  The outcome of site audits, with focus on data governance measures

l  对审核的结果,关注数据管理措施

l  Review of data submitted in routine reports, for example:

l  审核日常报告中所提交的数据,例如:

Area for review




Comparison of analytical data reported by the contractor or supplier vs in-house data from analysis of the same material

To look for discrepant data which may be an indicator of falsification



10.3.2 Quality agreements should be in place in place between manufacturers and suppliers/contract manufacturing organisations (CMOs) with specific provisions for ensuring data integrity across the supply chain. This may be achieved by setting out expectations for data governance, and transparent error/deviation reporting by the contract acceptor to the contract giver. There should also be a requirement to notify the contract giver of any data integrity failures identified at the contract acceptor site.


10.3.3 Audits of suppliers and manufacturers of APIs, critical intermediate suppliers and service providers conducted by the manufacturer (or by a third party on their behalf) should include a verification of data integrity measures at the contract organisation.


10.3.4 Audits and routine surveillance should include adequate verification of the source electronic data and metadata by the Quality Unit of the contract giver using a quality risk management approach. This may be achieved by measures such as:


Site audit

Review the contract acceptors organisational behaviour, and understanding of data governance, data lifecycle, risk and criticality.



Material testing vs CoA

Compare the results of analytical testing vs suppliers reported CoA. Examine discrepancies in accuracy, precision or purity results. This may be performed on a routine basis, periodically, or unannounced, depending on material and supplier risks.



Remote data review

The contract giver may consider offering the Contracted Facility/Supplier use of their own hardware and software system (deployed over a Wide Area Network) to use in batch manufacture and testing. The contract giver may monitor the quality and integrity of the data generated by the Contracted Facility personnel in real time. In this situation, there should be segregation of duties to ensure that contract giver monitoring of data does not give provision for amendment of data generated by the contract acceptor.



Quality monitoring

Quality and performance monitoring may indicate incentive for data falsification (e.g. raw materials which marginally comply with specification on a frequent basis.



10.3.5 Contract givers may work with the contract acceptor to ensure that all client confidential information is encoded to de-identify clients. This would facilitate review of source electronic data and metadata at the contract giver’s site, without breaking confidentiality obligations to other clients. By reviewing a larger data set, this enables a more robust assessment of the contract givers data governance measures. It also permits a search for indicators of data integrity failure, such as repeated data sets or data which does not demonstrate the expected variability.


10.3.6 Care should be taken to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of supplied documentation, (refer section 8.11). The difference in data integrity and traceability risks between ‘true copy’ and ‘summary report’ data should be considered when making contractor and supply chain qualification decisions.


11.1 Deficiency references 缺陷依据

11.1.1 The integrity of data is fundamental to good manufacturing practice and the requirements for good data management are embedded in the current PIC/S Guides to GMP/GDP for Medicinal products. The following table provides a reference point highlighting some of these existing requirements.


ALCOA principle

PIC/S Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal products, PE009 (Part I):

PIC/S Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal products, PE009 (Part II):

Annex 11 (Computerised Systems)

PIC/S Guide to Good Distribution Practice for Medicinal products, PE011:








[4.20, c & f], [4.21, c & i], [4.29, e]

[6.14], [6.18], [6.52]

[2], [12.4], [15]

[4.2.4], [4.2.5]



[4.1], [4.2], [4.7], [4.8], [4.9], [4.10]

[5.43] [6.11], [6.14], [6.15], [6.50]

[7.1], [9], [10], [17]

[4.2.3], [4.2.9]





[12.4], [14]

[4.1], [4.2.9]



[4.9], [4.27], [Paragraph "Record"]

[6.14], [6.15], [6.16]

[8.2], [9]




[4.1], [6.17]

[5.40], [5.45], [6.6]

[Paragraph "Principles"] [5], [6], [10], [11]


11.2 Classification of deficiencies 缺陷分类

Note: The following guidance is intended to aid consistency in reporting and classification of data integrity deficiencies, and is not intended to affect the inspecting authority’s ability to act according to national legal frameworks.


11.2.1 Deficiencies relating to data integrity failure may have varying impact to product quality. Prevalence of the failure may also vary between the action of a single employee to an endemic failure throughout the inspected organisation.


11.2.2 The draft PIC/S guidance[1] on classification of deficiencies states:


“A critical deficiency is a practice or process that has produced, or leads to a significant risk of producing either a product which is harmful to the human or veterinary patient or a product which could result in a harmful residue in a food producing animal. A critical deficiency also occurs when it is observed that the manufacturer has engaged in fraud, misrepresentation or falsification of products or data”.


11.2.3 Notwithstanding the “critical” classification of deficiencies relating to fraud, misrepresentation or falsification, it is understood that data integrity deficiencies can also relate to:


-    Data integrity failure resulting from bad practice,

-    由于不良做法导致的数据完整性失败;

-    Opportunity for failure (without evidence of actual failure) due to absence of the required data control measures.

-    由于缺乏所需的数据控制措施而导致的失败机会(没有实际失败证据)。

11.2.4 In these cases, it may be appropriate to assign classification of deficiencies by taking into account the following (indicative list only):


Impact to product with risk to patient health: Critical deficiency:


-    Product failing to meet specification at release or within shelf life.

-    产品不符合放行质量标准或货架期内质量标准。

-    Reporting of a ‘desired’ result rather than an actual out of specification result when reporting of QC tests, critical product or process parameters.

-    在报告QC检测、关键产品或工艺参数时,报告“所需”结果,而不是实际超标结果。

Impact to product with no risk to patient health: Major deficiency:


-    Data being miss-reported, e.g. original results ‘in specification’, but altered to give a more favourable trend.

-    数据漏报,例如原始结果“符合质量标准”,但进行修改给出更好的趋势。

-    Reporting of a ‘desired’ result rather than an actual out of specification result when reporting of data which does not relate to QC tests, critical product or process parameters.

-    在报告非QC检测、关键产品或工艺参数数据时,报告“所需”结果,而不是报告实际的OOS结果

-    Failures arising from poorly designed data capture systems (e.g. using scraps of paper to record info for later transcription).

-    设计不良的数据捕获系统产生的失败(例如,使用废弃的纸记录信息,事后再转抄)。

No impact to product; evidence of widespread failure: Major deficiency:


-    Bad practices and poorly designed systems which may result in opportunities for data integrity issues or loss of traceability across a number of functional areas (QA, production, QC etc). Each in its own right has no direct impact to product quality.

-    可能会导致数据完整性问题或大量功能性领域(QA、生产、QC等)可追溯性缺失机会的不良做法和设计不良的系统。

No impact to product; limited evidence of failure: Other deficiency:


-    Bad practice or poorly designed system which result in opportunities for data integrity issues or loss of traceability in a discrete area.

-    不良做法或设计不良的系统,会导致数据完整性问题或零散领域内可追溯性缺失的机会。

-    Limited failure in an otherwise acceptable system.

-    其它可接受系统里有限的失败。

11.2.5 It is important to build an overall picture of the adequacy of the key elements (data governance process, design of systems to facilitate compliant data recording, use and verification of audit trails and IT user access etc.) to make a robust assessment as to whether there is a company-wide failure, or a deficiency of limited scope/ impact.


11.2.6 Individual circumstances (exacerbating / mitigating factors) may also affect final classification or regulatory action. Further guidance on the classification of deficiencies and intra-authority reporting of compliance issues will be available in the PIC/S guidance on the classification of deficiencies, once it has been published.


12.1 Responding to Significant Data Integrity issues 对重大数据完整性问题的响应

12.1.1 Consideration should be primarily given to resolving the immediate issues identified and assessing the risks associated with the data integrity issues. The response by the company in question should outline the actions taken. Responses should include:

首先应考虑解决所识别的紧急问题,评估与数据完整性相关的风险。公司的回复应列出所采取的行动。回复应包括: A comprehensive investigation into the extent of the inaccuracies in data records and reporting, to include:


-    A detailed investigation protocol and methodology; a summary of all laboratories, manufacturing operations, and systems to be covered by the assessment; and a justification for any part of the operation that the regulated user proposes to exclude;

-    详细的调查方案和方法学;所有化验室、生产操作和评估所包括的系统的总结;受法规约束的用户要排除的所有操作;

-    Interviews of current and former employees to identify the nature, scope, and root cause of data inaccuracies. These interviews may be conducted by a qualified third party;

-    与现有和离职员工面谈,识别出数据不准确的情况、范围和根本原因。这些面谈可能由有资质的第三方实施;

-    An assessment of the extent of data integrity deficiencies at the facility. Identify omissions, alterations, deletions, record destruction, noncontemporaneous record completion, and other deficiencies;

-    对设施内数据完整性程度的评估。识别忽略、篡改、删除、记录销毁、不同步记录完整性和其它缺陷;

-    determination of the scope and extent and timeframe for the incident, with justification for the time-boundaries applied;

-    确定违规事件的范围和程度及时间段,以及对时间段认定的论证;

-    data, products, processes and specific batches implicated in any investigations;

-    在所有调查中涉及的数据、产品、工艺和特定批次;

-    A description of all parts of the operations in which data integrity lapses occur, additional consideration should be given to global corrective actions for multinational companies or those that operate across multiple differing sites;

-    描述所有发生数据完整性问题的操作部分,跨国公司和在多个不同地域运营的公司还要考虑全球性纠正措施;

-    A comprehensive retrospective evaluation of the nature of the testing and manufacturing data integrity deficiencies, and the potential root cause(s). The services of a qualified third-party consultant with specific expertise in the areas where potential breaches were identified may be necessary;

-    对检验和生产数据完整性缺陷的情况进行全面回顾评估,并找出可能的根本原因;如果识别出潜在的问题,可能需要使用擅长此领域的有资质的第三方顾问提供服务;

-    A risk assessment of the potential effects of the observed failures on the quality of the drugs involved. The assessment should include analyses of the risks to patients caused by the release of drugs affected by a lapse of data integrity, risks posed by ongoing operations, and any impact on the veracity of data submitted to regulatory agencies, including data relatedto product registration dossiers;

-    对所发现的失败对所涉及的药品质量的潜在影响进行风险评估。评估应包括放行受数据完整性问题影响的药品所引起的对患者的风险的分析,持续运营所具有的风险,以及对于提交给法规机构的数据的真实性的影响,包括与药品注册文件相关的数据。 Corrective and preventative actions taken to address the data integrity vulnerabilities and timeframe for implementation, and including:


-        Interim measures describing the actions to protect patients and to ensure the quality of the medicinal products, such as notifying customers, recalling product, conducting additional testing, adding lots to the stability program to assure stability, drug application actions, and enhanced complaint monitoring.

-        临时措施,说明保护患者的措施以及确保药品质量的措施,例如,通知客户、召回药品、实施附加测试、增加稳定性试验计划的批次以保证稳定性、药品申报措施和加强投诉监管。

-        Long-term measures describing any remediation efforts and enhancements to procedures, processes, methods, controls, systems, management oversight, and human resources (e.g., training, staffing improvements) designed to ensure the data integrity.

-        长期措施,说明为确保数据完整性,所设计的对程序、工艺、方法、控制、系统、管理、监管和人力资源(例如,培训、员工提升)采取的所有弥补努力和加强措施,

12.1.2 Whenever possible, inspectorates should meet with senior representatives from the implicated companies to convey the nature of the deficiencies identified and seek written confirmation that the company commits to full disclosure of issues and their prompt resolution. A management strategy should be submitted to the regulatory authority that includes the details of the global corrective action and preventive action plan. The strategy should include:


-        A detailed corrective action plan that describes how the regulated user intends to ensure the reliability and completeness of all of the data generated, including analytical data, manufacturing records, and all data submitted to the Competent Authority.

-        详细的纠正计划,其中描述受法规约束的用户如何力保所有产生的数据的可靠性和完整性,包括分析数据、生产记录和所有提交给药监当局的数据。

-        A comprehensive description of the root causes of your data integrity lapses, including evidence that the scope and depth of the current action plan is commensurate with the findings of the investigation and risk assessment. This must indicate if individuals responsible for data integrity lapses remain able to influence GMP/GDP-related or drug application data.

-        你们数据完整性问题根本原因的全面描述,包括证明当前所采取的措施计划的范围和深度与调查结果和风险评估结果相称的证据。它必须显示出对数据完整性问题承担责任的人员是否还有能力对GMP/GDP相关数据或药品申报数据产生影响。

12.1.3 Inspectorates should implement policies for the management of significant data integrity issues identified at inspection in order to manage and contain risks associated with the data integrity breach.


12.2 Indicators of improvement 改进指标

12.2.1 An on-site inspection is required to verify the effectiveness of actions taken to address data integrity issues. Some indicators of improvement are:

要进行现场检查以核查所采取的解决数据完整性问题的措施的有效性。一些改进指标如: Evidence of a thorough and open evaluation of the identified issue and timely implementation of effective corrective and preventative actions;

对所识别的问题进行彻底开放的评估,及时实施有效的CAPA。 Evidence of open communication of issues with clients and other regulators. Transparent communication should be maintained throughout the investigation and remediation stages. Regulators should be aware that further data integrity failures may be reported as a result of the detailed investigation. Any additional reaction to these notifications should be proportionate to public health risks, to encourage continued reporting;

与客户和其它法规管理人员公开沟通问题的证据。在调查和缺陷弥补阶段应维持透明的沟通。法规管理人员应明白在详细调查中可能会报告更多数据完整性失败。对这些通知所采用的额外行动应与公众健康风险成比例,以鼓励持续报告行为。 Evidence of communication of data integrity expectations across the organisation, incorporating processes for open reporting of potential issues and opportunities for improvement without repercussions;

组织内数据完整性要求沟通的证据,包括公开报告潜在问题和改进机会而不产生不良后果的流程, The regulated user should ensure that an appropriate evaluation of the vulnerability of any sophisticated electronic systems to data manipulation takes place to ensure that follow-up actions have fully resolved all the violations, third party expertise may be required;

受法规约束的用户应确保对所有复杂电子系统的可能发生数据篡改的弱点进行适当的评估,确保跟踪措施能全面解决所有违规情况,可以利用第三方专家。 Implementation of data integrity policies in line with the principles of this guide;

实施数据完整性方针,符合本指南中的原则。 Implementation of routine data verification practices.


13.1 Archive 归档

Long term, permanent retention of completed data and relevant metadata in its final form for the purposes of reconstruction of the process or activity.


13.2 Audit Trail 审计追踪

GMP/GDP audit trails are metadata that are a record of GMP/GDP critical information (for example the change or deletion of GMP/GDP relevant data), which permit the reconstruction of GMP/GDP activities.


13.3 Back-up 备份

A copy of current (editable) data, metadata and system configuration settings (e.g. variable settings which relate to an analytical run) maintained for the purpose of disaster recovery.


13.4 Data 数据

Facts, figures and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.


13.5 Data Governanace 数据管理

The sum total of arrangements to ensure that data, irrespective of the format in which it is generated, is recorded, processed, retained and used to ensure a complete, consistent and accurate record throughout the data lifecycle.


13.6 Data Integrity 数据完整性

The extent to which all data are complete, consistent and accurate throughout the data lifecycle.


13.7 Data Lifecycle 数据生命周期

All phases in the life of the data (including raw data) from initial generation and recording through processing (including transformation or migration), use, data retention, archive / retrieval and destruction.


13.8 Exception report 异常报告

A validated search tool that identifies and documents predetermined ‘abnormal’ data or actions, which requires further attention or investigation by the data reviewer.


13.9 Flat file 平面文件

A ‘flat file’ is an individual record which may not carry any additional metadata with it, other than that which is included in the file itself.


13.10 Meta-data 元数据

data that describe the attributes of other data, and provide context and meaning.



Date 日期

Version Number 版本号

Reasons for revision修订理由

[1] This draft guidance has not been published yet. 该指南草案尚未发布。

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