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aiyao 发表于 2016-6-20 11:21:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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20160614 ECA新闻:QP的IMP声明:一些问答

GMP News

QP Declaration for IMPs: some Questions and Answers


The U.K. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Inspectorate has published a set of Question and Answers on the manufacture of Investigational Medicinal Products (IMPs) in a blog. Quite a few questions are dealing with the import of IMPs and the associated QP Declarations which accompany clinical trial (CT) applications.


Here is an overview: 这里我们大概看一下:


"All sites involved in manufacturing steps starting with the conversion of the API into the dosage form and including primary and secondary packing and also any contract laboratories involved with release or stability testing" should appear on the QP declarations.


Regulatory inspection instead of own audit: 法规检查替代自主审计

"The starting point for a QP declaration of EU GMP should be an audit conducted by or on behalf of the importing company. (…). A regulatory inspection cannot be used unconditionally to remove the need for your own audit."

“QP的EU GMP声明应基于一次由其自己或代表进口公司所实施的现场审计。常规检查不能无条件使用,用以豁免你自己的审计。”

Audit by QP or not: 是否由QP进行的审计
"An audit does not need to be done by the QP, however the QP needs to be satisfied that it has been done correctly by an appropriately trained individual as the QP will be taking final responsibility."


Recognition of Certification by Swiss QP (Responsible Person, RP) 瑞士QP签发的认可证书(负责人,RP
"Although there is a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) between the EU and Switzerland, it remains a third country therefore the IMP would need to be imported into the EU by an MIA(IMP) holder. (…) and the IMP would need to be certified by a (EU) QP upon import prior to release for use in the clinical trial."


QP statements for APIs used in IMPs 用于IMP的原料药的QP声明
"There is no requirement for APIs used in IMPs to comply with EU GMP Part II but there remains a responsibility for IMP manufacturers to assure themselves that the API is of an appropriate quality."

“对于用于IMP的原料药,不要求其符合EU GMP第二部分,但IMP生产商自己仍有责任确保原料药具备适当的质量。”

Further details and more frequently asked questions can be found in the MHRA Inspectorate Blog.




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