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201312 PA/PH/OMCL (12) 77 7R 欧盟OMCL仪器确认附件8:天平的确认 1/2
OMCL Network of the Council of Europe QUALITY MANAGEMENT DOCUMENT PA/PH/OMCL (12) 77 7R QUALIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT ANNEX 8: QUALIFICATION OF BALANCES OMCL网络质量管理文件 PA/PH/OMCL (12) 77 7R 仪器确认附件8:天平的确认 Full document title and reference | Qualification of Balances Annex 8 to the OMCL Network Guideline “Qualification of Equipment” PA/PH/OMCL (12) 77 7R | | 天平的确认 OMCL网络指南“仪器确认”附件8 PA/PH/OMCL (12) 77 7R | | | | | |
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| | | | | Date of original entry into force | | | | Date of entry into force of revised document | | | | Previous titles/other references / last valid version | | | | | The present document was elaborated by the OMCL Network / EDQM of the Council of Europe | | | | | | |
ANNEX 8 OF THE OMCL NETWORK GUIDELINE “QUALIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT” QUALIFICATION OF BALANCES OMCL网络质量管理文件 PA/PH/OMCL (12) 77 7R 仪器确认附件8:天平的确认 1. INTRODUCTION 概述 This document is the 8th Annex to the core document “Qualification of Equipment”, which together should be used when planning, performing and documenting the qualification process of balances. 本文件是“仪器确认”核心文件的第8份附件。在规划、实施和记录天平确认过程中应同时考虑本文件和核心文件。 The core document contains the introduction and general forms for Level I and II of qualification, which are common to all types of instruments. 核心文件中包括了所有类型的仪器通用的第I级和第II级确认所用的概述和通用表格。 Annex 8 contains instrument-related recommendations on parameters to be checked at Level III and IV of qualification and the corresponding typical acceptance limits, as well as practical examples on the methodology that can be used to carry out these checks. 附件9包括与仪器相关第III级和第IV级确认所需检查的参数的建议,以及对应的一般可接受限度,还有可以用来实施这些检查的方法学实际案例。 2. AIM AND SCOPE OF THE GUIDELINE 本指南目标和范围 This guideline describes the requirements for balances (electronic – digital) used in chemical and biological tests in OMCLs. 本指南描述了OMCL在化学和生物检测中所用天平(电子—数字))的要求。 The following types of balances are considered in this guideline (Table 1): 本指南考虑了以下类型的天平(表1):
Table 1 表1 Type | | Number of digits after decimal position (g) | | | | | | | | | |
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The classifications are based on the OIML R 76-1 International Recommendation document (see Table 2). 该分类依据为OIML R 76-1国际建议文件(参见表2)。 Accuracy class 准确度分级 | Verification scale interval (e) 核查分度值 | Number of verification scale intervals 分度值核对值(n=Max/e) | Minimum capacity 最小称量值 (Min) (Lower limit) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
** For an instrument of class I with d < 0.1 mg, n may be less than 50000. The minimum capacity is reduced to 5 e for grading instruments, i.e. instruments that determine a transport tariff or toll (e.g. postal scales and instruments weighing waste material). On multiple range instruments, the verification scale intervals are e1, e2, …, er with e1 < e2 < … < er. Similar sub-scripts are also used with the terms Min, n and Max. 对于I级天平,如果d< 0.1 mg,n可能会小于50000。最小称量值降低至5e,即用于交通或收费的秤(例如,邮政用秤,和用于称量废物料的秤)。对于多范围天平,核查分度值为e1,e2……er,其中e1 < e2 < … < er。类似脚标也可用于术语Min,n和Max。 On multiple range instruments, each range is treated as if it were an instrument with one range. 对于多范围天平,每个范围都当作是具备一个范围的天平来对待。 For special applications that are clearly marked on the instrument, an instrument may have weighing ranges in classes I and II, or in classes II and III. The instrument as a whole shall then comply with the more severe requirements of 3.9 Variations due to influence quantities and time applicable to either of the two classes (see OIML R76-1 International Recommendation document) 如果仪器上清楚标示的特殊用途,其称量范围可能属于不同级别,如级别I和II或级别II和III。仪器作为一个整体,应符合“3.9由于数量和时间影响引起的波动”中给出的更严格的要求,它适用于2类天平(参见OIMLR76-1国际建议文件)。 Max = Maximum capacity of the balance 天平的最大称量值 e = verification scale interval 核查分度值 e1, ei, er = verification scale interval, rules for indices 核查分度值,指数规则
3. CONSIDERATIONS FOR LEVEL I AND II OF EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION 仪器第I级和第II级确认考虑 At Level I of the qualification of balances (selection of instruments and suppliers), it is recommended to select a manufacturer of balances that can satisfy the needs of the laboratory and works under ISO 9001 certification. 在天平第I级确认(选择仪器和供应商)中,建议选择可以满足化验室需求,并且在ISO9001认证体系下运行的天平生产商。 At Level II of the qualification of balances (installation and release for use), it is recommended to check all the requirements set during the selection of the instrument and calibration should be performed before putting into service by an accredited external service supplier, or internally by appropriately qualified personnel, using certified reference weights according to an approved procedure. 在天平第II级确认(安装和放行使用)中,建议检查所有仪器选择中设定的要求,在由经过认证的外部服务商提供服务,或者由内部具备适当资质的人员接手管理之前要进行校正。校正要使用经过认证的标准砝码根据批准的程序进行。 4. REQUIREMENTS FOR BALANCE USE 天平使用要求 Location of the Balance 天平定位 The accuracy and precision of weighing results are closely associated with the location of the balance. OMCLs should ensure that the balance can work under optimal conditions (weighing room/laboratory, weighing bench, temperature, light, air, etc.). 称量结果的准确度和精密度与天平的位置紧密相关。OMCL应保证天平在最优条件下工作(称重室/化验室、称重台、温度计、照明、空气等)。 It is recommended that balances of types 1 to 6 (see Table 1 above) are located in a specially designed weighing room that is vibration-proof, dust-free and has an anti-static floor. For substances that are sensible to static electricity it is also possible to use an ionising unit. 建议1-6类天平(参见表1)放置在经过特殊设计的称量室,防震、无尘,地板抗静电。如果称量对静电敏感的物质,也可以使用离子化单元。 If a balance of type 1 to 6 is located in a laboratory outside of the weighing room, then the weighing bench on which it is placed should be in a separate part of the laboratory that is vibration-proof and dust-free. For balances of types 1 to 4, a stable bench should be used. 如果1-6类天平放置在称重室外的化验室里,则摆放天平的称重台应与化验室分开,要防震和无尘。对于1-4类天平,要使用稳定的称重台。 It should be ensured that the weighing bench is stable, no matter from what material it is made. The weighing bench should not deform when work is carried out on it and it must be vibration-proof or the transfer of vibrations must not influence the weighing process. If there is a risk of instability, the balance should be equipped with a stability indicator so that the weight is only registered or printed after stabilisation of the balance. 不管称重台材质是什么,要保证称重台是稳定的。称重时称重台不应变形,称重台必须防震或震动转移必须不得影响称重过程。如果有可能不稳定,则天平应该装配稳定指示器,这样只有在天平稳定后才会登记或打印。 The weighing bench should be non-magnetic (i.e. no steel plates) and protected against electrostatic charges (no plastic or glass). 称重台应该无磁性(即没有铁盘),防止静电产生(没有塑料或玻璃)。 Temperature 温度 As weighing results are influenced by temperature, OMCLs should ensure a constant temperature is maintained in weighing rooms/laboratories. The typical drift of balances of types 1 and 2 is 1-2 ppm/°C. The deviation should not exceed more than 5 °C per hour. 由于称重值受到温度的影响,OMCL应保证在称重间/化验室维持恒定的温度。1类和2类天平的一般飘移量为1-2 ppm/°C。偏差不应超过5 °C/小时。 Atmospheric humidity空气湿度 The optimum relative humidity (% RH) during a weighing process is between 40 % to 60 % for balances of class I and II (see Table 1). The relative humidity may be expanded to 20 % to 80 % in cases where the accuracy and linearity of measurements are not affected. I级和II级天平在称量时最佳的相对湿度(%RH)为40-60%。如果测量准确度和线性不受影响的话,相对湿度可以放宽到20-80%。 Light 照明 Balances should be protected from direct sunlight (heat). 天平应防止太阳光(热)直射。 Air 空气 OMCLs should not place balances in the airflow of air conditioners or devices with ventilators (such as computers or large laboratory equipment), next to doorways or in areas of high traffic. This is because in addition to the potential temperature drift, strong air currents can interfere with the functioning of balances. If a balance is placed in a laminar flow workstation, e. g. for weighing of toxic material, the cabinet should be suitable for the intended use. OMCL不应将天平放置在空调或有通风的设备(例如计算机或大型化验室设备)气流下,在门廊或往来人多的地方。这是因为除了潜在的温度飘移外,强气流也会干扰天平的运行。如果天平放置在层流工作站里,例如,为了称量有毒物料,则柜体应适合既定用途。 Weighing vessel 称重用容器 OMCLs must ensure that: OMCL必须保证 - the smallest possible weighing vessels are used. - 使用尽可能最小的称重容器。 - if the materials that the weighing vessel is made of have a high degree of electrical insulation (such as glass and plastic), they are not electrostatically charged. - 如果称重容器的材质是高度绝缘材料(例如玻璃和塑料),保证它们不会产生静电。 - the weighing vessel and the sample it contains should have the same temperature as their surroundings. - 称重用容器和其所称量的样品应该与其环境具有相同的温度。 - if the weighing vessel has been removed from a drying oven or dishwasher, it should be cooled to room temperature prior to being placed on the balance. - 如果称重用容器是从干燥箱或洗涤机中拿出来的,则在放置到天平上之前要冷却到室温。 - depending on the type of balance, it is recommended to use cotton gloves. - 根据天平的类型,建议使用棉手套。 - no magnets should be placed on the balance or into the weighing vessel. - 磁体不得放置在天平上或称重用容器里。
5. REQUIREMENTS FOR WEIGHTS USED IN THE QUALIFICATION 用于确认的砝码要求 Weights used for qualification should: 确认用砝码应: - be clean and, if necessary, wiped with ethanol. In the latter case a waiting time must be taken into account before the weight is used - 清洁,必要时,使用乙醇擦拭。如果使用乙醇擦拭,在砝码使用之前必须考虑擦拭后等待一定时间。 - be stored in a dust-free environment. - 存贮在无尘环境中。 - be handled with care; the use of cotton gloves or forceps/tweezers is especially recommended. - 小心取放,特别建议使用棉手套或镊子/钳子。 - have a suitable accuracy, depending on the type of balance. - 根据天平的类型具有适当的准确度。 - be calibrated by an accredited external service provider. - 由有资质的外部服务商进行校正。 - be re-calibrated periodically. - 定期再校正。 - be clearly marked after each calibration. - 每次校正之后清楚标示。 - not be made of magnetisable material. - 不要用易磁化的材料制作。 - the verification (in use control, see Table 3) may be done with non-calibrated weights. - 核查(在用控制,参见表3)时可以使用没有校正过的砝码。 6. FREQUENCY OF QUALIFICATION 确认频次 OMCLs must ensure that qualification/calibration of balances is done on receipt (i.e. immediately after delivery) or prior to their first use and after any repair or move. OMCL必须保证在接收时(即,收货后立即)或初次使用前,或在修理或移动之后进行天平的确认/校正。 The frequency of qualification/calibration depends on the extent of use of the balances and is at the discretion of individual OMCLs. 确认/校正的频次取决于天平使用程度,由各OMCL自由裁度。 Qualification/calibration must be performed in accordance with a pre-determined protocol in which acceptance criteria are defined. An external calibration should be performed by organisations accredited as calibrating laboratories according to ISO/IEC 17025 or, if performed internally, the laboratory should satisfy the same requirements in terms of measurement standards, calibration procedure, use of certified weights and qualification of personnel. 确认/校正必须根据预定的方案实施。方案中要定义可接受标准。外部校正应由经根据ISO/ICE17025认证为校正实验室的机构实施。如果内部做校正,则实验室应满足相同要求,即相同测量标准、校正程序、使用经过认证的砝码和有资质的人员。 Table 3 prescribes the parameters, typical frequencies and tolerance limits for the qualification of balances for periodic and motivated instrument checks (Level III) and in-use instrument checks (Level IV) 表3描述了定期和主动仪器检查(第III级)和在用仪器检查(第IV级)中天平确认的参数、一般频次和允许限度。
Table 3 表3 Parameter to be checked | | | | | | | every day before weighing begins | Acceptance limits of the balance | | | | Internal calibration (adjustment) (automatic or manual) | every day before weighing begins | Automatic acceptance limits of the balance | | | | Verification (in use control) | | OMCLs shall define their own acceptance criteria | | | | | Frequency to be defined by OMCL, typically once a year | OMCLs shall define their own acceptance criteria | | | | | Frequency to be defined by OMCL, typically once a year | OMCLs shall define their own acceptance criteria (k = 1±0.0001) | | | OMCL应定义其自己的可接受标准(k = 1±0.0001) | | Frequency to be defined by OMCL, typically once a year | OMCLs shall define their own acceptance criteria (SD = maximum 5*d) | | | OMCL应定义其自己的可接受标准(SD = maximum 5*d) | | Frequency to be defined by OMCL, typically once a year | OMCLs shall define their own acceptance criteria (RSD = 0.05%) | | | OMCL应定义其自己的可接受标准(RSD = 0.05%) |
k = correlation coefficient 相关系数 SD = standard deviation 标准偏差 RSD = relative standard deviation 相对标准偏差 The following qualification tests may also be performed in addition to those described in Table 3 (recommended, not obligatory): 除了表3中所述的项目外,还可以进行确认测试项目(建议,并非强制): Parameter to be checked | | | | | | | | OMCLs shall define their own acceptance criteria (≤ accuracy of the balances) | | | | | | OMCLs shall define their own acceptance criteria (RSD = 0.05%) | | | OMCL应定义其自己的可接受标准(RSD = 0.05%) | | | OMCLs shall define their own acceptance criteria depending on the type of the balance | | | | | | OMCLs shall define their own acceptance criteria depending on the type of the balance | | | |
7. QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE 确认程序 Verification 核查 Verification of the balance is performed by placing a suitable weight (depending on the type of balance) in the centre of the weighing pan once and comparing the result with pre-defined acceptance criteria. The same weight should always be used in these verifications. 天平核查时,在称重盘中心放置适当重量的砝码(根据天平类型不同而不同),将实测结果与预定的可接受标准进行比较。在此核查中应一直使用同一只砝码。 The acceptance criteria shall be defined by each individual OMCL. 可接受标准应由各OMCL自行确定。 Accuracy 准确度 The accuracy of the balance is checked by weighing at least three different certified weights that cover the usual weighing range of the balance. It is recommended that the weights have approximately 5%, 50% and 100% of the maximum capacity of the balance (or of the maximum weight used on the balance), depending on the type of balance. It is recommended that the weighing is repeated at least 5 times for every weight, particularly, when the results shall also be used in the test for precision. 天平准确度应采用至少3个不同重量的经过认证的标准砝码来检查。3个砝码重量应覆盖天平日常使用范围。根据天平的类型,建议砝码重量为天平最大称量值的5%、50%和100%(或者是天平所用最大砝码)。建议每个砝码至少称量5次,尤其是当结果也用于精密度测试时。 The acceptance criteria shall be defined by each individual OMCL. 可接受标准应由各OMCL确定。 Linearity 线性 The results obtained from a series of accuracy checks can be used to calculate the correlation coefficient and to check for linearity. The correlation coefficient is calculated by comparing the nominal and measured masses of the weights. 从准确度检查中所获得的结果可以用来计算相关系数,检查线性。相关系统是从名义值和实测值计算所得。 The acceptance criteria for the correlation coefficient shall be defined by each individual OMCL. 相关系统的可接受标准应由各OMCL自行确定。 (Proposed criterion: k = 1±0.0001). (建议标准:k = 1±0.0001) Precision 精密度 The precision of the balance should be verified by weighing at least 5 times a weight that is equivalent to approximately 50% of the maximum capacity of the balance. It is recommended to repeat the test with a weight that is equivalent to approximately 5% of the maximum capacity of the balance, if the balance is used at the lower range. 天平的精密度应采用天平最大称量值约50%重量的砝码称量至少5次来确定。如果天平实际所用称重量处于范围内较低处,建议采用天平最大称量值约5%重量的砝码重复此测试。 The acceptance criteria shall be defined by each individual OMCL. 可接受标准应由各OMCL自行确定。 (Proposed criterion: SD = max 5*d, where d = (actual) scale interval (e.g. d=0.1 mg)). (建议标准:SD = 最大5d,此外d值=(实际)分度值(例如,d=0.1mg))。 Eccentricity四角误差 The eccentricity test should be carried out using a weight equivalent to at least 30% of the maximum capacity of the balance (or of the maximum weight used on the balance). The weight should be placed between halfway to ? of the distance from the centre of the pan to its edge and be measured at each location in the following sequence: centre, front left, back left, back right, front right, and (optional) again centre. 四角误差采用约为天平最大称量值30%左右(或者是天平所用的最大砝码)的砝码测试。砝码应当放置在称量盘中心至其边缘3/4距离的中间,在每边放置次序如下:中央、左前、左后、右前、右后、(最好)再次中央。 The acceptance criteria shall be defined by each individual OMCL. 可接受标准应由各OMCL自行确定 (Proposed criterion: RSD not more than 0.05%, calculated from all weighings at different locations on the pan). (建议标准:RSD不得过0.5%,由放置在称量盘不同位置的所有称量结果计算)