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毛毛 发表于 2016-3-19 15:10:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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20160309 ECA新闻:一家欧洲无菌药品生产商的不符合报告  
GMP News
Non-Compliance Reports for EuropeanManufacturers of Sterile Medicinal Products
Non-Compliance reports are published bynational competent authorities in the EudraGMDP database of the EuropeanMedicines Agency (EMA). They relate to inspections both withinand outside the European Community (European Union). The Non-Compliance reportsare entered into the database by the national competent authoritiesindependently using a standardised form. Such a Non-Compliance report hasserious consequences for the company concerned until the deficiencies have beenrectified. A suspension of the marketing authorisation as well as productrecalls can be ordered.
On 2nd February 2016, the Spanishcompetent authority published a Non-Compliance report for the Spanish companyFarma Mediterrania S.L. Beside deviations in the areas of secondary packing andQC, considerable deficiencies with regard to sterile manufacturing have beencriticised. One of them relates to sterility tests: their results have beenaccepted uncritically although no investigation had been performed to determinethe root cause of previous OOS sterility tests. Furthermore, the followingmajor deficiencies were found:
·        Media Fills haven't been performed every six months andsamples used in the simulation haven't been incubated at the right temperature.
·        培养基灌装没有每6个月实施,模拟用样品培养温度不对。
·        The air treatment system hasn't been sufficiently qualifiedas it is only checked when it is "at rest" but not "inoperation".
·        空气处理系统验证不充分,因为只是检查了“静态”没有检查“动态”。
·        No test performed of growth promotion of culture mediaused in the sterility testing, in Media Fill and in microbiologicalenvironmental monitoring
·        无菌测试、培养基灌装和微生物环境中监测所用培养基没有做促生长试验。
On 19 January 2016, thePolish competent authority (GIF) released a Non-Compliance report for thePolish subsidiary Agila Specialities Polska Sp. z o.o. This Non-Compliancereport relates almost exclusively to "sterile topics" and lists 29major deficiencies - among them:
·        Design and qualification of the HVAC, laminar air flowsystem and clean areas
·        HVAC、层流系统和洁净区设计和确认
·        Cleaning and maintenance of clean areas
·        洁净区的清洁和维护
·        Production and batch release didn't fulfil the GMPrequirements
·        生产和批放行不满足GMP要求
·        Change controls for significant modifications of thefilling lines. No re-qualification after the changes have been made.
·        灌装线的重大改造的变更控制。在变更后没有进行重新确认。
·        Pressure differential between clean areas B and C < 10Pa
·        洁净区B级和C级间的压差<10帕
·        Inexistent or insufficient maintenance in the cleanrooms
·        洁净间没有维护或维护不充分
·        The filtration process was not fully validated.
·        过滤工艺没有全面验证
·        Lack of A grade in a lyophilizer
·        冻干机不在A级区


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