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毛毛 发表于 2016-3-19 15:06:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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20160316 ECA新闻:新的FDA二类原料药DMF完整性评估指南  

New FDA Guidance on CompletenessAssessements for Type II API Drug Master Files
Since the coming into force of the"Generic Drug User Fee Act" (GDUFA) on 1st October 2012, specialregulations have been applying to the submission to the FDA of a Drug MasterFiles for a pharmaceutical API (Type II DMF). The DMF holder must pay aone-time fee when authorising the reference of his/ her DMF in an applicationfor a generic drug (Abbreviated New Drug Application, ANDA). Moreover, the DMFwill undergo a completeness assessment through the FDA.
This year in February, the FDA publisheda Guidance for Industry entitled "Completeness Assessments for Type IIAPI DMFs under GDUFA" which provides DMF holders withcomprehensive information regarding the application for a Type II DMF. Thedocument describes the criteria according to which the FDA performs acompleteness assessment and which data are expected.
This completeness assessment does notreplace the full scientific assessment to be executed at a later time. Itserves to find out whether the data contained in the DMF are sufficient for theANDA. In a completeness assessment, the following elements are examined:
·        Is the DMF active?
·        DMF是激活的吗?
·        Has the fee been paid?
·        费用是否已支付?
·        Has the DMF been previously reviewed?
·        DMF之前被审核过吗?
·        Does the DMF pertain to a single API?
·        DMF只包含有一个API吗?
·        Does the DMF contain certain administrative information?
·        DMF包括有特定的行政信息吗?
·        Does the DMF contain all the information necessary toenable a scientific review?
·        DMF是否含有进行科学审核的必要信息?
·        Is the DMF written in English?
·        DMF是用英语书写的吗?
The Guidance contains a checklist(Appendix 1) listing the criteria according to which the FDA performs theassessment. For the DMF holder, this list is helpful to check the completenessof his/ her data before submitting them to the FDA.
One essential element underlined in thisGuidance is to pay the DMF fee in due time (at least 6 months prior to thesubmission of an ANDA). The FDA won't continue to process the DMF as long asthe fee hasn't been paid. If the applicant of an ANDA references in his dossiera DMF for which a fee is due, the FDA will inform him. If the fee hasn't beenpaid within 20 days after notification, the FDA will stop the furtherprocessing of the application.
这份指南中暗含的一个基本要素是在指定时间内支付DMF费用(至少在ANDA提交之前6个月内)。FDA不会处理没有支付费用的DMF。如果一个ANDA申报人在其文件中引用一份DMF,而该DMF费用未支付,则FDA会通知ANDA申报人。如果费用在通知之后 20天仍未支付,则FDA会停止对申报的进一步处理。
When submitting a DMF, the form "FDA 3794" (Generic Drug User FeeCover Sheet) should be attached. It contains the minimuminformation required by the FDA to determine whether the DMF holder hassatisfied his fee obligations.
After the successful completenessassessment of a DMF, a number will be attributed and posted on a publiclyavailable API DMF list. The FDA has compiled all important informationregarding DMFs Type I-V on the Drug Master File webpage.Here, you can also find the list of all active DMFs.


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