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20160316 ECA新闻:USP拟定通则<1225>药典方法验证修订:增加生命周期管理的部分  
GMP News
USP proposes revision of general chapter<1225> Validation of compendial procedures: Adding a section on LifeCycle Management
Following to the Stimuli Article"Lifecycle Management of Analytical Procedures: Method Development,Procedure Performance Qualification, and Procedure PerformanceVerification" published in Pharmacopeial Forum 39(5) (September-October2013), the USP now proposed a revision of general chapter<1225> "Validation of compendial procedures" in PF 42(2)(March-April 2016).
This chapter is being revised toincorporate a section on "Lifecycle Management of AnalyticalProcedures". The revision is an attempt to better align the validationconcept with the recently (July 2015) issued FDA guidance "Analytical Proceduresand Methods Validation for Drugs and Biologics", which also includes asection on "Life Cycle Management of Analytical Procedures".
The added section on "Life cycleManagement" in general chapter <1225> states that "once acompendial procedure is successfully validated (or verified) and implemented,the procedure should be monitored during the routine use to continually assurethat the procedure remains fit for its intended purpose. Trend analysis onperformance should be carried out in order to provide documented evidence thatthe procedure performs to the required standard and to evaluate the need tooptimize and revalidate all or a part of the analytical procedure. If ananalytical procedure can only meet the established system suitabilityrequirements with repeated adjustments to the operating conditions stated inthe analytical procedure, the analytical procedure should be reevaluated,amended, and revalidated, as appropriate. Over the commercial life of aproduct, new information and risk assessments (e.g., awareness of a newimpurity) may necessitate the development and validation of a new or analternative analytical procedure. New technologies used for testing may allowfor greater understanding and/or confidence when testing (or assessing) productquality. Therefore, the appropriateness of analytical procedures should also beperiodically evaluated, and new or alternative validated procedures may be considered."
Also, a reference to general chapter "The Dissolution Procedure: Development and Validation"<1092> is being added under "Data Elements Required for Validation".
Additionally in the same issue of PF42(2) a stimuli article on "Fitness for Use: Decision Rules and TargetMeasurement Uncertainty" has been published. The present article addressesseveral of these topics in detail: what are decision rules, how are theydeveloped, and how is the target measurement uncertainty determined. TheValidation and Verification Expert Panel seeks reader comments on the contentsof this Stimuli article.
In its introduction the articleemphasizes, that
"A major, if not the mostimportant, driver for adopting the lifecycle approach to an analyticalprocedure is to ensure that the reportable result is fit for use. It isimportant, therefore, to understand what the result will be used for and tohave a way of defining criteria that can be used to assess the fitness ofresults for their purpose or use. Reportable results are generated in order tomake decisions; however, the challenge is clearly defining the decision beingmade with the reportable result. Currently, there is no clear, commonly used,and internationally agreed upon process to follow that defines whether areportable result is fit for use. The development of decision rule (DR)concepts provides an approach that can be helpful for determining fit foruse."
“一个重要的,如果不是最重要的话, 促使在分析方法中采纳生命周期方法的原因是确保可报告的结果适合于其用途。因此,很重要的一点是要了解结果的用途是什么,有一个方法定义可以用于评估结果是否符合其目标或用途的适合性的标准。产生可报告的结果是为了做出决策,但是,挑战中清楚地定义了根据可报告结果做出的决策。现在,有一点不清楚,但常规使用着,并且有意识地同意流程,遵守一个可报告结果是否适合于其用途的定义。决策规则(DR)概念提供了一个方法,可以有助于决定适合于其用途。”
"The analytical target profile(ATP) concisely defines the requirements for a reportable result to be fit foruse. The DR defines the use of the reportable result, and can provide theinformation, such as acceptable probabilities, needed to set the targetmeasurement uncertainty (TMU). The TMU can become part of the ATP, which isvaluable to the pharmaceutical industry because it provides a mathematicalproof that reportable results are suitable for use."
"The required quality or tolerancefor MU (bias and uncertainty) associated with the reportable result may bedifferent for each use. The uncertainty that is acceptable for the reportableresult to release a lot may be larger than that required for the stabilitystudy of that lot. Following a defined process using knowledge management, riskanalysis, and process mapping helps define the uses of the reportable resultand its required quality. Each use will require its own DR and ATP because themeasurand and acceptable risks may be different."
Following your registration on the USP Pharmacopeial Forum websiteyou can get to the proposal for general chapter <1225> and thecomplete stimuli article.


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