Q:Dothe CGMPs require a firm to retain the equipment status identification labelswith the batch record or other file? Assuming each major piece ofequipment has a unique "Cleaning and Use Log" that is adequatelyretained, is it acceptable to discard these 'quick reference' equipment labels?
" A$ v0 z: w5 T& bA:ThecGMP regulations for finished pharmaceuticals require the retention of cleaningand use logs for non-dedicated equipment, but no similar requirement exists forretaining what are intended to be "quick reference" or temporarystatus labels. Examples of these kinds of status labels include "mixinglot ###"; "clean, ready for use as of d/M/y"; "notclean." We see no value in the retention of such labels in additionto the required equipment log or batch record documentation. The labelsserve a valuable, temporary purpose of positively identifying the currentstatus of equipment and the material under process. Any status labelshould be correct, legible, readily visible, and associated with the correctpiece of equipment. The information on the temporary status label shouldcorrespond with the information recorded in the equipment cleaning and use log,or the previous batch record for non-dedicated equipment.
Labelsare merely one way to display temporary status information about a piece ofequipment. It is considered acceptable practice to display temporaryequipment status information on dry-erase boards or chalkboards. And itwould be appropriate for an FDA investigator to verify that the information ona temporary status label is consistent with the log.