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aiyao 发表于 2015-11-16 16:34:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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20151111 ECA新闻:新的WHO草案“优良数据和记录管理”  
GMP News
New WHO Draft on "Good Data andRecord Management"
After several FDA Warning Letters wereissued in the last 2-3 years, regulatory authorities have set their focuson the data integrity topic - see also our News "Data Integrity: New Inspection Focus ofthe FDA." Both the PICS and the FDA are elaborating newguidelines on the topic; the English MHRA has already published an ownGuideline - see also our News "GMP Data Integrity: New MHRA Guideline".
Now, the WHO has released the draft of aguideline - after a one-year development phase - "Good Data and RecordManagement Practices" which can be commented on until 30 November2015.
A substantial part of the decisionstaken by the authorities with regard to the regulated industry are based ondossiers. For this reason, their data have to meet the ALCOA principles(Accurate / Legible / Contemporaneous / Original / Attributable). Althoughthose principles aren't new, an increasing number of observations with regardto "Good Data Management" in the area of GMP, GCP and GLP have beenmade during inspections in the last years. The reasons for this are manifold.
The present WHO draft on "Good DataManagement" should bring together all the existing normative principlesand close the gaps left behind in the current guidelines. The focus is on thoseprinciples which are already listed in existing WHO guidelines and which havean influence on data integrity and reliability.
The draft itself is sectioned asfollows:
·        Introduction and background
·        概述和背景介绍
·        Aims and objectives of this Guidance
·        指南目的和目标
·        Glossary
·        术语
·        Principles
·        原则
·        Quality risk management to ensure Good Data Management
·        确保优良数据管理的质量风险管理
·        Management governance and quality audits
·        管理和质量审计
·        Contracted organizations, suppliers, and serviceproviders
·        合同组织,供应商和服务提供方
·        Training in Good Data and Record Management
·        优良数据和记录管理培训
·        Good Documentation Practice
·        优良文件记录规范
·        Designing Systems to assure data quality and reliability
·        设计系统以确保数据质量和可靠性
·        Managing data and records across the data lifecycle
·        在数据生命周期中管理数据和记录
·        Addressing data reliability issues
·        讨论数据可靠性问题
·        References and further reading
·        参考文献和深入阅读
Delegates and former delegates of ECAevents as well as ECA members have access to theMembers Area where the WHO Guidance on GoodData and Record Management Practices can be downloaded.


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