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20151030 法国某公司EU GMP检查失败 法国CARGILL FRANCE EU GMP失败,产品为非无菌原料药,不符合情况如下:
Nature of non-compliance : Overall, 14 observations were made,including 1 critical deficiency and 4 major deficiencies:
[Critical] The management of semi-finished batches and of the mixing operationswas deficient and conformity of the final batches to specifications, notablyPh.Eur. specifications, could not be guaranted.
[Major 1] The site had been manufacturing an active substance without ANSMauthorisation.
[Major 2] The change control related to the suppression of one filtration stepin the active substance manufacturing process was deficient.
[Major 3] The manufacturing of the active substance had not been made usingmaster production instructions and no batch production records had beenestablished.
[Major 4] No review of batch production records of critical process steps hadbeen done before release of the active substance for distribution.
7 observations are related to lack of traceability, risks of contaminationinduced by the absence of cleanliness in the production environment, very badcondition of the production equipment and insufficient equipment cleaningprocedures. The inspection’s observations also apply to the manufacture ofpharmaceutical excipients and starting materials that are intended to be usedas ingredients in cosmetics and medical devices, which are manufactured underthe same conditions as the active substance.