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20151022 ECA新闻:研究用药---EC指南里最新变更 GMP News
22/10/2015 Investigational Medicinal Products - Recent Changes in EC Guidance 研究用药---EC指南里最新变更 As we reported before in our IMPs: Four new public consultations concerning GMP and GCP publishedthe implementation of the Clinical Trial Regulation 536/2014 resulted in four new public consultations concerning good manufacturing practices and clinical trials for human medicinal products (opened August 28, 2015) with closing date November 24, 2015. 正如我们以前报道的,临床试验法规536/2014的实施引发了4个新的关于人用药优良生产规范和临床试验的公众咨询(2015年8月28开始),截止日期为2015年11月24日。 As a consequence Annex 13 is expected to be deleted from EudraLex Vol 4 when the new guidelines "Detailed Commission guidelines on GMP for IMPs for human use" become operational. It carries over relevant principles of Annex 13. 结果就是预期在新的指南“人用IMP的GMP详细委员会指南”运行后,会将附录13从欧盟药事法卷4里删除。它继承了附录13里相关原则。 Basically the ideas are the same. However there is more detail in regard of 基本上来说,其观点是相同的。但是,还是有更多细节: - the pharmaceutical quality system and handling deviations by CAPA
- 药品质量体系和采用CAPA处理偏差
- supplier approval
- 供应商批准
- quality risk management principles
- 质量管理原则
- final certifying by the qualified person
- 最终由授权人认证
- the retaining period of batch records
- 批记录的保留时间
- reference and retention samples.
- 对照品和留样
在欧洲 QP 协会网页上,你可以找到附录 13/ “人用 IMP 的 GMP 详细委员会指南”的大纲。在那里你也可以找到摘要,其中包括了大多数最近有变更公布征求意见的链接。