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[国际注册] FDA发布的仿制药一致性最终指导原则(中英文版)

静悄悄 发表于 2015-10-28 09:39:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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The US    Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) final guidance on controlled    correspondence between the agency and the generic drug industry released    Monday includes some changes that address industry questions and comments.6 q4 U" ]! c9 h. r6 n' z
    FDA发布:仿制药生产商书面咨询最终指南,解决企业关心的问题9 q2 `  k5 G4 g8 g7 f  u6 E; L
- M4 `$ i! t' y8 [; M    Initially released in August 2014, the draft guidance was the fourth    guidance document under the 2012 Generic Drug User Fee Act, and was    intended to address formal questions posed to FDA prior to the generic drug    review process and to clarify questions capable of affecting a product's    review.
* o* ~! a% Q+ i9 T    背景:
该指南草案发布于2014年8月,是2012年《仿制药申报者付费法案》(Generic Drug User Fee Act,GDUFA)下的第四份指导文件,旨在解答仿制药评审前企业向FDA提出的正式问题,对会影响药品评审的问题做澄清。+ n7 k5 s( J6 F( z6 v# [- a
    This guidance provides additional detail and recommendations for industry    on:% b5 |: u6 U; d! Y
    what inquiries FDA considers to be controlled correspondence for the    purposes of meeting its GDUFA commitment/ R# X: G- C* p4 t
    what information requestors can include in a controlled correspondence
- T) b/ ^+ u  w9 ~; d; f( i5 q    what information FDA will provide in its communications to requestors that    have submitted controlled correspondence
, V+ x# e/ F# Z2 H0 {! N% Z9 n    什么样的信息可以包含在书面咨询中+ }4 P0 {; e# |4 t, Q  E( M9 t
The    agency's definition of "controlled correspondence"    encompasses a range of issues that can impact generic manufacturers and    related industry (e.g., contract research organizations conducting    bioanalytical or bioequivalence (BE) clinical trials, active pharmaceutical    ingredient manufacturers, and excipient manufacturers).
) [+ Z) D; i1 ?; k' t; c& X% f, F    FDA对“controlled correspondence”,即本文中的“书面咨询”的定义涵括了一系列可影响仿制药生产商和相关产业的问题(例如进行生物分析或生物等效性(BE)临床试验的CRO,API生产商,还有辅料生产商)" b6 i* c. F3 P! B4 }
    # g& }$ B* |  j8 @( p; Q1 X; c- U# ?
    Minor Changes to Draft
3 f2 O5 F, R6 ?+ h  H* h2 d    Revisions to the draft guidance include explanatory information that will    assist generic manufacturers as they submit controlled correspondence to    FDA. The final guidance also added a description of how to submit    information to FDA’s Inactive Ingredient Database, and a description of    enhanced communication to requestors regarding the status of their    controlled correspondence.
草案细小改动:$ I; a# O7 d; Q: R+ x) e
, V, O5 i" j0 B) ~    Exclusions
+ k, T( q  h, W0 o    FDA notes in the final guidance three types of inquiries that fall within    the definition of controlled correspondence but which the agency has and    will continue to treat differently from other inquiries on generic drugs,    including (1) requests for recommendations on the appropriate design of BE    studies for a specific drug product; (2) requests for review of BE clinical    protocols; and (3) requests for meetings to discuss generic drug    development prior to Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) submission.
FDA says    it will exclude these inquiries from the goal dates in the GDUFA Commitment    Letter. Under that letter, FDA action on controlled correspondence letters    is set to steadily ramp up from:
FDA will    respond to 70 percent of controlled correspondence in 4 months from date of    submission in fiscal year (FY) 2015.
/ t9 b9 x* v; Z    FDA will respond to 70 percent of controlled correspondence in 2 months from    date of submission in FY 2016.* v6 D' q5 U6 i/ @8 J. d- y% @
    FDA will respond to 90 percent of controlled correspondence in 2 months    from date of submission in FY 2017.* G/ Q+ _. X  v6 y8 r
: N. L& `1 ~* q    (2)申请对BE临床方案审核;3 K8 b* {5 B: [
    (3)在简明新药申请(ANDA)提交之前申请会议讨论仿制药开发FDA表示,这些咨询不包含在GDUFA承诺函的目标时间之内。在这份承诺函中,FDA对书面咨询的回复时间将逐步加快:+ R! ~' _2 g: l, v+ O7 N
    2015财年,70%咨询会在自提交日起4个月内得到FDA回复。: j( [7 Y/ w' p# ]* K
9 H& E2 u) C1 A+ J" ?4 U  }    2017财年,90%咨询会在自提交日起2个月内得到FDA回复。
/ s* C& j7 n2 [1 _3 l0 Y% T    + X8 }+ e1 D! T4 h  c
    9 f! V* B& d4 ^* K0 w& B* p  p
8 a/ c. G# w7 z) Y    Industry Comment
8 ~8 U/ h: T+ e" p- V$ S& ?& F( O    In its comments on the draft guidance, industry group Generic    Pharmaceutical Association (GPhA) took particular issue with these    exclusions, calling them "unacceptable and inconsistent with the stated    GDUFA commitments."
! G$ z& g0 F& O/ B$ y$ F    "The GDUFA Commitment Letter in no way    contemplated excluding categories critical for information exchange from    the controlled correspondence metrics," GPhA says. "In fact, it    is because FDA responses to these correspondences have been historically    slow, due to resource constraints, industry clearly addressed these    concerns in its agreement related to controlled correspondence."
In    addition, GPhA takes issue with the guidance's proposal to end    communications with requestors when a subject is under consideration but    deemed complex.
"This    proposal contradicts the fundamental aspects of GDUFA which was designed to    enhance the FDA’s scientific knowledge-base and embraced the goals of    improving communications and increased transparency," GPhA says.    "GPhA respectfully requests FDA to establish a procedure that will    assure timely responses to controlled correspondence including those that    represent complex issues."$ O2 g! s, J/ u6 J" b7 H6 J4 a4 B
8 J- d, T* V5 l7 Z7 i    ( `8 D, Y4 }% m
/ _. e1 f8 x0 g   
FDA Response
Though it did not directly address GPhA and its concerns    about the exclusions, FDA noted that it received multiple comments    requesting that it refrain from excluding requests for product-specific    guidance on demonstrating bioequivalence. But the agency says it has    declined to revise the guidance in that fashion.
Among other things, FDA says that "the short timeframe    contemplated for the controlled correspondence responses is inconsistent    with the well-established process for issuing product-specific recommendations    described in the guidance for industry on 'Bioequivalence Recommendations    for Specific Products (June 2010),' as well as with the principles in the    GDUFA Commitment Letter."
FDA also said it received a number of comments on its    proposal to respond to requests related to issues for which it has not yet    determined a policy.
"Upon review of the comments, FDA is revising its    recommendations related to such inquiries... if there is a better mechanism    for a requestor to obtain comment from FDA on the subject of the request    than through a controlled correspondence, the agency will direct the    requestor to such a mechanism, e.g., a pre-abbreviated new drug application    meeting request or the Regulatory Science Initiative," FDA adds.
尽管没有直接解答GPhA关于例外情况的疑问,FDA指出其收到多方意见,要求其不要将特殊药物生物等效性研究指南排除在外。FDA说,“书面咨询回复如此之快与 《2010年6月特殊药物的生物等效性研究指南》中“给特殊药物提供建议的完整过程”不一致,也与GDUFA承诺函原则不一致。”
“对于这些意见,FDA正在修改其有关的建议,如果有一个比书面咨询更好的机制可以让申请人从FDA处获得咨询,FDA将会告知申请人,例如,Pre-ANDA会议申请或监管科学计划(Regulatory Science Initiative)
! B* m4 y2 s5 F& i


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