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最终版公布:EU GMP附录16关于QA认证和批放行

xiaoxiao 发表于 2015-10-19 21:22:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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20151014 ECA新闻:最终版公布:EU GMP附录16关于QA认证和批放行  
GMP News
Finally published: new Annex 16 on QP Certification and Batch Release
最终版公布:EU GMP附录16关于QA认证和批放行
The European Commission has published the final version of the revised EU-GMP Guideline Annex 16 "Certification by a Qualified Person and Batch Release". Deadline for coming into operation is 15 April 2016.
EC刚公布了修订后的EU GMP指南附录16“质量授权人认证和批放行”。其最迟实施日期为2016年4月15日。
As one important topic, it has been pointed out that the major task of a Qualified Person (QP) is the certification of a batch for its release. In this context, the QP must personally ensure the responsibilities listed in chapter 1.6 are fulfilled.  In chapter 1.7 a lot of additional responsibilities are listed which need to be secured by the QP. The work can be delegated and the QP can rely on the respective Quality Management Systems. However "the QP should have on-going assurance that this reliance is well founded" (1.7). Amongst these twenty-one tasks are for example:
Starting materials comply and the supply chain is secured, including GMP assessments by third parties
The necessary audits have been performed and the audit reports are available
Manufacturing and testing performance are compliant with the MA
Manufacturing and testing processes are validated
Changes have been evaluated and investigations completed
It is important to mention in this context that "the ultimate responsibility for the performance of an authorised medicinal product over its lifetime; its safety, quality and efficacy lies with the marketing authorisation holder (MAH). However "the QP is responsible for ensuring that each individual batch has been manufactured and checked in compliance with laws in force (…), in accordance with the requirements of the marketing authorisation (MA) and with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)" (see General Principles).
重要的是在这此上下文中“上市许可持有人(MAH)对批准的药品在其生命周期 中的安全性、质量和有效性负有无限责任”。但是,“QP具有职责确保每个单独的批次均根据强制法令要求进行生产和检查(……),符合上市许可(MA)的要求,以及优良生产规范(GMP)的要求”(参见通则)。
In the case that the QP has to rely on the correct functioning of the quality management system of other sites, the QP "should ensure that a written final assessment and approval of third party audit reports has been made". The QP should also "be aware of the outcome of an audit with critical impact on the product quality before certifying the relevant batches."
Another important section clarifies the role of the QP when it comes to deviations, implementing main features of the EMA Position Paper on QP Discretion (which was issued in February 2006 and updated January 2008). Chapter 3 of the draft describes the "handling of unexpected deviations". A batch with an unexpected deviation from details contained within the Marketing Authorisation and/or GMP may be certified if a risk assessment is performed, evaluating a "potential impact of the deviation on quality, safety or efficacy of the batch(es) concerned and conclusion that the impact is negligible." Depending on the outcome of the investigation and the root cause, the submission of a variation to the MA for the continued manufacture of the product might be required.
During the consultation phase, stakeholders expressed their concerns regarding the sampling of imported products. Now the new annex is clear on this: "Samples may either be taken after arrival in the EU, or be taken at the manufacturing site in the third country in accordance with a technically justified approach which is documented within the company's quality system. (…) Any samples taken outside the EU should be shipped under equivalent transport conditions as the batch that they represent."
在咨询阶段,干系人表达了关于进口产品取样的关注。现在新的附录对此点有了清楚的说明:“可以在到达EU后,在第三国生产场所根据技术论证的方法进行取样,并且在根据 公司的质量体系进行文件记录。(……)所有在EU以外取的样品应在与其所代表的产品批次相等同的运输条件下运送”。
The new annex is rather short on other importation requirements. These requirements will probably be defined in the new Annex 21.


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