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20150730 ECA新闻:FDA公布质量量度指南

淡定 发表于 2015-8-2 14:21:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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20150730 ECA新闻:FDA公布质量量度指南
2015-07-30 21:06:41

GMP News
FDA publishes Quality Metrics Guidance
In the last months, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has set up an initiative to use Quality Metrics for planning their risk based inspections. This development was triggered by the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA; Title VII, section 706). The goal of the Guidance is to give FDA the authority to collect Quality Metrics from production sites supplying APIs, medicinal products, Biotech, OTC etc. to the US. They should provide data about the "quality level" in each manufacturing site. By this, FDA wants be able to see how well quality systems are maintained. In the future companies will need to conduct continual monitoring, assessment and reporting on the state of quality across their drug products and facilities regulated by FDA. This should then enable FDA to schedule inspections based on risk assessment, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of these inspections and also reduce product-related shortages and recalls. FDA also wants to "encourage the pharmaceutical industry to implement state-of-the-art, innovative quality management systems for pharmaceutical manufacturing".
What needs to be reported? 哪些需要报告?
FDA asks for data to be compiled and reported on:
  • The number of lots attempted of the product.
  • 产品生产批数
  • The number of specification-related rejected lots of the product (during or after manufacturing).
  • 与质量标准有关的拒收产品数量(在生产前或生产后)
  • The number of attempted lots pending disposition for more than 30 days.
  • 待处理时间超过30天的批数
  • The number of OOS results for the product, including stability testing.
  • 产品OOS结果数量,包括稳定性试验结果
  • The number of lot release and stability tests conducted for the product.
  • 对产品进行的放行和稳定性测试批数
  • The number of OOS results for lot release and stability tests for the product which are invalidated due to lab error.
  • 产品批放行和稳定性测试中由于实验室错误而宣布检验结果无效的OOS结果数量
  • The number of product quality complaints received for the product.
  • 产品质量投诉数量
  • The number of lots attempted which are released for distribution or for the next stage of manufacturing the product.
  • 放行销售或放行用于产品下一步生产批数
  • If the associated APRs or PQRs were completed within 30 days of annual due date for the product.
  • 产品的APR或PQR是否在期限30天内完成
  • The number of APRs or PQRs required for the product.
  • 产品要求的APR或PQR数量
FDA intends to calculate the following Quality Metrics for each product and establishment (where applicable):
  • Lot Acceptance Rate = 1 - x (x = the number of specification-related rejected lots in a timeframe divided by the number of lots attempted by the same establishment in the same timeframe).
  • 批接受率 = 1 – x(x=同一工厂同一时间内与质量标准相关的拒收批数除以总生产批数)
  • Product Quality Complaint Rate = the number of product quality complaints received for the product divided by the total number of lots of the product released in the same timeframe.
  • 产品质量投诉率 = 收到的质量投诉产品数量除以同一时间内放行的总批数
  • Invalidated Out-of-Specification (OOS) Rate = the number of OOS test results for the finished product invalidated by the establishment divided by the total number of OOS test results divided by the total number of tests performed by the establishment in the same timeframe.
  • 宣布无效的OOS结果率 = 无效OOS结果数除以该工厂同一时间内OOS总数再除以总测试数
  • Annual Product Review (APR) or Product Quality Review (PQR) on Time Rate = the number of APRs or PQRs completed within 30 days of annual due date at the establishment divided by the number of products produced at the establishment.
  • 年度产品回顾(APR)或产品质量回顾(PQR)及时率 = 在每年到期30天内完成的QPR或PQR数量除以该工厂生产产品数
Who needs to report?  谁要报告?
FDA intends to request the submission of data from establishments that are required to register under section 510 of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act and that are subject to inspection under section 704 of the FD&C Act (704 allows inspections of regulated entities). Establishments that receive requests under section 704(a)(4) would be encouraged to submit quality metrics data also for certain foreign establishments that are not required to register.
So basically the Guidance applies to every legal entity engaged in the manufacture, preparation, propagation, compounding, or processing of a drug product for the US market or an API used in the manufacture of such a drug product. FDA sees the Quality Control Unit (QCU) generally to be the one to compile the reports.
How many reports should be submitted? 要提交多少报告?
FDA intends to get one report for each finished dosage form and one report for each API of a covered drug product.
When do the reports should be submitted? 要何时提交这些报告?
Reports should be submitted after request. Quality metrics data reports should be submitted for a one-year period that begins after FDA issues its requests. They should then be submitted within 60 days of the end date of the reporting period.
What will happen in the case of non-reporting? 如果没有报告会怎么样?
This will change FDA's risk assessment and may lead to an earlier inspection. In addition, the respective products may be deemed adulterated and subject to enforcement action.
What are the challenges? 挑战是什么?
Certainly a challenge for both industry and FDA will be how to span the scope of all segments like branded, generic, biotech and OTC products, APIs, various finished dosage forms (solid oral, modified release, liquid, sterile, etc.) and domestic and foreign products with possible language barriers. This will create a lot of data. And Quality Metrics are just one part of the picture, intended to be enhancing FDA's analysis but not replacing existing measures. The program will likely need to learn and evolve through continuous improvement.
Comments and suggestions regarding the Draft Guidance for Industry "Request for Quality Metrics"should be submitted within 60 days of publication in the Federal Register of the notice announcing the availability of the draft guidance.

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