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[国内标准] 在评价化学物质是否新活性物质(NAS)时考虑的化学结构和特性标准

xiaoxiao 发表于 2015-5-10 23:38:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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26March 2015


Committeefor Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP)

Reflection paper on thechemical structure and properties criteria to be considered for the evaluationof New Active Substance (NAS) status of chemical substances



Draft 草案  

Draft  agreed by the QWP
February  2015


Draft  adopted by the CHMP release for consultation
March  2015


Draft  endorsed by CMD(h)
March  2015


Start  of public consultation
24  April 2015


End  of consultation (deadline for comments)
24  July 2015


Comments should be provided using this  template. The completed comments form should be sent to qwp@ema.europa.eu

New Active Substances, NAS, salts,  complexes, isomers, mixtures of isomers, derivative, esters and ethers


Table of contents 目录

ExecutiveSummary 摘要

1.Introduction 概述

1.1.Scope 范围

1.2.Legal basis and relevant guidelines 法律依据和相关指南

2.Discussion and guidance 讨论和指南

2.1.Isomers 异构体

2.2.Mixtures of isomers 异构体混合物

2.3.Complexes 复合物

2.4.Derivative 衍生物

2.5.Esters and ethers 酯和醚


2.7.Solid state forms and NAS status 固体状态和NAS状态

2.8.Documentation 文件记录

3.References 参考文献

ExecutiveSummary 摘要

Thisreflection paper is intended to reflect the current Experience of the QualityWorking Party (QWP), of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use(CHMP) and the Co-ordination Group for Mutual Recognition and DecentralisedProcedures-Human (CMDh) concerning the definition of a New Active Substance(NAS) in the context of preparation of dossiers and submissions of applicationsfor Marketing Authorisation (MAA) in the Centralised Procedure (CP), the MutualRecognition Procedure (MRP)/Decentralised Procedure (DCP) and purely nationalprocedures for chemical medicinal products for human use.


Thepaper describes the chemical structure and properties criteria to be taken intoaccount by the CHMP to qualify a chemical active substance as NAS, as well asthe required elements to be submitted by applicants to substantiate theirclaims.


1.Introduction 概述

Thisreflection paper intends to provide clarifications for applicants on theelements to qualify an active substance as NAS in the light of Article 10.2b ofDirective 2001/83/EC and the Chapter I -Volume 2A of Notice to Applicants, aswell as the evidence required. However it cannot cover every scenario, andtherefore applicants are invited to obtain scientific advice for scenarios notcovered in this reflection paper.


Theabove assessment is without prejudice to any assumption at the time ofeligibility to the CP, MRP/DCP procedures, or to the grant of an InternationalNon-proprietary Name (INN) by the WHO.


Eligibilityto the CP based on the claim that the medicinal product for human use containsa new active substance must be dissociated from the assessment of thescientific data submitted in support of the NAS claim during evaluation of themarketing authorisation application. Agreement on designation as a NAS can onlybe made after a detailed assessment of the application.


Applicantsare invited to consult the ‘pre-submission guidance’ on the EMA website forfurther details on the eligibility to the CP.


1.1.Scope 范围

Thisreflection paper describes the chemical structure and properties criteria to betaken into account to qualify a chemical active substance as NAS, as well asthe required elements to be submitted by applicants. It applies to marketingauthorisation applications including solely chemical active substance(s)eligible to the centralised and MPR/DCP and purely national procedures.


Biologicaland biotechnological active substances and active substances to be included inradiopharmaceutical medicinal products are excluded from the scope of thisreflection paper.


1.2.Legal basis and relevant guidelines 法律依据和相关指南



Article10.2.b of Directive 2001/83/EC states:


“[...]The different salts, esters, ethers, isomers, mixture of isomers, complexes orderivatives of an active substance shall be considered to be the same activesubstance unless they differ significantly in properties with regard to safety and/or efficacy. In such cases,additional information providing proof of the safety and/or efficacy of thevarious salts, esters or derivatives of an authorised active substance must besupplied by the applicant [...].”


Furtherinformation can be found in the Annex 1, Volume 2A, Chapter 1 of the Notice toApplicants (NtA).


2.Discussion and guidance 讨论和指南

Achemical active substance that is not previously authorized in a medicinalproduct for human use in the European Union and that is from a chemicalstructure point of view not related to any other authorised substances shouldbe considered as a NAS. Such substance is considered to be new in itself, whenthe structure of the therapeutic moiety is different from any other authorisedso far as a medicinal product for human use.


Ifthe chemical active substance is structurally related as a salt, ester, ether,isomer, mixture of isomers, complex or derivative of an already approved activesubstance(s) in the European Union, it should be assessed whether it shares thesame therapeutic moiety at the site of the biological activity as the alreadyapproved active substance and if so whether it differs significantly inproperties with regard to safety and /or efficacy.


Guidanceis provided below to define the elements taken into account to qualify anactive substance as salt, ester, ether, isomer, mixture of isomers, complex orderivative of another one in the context of the NAS status claim.

以下给出了根据 NAS状态声明来定义在确认一种活性物质是另一种活性物质的盐、酯、异构体、异构混合物、复合物或衍生物时需要考虑的要素。

2.1.Isomers 异构体

Isomersshould in this context be understood as enantiomers. Other types of isomers arepresumed not to share the same therapeutic moiety unless they are able toisomerise in vivo. Stereoisomers related to each other as enantiomers have thesame connectivity but are non-superimposable mirror images of each other. Thisimplies that enantiomers Have the same chemical and physical properties (excepttheir ability to rotate plane polarized light), i.e. act in exactly the samemanner, except when they interact with other chiral structures.


Inthe case one enantiomer is applied for where the other enantiomer is the activesubstance in a previously authorised medicinal product for human use within theEuropean Union it has to be assessed whether they differ significantly withrespect to safety and/or efficacy properties. This assessment will be based onthe data provided by the applicant.


Whenan isomer that is not the enantiomer of an already approved active substance(diastereoisomer, geometrical isomer, regioisomer, constitutional isomer etc.)is applied for it is presumed that it will not expose the patients to the sametherapeutic moiety, unless it is able to isomerise in vivo, and could beconsidered as NAS. In such cases, evidence that the substance is not able toisomerise in vivo may need to be provided.


2.2.Mixtures of isomers 异构体混合物

Wherea previously authorised medicinal product for human use in the European Unionincludes a racemate and a new application for only one of the two enantiomersof the racemate is submitted, this enantiomer would have been a substantialpart (50%) of the racemate and would therefore be considered as the same activesubstance as the racemic mixture, unless the applicant provides evidence thatthe two substances differ significantly in properties with regard to safetyand/or efficacy.


This does also apply to other situations where mixtures ofdiastereoisomers or other isomers have been authorised as medicinal productsfor human use and a new application contains only one of the isomers of themixture.


2.3.Complexes 复合物

Theterm ‘complexes’ encompasses several types of structures. Two examples ofcomplexes used as medicinal products for human use can be found below.


a)      Complexes intended to releasean active substance that is entrapped by the complex in the blood circulationor elsewhere. Examples of such complexes are e.g. piroxicam betadex or nicotinebetadex.


b)      Another type of complexes isthose that are intended to remain intact in the body. There are e.g. a numberof gadolinium complexes, with different complexing ligands, and with extremelylow dissociation constant. They exhibit their effect by distributing gadoliniumto places where it enhances the images obtained by NMR imaging. Due to thetoxicity of free gadolinium they are designed to remain intact (not dissociateand release the metal).


Complexesof the category a. above prepared from an already approved active substance aredesigned to release the original substance in vivo and will consequently not beconsidered as NAS in themselves. Therefore the NAS status will have to bejustified by significant differences with regard to safety and/or efficacy. Onthe contrary, complexes of the category b. exhibit their effect withoutdissociating, and different ligands may be used to complex the same metal.Because they do not dissociate the therapeutic moieties are presumed to bedifferent and could be considered as NAS. In such cases, evidence that thecomplex does not dissociate may need to be provided.


2.4.Derivative 衍生物

Theterm derivative, in the context of this reflection paper, includes relatedactive substances which expose the patient to the same therapeutic moiety.


Thisincludes notably situations: 特别包括以下情形

a)      Where the original substance orits active metabolite(s) in vivo will be derived from the new applied substancein such a manner that the patients are exposed to the same therapeutic moietyof the original substance (the applied substance is a prodrug).


b)      Where the new applied activesubstance is the same substance as the therapeutic moiety that the patientswere exposed to when treated with the original active substance (the appliedsubstance is a metabolite).


Inthese situations, substances related as a “derivative” to the active substanceof an already approved medicinal product for human use in the European Unionwill not be confirmed as NAS unless the applicant provides evidence that thesubstance being evaluated differs significantly in properties with regard tothe safety and/or efficacy from the substance already approved.


Theabove mentioned situations also apply to stereoisomers which isomerise toauthorised active substances in vivo.


2.5. Esters and ethers 酯和醚

Convertingan active substance to certain esters or ethers is a well-established way ofpreparing so-called prodrugs. The purpose of a prodrug is to deliver the sametherapeutic moiety to the patient, possibly with some differences such as adifferent bioavailability, a different in vivo distribution pattern, etc. Suchesters or ethers of an already approved medicinal product in the European Unionthat are designed to be hydrolysed in vivo and expose the patient to the sametherap eutic moiety as the original active substance will not be considered asNAS unless the applicant provides evidence that the substance being evaluateddiffers significantly in properties with regard to safety and/or efficacy fromthe one already approved.


Ifthe applicant provides evidence that an ester or ether of an already approvedmedicinal product in the European Union exerts its effect in an intact shape(is not hydrolysed in vivo), and the patients are not exposed to the sametherapeutic moiety as with the already approved medicine it could be consideredas NAS.


Insuch cases, evidence that the substance exerts its effect in an intact shape(is not hydrolysed in vivo) may need to be provided.



Saltsusually dissociate in aqueous solution and the therapeutic moiety is no longerassociated with the counter ion but is rather surrounded by solvent moleculesand ions present in the solution.


Adifferent salt of an active substance previously authorised as part of amedicinal product in the European Union would be considered as the same activesubstance, unless the applicant provides evidence that the substance beingevaluated differs significantly in properties with regard to safety and/orefficacy from the one already approved.


2.7.Solid state forms and NAS status 固体状态形态和NAS状态

Sincecocrystals, hydrates and solvates are held together by weak interactions thatusually dissociate in a similar way as salts upon dissolution they will exposea patient to the same therapeutic moiety. As for salts, they will not beconsidered as NAS unless the applicant provides evidence that the substancebeing evaluated differs significantly in properties with regard to safetyand/or efficacy from the one already approved.


Thisapplies also to morphologically different crystal forms of an active substance.The differences between such polymorphic forms will immediately disappear whendissolved and they will be considered as the same active substances.


2.8.Documentation 文件记录

Wherean applicant submits a claim of NAS in the light of Article 10.2b of Directive2001/83/EC, the applicant should demonstrate whether the active substance(s)subject of the application shares the same therapeutic moiety as the activesubstance(s) previously authorised in medicinal product(s) for human use. Thisshould include a demonstration that the administration of the applied activesubstance would not expose the patient to the same therapeutic moiety as analready authorised active substance in the European Union.


Itis recommended that this is substantiated by comparison of structuralsubstance/features which can be obtained using established databases anddiscussion on the therapeutic moieties for any structurally related alreadyauthorised substances in relation to the therapeutic moiety of the claimed NAS.Results of such investigations should be provided within the dossier.


When a substance applied for exposes the patient to the sametherapeutic moiety as the previously active substance(s) as part of a medicinalproduct(s) authorised in the European Union, the applicant should provideevidence that the related active substances differ significantly in propertieswith regard to safety and/or efficacy. The documentation needed for such aclaim will be dependent on the particular case details; applicants are advisedto seek Scientific Advice accordingly.


3.References 参考文献

Directive2001/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 November 2001 onthe Community Code relating to medicinal products for human use.


Noticeto Applicants (NtA), Volume 2A –Procedures for marketing authorisation -Chapter1 marketing authorisation.


Reflectionpaper on considerations given to designation of a single stereo isomeric form(enantiomer), a complex, a derivative, or a different salt or ester as newactive substance in relation to the relevant reference active substance (Doc.Ref.: EMA/651649/2010).



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