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aiyao 发表于 2016-8-15 13:31:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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公司名:Semler Research Center Private Limited

地址:75A, 15th Cross, I Phase, J.P. Nagar, Bangalore-560078, Indina

Observation 1 缺陷1

During the inspection, FDA investigators found an Excel spreadsheet on Semler’s server describing the substitution of plasma samples for studies (b)(4). For example, in study ((b)(4) the spreadsheet indicates that plasma samples from subject 10 who received reference product where substituted for the plasma samples from subject 41 who received test product.


Observation 2 缺陷2

Not all aqueous humor samples where accurately reported in the study report for study (b)(4). Specifically, the final report states that 19 aqueous humor samples were excluded from the PK analysis because they were contaminated with blood. However, email communications between Semler and the Sponsor in July 2012 documented that only 2 of 19 aqueous humor samples were contaminated.


Observation 3 缺陷3

During the PK analysis of study (b)(4) the 3.5 hour concentration for subject 21, period 1 was switched with the 3.5 hour concentration for subject 22, period 1 without any documentation of sample mix-up. An investigation undertaken by Semler at the clinical and analytical sites did not uncover any evidence of sample mix-up.


Observation 4 缺陷4

Not all study-related documentation was retained to allow reconstruction of the study. Specifically,


1.       The location of the plasma samples for subjects 17-32, period 1 of study (b)(4) were incorrectly recorded in the freezer log book for freezer 483.

2.       The calibrators and QCs used for study (b)(4) could not be reconsciled. Based on the log book for freezer 138, 110 set of calibrators were prepared on June 2, 2014 and 25 sets of calibrators remain in the freezer. However, the calibrators and QCs were unable to be located and the freezer log book was not updated.

3.       Instrument audit trails were not captured for archived projects performed from January 2015 through May 28, 2015 for chromatographic LC/MS instruments LCMS-138, LCMS-139, and LCMS-475. For example, LCMS 139 instrument was used for analyzing samples from bioequivalence studies without any corresponding audit trail testing information.

4.       Not all study-related correspondences were archived with the study file to allow complete reconstruction of study activities.

Observation 5 缺陷5

Not all raw data were maintained in the study folder. Specifically, bioanalytical data worksheets were discovered crumpled/torn in a trash pile on the floor or otherwise discarded inside the bioanalytical laboratory. Examples include the following:


1.       Sample dilution concentration sheet for (b)(4) with handwritten notes dated September 4, 2015.

2.       Batch schedule for bioanalytical injection sequence for (b)(4) Batch (b)(4) dated September 23, 2015.

3.       Overview-Area Table Results for (b)(4) testing for Phosphate Analysis study (b)(4) dated September 28, 2015 with the word “Determination” handwritten on the sheet.

4.       Chromatographic sample table for sample set (b)(4) dated September 29, 2015.

5.       Results table for study (b)(4) subject 10 dated January 26, 2015.

Observation 6 缺陷6

Laboratory analysts had the ability to delete, copy and rename chromatographic LC/MS raw data folders and run files on the computer system connected to LC/MS instruments. Specifically,


1.       On September 30, 2015, we observed that laboratory analysts could delete data for LCMS 241 instrument that was being used to test samples for bioequivalence studies including (b)(4) (b)(4).

2.       Laboratory analysts had the ability to delete raw data folders and files during the time period of May 28, 2015 and September 9, 2015 on instrument LCMS 139 during the upgrade of Analyst Software System from version 1.4.1 to version 1.6.2. This LCMS 139 instrument was used during this time period to test samples for bioequivalence studies that included (b)(4).

Observation 7缺陷 7

Not all data generated in the in-vitro bioanalytical laboratory are adequately recorded to prevent accidental data loss. Specifically, the continuous temperature monitoring for the laboratory orbital 37C shaker (equipment number EOS 799) used for in-vitro bioanalytical testing is recorded on an uncontrolled portable thumb drive. The electronic temperature data that is downloaded on the thumb drive can be deleted/altered.




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