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The manufacture of medicinal products is strictly regulated. Manufacturer's struggle to comply often leads to a flood of complicated, inefficient systems and procedures. However quality related processes, procedures and their related documents should control and support, not constrain the true core competence of pharmaceutical companies: the manufacture of cost effective medicines and APIs at highest quality and in compliance with the regulation. 制药企业必须遵守法规的监管,虽然药企们都努力的在实现合规的质量管理,但其GMP质量体系往往很复杂且效率不高。不论怎样,GMP质量体系及相关的程序,文件,是为了支持药企的核心竞争力:如何生产质优价廉且合规的药品,而不是反向对对其核心竞争力的发展造成局限或降低效率。
K4 {; t m7 K9 Q5 }6 {Properly implemented, Quality and GMP Systems will support efficient the manufacture of safe and efficacious medicinal products of the required quality without creating an impossible burden on the company's resources. 合理运行的GMP质量体系,能安全且有效的支持产品被高效生产的,同时也不会给企业带来巨大的资源压力。 ' A9 t1 g/ ^3 |( M7 Z3 ^
Quality Managers need to know how to fulfill the regulatory requirements efficiently and how to implement the necessary processes in a lean and cost effective manner that supports efficacy and safety rather than hinders it with unmanageable systems 质量管理人员应明确如何高效达到法规的要求,如何使用最低的成本高效生产安全且有效的产品,避免采用不合理的系统阻碍该目标的实现。 % z7 T( C+ M: F) b$ I
1 k* V! c, ]7 z: F6 _9 v若您是药厂QA部门的人员,请想想您是不是遇到下列的问题,又该如何解决?
6 j6 R0 I: ~- C0 i, d) ^; t5 b, Z$ S+ K$ w5 M4 U
) m% e8 T h3 q' C) r s S% W& T6 F2 O7 ~% M" B
* P: }, I/ V- P( J/ k6 c4 l2 @' e W1 [' Y9 L
- D. z$ }; Y) F# U2 w
6 Z7 f$ R$ w) X0 ^ t& P1 a9 S7 O/ S K& w
4 H2 y$ K' m1 E+ P# D* A1 c$ y3 G
! |$ m4 k, @3 p7 G" F' n& u$ W
0 W6 `$ k4 V$ C: {6 n, x$ ^1 n3 M" ^% I# Q3 F3 j' H
4 _2 o: D7 v+ m+ A. b; {+ ]/ `How to use PAT 如何使用PAT
' B6 ~. O% o* A% _6 S+ m% V . h$ z/ n, Z6 y/ {4 T% K! Q5 _( G# a. q
Risk Management 风险管理
3 U; V$ L5 w: Z, g& ]1 D 1 [! r6 t2 j( X/ n" l
Quick workflows 快速的工作流程
& S- `+ r1 z3 L' P2 \) P , L$ d4 O; R0 r1 Q: o5 g
2 b7 Z H8 x2 z9 v' m/ k8 [1 V
7 L' h1 w% W' _. L( N5 A$ A% Q. P! y6 \
/ ?% j% n; I2 l1 b
+ u. L% u: B$ ~) G5 Q: l
I* l' O$ {. X- T0 r- |' I$ F* y
7 \. B2 X9 k9 M! M* P5 J
+ x6 z7 E! }' l) t" X
# Q6 B) J& e1 w6 f- b" t8 Z
4 m& W' `) J0 D7 Y6 ^) c3 P$ l* Q+ w j4 `% ^& |
未完待续。。。 2 {3 U* f$ g4 I. c' W& L
. T6 o# Y( t4 k
(小编按:若您对GMP质量体系的精益管理感兴趣,麻烦您转发本文到朋友圈与更多朋友分享,并在微信上告诉小编,支持小编,小编日后会准备更多的相关内容,并发送给感兴趣的会员朋友们哦) " \8 ^" c! t7 s) i* P2 |
洛施德GMP咨询 www.soltoris.com 版权所有,未经许可不得转载。如需使用,请先联系 isabella.chen@soltoris.cn
. E% [1 Q+ }/ q0 S; y' ?' f & r1 F) t- v3 x, H; V