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20141210 FDA&EMA 法规申报文件详细程度问答

朵朵7 发表于 2015-3-1 19:43:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


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20141210 FDA&EMA 法规申报文件详细程度问答  

2015-02-27 20:17:55|  分类: EMA|



10 December 2014


Questions and answers on level of detail in the regulatory submissions


What types of risk assessments (RAs) can be included in a regulatory submission?


It is up to the applicant to determine what RAs are included in the submission. This information can be useful to aid the assessor/reviewer for determining how the applicant selected the specific formulation, manufacturing process and controls. For example, the Agencies have seen risk assessments related to selection of formulation variables, delineation of impact of various process parameters and selection of in-process controls.


What level of detail should be considered for an RA related to process design in a regulatory submission?


The level of detail should be commensurate with the significance of the outcome of the RA to the commercial manufacturing process and to the control strategy. For example, a risk assessment pertaining to identification of critical process parameters in a process or to the establishment of a design space for an important unit operation would normally be considered of high significance. The information that should be provided in such cases could include:


?   A statement of which RA tool was used; or if a novel RA tool was used, a definition of the RA tool along with sample output from the tool.

?   一份使用了哪些风险评估工具的声明,或如果使用了一个新的RA工具,该RA工具与工具中输出样品的定义

?   A comprehensive qualitative or quantitative summary of the outcome of the RA (e.g. RPN (Risk Priority Number), threshold value for RPN (and an explanation for why such a threshold was chosen) and final list of all RPNs) supporting and explaining the applicant’s rationale for the selection of variables/parameters that warranted further study and those which were not further studied. Information on the way in which risk assessment activities were used to determine which process parameters and quality attributes are to be considered critical or non-critical.

?   RA结果的定性或定量综述(例如,RPN(风险优先号)、RPN阈值(和一个为什么选择该阈值的解释)和所有RPN的最终清单),用于支持和解释申报者选择一些变更/参数来保证进一步研究,以及不再进行研究的合理性。使用风险评估活动来决定哪些工艺参数和质量属性被认为是关键的或非关键的信息。

Both agencies acknowledge that regulators should take the following into consideration when requesting additional details regarding an RA in a submission: complexity of the dosage form, the commonality of the risks identified relative to products of the same type (i.e., available prior knowledge), and the amount of commercial scale manufacturing data available at the time of submission (i.e., state of knowledge).


What level of detail should be considered for an RA related to product design in a regulatory submission?


The level of detail should be commensurate with the level of risk presented by the formulation and dosage form, as it is intended to be used by the patient. The information provided can include how the risk assessment approach was used to optimize and select the formulation, and/or to rank or prioritize formulation variables (e.g., raw material attributes) based on their potential effects on finished product Critical Quality Attributes (CQA). The factors considered can also include how the drug product could be unintentionally or intentionally misused. For example, a risk assessment pertaining to a solid modified release oral formulation for an opioid would normally include an analysis of the potential for dose dumping. The factors discussed can also include considerations such as physical and chemical stability over shelf life.


What level of detail should be considered for design of experiments (DOEs) in a regulatory submission?


The level of detail should be commensurate with the significance of the outcome of the DOE to the selection of the product design, commercial manufacturing process and control strategy. For example, a DOE to define operating ranges for an important unit operation would normally be considered of high significance. The information to be provided in such cases could include:


?   Type of experimental design and parameter ranges studied. Justification for choice of design could be useful, in particular if the design is not fully balanced.

?   实施设计类型和所研究的参数范围。

?   Tables summarizing inputs and outputs, including batch size.

?   投料量和收量总结表,包括批量

?   Summary of parameters that were kept constant during the DOE.

?   实验设计中保持不变的参数总结

?   Delineation of factors as scale dependent or independent, with justification (for example experimental results, scientific rationale, prior knowledge).

?   因素划分为相互依赖的和独立的,包括论证(例如,实验结果、科学理论、之前的知识)

?   Description of main effects and interactions on response variables, including statistical significance of parameters (p-value).

?   主要影响和相互反应响应变量描述,包括参数的统计学显著性(p值)

?   Discussion of regression model validation parameters (e.g. table of coefficients, output from ANOVA regression analysis, residual plots, goodness of fit (R2), goodness of prediction, table of predicted response values with confidence intervals), if applicable.

?   适用时,回归模式验证参数(例如,因子表、ANOVA回归分析结果、残差图、拟合性(R2)、预测符合性、预测返回值与置信区间表格)的讨论

What level of detail should be considered for justifying and describing a design space in a regulatory submission?


The level of detail in the information used to support the proposed design space should be commensurate with both the significance of the design space (i.e. role of the design space in the overall control strategy) and its extent. (The extent refers to the degree of additional operational flexibility provided by the design space as compared to fixed set points and normal operating ranges). Other factors can include the ability of the control strategy to detect failures and the degree of commercial scale experience in multiple regions of the design space.


Additionally, both agencies are of the opinion that there are circumstances where a mathematical regression model representing the design space need not be submitted. This is generally the case if the design space is presented as a linear combination of material inputs and process parameters. In situations where a design space presentation includes a surface (e.g. as represented by quadratic terms), the regression model representing the surface should be provided.



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