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静悄悄 发表于 2021-11-24 16:10:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


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Sampling Hold Times for Chemical Tests
Basically it is advisable to conduct chemical tests immediately after extracting samples, since impurities may dissolve in water once the sample has been bottled. These impurities may be caused by con**ination from ambient air or by the walls of the sample container (“leach-out”). In both cases the longer the samples are stored, the greater the potential to be adversely impacted by containers or conditi**, in the worst case creating a false positive result. The proper container should be one that does not con**inate the sample during storage/hold time, eliminating the possibility that leach-out impacts certain parameter, i.e. glass bottles for the TOC assessment, plastic bottles for the measuring of the conductivity. Irrespective of the material of the container, where possible the sample should be stored cool and only for a short time in order to obtain representative results.
Sampling Hold Times for Microbiology
As in the case of the chemical tests, the new guideline adds advice on hold times for the micro-biological examination of water (chapter 8.5.1). It points out that the results of incubation during a lengthy holding time may go either way, even unintentionally improving the sample or being detrimental to it. Germs found in very clean samples (and containers) will tend to decrease over time, whereas those in an impure sample are prone to increase. Thus, the risk of false positive/negative results increases during a lengthy holding time. Therefore, the sample should be cooled during a holding time of over two hours. Incubation should take place within 24 hours. In situati** where even 24 h is not possible (such as when using off-site contract laboratories), it is particularly important to qualify the microbiological sample hold times and storage conditi** to avoid significant changes in the microbial population during sample storage.



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ahzx0558 发表于 2022-10-20 13:58:18 | 只看该作者
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