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[新药快讯] FDA批准屈昔多巴用于治疗神经原性直立性低血压

北京-丹丹 发表于 2014-2-19 21:00:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 北京-丹丹 于 2014-2-19 21:31 编辑

【FDA批准屈昔多巴用于治疗神经原性直立性低血压】2月18日,FDA批准Chelsea Therapeutics的Northera(屈昔多巴),用于治疗神经原性直立性低血压。临床试验证明该药能够缓解头晕症状,FDA经孤儿药通道、加速批准通道批准该药,药品标签中有黑框警告提醒该药导致的高血压风险。

商品名:Northera  通用名:droxidopa  中文名:屈昔多巴
药企:Chelsea Therapeutics Inc
适应症:原发性自主神经功能衰竭(帕金森病、多系统萎缩、单纯性自主神经衰竭)、多巴胺β羟化酶缺乏症、非糖尿病自主神经病变引起的神经原性直立性低血压(neurogenic orthostatic hypotension),症状为直立性眩晕。
剂型规格:本品为片剂,有100 mg、200 mg、300 mg三个规格,推荐剂量为300 mg/天,分三次口服。
临床试验:一项关键临床试验入组了171例患者,随机分成屈昔多巴组、安慰剂组,其中147例患者的数据用于有效性分析。以OHSA Item 1评分为指标,屈昔多巴组、安慰剂组患者初始评分均为5.1,经过1周治疗后,屈昔多巴组比安慰组多降低0.9个评分(P=0.028)。
补充说明:屈昔多巴最初由Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals(现属Dainippon Sumitomo)研发,1989年后在日本及亚洲其他地区获批,用于治疗神经原性直立性低血压、透析相关低血压,2006年Dainippon Sumitomo将日本、中国、韩国、台湾以外的权利许可给Chelsea Therapeutics。国内重庆圣华曦药业于2012年首仿(3+3)上市,商品名善为,目前尚无其他厂家申报。


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 楼主| 北京-丹丹 发表于 2014-2-20 13:56:27 | 只看该作者
关键词: Chelsea制药 Northera droxidopa 神经源性体位性低血压

2014年2月20日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --Chelsea制药2月18日宣布,FDA已授予药物Northera(droxidopa,屈昔多巴)加速批准,用于原发性自主神经衰弱(帕金森病,多系统萎缩症和纯自主神经衰弱)、多巴胺β羟化酶缺乏症、非糖尿病性自主神经病变等患者有症状神经源性体位性低血压(NOH)的治疗。





英文原文:Chelsea Therapeutics Announces FDA Accelerated Approval of NORTHERA™ (Droxidopa) for the Treatment of Symptomatic NOH

—First New Treatment Option for Symptomatic NOH in Nearly Two Decades

—First and Only FDA Approved Therapy to Demonstrate Symptomatic Benefit in Patients with NOH

CHARLOTTE, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Chelsea Therapeutics International, Ltd. (Nasdaq: CHTP) today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted accelerated approval of NORTHERATM (droxidopa) for the treatment of symptomatic neurogenic orthostatic hypotension (NOH). NORTHERA is the first and only therapy approved by the FDA which demonstrates symptomatic benefit in patients with NOH.

NORTHERA is indicated for the treatment of orthostatic dizziness, lightheadedness, or the “feeling that you are about to black out” in adult patients with symptomatic NOH caused by primary autonomic failure (Parkinson’s disease, multiple system atrophy and pure autonomic failure), dopamine beta hydroxylase deficiency and non-diabetic autonomic neuropathy.

“The approval of NORTHERA is an extraordinary achievement, one for which I thank patients and their families, investigators and the medical community, our partner Dainippon Sumitomo, and our employees,” said Joseph G. Oliveto, President and Chief Executive Officer of Chelsea Therapeutics. “We will now turn our efforts towards delivering NORTHERA to patients with NOH in the United States, an important goal we expect to achieve in the second half of the year.”

Symptomatic NOH is an autonomic nervous system disorder caused by failure to produce and or release adequate amounts of norepinephrine upon standing. Norepinephrine deficiency results in an inability for a person to maintain adequate blood pressure and blood flow to the brain when upright, frequently resulting in dizziness, lightheadedness, blurred vision, fatigue, poor concentration and fainting episodes. These symptoms often severely limit a person's ability to perform routine daily activities that require standing or walking for both short or long periods of time. 1,2 The disorder affects an estimated 80,000 to 150,000 individuals in the United States.

“Symptomatic NOH is a commonly debilitating disorder with limited treatment options and no new therapeutic choices introduced in nearly two decades," commented Dr. Robert A. Hauser, Professor of Neurology, Molecular Pharmacology, and Physiology, and Director of the Parkinson's Disease Movement Disorders Center, University of South Florida. “NORTHERA has a distinct mechanism of action affecting the root cause of NOH and represents an important new treatment choice for patients. It is the first and only therapy approved to address specific underlying symptoms of NOH, namely orthostatic dizziness, lightheadedness, or feeling like you might black out. I look forward to offering this new and novel treatment approach to patients who may benefit from it.”

“This approval is a significant step forward for people with MSA forced to cope with the debilitating effects of NOH,” said Judy Biedenharn, Co-President of the Multiple Systems Atrophy (MSA) Coalition. “Addressing the major symptoms of NOH can have an impact on a person’s ability to perform even the simplest of daily activities -- like taking a shower or standing to brush one’s teeth -- offering an important benefit to both individuals and their caregivers.”

The NORTHERA approval was granted under the FDA’s accelerated approval program, which allows for conditional approval of a medicine that fills a serious unmet medical need, provided additional confirmatory studies are conducted. The package insert indicates that effectiveness beyond 2 weeks of treatment has not yet been demonstrated, therefore the continued effectiveness of NORTHERA in patients should be assessed periodically. A multi-center, placebo-controlled, randomized study, which includes a 4 week randomized withdrawal phase preceded by a three month open label run-in phase, designed with the goal of definitively establishing the durability of the clinical benefits of NORTHERA, has been preliminarily agreed to with the FDA. Based on the contemplated study design, the trial would include approximately 1,400 patients, which the FDA has agreed may be enrolled over a six year period.

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