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ECA新闻20150603: USP新提议的包装的水蒸汽通透性优化检测方法
GMP News
Optimized Method for determining theWater Vapour Permeability for Packaging - new USP Proposal
In thePharmacopeial Forum 41(1) a "stimulus to the revision process"article on pharmaceutical packaging has been published. This article proposes anew method for the determination of the permeability of water vapour for theGeneral Chapter <671>.
Thedetermination of the permeability rate for water vapour ("water vapourtransmission rate", WVTR) applies for solid dosage forms such as tabletsor capsules that are packed in plastic bottles or blister packs.
The conclusionof the article is as follows:
WVTR can bemeasured by the weight gain of a desiccant or by the weight loss ofwater in a packaging system in an environment with constant temperature andrelative humidity (RH). Packaging materials to be tested, which are filled withwater, show a constant vapour pressure difference along the walls of thecontainers. This constitutes an improvement in comparison to the current WVTRtesting according to <671>, in which the containers are filled withdesiccant and where the vapour pressure inside neither starts nor remainsat 0% rel. humidity.
When containersare filled with water, many of the challenges can be avoided occurring with theuse of desiccants and with the handling of containers which must be filled withdesiccants - which is another advantage of the new method.
Source: USP