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朵朵7 发表于 2015-5-24 08:15:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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GMP News

FDA finalizes Guidelines for Biosimilars


In February 2009, the US Food and DrugAdministration has published three draft guidance documents on the developmentof biosimilars. Now, on 15 April, the FDA issued the finalizedversion of these three documents:


1. "ScientificConsiderations in Demonstrating Biosimilarity to a Reference Product" - provides guidance to companies whichmust demonstrate the boisimilarity of a therapeutic protein product to anexisting reference product. The guidance recommends a stepwise risk-based"totality-of-the-evidence" approach to evaluate the biosimilarity tothe reference product relating to structure, function, animal toxicitypharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, clinical immunogenicity, and clinicalsafety and effectiveness.


2. "QualityConsiderations in Demonstrating Biosimilarity to a Reference ProteinProduct" - This document comprises informationabout analytical factors and the importance of extensive analytical,physico-chemical and biological characterisation of a Biosimilar. These factorsare unalienable to demonstrate high similarity to a reference product.


3."Biosimilars: Questionsand Answers Regarding Implementation of the Biologics Price Competition andInnovation Act of 2009 - This guidance provides answers tocommon questions from sponsors interested in developing proposed biosimilarproducts, biologics license application (BLA) holders, and other interestedparties regarding FDA's interpretation of the Biologics Price Competition andInnovation Act of 2009 (BPCI Act). The document  classifies the Q&Asin three different groups, relating to their content:


  • Biosimilarity or Interchangeability
  • 可交换性生物类似性
  • Provisions Related to Requirement to Submit a BLA for a"Biological Product"
  • 提交“生物药品”BLA要求的相关条款
  • Exclusivity
  • 独占性
    These documents should  assistindustry in developing such biosimilar products in the United States andprovide the FDA’s current thinking on key scientific and regulatory factorsinvolved in submitting applications for biosimilar products to the agency. Throughthis approval pathway, biological products are approved based on demonstratingthat they are biosimilar to / or interchangeable with a biological productthat has already been approved by the FDA, which is called a reference product.
    These three documents are part of FDAsguidance series developed to implement the BPCI Act (Implementationof the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2009). Thisseries includes amongst the three ?guidance documents the guidelines for

  • Formal Meetings Between the FDA and Biosimilar BiologicalProduct Sponsors or Applicants
  • FDA和生物类似物生物制品申报人之间正式会议
  • Clinical Pharmacology Data to Support a Demonstration ofBiosimilarity to a Reference Product
  • 支持证明与对照药物的生物类似性的临床药物学数据
    The intention of these documents is tomeet the demands of the requirements of Patient Protection and Affordable CareAct. They should establish a shorter and faster way for approval forBiosimilars under section 351(k).


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