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[现场检查] [技术帖] 独家:如何实施GMP质量体系的精益管理 Lean Quality System (序文)

ericzhang 发表于 2015-3-12 09:00:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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The manufacture of medicinal products is strictly regulated. Manufacturer's struggle to comply often leads to a flood of complicated, inefficient systems and procedures. However quality related processes, procedures and their related documents should control and support, not constrain the true core competence of pharmaceutical companies: the manufacture of cost effective medicines and APIs at highest quality and in compliance with the regulation.


4 ^* G7 N: B+ n- V+ P

Properly implemented, Quality and GMP Systems will support efficient the manufacture of safe and efficacious medicinal products of the required quality without creating an impossible burden on the company's resources.


5 z# ?5 s" V; l- Q; {7 b* n

Quality Managers need to know how to fulfill the regulatory requirements efficiently and how to implement the necessary processes in a lean and cost effective manner that supports efficacy and safety rather than hinders it with unmanageable systems


( M2 H+ O: e; R1 O9 y

' B- l. L4 n9 q/ q# D1 N+ `                               

4 X# O9 z- A7 J* Q8 v


4 j+ E0 l; b2 }% L& h; c
  • How to gain Efficiency in the Quality Unit without compromising Quality 如何在提高质量部门效益的同时又不会降低产品质量?

    - g' T2 X9 b( A- m. O

$ B* j& d& Z. O: I; `- b
  • Systems to reduce deviations 有没有完整的体系能降低偏差的发生
    4 E) O4 H- h2 h
1 ~* h8 O0 o: i' \, }' s2 ~
  • How do you measure quality? 如何衡量质量?

    8 F! f1 ~) }9 n& B8 n
0 ~1 D' i; {4 r" D8 t1 `
  • How to develop a control strategy 如何制定控制策略?

    + h% U& B4 X( I% W9 F% \0 L
$ |" K( T6 f: f  W8 _$ ~7 Q
  • How to facilitate quality based decisions using risk management techniques 在做质量决策时,如何使用风险管理方法?

    / T6 D. {7 i* i
3 x, C* [" o5 a# K6 _) c- [
  • Supplier quality vs. quality excellence 供应商质量和卓越品质
    & u2 A: |1 i5 N4 C( |

7 p9 l7 ]" \! G' T6 N
  • Cultural particularities in GMP understanding 对GMP理解的全球差异

    9 T5 c/ [' D/ V; F" r+ j. O% q

! C# `! ?2 s) p# F  p
  • The Cost of Compliance 合规的成本

    5 f. I+ ^9 D5 _, b

3 Q: f$ Q$ y& O( b% t8 C; A
  • The modern QA Organisation 现代QA组织
    : [, `) f" [7 W7 _" ~$ m, H1 b2 G7 w

, i0 {; z; ]8 e4 u
  • Developing a QMS to support business objectives while remaining compliant 在保持合规性的前提下,开发质量管理系统支持企业目标

    , Z& a5 k( a% ~' c( U
5 m# f" a! |3 w( [$ \+ s" q
  • Developing QA organisation to support seamless operations: How can QA manage 形成QA组织支持流畅操作:QA如何在提高效率、降低成本的同时应对工艺验证、变更管理、批次处理和检查准备。
    5 m- j7 H2 M3 E8 c% h

6 V6 w% o2 _: @) V9 I* o
  • In Time Management of Quality 适时的质量管理
    2 B! A' ?+ h, b! `6 ^% x! F9 V: h

" w, a( w5 F6 w1 B2 |9 c
  • Working to avoid instead of repairing 努力避免问题的发生而不是采用补救的方式
    ) l& y: h6 L8 E. L  P
/ m6 y2 T0 P% A0 F9 V
  • How to use PAT 如何使用PAT

    ) g8 F( g; M8 d
/ R$ ^$ p. \2 N( {; K
  • Risk Management 风险管理

    3 F% ]9 r) M% d1 c

1 \; S/ H  l9 ?: Q4 l
  • Quick workflows 快速的工作流程
    5 e: m: h, N1 h  u$ s
5 Q; n6 f: d+ q8 c" \$ n+ h: J
  • Fit for purpose SOPs 符合SOPs规定

    : @0 ~0 U$ @+ A9 R
1 v3 q$ K. g/ R# I9 t4 Q$ g$ z
  • How to reduce the Number of SOPs while remaining in Compliance 如何在保持合规性的前提下减少SOPs

    % a7 V8 Y/ ?1 _" ]1 z( F
, h) q7 @! `9 T; s' m
  • Rationalise the existing SOPs 将现有SOPs合理化
    ' e5 k, d. F! y3 _! w$ q1 @9 s! ]

( X& A4 Q% {3 o. r' j
  • Reduce the total number 减少SOPs总量

    , z) N1 y- H; F( s* e9 r( x

, ^; I7 w' Y  z' `
  • Introduce an efficient SOP review process 使用有效的SOP审核过程

      x3 s8 x" `9 }" P

% H) S6 G" ~! P) h% ?, e
  • Remain compliant with the cGMP requirements 符合cGMP要求
    : Z6 M: z6 s+ s: W& G6 Z5 ]

, \9 [* D( ]  w# Y9 `, m  _
  • Efficient Training Documentation 有效的培训文件

    3 G3 A0 y2 }# Q' J3 F3 z
- V* ~# Z% x( ~( l# m6 H8 _
  • Determine initial situation and define the objective 确定初期状况,明确目标
    & j0 p) n0 P7 f# J& w) L1 P
1 J3 ^2 g* q. l0 K4 @" }) B
  • Clarify the process, content and responsibilities (commitment of management) 明确过程、内容和职责(管理职责)

    & A! P& F5 ~9 ]& Z) j8 Q
5 U9 v/ T& a3 A1 I, V5 P, t
  • Adjustment / optimisation / Lean aspects / KPIs 调整/优化/精益/KPIs
    9 l  e0 _- p6 [7 L
" K4 B' ?9 l9 J6 [* h( F
  • Verify substantial quality of training 证明培训是否达到实际效果

    + q7 E2 B" x0 z0 f; T2 m9 J5 P
" x6 V9 w. B: I


" H% k! m7 s. F) s' g
( x' ?3 p; d) G5 A4 M. O# A1 ~


7 {* g/ s. p2 v

洛施德GMP咨询 www.soltoris.com 版权所有,未经许可不得转载。如需使用,请先联系  isabella.chen@soltoris.cn

  q) H- ?* ]% f2 h5 _1 K8 S

, n" B6 {4 k. A- E+ o

2 |& b* l4 j/ H4 x7 F

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xiaoxiao 发表于 2015-3-12 12:21:26 | 只看该作者
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mario 发表于 2015-3-12 17:11:49 | 只看该作者
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