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一盏桔灯 发表于 2017-4-14 14:01:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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udit Trails Reviews for Data Integrity | IVT
Ivan Soto
PeerReviewed: Data Integrity

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Annex 11 requires that audittrails are regularly reviewed to ensure data integrity. There are a significantamount of inconsistent interpretations about the requirement to regularlyreview audit trails. Some of the interpretations are that a periodic review ofaudit trails should be performed to ensure data integrity. Under a periodicreview approach some companies have implemented a monthly, quarterly, bi-annualand yearly review of audit trails. The challenge is how relevant it is toperform a periodic review after an extended period of time when the data wasgenerated. What is the value? What are we supposed to be looking for? Whatconstitutes a data integrity issue? Which data is critical? Should we take arisk based approach?

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This article will provideanswers to these challenging questions and solutions about how to performregularly audit trail reviews.
Aligning with the requirementto regularly perform audit trails reviews can be very challenging for somecompanies. This requirement is based on the assumption that all system provideaudit trails that are “user friendly”, adequate and easy to review for dataintegrity. One of the biggest challenges is that some systems specifically inthe Quality Control laboratories don’t generate audit trails that facilitate areview regularly. Another challenge is whether to perform periodic review or toassess the audit trails prior to signing or approving the data. Can weimplement the same approach for all areas with GMP impact or can we take a riskbased approach. Which approaches are more value added and not just a paper workexercise?
Unfortunately Annex 11 andother data integrity philosophies fail to provide adequate guidance anddirection about how to regularly review audit trails. There is always thechallenge on how to deal with all the assumptions related to this requirementand this also includes resources to regularly review audit trails. In order toreview audit trails regularly qualified resources are needed to perform thiswork. The resource impact needs to be clearly understood based on the populationof impacted systems, the volume of the reviews and the defined frequency. Allthe potential challenges need to be well understood and addressed prior tocommitting to perform audit trails reviews, otherwise the effort will bemeaningless and simply a paper exercise.
In order to align with therequirement to regularly review audit trails an assessment needs to beperformed for all impacted systems. The audit trail assessment is the first andthe most critical steps to implement audit trail reviews. An inventory of allimpacted systems need to be created. This inventory will identify all impactedsystems that need to be included in the audit trail assessment. The intent ofthe assessment is to identify whether each individual system provide audittrails that are adequate and that can be used for performing these reviews.
System level risk assessmentsneed to be performed to identify whether the system is high, medium or lowrisk. The system risk needs to be used to prioritize the audit trail assessmentand implementation of periodic reviews. For example a quality control system tomeasure critical quality attributes is probably high risk and should be a priority.A risk based approach will be discussed in more detail later in this article.
Each functional area that haveGxP computer systems need to perform the audit trail assessment to determinethe following:
·        Who has access to view the audit trails?
·        谁有权访问查看审计追踪?
·        Can the audit trail be printed from the application?
·        审计追踪可以从软件中打印吗?
·        Can the reviewer select a data range?
·        审核人能选择数据范围吗?
·        Can the reviewer select a specific activity ofinterest during the audit trail review?
·        审核人审核审计追踪时能选择某一特定活动的审计追踪吗?
·        Will it feasible to include the audit trail with thedata results?
·        能否包括数据结果的审计追踪?
·        Will it be feasible for QC systems to include theaudit trail with the assay results?
·        质量控制体系是否包括检测结果的审计跟踪?
·        Are user’s action time and date stamped?
·        是否记录了用户活动的时间和日期?
·        Does the audit trail records creation, modificationand deletion of records?
·        审计跟踪能否记录记录的创建,修改和删除活动?
The answer to each questionwill be potentially being different for each system assessed. Based on theresults of this assessment remediation activities may be required to addressany gaps or improvements need for audit trails.
To document the results of theaudit trail assessment a summary report should be created to summarize thefindings.

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A remediation plan should becreated to describe the corrective actions that will be taken for each system.
Once all remediationactivities are closed procedures need to be created or revised to include thesteps for performing audit trails periodic review.

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A risk based approach to audittrail reviews is critical for an implementation that provide a meaningfulprocess without having a negative impact on cost and resources. The fact isthat without taking a risk based approach audit trail reviews can have anegative impact on cost and resources. Audit trail reviews for GxP systems area time consuming activity that requires resources to execute and manage theinformation an actions related to the review.
In order to take a risk basedapproach to audit trail reviews the system risk level need to be identified.Prioritizing the audit trail assessment based on the level of risk is criticalto prioritize the assessments and implementation. Systems involved in thetesting of Critical Quality Attributes are high risk and should be the highestpriority during the assessments and implementation.
The system risk level shouldbe used to establish the frequency and scope of the audit trails periodicreviews. For high risk systems such as those used in Quality Control the audittrails should be reviewed with the test results to ensure the integrity of thetest data. The scope of this review should include assessing the accuracy andintegrity of the data using the audit trail. In this situation the audit trailwill be reviewed for the following:
·        Changes to test parameters
·        Changes to data processing parameters
·        Data deletion
·        Data modifications
·        Analyst actions
·        Data manipulation
·        Excessive integration of chromatography peaks
·        Security breaches related to data
QC procedures need to definethe controls related to data integrity; this will ensure consistency during theaudit trail review.
For medium and low risksystems the approach will be less intensive that for high risk. For thesesystems it can be possible to review periodically the audit trails. Theperiodic review period should be established based on the level of system risk.Medium risk systems should be reviewed more frequently than low risk systems.For example a document management system is probably medium risk that should beon a periodic review schedule of every six months or a yearly schedule. Lowrisk system can be reviewed on a yearly or bi-annual basis.
The scope of the audit trailreviews for medium and low risk systems should include the following:
·        Data changes
·        Data deletions
·        Unauthorized access or transactions
To implement audit trailreviews is critical to take a risk based approach. A one size fits all approachcan have a significant impact on cost and resources.
In summary a risk basedapproach is critical for the implementation of audit trail periodic reviews.
Once the audit trailassessment are performed, system risk identified and all corrective actions areclosed the audit trail reviews can be implemented. Prior to implementation theimpact to resource need to be well understood based on the expected volume ofwork. Once this impact is understood hiring and reassigning of resource need tobe completed prior to formal implementation.
Procedure may need to becreated or revised to include the approach of audit trails reviews for eachsystem based on the results of the assessment and system risk.
The last step is training allimpacted resources on the applicable procedures with an emphasis of dataintegrity.
Annex 11 requires that audittrails are reviewed regularly to ensure data integrity. The frequency and scopeof the audit trail reviews is not defined in annex 11. Audit trails periodicreviews have impact on resources and cost. To minimize the cost and resourceimpact and risk based approach should be taken for the implementation of audittrails review. The approach should be based on the system risk level which willfacilitate defining scope and frequency of the reviews.
An audit trail review whenproperly implemented can increase the integrity of data generated by GxPsystems.

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