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静悄悄 发表于 2016-2-16 12:35:34 | 只看该作者
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients - Good Manufacturing Practices - Questions and Answers
Contact Information:
As stated in the Notice to Stakeholders - Amended Food and Drugs Regulations for Active Ingredients - Coming into force on November 8, 2013, Questions and Answers related to Good Manufacturing Practices for active pharmaceutical ingredients (API GMP Q&As) have been created to provide additional guidance regarding inspections and GMPs specific to APIs.
This Q&A list will be updated on a regular basis.
Please note that separate Questions & Answers pertaining to the GMP for APIs Pilot Project for Selected Consumer Health Products will be available on the Health Canada website early in 2014.
Please note that separate Frequently Asked Questions - Drug Establishment Licensing and Fees have been updated for APIs and are available on the Health Canada website.
Table of contents
General Questions
Good Manufacturing Practices
Importation / Foreign Buildings / Foreign Building Table (referenced in Part B Section 5.1 of FRM-0033
General Questions
1. What is an active ingredient? What is the difference between an active ingredient, an active pharmaceutical ingredient, and a bulk process intermediate?
Active ingredients are the substances in drugs that are responsible for the beneficial health effects experienced by consumers. The active ingredient in a pharmaceutical drug is called an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). An example of an API is the acetaminophen contained in a pain relief tablet. The active ingredient in a biological drug is called a bulk process intermediate (BPI). An example of a BPI is the insulin contained in an insulin pen cartridge, for use by diabetics.
2. Why regulate active ingredients? 为什么要对活性成分进行规范?
The quality of active ingredients in a drug has a direct effect on the safety and efficacy of that drug. Poorly manufactured and contaminated active ingredients have been associated with negative health outcomes, including death, in a number of incidents over the past decades. For this reason, most countries around the world are now regulating active ingredients.
Regulating active ingredients in Canada will help increase the quality and safety of drugs for consumers, will strengthen the pharmaceutical drug supply system in Canada, and will bring Canada into line with its international regulatory partners.
3. When will the amended Food and Drug Regulations come into effect? 修订后的食品和药品法什么 时候生效?
The Food and Drug Regulations (Regulations) were amended by extending the requirements of Establishment Licensing and Good Manufacturing Practices to the manufacturing and importation of active pharmaceutical ingredients. The amended Regulations were published in part II of the Canada Gazette on May 8, 2013, and came into force on November 8, 2013.
As of November 8, 2013, all establishments in Canada that are conducting the licensable activities of fabrication, packaging/labelling, testing and importing of APIs, including finished dosage form fabricators that import APIs for use in manufacturing their own products, are subject to the applicable GMP requirements and are required to submit an Establishment Licence (EL) application form (FRM-0033), and if applicable, signing the attestation to the GMP compliance status of the foreign buildings where fabrication, packaging/labelling and/or testing of APIs occur (Part B, section 5.1 of FRM-0033) and completing the Foreign Building Information Table referenced in Part B Section 5.1 of FRM-0033 before February 08, 2014.
自2013年11月8日起,所有加拿大境内从事原料药生产、包装/标签、检测和进口持证许可活动的组织,包括进口原料药用于其自己产品生产的制剂生产商,均应符合GMP要求,必须提交组织许可申请表(FRM-0033),如适用,应为国外生产、包装/标签和/或检测原料药的场所签发GMP符合性状态的证明书(B部分,FRM-0033的第5.1部分),在2014年2月8日 前完成第5.1部分第B部分的国外场所信息表。
Importers of finished dosage forms (who are not conducting any API activities in Canada) are subject to the applicable GMP requirements and are required to submit an amendment to their existing EL by signing the attestation to the GMP compliance status of the foreign buildings where fabrication, packaging/labelling and/or testing of APIs occur (Part B, section 5.1 of FRM-0033) and completing the Foreign Building Information Table referenced in Part B Section 5.1 of FRM-0033 to Health Canada before February 8, 2014.
制剂的进口商(在加拿大境内不进行任何原料药活动)应符合GMP要求,应提交其已有EL的增补信息,即签署生产、包装/标签和/或检测原料药的国外场所的GMP符合性状态的证明书(B部分,FRM-0033的第5.1部分),在2014年2月8日 前完成第5.1部分第B部分的国外场所信息表。
Importers of finished dosage forms that also import APIs will be required to submit an EL application to Health Canada in order to include the API importation activity on their EL before February 8, 2014.
同时进口原料药和制剂的进口商要提交一份EL申报给加拿大卫生局,以在2014年2月8日 前将原料药进口活动包括在其EL中。
Distributors and Wholesalers of APIs in Canada that source APIs within Canada and that perform no other licensable activities are subject to the applicable GMP requirements but are not required to hold an EL for these activities.
Establishments in Canada that begin to conduct licensable activities related to APIs on or after November 8, 2013 are required to:
o meet the applicable GMP requirements;
o 符合GMP要求
o submit an EL application form (FRM-0033) and, if applicable, the attestation as well as the completed API Foreign Building Information Table;
o 提交一份EL申报表(FRM-0033),适当时,还要提交完整的原料药国外场所信息表
o be inspected and found to be compliant with the applicable Division 2 requirements of the Regulations; and
o 接受检查,且检查结果符合适用的法规第2部分要求
o have a EL issued by Health Canada prior to starting licensable activities.
o 在开始任许可的活动前,持有由加拿大卫生局签发的EL
Finished Dosage Form Fabricators that source APIs within Canada (i.e., do not conduct API licensable activities in Canada) are subject to the applicable GMP requirements but are not required to amend their existing EL. Finished Dosage form fabricator can only use APIs that were fabricated, packaged/labelled and tested by a Canadian or foreign building that met GMP requirements. Furthermore, the finished dosage form fabricator can only source APIs from a Canadian company that meets GMP requirements for importing APIs.
For additional information please refer to the Notice to Stakeholders - Amended Food and Drugs Regulations for Active Ingredients - Coming into force on November 8, 2013 available on the Health Canada website.
更多住处,参见加拿大卫生局网站上“相关者通知---修订后活性成分食品药品法---自2013年11月8日 起生效”。
4. Do the amended Food and Drug Regulations apply to active ingredients used in pharmaceutical drugs? in biological drugs? in over-the-counter drugs? in veterinary drugs? in natural health products? in disinfectants? 修订后的食品药品法是否适用于药品中使用的活性成分?在生物药品中?在非处方药品中?在兽药中?在天然健康药品中?在消毒剂中?
The decision to modify the Food and Drug Regulations was made after a number of consultations with different industries.
The amended Food and Drug Regulations apply to active ingredients in pharmaceutical drugs for human use. Pharmaceutical drugs include both prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
The amended Food and Drug Regulations do not apply to active ingredients used solely in drugs for veterinary use or in natural health products.
The active ingredients in biological drugs (also known as bulk process intermediates) were subject to the establishment licensing and Good Manufacturing Practices requirements of the Food and Drug Regulationsprior to the amendment which came into force on November 8, 2013. The amended Food and Drug Regulations continue to apply to the active ingredients in biological drugs.
Until the new Blood Regulations are made, existing requirements, as they read immediately before the coming into force of the Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations (1475 -- Good Manufacturing Practices), will continue to apply to whole blood and blood components.
Active ingredients used in the fabrication of hard surface disinfectants (also known as antimicrobial agents) that are exempt from the requirements of Division 1A (Establishment licences) and Division 2 (Good Manufacturing Practices) of Part C of the Food and Drug Regulations are not covered under the API regulatory framework. Active ingredients used in the manufacture of disinfectant products, which are not considered as antimicrobial agents (such as antiseptic hand soaps), will be covered by the new Regulations.
5. Do the amended Food and Drug Regulations apply to excipients? 修订后的食品药品法是否适用于辅料?
Excipients are drug ingredients other than the active ingredient that produces health benefits for patients. The amendment does not affect the existing requirements for excipients.
6. Do the amended Food and Drug Regulations apply to medical gases? 修订后的食品药品法是否适用于药用气体?
The amendment does not affect the existing requirements for medical gases.
7. Will finished dosage form importers be affected by the amended Food and Drug Regulations for active ingredients? 制剂进口商是否受到修订后食品药品法中对活性成分要求的影响?
Finished dosage form importers will be subject to Establishment Licensing and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) requirements for the active ingredients used in the finished dosage form drugs they import, and will be required to demonstrate their compliance with the new requirements during their regular inspection. For additional information please refer to the Notice to Stakeholders - Amended Food and Drugs Regulations for Active Ingredients - Coming into force on November 8, 2013 available on the Health Canada website.
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静悄悄 发表于 2016-2-16 12:36:29 | 只看该作者
Importation / Foreign Buildings / Foreign Building Table (referenced in Part B Section 5.1 of FRM-0033
1. Will the amended Food and Drug Regulations help improve the quality of drugs coming from other countries? 修订后的食品药品法会有助于提高来自其它国家的药品的质量吗?
Yes. The amended Food and Drug Regulations will strengthen the rules that govern drug manufacturing, thereby enhancing the quality and safety of drugs, regardless of whether they come from other countries or are made here in Canada.
2. How can Canadian importers demonstrate that foreign buildings where active ingredients are fabricated, packaged/labelled and tested are in compliance with regulatory requirements? 加拿大进口商如何证明国外的活性成分场所的生产、包装/标签和检测活性符合法规要求呢?
Canadian importers are required to sign an attestation to demonstrate the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) compliance status of the foreign buildings where fabrication, packaging/labelling and/or testing of APIs occur. For the initial phase of the coming into force of the amended Food and Drug Regulations, Health Canada will use these attestations as proof of GMP compliance for non-sterile APIs and it will not be necessary for importers to submit at this time additional GMP evidence such as an inspection report from a trusted international regulator. However, information must be readily available within 48 hours upon request by Health Canada. As and when necessary, Health Canada may also assess foreign buildings for compliance with the applicable GMP requirements in Division 2 of the Food and Drug Regulations.
3. Who is required to sign the attestation for the GMP compliance of the foreign buildings where fabrication, packaging/labelling and/or testing of APIs occur? 谁应该为原料药生产、包装/标签和/或检测的国外场所签署GMP符合性证明?
A Senior Official and the Quality Assurance Official of the Canadian importer are required to sign the attestation.
4. After February 8, 2014, if a company changes API foreign suppliers or if a company starts using a new API foreign supplier, must the Foreign Building Information Table be completed and submitted to Health Canada? If yes, is the company required to wait for the approval from Health Canada prior to using the new API foreign supplier? 自2014年2月8日 以后,如果一个公司改变其原料药国外供应商或一个公司开始使用一个新的原料药国外供应商,其国外工厂住处表必须填写完善,并提交给加拿大卫生局吗?如果是,公司是否需要等卫生局批准后才能使用新的国外原料药供应商?
For the initial phase of coming into force of the amended Regulations, Health Canada is using attestations (Part B, section 5.1 of FRM-0033) as proof of GMP compliance for foreign buildings where the fabrication, packaging/labelling and testing of APIs occurs.
Canadian importers that hold a Drug Establishment Licence (DEL) are required to maintain and provide current, accurate and complete information related to their foreign buildings by submitting an updated API Foreign Building Information Table (referenced in Part B section 5.1 of FRM-0033) to Health Canada before implementing the change. As long as the appropriate paperwork is submitted to Health Canada, companies can import APIs from the new API foreign building, with the exception of API testers and all activities related to sterile APIs. Applicants should keep records of submitting the application and the auto-reply email for that application.
Applicants are required to inform Health Canada of changes prior to the change taking place. After the initial application is submitted (between November 8 2013 and February 8 2014), follow the same process as above but also complete and submit the first pages of the form (table 1 to 5 of FRM-0033) with your amendment application. If you are amending information in Table A, submit a new Table A and include only the new or modified information relating to the amendment. Companies can import from the new/amended API foreign building as soon as they have filed the amendment (same exceptions above apply).
申报人应在变更发生前将变更通知加拿大卫生局。在初始申报提交后(2013年11月8日 至2014年2月8日之间),按上述相同的流程进行,还要完善和提交表格第一页(FRM-0033表1到5)来提交补充申报。如果你在表格A中增补了住处,则应提交一份新的表格A,只包括与增补有关的新的或修订过的信息。在提交了增补资料后(上述除外情形相同),公司即可以从新的/增补的原料药国外工厂进口物料。
If the amendment is to add a new licensable activity, category or dosage form (for example, starts importing APIs) the company is required to submit the application and have the EL issued by Health Canada prior to starting this new licensable activity.
5. With respect to the API Foreign Building Information Table, is a company expected to keep adding information to the table (cumulative) and submit it to Health Canada? Or is a company expected to only include changes (updated information, additions, deletions) to the table (non-cumulative) and submit to Health Canada? 关于原料药国外工厂信息表,公司是否需要在表中保留(累积)增加的信息并提交给加拿大卫生局?还是只要将变更(更新信息、增加、删除)填入表中(不要累积)提交给卫生局?
After February 8, 2014, companies that change API foreign suppliers or start using a new API foreign supplier are required to provide only changes (updated information, additions, deletions) to the API Foreign Building Information Table (referenced in Part B section 5.1 of FRM-0033) and submit to Health Canada.
6. Will Canada have a Mutual Recognition Agreement for active ingredients like the one it has with other countries for pharmaceutical drugs? 加拿大与其它国家是否有活性成分互认协议,与药品一样?
In the context of drugs, a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) enables countries to share information on the inspections they perform and to accept one another's results as being equivalent. The development and implementation of an MRA requires a thorough analysis and comparison of the inspection programs of the interested parties. It is a long process. Health Canada has been working with international partners towards the inclusion of active pharmaceutical ingredients in our MRAs.
7. What period of GMP compliance validity will Health Canada assign to foreign buildings where the fabrication, packaging/labelling and testing of active ingredients occurs based on the Attestation form? 加拿大卫生局给原料药生产、包装/标签和检测国外工厂签发的GMP符合性证明表有效期是多长?
At this time, no validity periods or expiry dates will be assigned to API foreign buildings listed on ELs. The interim measure of an attestation process will be in place until mid-2015. During this period, Health Canada will gather and analyse data contained in the Establishment Licence Applications. Based on this analysis, Health Canada will determine the risk-based strategy moving forward.
8. Are foreign buildings that perform the required raw material testing on APIs as per Division 2 of the Food and Drug Regulations prior to their use in the fabrication of finished dosage form captured by this regulatory proposal as API testing laboratories? 在其用于制剂生产前,按食品药品法第2部分实施所需原料药检测的国外工厂,是否根据本法规应作为原料药检测化验室?
For foreign buildings that test non-sterile APIs prior to its use in the fabrication of finished products that were already being regulated prior to November 8, 2013, Canadian importers are required to continue submitting GMP evidence as per the Guidance on Evidence to Demonstrate Drug GMP Compliance of Foreign Sites (GUI-0080)in addition to submitting the attestation and the Foreign Building Information Table. If a Canadian importer starts using a new foreign building that tests non-sterile APIs prior to its use in the fabrication of finished products on or after November 8, 2013, the Canadian importer is required to submit GMP evidence as per GUI-0080 in addition to submitting the attestation and the Foreign Building Information Table.
9. What level of evidence is required to be on site in Canada for foreign buildings where fabrication, packaging/labelling and testing of APIs occurs? 国外工厂进行原料药生产、包装/标签和检测时,在加拿大的场所需要保留什么 样的证据?
Health Canada has decided to issue a separate guidance document on evidence to demonstrate GMP compliance of API foreign buildings. The guidance document will be available early in 2014 on the Health Canada website. The initial implementation phase of the API regulatory framework is a phase of information-gathering to determine what evidence is currently available on the premises of Canadian importers. Inspectors will be taking a look at this evidence during inspections and assess compliance with Division 2 of the Food and Drug Regulations.
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