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Mono-componentproducts 单方制剂
For medicinal products containing only one active substance, the calculatedthresholds should be based on the highest maximum daily dose of the respectiveactive substance in authorised medicinal products and the limits in thespecification set accordingly. The threshold for impurities should be the samefor all strengths. The applicant is responsible to consider the maximum dailydose (MDD) that is approved for a given active substance in those Member Stateswhere the medicinal product is to be licensed.
Fixed DoseCombination products (FDC) 固定配方复方制剂(FDC)
For medicinal products containing more than one active substance, thecalculated threshold should be based on the maximum daily dose (MDD) describedin the SPC of the FDC(s) under evaluation. The FDC(s) are indeed developed in aspecific ratio of active substances composing the medicinal product andtherefore considering the MDD of an active substance in mono-componentmedicinal products would not be appropriate.
If an unidentified impurity cannot be assigned to one of the activesubstances in the FDC it has to be compared to the signals of all activesubstances in order to verify whether the respective ICH identificationthreshold is exceeded or not. If exceeded, the impurity should be identifiedand assigned to the signal of the respective active substance. If not exceeded,the specification limit should be set with reference to the active substancethat would ensure the lowest amount/exposure to the patient.
Metal could originate from raw materials as well as from equipment inmanufacturing processes where metal parts could generate fragments due to theconditions of operation or damage to the equipment.
It is recommended that metal detection is used for processes prone to this.
In order to avoid routine use of metal detectors the company mustdemonstrate that it has identified and managed the risks such that the use ofmetal detectors for that particular process is not needed.
First, the responsibility for only using active substances that have beenmanufactured in accordance with GMPs is placed on the holders of amanufacturing authorisation (MA). An inspection of the active substancemanufacturer by an EEA authority does not liberate a MA holder from thisresponsibility.
Article 111 (1f) of [url=http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CONSLEG:2001L0083:20091005:ENDF]Directive 2001/83/EC [/url]and Article 80(1) of Directive 2001/82/EC , have provision for the competentauthority of the Member State concerned to carry out inspections of startingmaterial manufacturers at the specific request of the manufacturer. The requestfor the inspection should be made to the EEA competent authority where the siteis located or, in case of sites located in third countries, to a competentauthority where the starting material is used in the manufacture of medicinalproducts. If this is not the case, any EEA authority can be approached.
在指令 2001/83/EC第111(1f)条和指令 2001/82/EC第80(1)条中,有关于成员国药监在生产商申请时对起始物料生产商进行检查的条款规定。检查申请应向工厂所在地的EEA药监局提交,如果工厂在第三国,则应向使用该起始物料的制剂生产商所在地药监局提交。如果都不是,则可以向任何EEA药监局提交。
There is no guarantee that such a request will be fulfilled since competentauthorities primarily use risk-based principles to plan starting materialinspections. Thus, when a starting material manufacturer applies for avoluntary inspection, this does not constitute an obligation for the competentauthority to trigger an inspection.
Article 111 (1b) of Directive 2001/83/EC requires that Member States have asystem of supervision including inspections at an appropriate frequency basedon risk, at the premises of the manufacturers, importers, or distributors ofactive substances located on its territory.
In line with the document “Model for Risk Based Planning for Inspections ofPharmaceutical Manufacturers” available in the Compilation of Union Procedures,sterile and biological active substances are considered a relatively higher risk.Consequently, competent authorities may decide to submit these substances to ahigher or a set inspection frequency.