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20150429 ECA新闻:膜技术生产的注射用水在欧洲会成为替代方法吗?
2015-04-2923:20:56| 分类: ECA新闻
GMP News
Will WFI from membrane-based technologies now become analternative for Europe?
In an EDQM paper published in Pharmeuropa in March 2015the topic production of WFI (water for injections) by means of membranetechnologies (reverse osmosis coupled with other suitable techniques) isdiscussed again and not excluded any more. So far distillation is the onlypermitted procedure for the production of WFI in Europe. It was already pointedout in the paper on the revision of Annex 1 publishedin February that alternative procedures for the manufacture of WFI mightbecome possible.
The first part of the new document describes the historyof the long lasting discussion of the question whether other procedures thandistillation should be allowed for the production of WFI. In the end this ledto the creation of a new monograph of highly purified water (HPW). This iswater with WFI quality produced by means of membrane-based technologies. Butits possible applications were very restricted.
Now it looks as though the Ph. Eur. Water forPharmaceutical Use (WAT) Working Party has concluded that there is evidence tosupport a revision of the WFI monograph in the European Pharmacopoeia (0169).As reasons for this change are indicated for example advances in the"non-distillation technology" and improvements in the design of thewater-production systems as well as an advanced process control. But it isacknowledged that the design and maintenance of any water-production systemplays an important role in ensuring the security of the produced water.The manufacturer is responsible for compliance with GMP requirements.Presumably, existing guidance documents must be complemented for this by theappropriate stakeholders. Furthermore, quality assurance and monitoring shouldextend to storage and distribution processes for WFI.
As a result the highly purified water monograph (1927)would be made redundant and be deleted. Furthermore, the inclusion of water fordialysis in the WFI monograph could also be contemplated.
The draft monograph is available on the EDQM webpage for free, after registration. Themain change reads:
WFI is produced either by [..destillation, . ].or
by reverse osmosis, which may be single-pass ordouble-pass, coupled with other suitable techniques such as deionisation and/orultrafiltration.
Correct operation monitoring and maintenance of thesystem are essential.
The EDQM already organised a special webinar onApril 22nd where this topic has been discussed.