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[新药快讯] 银屑病治疗药物打响2015年新药市场争夺战

一场梦 发表于 2015-1-22 20:44:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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发布日期:2015-01-22  来源:生物谷  




Cosentyx是全球首个白细胞介素17(IL-17)单克隆抗体,获欧盟和FDA批准用于中度至重度斑块型银屑病(plaque psoriasis)成人患者的治疗。该药的获批,标志着银屑病临床治疗的重大里程碑。在III期临床项目中,Cosentyx相对于安慰剂显著改善了皮肤症状,同时疗效优于另外2种重磅药物:强生的Stelara和安进的Enbrel。

当前,银屑病市场由TNF阻断剂(抗肿瘤坏死因子单抗)统治,包括最畅销的Enbrel(恩利,2013年销售额83美元)和Humira(修美乐,2013年全球销售额106亿美元)。然而有高达40%的患者对TNF阻断剂治疗不足或无反应;另据美国银屑病基金会(National Psoriasis Foundation)调查,有高达52%的患者表示对自身疾病管理不满意。因此,诺华认为,IL-17抑制剂有能力打破TNF抑制剂的统治地位。而在临床试验中,Cosentyx能够击败重磅药物Stelara(2013年销15亿美元)和Enbrel,这为Cosentyx提供了一个相当大的市场机会。






英文原文: Novartis scores the first victory in a blockbuster psoriasis race

Novartis ($NVS) has picked up FDA and European approvals to sell its secukinumab as a treatment for psoriasis, the first steps in the company's plot to build a global anti-inflammatory contender and outpace its rivals.

The injected treatment, to be marketed as Cosentyx, blocks an inflammation-related signaling protein called interleukin-17 to beat back the itchy, flaky scales that characterize psoriasis. In its sweeping Phase III program, Novartis' antibody significantly improved skin clarity compared to placebo and proved superior to Johnson & Johnson's ($JNJ) Stelara and Amgen's ($AMGN) Enbrel, two blockbuster therapies.

The FDA's decision, handed down Wednesday, comes two days after European authorities gave the treatment a green light. And, with its global launch to come, secukinumab becomes the first IL-17 inhibitor cleared for psoriasis, beating out Amgen and AstraZeneca's ($AZN) brodalumab and Eli Lilly's ($LLY) ixekizumab among treatments expected to change the standard of care for the disease.

As it stands, the most common options for psoriasis sufferers are injected therapies that inhibit tumor necrosis factor (TNF), including Enbrel and AbbVie's ($ABBV) top-selling Humira. But Novartis believes IL-17 blockers can disrupt the market, pointing to a National Psoriasis Foundation survey in which 52% of patients surveyed said they were dissatisfied with their disease management. And secukinumab's victories over Stelara, a $1.5 billion drug, and Enbrel, which brings in $9 billion a year, suggest a sizable market opportunity.

Now Novartis is at work expanding the potential indications for secukinumab, running late-stage programs in psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis with plans for follow-on filings this year. If everything goes according to plan, analysts say the treatment could bring in $1 billion in annual sales by 2020.

"The FDA's approval of Cosentyx signifies a turning point for psoriasis patients, who can now benefit from the first and only approved treatment targeting the IL-17 pathway, which is proven to play a key role in the development of plaque psoriasis," Novartis pharma chief David Epstein said in a statement. "This important milestone will now allow patients to receive a treatment that has the proven ability to offer clear or almost clear skin."

But Novartis' rivals are close on its heels. Amgen and AstraZeneca expect to file brodalumab this year, and Lilly is on a similar timeline with ixekizumab. Meanwhile, Merck ($MRK) is working through Phase III with the IL-23-blocking tildrakizumab, and J&J has begun late-stage testing on its similar guselkumab.


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