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[市场快讯] 美国科学家打算从全球征集土壤样本研制新药

xiaoxiao 发表于 2015-1-22 14:09:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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发布日期:2015-01-22  来源:新药汇  

[size=17.14285659790039px] 据BBC1月20日报道,美国科学家正在呼吁公众加入一项土壤样本的全球征集行动,以方便其利用土壤中的某种特殊成分研制新药。

[size=17.14285659790039px]   洛克菲勒大学研究团队最近在土壤样本中发现了一种潜在的新型抗生素,科学家们因此大受鼓舞,并打算从世界各地征集土壤样本进行检测。





Drugs in dirt: Scientists appeal for helpBy Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online
Samples have already been taken from a lake near the Seward mountains in Alaska

US scientists are asking the public to join them in their quest to mine the Earth's soil for compounds that could be turned into vital new drugs.

Spurred on by the recent discovery of a potential new antibiotic in soil, the Rockefeller University team want to check dirt from every country in the world.

They have already begun analysing samples from beaches, forests and deserts across five continents.

But they need help getting samples.

Which is wher we all come in.Citizen science

On their Drugs From Dirt website, they say: "The world is a big place and we can't get get to all of the various corners of it.

"We would like some assistance in sampling soil from around the world. If this sounds interesting to you - sign up."

They want to hear from people from all countries and are particularly keen to receive samples from unique, unexplored environments such as caves, islands, and hot springs.

Such places, they say, could house the holy grail - compounds produced by soil bacteria that are entirely new to science.

Researcher Dr Sean Brady told the BBC: "We are not after hundreds of thousands of samples. What we really want is a couple of thousand from some really unique places that could contain some really interesting stuff. So it's not really your garden soil we are after, although that will have plenty of bacteria in it too."

He said they would also be interested to hear from schools and colleges that might want to get involved in the project.

From the 185 samples they have tested so far there are some promising results, the researchers say in the journal eLife.

Biosynthetic dark matter

Dr Brady and colleagues have found compounds that might yield better derivatives of existing drugs.

In a hot spring sample from New Mexico, they found compounds similar to those that produce epoxamicin - a natural molecule used as the starting point for a number of cancer drugs.

In samples from Brazil, they found genes that might offer up new versions of another important cancer drug called bleomycin.

And in soils from the American southwest, they hope to find compounds similar to the drug rifamycin that could help with treatment-resistant tuberculosis.

The soil bacterium Streptomyces lividans is a natural producer of the antibiotic Streptomycin

Many of the drugs we use today came out of dirt - the antibiotics penicillin and vancomycin to name just two.

Uncultured bacteria from the environment could provide a dazzling array of new molecules, many of which could become new medicines, say the research team.

There are more microbes in a teaspoon of soil than there are humans on earth, and only a tiny fraction have been cultured, they say.

Dr Brady, head of the Laboratory of Genetically Encoded Small Molecules, said: "We hope that efforts to map nature's microbial and chemical diversity will result in the discovery of both completely new medicines and better versions of existing medicines."

The scientists are beginning to identify hotspots around the globe wher diverse soil bacteria can be found.

"The unbelievable diversity we found is a first step towards our dream of building a world map of chemicals produced by microbes - similar to Google Earth's and others' maps of the world's geography," says Dr Brady.

Other scientists have been mining the sea bed for undiscovered drug candidate molecules.

Prof Marcel Jaspars from Aberdeen University has analysed over 1,500 bacterial strains from the bottom of the ocean, some millions of years old, and says 15 strains look promising.

"It's beginning to get quite interesting. We will soon go the Atacama Trench off the coast of Chile to look there. It's a unique environment. It's about 8,000m deep and really high in organic matter."


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