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[国外标准] 【技术交流】欧洲药典委员会宣布其元素杂质实施策略及将来ICH Q3D指南的实施计划

北京-丹丹 发表于 2014-8-15 09:57:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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【技术交流】欧洲药典委员会宣布其元素杂质实施策略及将来ICH Q3D指南的实施计划2014-08-14 Julia 蒲公英杂志

欧洲药典委员会宣布其元素杂质实施策略及将来ICH Q3D指南的实施计划
   Following its last meeting in early June 2014, the ICH Steering Committee announced the plan to move their Guideline for elemental impurities (ICH Q3D), to Stage 4 in September 2014. As the sign off of this new tripartite guideline approaches, a strategy for the revision of the Ph. Eur. texts concerned has been drawn up by the European Pharmacopoeia Commission to ensure that a consistent approach between the licensing
authorities and the Ph. Eur. continues to be applied.
Currently, the EMA Guideline on the specification limits for residues of metal catalysts or metal reagents (EMEA/CHMP/SWP/4446/2000), which is reproduced verbatim in chapter 5.20 “Metal catalyst or metal reagent residues” of the Ph. Eur., is applicable to new drug products to be marketed in Europe.
In its June session, the European Pharmacopoeia Commission endorsed the proposed revision strategy of the current “Heavy metals chapters” and decided as a first step to revise chapter 5.20, to replace its content by the ICH Q3D guideline as soon as it has moved to Stage 5 in the European Union. Indeed, the decision to replace the EMA guideline on the specification limits for residues of metal catalysts or metal reagents by the ICH Q3D guideline is under the remit of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP).
在其6月的会议中,欧洲药典委员会批准了对现行版“重金属章节”的修订策略,决定将其作为对5.20章修订的第一步,一旦ICH Q3D指南在欧盟进入第5阶段,则采用该指南取代该章节。实际上,采用ICH Q3D指南取代EMA的金属催化剂和金属试剂残留标准指南是CHMP提出的。
In this regard, it should be noted that the reproduction of a Guideline in a Ph. Eur. Chapter does not make it legally binding as long as the Chapter is not referenced in a Ph. Eur. monograph. In line with a previous decision taken in April 2012, the Ph. Eur. intends to introduce a cross-reference to this revised chapter in the general monographs Substances for pharmaceutical use (2034) and Pharmaceutical preparations (2619) at a later stage, making the requirements of the ICH Q3D Guideline legally binding. The exact timing of this step will depend on the implementation decisions of other European regulation bodies, mainly the CHMP.
关于此,需要注意的是尽管欧洲药典照搬了指南内容,但只要在欧洲药典各论中没有引用,则该章节并非强制。为与2012年4月的决定保持一致,欧洲药典决定在迟些阶段对通论2034“药用物质”和2619“药品制剂”进行修订,并做一个交叉引用,使得ICH Q3D指南的要求成为强制性法规。这一步的具体实施时间将取决于其它欧洲法规部门的实施决定,主要是CHMP的决定。
In addition, it is planned to delete cross-references to the wet chemical tests for “heavy metals” described in chapter 2.4.8 from all individual monographs (except for monographs on products for veterinary use only). The list of all impacted monographs will be published in Pharmeuropa, in January 2015 (issue 27.1). It is currently foreseen to publish the revised individual monographs in the 9th edition with an implementation date of 1 January 2017.
From then on, the choice of an appropriate analytical strategy will be left to the user, in line with the ICH Q3D guideline. Chapter 2.4.20, currently entitled “Determination of metal catalyst and metal reagent residues”, which focuses on sample preparation and method suitability, will provide additional guidance. Together with other general chapters related to elemental impurities analysis, it will be thoroughly reviewed to align them, if necessary, with the latest requirements and possibilities given by the ICH Q3D guideline.
此后,用户将负责选择适当的分析策略,使其符合ICH Q3D的要求。第2.4.20章,目前题为“金属催化剂和金属试剂残留的检测”,主要内容是样品制备和方法适用性,将给用户提供更多的指南。与其它和元素杂质分析的章节一起,我们会对该章节进行彻底的审核,并在必要时修订,以使其保持与ICH Q3D指南的最终要求和可能性保持一致。
Additionally, the Pharmacopoeial Discussion Group (PDG) decided at its last meeting in June 2014 to start the discussions on the harmonisation of their respective chapters on elemental impurities. More information on the work programme of the PDG can be found in the corresponding press release.
Contact: Caroline Larsen Le Tarnec, Public Relations Division, EDQM, Council of Europe
Tel.: +33 (0) 3 88 41 28 15 - E-mail: caroline.letarnec@edqm.eu
Note for the Editor: Further information is available on the internet site www.edqm.eu
It has the objective of progressively elaborating a common European Pharmacopoeia, which defines a single set of specifications for active substances and excipients used in medicines that will become the official standards applicable within these countries. The European Pharmacopoeia also describes test methods to ensure the quality of these medicines. The EDQM is a leading organisation that protects public health by enabling development, supporting implementation, and monitoring the application of quality standards for safe medicines and their safe use. Our standards are recognised as a scientific benchmark world-wide. The European Pharmacopeia is legally-binding in European Member States. Similarly, the EDQM develops guidance and standards in the areas of blood transfusion, organ transplantation and consumer health issues.
There are now thirty-eight members of the European Pharmacopoeia Commission: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom and the European Union. There are twenty-seven observers: Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Canada, China, Georgia, Israel, Madagascar, Malaysia, Moldova, Morocco, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Guinea, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Singapore, the Russian Federation, Senegal, South Africa, Syria, Tunisia, United States of America, the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
A political organisation set up in 1949, the Council of Europe works to promote democracy and human rights continent-wide. It also develops common responses to social, cultural and legal challenges in its 47 member states.
新闻网址:http://www.edqm.eu/en/The-Europe ... -1587.html?mbID=218
18 July 2014, Strasbourg, France


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